Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 536 Excellent Enemy

Yang Bicheng was fearless of death, but he had to avenge his brothers before he died.

He also knew that he was a scumbag in both shooting and bayoneting. Not to mention dealing with the powerful Japanese army, he might not be as good as the security group "militia" that the superiors at all levels thought were weak.

If he wanted to kill the Japanese, he had to find another way.

So, he thought of the Browning pistol given to him by the battalion commander. This American-made pistol was powerful, and the muzzle did not jump wildly like the Mauser pistol. It was just that this pistol came to him later, and the weak Yang Bicheng could not train his shooting accuracy in a short time.

So, he came up with a trick to close the distance with the Japanese, and wait until he was close enough before shooting.

The pistol with full bullets and the safety off was always inserted in his belt behind his back. In order to practice the trick of quickly drawing the gun from behind, he had been secretly practicing in a corner for several hours.

Although the accuracy was not good enough, the speed of drawing the gun was not slow.

Sure enough, this trick worked. Yang Bicheng, holding the gun with both hands, pulled the trigger three times in a row at a distance of more than two meters. No bullet flew away. The three bullets made the fierce and strong Japanese army stagger back. Yang Bicheng, who was reluctant to waste bullets, kicked him to the ground, snatched the opponent's gun, and stabbed him hard. The Japanese rolled his eyes, obviously it was impossible to survive.

It turned out that killing Japanese was not that difficult! Looking at the strong Japanese invaders killed by him, Yang Bicheng felt a joy he had never had before.

"You idiot, what are you still doing? Keep shooting!" Wang Changshou's voice rang in Yang Bicheng's ears.

At this time, on the battlefield, what resounded was not the "puff" sound of the bayonet entering the flesh as Yang Bicheng imagined, but more of the sound of gunfire.

Although the independent battalion was just established, whether it was the Fourth Battalion, the Guard Battalion or the Security Corps, they were not soldiers under Tang Dao, but also had been lectured by Tang Dao.

Fighting the Japanese cannot rely on brute force, but more on brains.

For example, the two infantry squads led by Yang Xiaoshan were less than 20 people, but they did not start with bayonets and stabbed the stubborn Japanese soldiers. In that kind of hand-to-hand combat, killing one thousand enemies would result in one thousand and five casualties.

Except for Yang Bicheng, the young man, and Wang Changshou who was forced to chase out, the two infantry squads were actually divided into different levels.

The two squad leaders and the deputy squad leaders holding submachine guns rushed to the front, not only to lead by example, but more importantly, to shoot at all the "shit yellow" in their field of vision and empty all the bullets in the magazine.

Four submachine guns, but nearly a hundred bullets, were swept out by four very experienced veterans in a sweeping manner. The Japanese infantry who howled and raised their bayonets to counterattack were caught off guard and at least ten Japanese soldiers fell down with a higher and more shrill howl.

"Why use a bayonet when you can kill with a bullet? Remember, all of you, as long as you can kill the enemy, whether you poke the eye or kick the crotch, it is a good move. Even if you use a stone, as long as you can smash the opponent's brain, it is a good equipment.

A good soldier is not how brave he is or how many devils he has killed in his lifetime, but that he can still live after killing the devils and can continue to kill the devils in the future! Unless it is absolutely necessary, any soldier who chooses to die with the devils is not a good soldier in my eyes. After the war, what I most hope to see is not the corpses of the Japanese invaders, but my brothers, looking at my smiling faces!" This is Tang Dao's training to every soldier who follows him.

Tang Dao's subordinates faithfully implemented his tactical concept. Even if they charge, they first maximize the firepower of short-range firearms.

The submachine gun's terrible firing rate emptied all its bullets in less than four seconds. The squad leaders and deputy squad leaders who had run out of bullets discarded the already hot submachine guns without hesitation, took the rifles given to them by the riflemen who followed closely, and made every effort to catch up with their comrades.

The independent battalion headquarters issued three spare rifles to each infantry squad to be replenished at any time in case of damage on the battlefield. As a result, many infantry squads would rather increase their loads and carry these three rifles, which were used at this time.

The squad leaders and deputy squad leaders were all the best veterans selected by each infantry company, and the Japanese army must have survivors in the rain of bullets. With their participation in this cruel and bloody close combat, their combat effectiveness naturally increased greatly.

The Japanese army was not stupid either. Before the hand-to-hand combat, they turned off the safety to retract the bullets. That was when the two sides entered a melee state and the bullets were not yet empty. At this moment when the two sides were still colliding at a distance of more than 20 meters, not only the Chinese soldiers fired, but also the Japanese infantrymen.

The flying ballistic trajectories were extremely clear in the dark night, and the soldiers of both China and Japan were running fearlessly with their guns in hand on this horrifying battlefield.

It was not because they were brave enough, but from the moment the Chinese soldiers jumped out of the bushes, from the moment the charge was sounded and the whole battlefield trembled, the soldiers of both sides knew that if they wanted to live, they could only kill each other.

If they wanted to live, they had to fight.

In the light of the flares that were about to fall, the two teams of gray, blue and yellow that were approaching each other with great determination were undoubtedly the two best soldiers on the planet.

Even Tang Dao, who regarded his opponents as beasts, had to admit this.

Historical records told Tang Dao that the Japanese army had a strict hierarchy and had received brainwashing education, and was fearless and tenacious on the battlefield, but when he really fought with the Japanese army in person, he was amazed to find that the tenacity of the Japanese army on the real battlefield was even greater than that in historical records.

The Japanese troops in front of him were better than the ones he had seen before. After experiencing the completely inferior fire suppression and a wave of grenade attacks, the Japanese troops, which originally had only about 60 people, had been severely reduced to less than 30 people. Then, in the confrontation between the two sides, they were indiscriminately swept by four submachine guns in a fan-shaped manner, and more than ten of them fell.

But their opponents had a similar number of troops in the first wave, and there were more than 30 people rushing in dozens of meters behind them. The troops had completely crushed them.

With such a disadvantage, anyone might consider escaping from this battlefield first. After all, there was still room for maneuver in their rear and left and right wings, and there were more than a hundred comrades. Losing this position would not mean that they would die.

But no one in the Japanese army retreated. Nearly 20 people, facing two Chinese infantry squads whose morale had reached the peak, rushed up with guns.

Facing such an excellent enemy, Tang Dao had only one choice - to kill them.

Yang Xiaoshan, who was at the front, also dropped his empty Mauser pistol and faced a Japanese soldier with a rifle.

The Japanese soldier opposite Yang Xiaoshan was only a corporal, but he was very experienced. The two sides did not fight to the death as soon as they met. Instead, they were extremely cautious and staggered to deal with each other.

That was to find the opponent's flaws, and then strike a fatal blow. Yang Xiaoshan thought so, and his opponent thought so too.

At this time, the Chinese and Japanese soldiers who had already contacted each other had similar strength, but compared with the Japanese army who were eager to fight, the Chinese soldiers in the two infantry squads did not have such a strong desire to fight to the death, because they had reinforcements in the rear. It only took ten seconds for their comrades in the rear to rush over, and they could completely solve the enemy with two to one or three to one.

Therefore, the Chinese soldiers were often in groups of three, mainly defending and dealing with the opponent.

Although the Japanese army's bayonet skills were strong, facing such a formation, if they wanted to break such a formation in a short time without paying casualties, they would not even think about it.

Everyone will cherish life instinctively, just like they are strong enough to show their fangs firmly in the face of Chinese soldiers who have the best terrain and people, but that is also driven by the instinct to live. But if they are asked to give up their lives in exchange for the survival of their comrades, they need time to consider.

Even Chinese heroes are the same.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time left for them.

The moment the charge was ordered, Tang Dao rushed out of his position.

His speed was so fast that it was unimaginable. It was like a cheetah that found its prey. Even if you kept following him, you could only see his afterimage running wildly in the grass.

This is a mountain, not a flat sports field!

This is a battlefield of life, not a stadium where you can only win medals!

At this moment, Tang Dao, with his adrenaline surged, completely surpassed the limit of the human body.

He was at least a hundred meters away from the front line, and he ran the whole course in almost only twelve seconds.

But it was not Tang Dao who broke the balance of the battlefield first.

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