Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 63: Great Wall

Chapter 63 The Great Wall

“The officers on the opposite side are also singing?”

 “Quiet for a moment and listen to what they are singing?”

 “Drum, don’t stop!”

  . . . . . .

 “The people of our country, who have been sleeping for a hundred years, are gradually waking up.

 Open your eyes and look carefully

Who is willing to consider himself a captive?

 Because of timidity and forbearance

People’s arrogance is growing day by day

 Open your mouth and scream loudly

 The whole country is in arms here

  Robbers have always wanted to invade

 In the end, you will die

 The Great Wall will never arrive

The Thousand Miles Yellow River is surging

“The Great Wall will never fall down, and the Yellow River will flow for thousands of miles!” Tantai Mingyue softly recited the voice coming from the distant building, and two lines of clear tears fell down her face.

  Yes, although those dark blues have no melody, at this moment, those sounds are so moving and have penetrated into the deepest hearts of all the Chinese people present.

  Although they are mortal bodies, aren’t they the Great Wall of China for all Chinese people here?

I don’t know how many Chinese people present were moved to tears by the words of the dying Chinese soldier: “The Great Wall will never fall.”

But the protagonists on today’s battlefield are destined to be not just the Chinese and Japanese soldiers fighting on the battlefield, nor just the men standing behind the war drums.

The crowd suddenly surged, and many people looked back in surprise.

In the alley, several women suddenly walked out, wearing Chinese cyan cheongsams, Chinese buns, red scarves tied around their necks, and no makeup on their faces.

The women all have graceful figures, and they look like they are not ordinary women at first glance, but they all walk towards the river bank with determination.

 Then, with solemn expressions, they collectively bowed towards the building.

 The people were a little confused. What do these women want to do?

Although most of the crowd are refugees who have fled, there are also knowledgeable people. After careful inspection, they can't help but be surprised.

One of these women is actually a pillar of Songhu's largest theater, the Big World, and a famous character in Songhu's entertainment circle. She can appear once a month, which is considered good. Even some big bosses see them and talk to them. Everyone has to be polite.

I didn’t expect that today I would show up and come to this dangerous place without applying makeup.

Those who dare to stand here certainly know the danger here. They are now beyond the scope of watching the fun, but are helping the Chinese defenders to fight against the Japanese. Once the Japanese are frustrated and angry, the artillery shells may not dare to come over. But the bullets are uncertain when they will come.

Didn’t you see that the concession soldiers didn’t even stay at the fortifications on the river bank now? They all hid further away.

“Fellow fellow villagers, since before March, the Japanese pirates fired the first shot at Marco Polo Bridge, from the North China Plain to the south of the Jinxiu River, the Japanese pirates’ iron hoofs have reached us, and our Chinese rivers and mountains have been robbed.

 The little girl was tossing and turning in her boudoir and could not sleep at night. Unfortunately, the little girl did not have the strength to tie the chicken and could not lift the sword to kill the Japanese pirates on the battlefield.

Today I am happy to hear that our soldiers are fighting against the Japanese pirates on the battlefield. The little girl has no special skills, but her singing and dancing skills are acceptable. Therefore, I come to sing and dance, hoping that my soldiers will bravely kill the pirates and restore our mountains and rivers! "The leader, a woman with a face as bright as the bright moon and a graceful figure, roared crisply.

Nearly a thousand people were silent for a moment, then burst into applause: "Okay!"

For these women who are involved in the entertainment industry, they, who are mostly from the poor class, can't say they have a good impression, but they can't say they have a dislike. In fact, the two are living in parallel lines. If it hadn't been for the war, there would have been no such thing. Any communication takes place. But at this moment, they have a common identity—Chinese.

 The same identity is doing the same thing, cheering for the Chinese soldiers on the other side of the Taiwan Strait who are fighting hard against the Japanese invaders.

“Sir, can I borrow the drum?” The woman said to the middle-aged man who was already sweating profusely.

 “Of course you can!” The middle-aged man greeted him with solemn hands.

 He planned to hand the drumstick to the woman, but the woman did not take it.

Instead, the woman once again prayed to everyone and asked in a crisp voice: "Who can play the drum with me?"


 A group of young students, about eight in number, came out, carrying big drums on their shoulders.

 “Help me play the drums!” The woman took off her shoes and socks, stepped barefoot on the ground, and roared softly.

Several women gathered around and lifted it up and placed it on the drum head, and then stood in awe around the big drum.

The woman got on the drum head, stamped her feet a few times with a pair of snowy feet, and followed the "dong dong dong!" The drum sounded muffled and shouted: "Today, our Chinese army fought a **** battle with the Japanese invaders on the battlefield, and we did not hesitate to sacrifice ourselves. Then I will wait for you." The people of China use men as drums and women as mallets to return the song you sang, no matter how much you do."

 “After sleeping for a hundred years, the people of our country are gradually waking up.”

The woman's singing voice was originally melodious, but she sang with all her strength, like a lark weeping blood. While singing, she stepped on and kicked the drum. In the background was the smoke-filled but still standing Sixing Warehouse building 300 meters away.

This strange scene was not only deeply engraved in the hearts of all the Chinese people present, but also touched the heart of a French imperial reporter named Edward.

Edward wrote this in a manuscript sent to newspapers on the other side of the ocean: I have lived in China for five years. I originally thought I knew this nation very well. The vast majority of them are poor and ignorant and have no idea what modern civilization is. I despise their insensitivity, especially when they bow to me and call me a foreigner!

 But today, I discovered that I was wrong, very wrong.

Especially when the beautiful woman wearing a traditional Chinese cheongsam and a traditional oriental bun danced and sang on a big drum, I had to admit that I fell in love with her, and because of her, I fell in love with her. This nation that I originally despised.

I have to admit that I despise them because I don’t understand them at all.

This nation is weak because they are still immersed in the glory created by their ancestors. They are just still sleeping.

 And when they wake up, like today, wake up and stand up.

Oh, God! There are 40 million of them. If they can all stand up straight and face the invaders' guns as they do now, it's hard for me to imagine that anyone else can defeat them, including the French Empire, which I love most.

 Yes, please forgive me, that’s what I thought.

Especially when I saw through the camera lens the building that stood firm despite the artillery fire and the beautiful lady who played the drum and sang in front of it, I finally knew what ‘the Great Wall will never fall’ means.

 The Great Wall is neither a city nor a building, but their hearts! "

The French reporter who was completely moved not only sent a text that shocked the entire French imperial society, but also left behind the famous battlefield photo.

The unyielding Chinese warriors and their fortresses that have been lit with artillery fire and filled with gunpowder smoke, the people standing on the edge of hell, and the women who are struggling to sing are facing each other on both sides of a river that cannot be called an obstacle.

And his romantic article has always been used as an annotation for the classic photo of the anti-Japanese war, describing to countless people in the future the afternoon of that day, when this piece of China began to burn. Stories that happened in a land where war broke out.

 “Bang!” A gunshot shattered everything.

 The French reporter’s camera shutter froze.

 Blood flowers bloomed on the most beautiful flower in his eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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