Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 623 What our ancestors left behind

The firepower cover of the Jing'an Army was actually good enough.

The light and heavy firepower points on the side and the opposite mountain saw that their own troops were screaming in pain after being blown up by a pile of grenades thrown from the top of the mountain, and they had already started to suppress the fire.

The heavy machine guns were not very accurate because they were 700 to 800 meters away and had to take into account that their own soldiers needed to shoot with their guns raised, so most of the bullets went over the mountain and hit the back of the mountain.

However, the bullets fired by more than 20 light machine guns and a dozen heavy machine guns still ensured a certain density.

The two heavy machine guns and five light machine guns on the position also fired desperately without sparing bullets, but they could not effectively suppress the Japanese light machine gun group located on the hillside.

After the last mountain defense battle in Yujiepai Village, the tactics of the Jing'an Army were also evolving.

Before the attack, each light and heavy machine gun had several auxiliary soldiers following, not for anything else, but to help carry sandbags so that the machine gun defense position could be built on the slope at any time.

This kind of two-layer sandbag, except for machine guns that can break it or mortars that can threaten it, there is no other weapon on the Chinese position that can suppress it...

What excited the Jing'an Army the most was that the four Type 94 tanks that had been following them and wandering at the foot of the mountain 700 meters away finally found the way up the mountain and climbed up the hill with thick black smoke.

Amid the huge roar of the engine, the 7.7mm heavy machine guns on the top of the tank also began to fire.

With a distance of only 400 meters, the four 7.7mm heavy machine guns of these four small tanks are the most terrifying heavy firepower on the entire position.

The two mortars on the position have tried very hard and fired more than a dozen shells in succession. Even at the request of Wei Donglai, the artillery company located 800 meters behind also began to use 10 mortars to bombard the front two or three hundred meters of the position. Shells continued to explode around the Type 94 tanks, but the air waves and shrapnel had no effect on this ultra-light tank with 10mm steel plate protection.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of the Type 94 tank is its mountain mobility. The not-so-steep mountains do not cause much difficulty for its mobility on the hillside.

It can be said that the infantry of the Jing'an Army was suppressed by the grenades flying like raindrops at this moment, but the heavy firepower cover of the Jing'an Army was the advantage.

The sudden increase in the mortar counterattack strength of the defenders seemed more like the last dying struggle to the Japanese commanders.

"Yoshi! This is the last strength of the Chinese, and victory is just around the corner!" Takeuchi Yunshan showed a smile on his just-tightened face.

The front-line trenches where the Jing'an Army gathered a group of officers were already relaxed...

The bullets that kept hitting the sandbags made it difficult for the Sichuan Army soldiers to stick their heads out and aim at the target to throw grenades into the trenches.

Of course, facing the terrifying rain of bullets, there were many who were blood-thirsty.

There were still many Sichuan soldiers who bravely stood up and threw grenades with their arms raised high. Only in this way could the grenades be thrown more than 30 meters away.

But that was obviously extremely dangerous.

Two Sichuan soldiers who were throwing grenades were hit by heavy machine gun bullets, and blood splattered instantly. Seven or eight 7.7mm machine gun bullets smashed their chests. They fell into the trenches spitting blood without even screaming.

The sizzling grenade in their hands fell into the trenches, and was picked up and thrown outside the trenches by the soldiers who handed the grenades to them in a hurry, thus avoiding a greater tragedy.

Someone rushed over and covered the wounded soldier's chest with the hemostatic pack seized from the Japanese army, but the blood gushing out like a spring instantly soaked the hemostatic pack.

In the desperate eyes of the soldiers, the eyes of two soldiers were wide open, and their lungs were contracting as hard as they could. Blood foam kept pouring out of their mouths and noses, and their pupils gradually solidified and turned gray.

Just like this, they were lucky enough.

Another soldier had just raised his arm, and his arm was broken by the bullets swept by the Type 92 heavy machine gun. The grenade that was emitting green smoke forced the soldiers beside him to lie down in the shortest time. With a loud "bang", the exploding grenade almost blew the Sichuan Army soldier who was screaming with a broken arm into two pieces.

With their own firepower support, the Jing'an Army finally regained their courage. With Momotaro's desperate shouts, they climbed up the trench wall one after another. Their bayonets flashed cold light in the sunlight.

Then, like their decisive Lieutenant Momotaro, they saw a rare sight in their lives.

Several large gray cloth bags were thrown high from the back of the Chinese position, smoking and spinning, and smashed towards them.

What are you doing? If a Henan person were here, he would definitely ask this question.

Is this a Moss? People from Wuhan would say this.

What are you beating? People from Shandong would probably draw a question mark in their heads like this.

Chinese people can come up with hundreds of dialects to question this kind of scene, but Momotaro, who was watching this phenomenon, had a full mind of one sentence: "What?"

So, after shouting out such a meaningless self-question "What?", Momotaro, who gradually saw the big thing flying over, answered himself with a heart-broken heart, "Lie down!"

Those big cloth bags were naturally five-kilogram explosive bags. Perhaps it was the first time to try to throw them, and they were not very accurate. They fell to the ground and exploded after flying more than 20 meters.

"Boom boom boom!" A few deafening noises really scared Momotaro, who was already three or four meters away from the trench and striding forward.

Explosive packs are not Chinese patents. The Japanese army is also equipped with them. They are generally used for artificial blasting of solid buildings.

But that is a fixed mode of placing them in a fixed position and then igniting a long enough fuse for blasting.

Damn Chinese, how did they throw a five-kilogram explosive pack like a grenade dozens of meters away?

No one answered his question, because Cai Yongguan, who was busy reloading, had no time to popularize science on the battlefield for this Japanese who was fooled by him.

The short history of Japanese civilization destined their brain capacity to be limited.

The siege weapon of catapults was already used by Chinese ancestors on the battlefield during the Warring States Period, while Europe, which was known to be more civilized, only began to gradually use it in the Middle Ages. At that time, Japan did not have the concept of a country. Dancing around a campfire with turf skirts and roasting fish was their daily life at that time.

When it comes to killing and fighting, the Chinese ancestors can throw the Japanese pirates who like to stick small flags behind them as far as Mars.

Slingshots, a toy for many children, are also made according to this principle.

Tang Dao did talk about the principle of making a simple cannon called "unscrupulous cannon". He played with it when he harassed the 36th Infantry Brigade.

But this is also a blind spot in the officers' knowledge. Before there was battlefield practice, no one dared to use this method to throw explosive packs. If the explosive packs did not explode on the spot, it would cost several lives.

But this inspired Cai Yongguan, and reminded him of the thrilling way of playing with monkeys in the mountains when he was a child.

The monkeys encountered the leopards that could climb trees. In order to escape, they often climbed to the treetops in groups and pressed down the treetops. Several monkeys jumped down on their own initiative. The treetops bent into a big bow popped out instantly, and several monkeys could be thrown far away and landed on a big tree more than 30 meters away, just like a big slingshot.

The leopard that was trying to climb looked at this scene and could only do nothing. If a big guy like it did the same, it would definitely be killed.

Find a suitable tree trunk, tie it to the treetop with a rope, bend it with manpower, and then let go at the same time, the tree trunk pops out suddenly, and the explosive bag placed on the treetop is thrown high.

It doesn't need to be far, just a few dozen meters will do.

For this reason, Cai Yongguan also conducted several special experiments to ensure that this terrifying explosive is not thrown on his own head.

The fuse was tested before the war, and it only needs to burn for seven or eight seconds, which is enough to ensure that it will explode two or three seconds after landing.

As for the accuracy, the power of a five-kilogram explosive bag is enough to destroy obstacles within a radius of ten meters, and the killing radius caused by the air wave can reach dozens of meters.

Such a thing, do you need accuracy?

As for the previous method of throwing grenades at the Jing'an Army at the cost of casualties, it was just a method to drive the Jing'an Army out of the trenches for a decisive battle. Grenades cannot be guaranteed to be thrown into the trenches accurately, let alone throwing explosive bags.

Then, the "brave" Japanese soldiers, led by their once brave but now frightened Japanese company commander, jumped out.

At this time, it was easy to jump out, but it was difficult to jump back.

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