Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 612 Shortcomings

The Japanese army that entered the forest on the left flank of Position 2 was actually not just one infantry squadron, but five full infantry squads, totaling more than 260 people.

The same thing happened in the forest on the right wing of Highland No. 3, one kilometer away. There were also five full infantry squads. :.

Kunizaki had high hopes for these 10 infantry teams.

But obviously, he was disappointed.

Not only did Tang Dao leave the seeds for his future formation of mountain special forces in the mountains and forests, Guo Shouzhi and Zhuang Shisan, who were in charge of the headquarters, fought fiercely in the mountains and forests on the left and right wings, killing Li Jijin's Second Company and Qian Da. Zhu's three companies were also sent to the battlefield.

Although the military strength is still slightly inferior to that of the Japanese army, due to the assistance of the special operations squad, or more precisely, the large number of infantry that restrained the Japanese army, the special operations squad, which is better at lurking, was able to flex its muscles.

The losses of the Japanese troops in the mountains and forests were much greater than they imagined. In the evening, after the Japanese troops finally withdrew from the mountains and forests, they took inventory and reported it to the headquarters. Kunisaki was stunned and almost fainted the Japanese major general. The Japanese army as a whole was beaten in half.

Especially the Japanese troops in the mountains and forests on the left side of Highland No. 2. Of the five infantry squads, only two of them came back alive. To describe them as miserable is a compliment.

Kunizaki, who was busy with his busy schedule, personally asked the three ensign infantry squad leaders who came back alive, because the major general captain really couldn't figure out a problem. He didn't encounter a large-scale artillery bombardment or a large-scale raid by the Chinese defenders. How did they achieve such an achievement without having to conquer a fortress that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

If he knew that Tang Dao was worried about the situation in the three highlands and left early, otherwise, with Tang Dao's strength, I am afraid that if the more than 100 people who returned had to fight in half, the Japanese Army Major General would have been unable to sleep at night.

That's what a sniper is for.

Without the Tang Dao, there was still Niu Er in the forest who had the heart of a warrior. Throughout the day, he almost copied the Tang Dao perfectly.

No one has detailed statistics on the Japanese soldiers who died under his gun. They only know that the handle of the shell gun inserted in Kuroko's waist is covered with scratches of varying lengths.

Kuroko's MG34 machine gun is also a nightmare for the Japanese army. It seems to be an ammunition depot that never runs out of bullets. Any Japanese soldier who attempts to attack the cold gunman who has finally found the location will be killed by this ferocious ammunition depot that stays near him. 'Drown with bullets.

What's even worse is that in addition to protection, there is also protection. A precise grenade hand is also hidden nearby. If several consecutive rounds of grenades are thrown over, the grenade hand or machine gunner hiding behind the rocks will be blown to pieces.

And when they finally surrounded them from other sides due to the large number of people, they discovered sadly that a large group of Chinese people were already waiting for them. However, they were only a hundred or ten meters away, and the 38-meter caps in their hands could not be touched at all. It is no match for Chinese submachine guns.

You can only watch the prey that is about to be trapped leave, and then repeat the same thing farther away.

It was a nightmarish tactic that repeated itself over and over again.

At least half of the 140 people lost by the Japanese army were killed by this firepower team. Especially the Chinese who used Second Lieutenant Morimu as a bait before were even more terrifying. In just one hour, they were killed by torture bait. About ten people.

Cruel, yet extremely efficient.

The Chinese army, on the other hand, is basically in a defensive state. It will only attack when the Japanese army dares to approach. If the Japanese army dares to approach, it will be left to the special operations team and the precision shooters in their respective infantry squads to shoot, so the casualties will naturally be much smaller.

Throughout the day, no more than fifteen soldiers were killed in the mountains and forests on both wings, and no more than ten soldiers were wounded. In terms of casualty rate, it was almost 1:10.

This was definitely a casualty ratio that would make Kunisaki vomit blood.

However, the Japanese army does not know this at this time, and the Chinese side will not publicize it too deliberately, so as not to irritate Kunisaki, the arrogant Japanese major general. If he goes crazy, I will kill him. Nothing else, just the more people, the more guns. Playing with you, no matter how clever Tang Dao is, he can only numb his claws.

To use a folk saying: a toad on a frog - an ugly flower! But you still can't do anything to him.

Several Japanese second lieutenants reported the tactics they had never encountered before to their detachment leader. Kunizaki, who was accustomed to traditional combat, was stunned when he heard this.

A single soldier, or a firepower team, just relied on camouflage and jaw-droppingly accurate shooting skills to wipe out three of his own infantry squads. How powerful does this have to be?

And if Ushijima was here, he would be much calmer than Kunisaki.

What a fool you are. A dozen or so years ago, a Chinese made my entire infantry brigade jump up and down. Not only did they shoot, but they also fired artillery. With one shot, an entire infantry squad lay in a pool of blood and howled. !

It’s a pity that Mitsuru Ushijima could tell this extremely shameful thing to an ‘outsider’ like Kunisaki! Do you really think that the 36th Infantry Brigade, which is still dozens of kilometers away, is moving slowly?

Of course not, it was because the 36th Infantry Brigade had already been chilled after experiencing several consecutive defeats. It would never rush to the front foolishly before that army completely left.

Although it was not stated explicitly, all the senior officers and junior officers from the acting brigade commander on down had already reached a tacit agreement.

Looking at the defeated faces of his subordinates, Kunisaki knew in a daze that the pride of the Imperial Army had been stripped away bit by bit from the hearts of his subordinates by an unknown opponent using cruel facts.

But he did not mean to blame these subordinates, because the Chinese also gave him an unimaginable blow on the front battlefield commanded by him personally.

His tactics were not ineffective, but the tenacity of the Chinese was beyond his imagination. He never thought that the battlefield would be like this.

After being rubbed on the head by the "master", the motivated Li Shoushan worked hard enough. After the first wave of feints and exploratory attacks on the No. 3 highland in front of him, he started the decisive battle mode.

Before this wave of infantry attack, he used all the heavy firepower weapons he could call to bombard the small hill.

There were a total of 10 infantry guns, 4 mountain guns, 4 105 howitzers, 20 heavy machine guns, and even 24 grenade launcher teams that were close enough to the bottom of the mountain, pouring firepower madly on the upper positions.

The artillery shooting without regard for cost was quite like not seeking to hit accurately but just enough.

Especially the four 105mm howitzers, one shot would create a crater with a diameter of nearly two meters. Not to mention the people on the position, even on the No. 1 highland 300 meters away from the side of the No. 3 highland, you can feel the scorching heat of the 105mm howitzer shells.

The crazy firepower poured out for 40 minutes.

The small hilltop of the No. 3 highland was shrouded in the smoke of the shell explosion for a while. From the other two highlands, the whole hilltop was covered by the rising white smoke, and the green was completely invisible.

Lei Xiong, who was watching this side silently with a telescope, looked extremely ugly. Although the entire battlefield layout was decided by Tang Dao, he, as the second commander, was always a little worried.

The No. 3 highland was the short board of the entire Mouse Mountain position.

It was not the fortifications that were not good, but the combat effectiveness of the defenders.

He knew Tang Dao's intention, because considering the desire of the Xuechi Group to avenge the previous shame, if they were all asked to play auxiliary, they would definitely be unwilling and complain. Moreover, the reason why soldiers are called soldiers is that they have the unique pride of soldiers, which is as precious as life.

So Tang Dao thought again and again and finally decided to hand over the defense of Hill No. 3 to the two infantry companies of the Xuechi Group.

However, he was still worried that the combat effectiveness of the Sichuan Army Infantry Company of the Xuechi Group was at least three levels lower than that of the Independent Battalion in terms of equipment and personnel quality.

I didn't expect the Japanese army to be so powerful that after a wave of tentative attacks, they could find the weakest position of the three hills and immediately enter a decisive battle.

That was Lei Xiong who overestimated Kuniaki Zheng and Li Shoushan. They didn't find that Hill No. 3 was the weakest, but simply pets were inspired by their masters and their tails were shaking more happily.

But accidentally found the weakest position of the Mouse Mountain position.

But how weak it is, we have to fight to know.

At this time, Lei Xiong may still have a bit of the arrogant mentality of the Imperial Guards, which cannot be changed overnight.

Only Tang Dao, a little butterfly from the future, knows that there is no so-called miscellaneous brand in this world, and only war can sharpen the iron will into a sharp edge.

The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!

With a steel-like will, miscellaneous brands can also become elite!

It is always the people themselves, not the equipment, that determine whether the war is won or not. Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 612 Shortcomings Free Reading. :.

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