Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 633 Winter Sun Sets in the West

Another fierce battle!

This is not a plain, but a mountainous area. The noble Japanese cavalry is a killer, but not everyone can waste it. The pits on the mountain can easily break the horse's legs.

Therefore, under the pressure of the cavalry's sharp sabers, the Japanese infantry can only try again.

However, the Japanese infantry who broke into the position retreated again in a panic under the light and shadow of the Japanese cavalry's sharp sabers 200 meters away.

More than half of the more than 100 people who rushed into the position were killed by the fearless counterattack of the Chinese soldiers on the position.

Cai Yongguan killed three people in a row in front of a group of Japanese cavalrymen with one knife each.

Still fierce!

However, in the eyes of Major Morita 200 meters away, it was already a spent force.

Yes, compared with Cai Yongguan, who was already a master of swordsmanship and could kill ten people in a row in his prime, the infantry company commander who killed these three infantrymen but left bloody wounds all over his body was already exhausted...

The same was true for his position.

There were more than 100 Japanese infantry corpses on the battlefield, but the 112 people counted earlier were now less than 10.

The courage of not fearing death allowed these short Sichuan soldiers to fully exert their combat potential, but this could not make up for the gap in bayonet skills and manpower. The two sword-to-sword hand-to-hand combats with the Japanese army, which were able to achieve a casualty ratio of more than 1:1, were already the greatest energy that all Chinese soldiers could exert.

Cai Yongguan glanced at the Japanese cavalry who raised their sabers in unison in the distance and the remnants of the Japanese infantry who were reorganizing, and his eyes showed desolation.

He knew that for himself and his subordinates, the decisive battle had long been over, but the Japanese army still had spare strength.

The final all-out attack was coming.

A sharp whistle suddenly sounded overhead.

Gunpowder billowed on the mountain road hundreds of meters away.

This was the Japanese army starting to bombard all the roads that could pass behind the high ground to prevent reinforcements from arriving.

At least within half an hour, no one except the Japanese would arrive here.

The defense of Hill No. 3 has already failed!

But there are still people. Looking around, Cai Yongguan's eyes are a little sad, but they finally return to coldness!

The trenches have long been destroyed by thousands of artillery shells and heavy bombs, and there are only craters on the position.

Jumping into a large pit that was obviously left by heavy bombs, there are several wounded soldiers in the pit. Seeing Cai Yongguan jump down, they hurried over.

"Captain, are you okay with your injury?"

"No one will die!" Cai Yongguan waved his hand, panting for a while, reaching into his chest pouch and groping, and took out half a pack of cigarettes.

That was Tang Dao's special gift to him and Wei Dong before going up to the high ground. He was addicted to smoking and kept rubbing Wei Dong's cigarettes. Until now, he actually kept half a pack.

He generously gave cigarettes to several wounded soldiers in the crater.

He lit a cigarette on the burning wood nearby, took a deep puff and said leisurely: "Brothers, I'm sorry that I didn't give you something good before we set off. I can only give you one cigarette each."

"Haha, sir, it's good to have a cigarette before we set off. It's better than us all turning into ashes and the living brothers lighting a cigarette in front of our tombstones! How annoying is it to only be able to watch but not smoke? Now at least I can smoke." A wounded soldier showed off the cigarette in his hand and laughed.

This soldier belongs to Wei Donglai's infantry company. They have always called Wei Donglai the company commander and Cai Yongguan the company commander Cai to distinguish them.

But at this moment, there are only a dozen cats and cats left in the two infantry companies who can still breathe on the battlefield, not even enough for an infantry squad. Calling Captain Cai is quite unfamiliar, but calling him sir is much closer.

This way, we can walk hand in hand to the underworld together!

"Okay, as long as the brothers don't blame me and Captain Wei, it's fine. Let me ask, do you have any unfulfilled wishes? If not, we have to get going. The Japanese cavalry will be coming soon." Cai Yongguan looked around, his eyes sliding over the faces of several wounded soldiers around him.

"Sir, in today's battle, I killed five of Teliang's sons, and it's recorded in the merit book! According to what Commander Tang said before the war, killing a second Japanese or a Japanese will cost five dollars, so my mother can have an extra twenty-five dollars for retirement!" A soldier took a puff of his cigarette and asked with hope in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I have asked Tu Dou to hide the merit book, Commander Tang will see it, and your mother will definitely not be short of money." Cai Yongguan nodded and answered with certainty.

"Sir, the Japanese are rushing up." A soldier poked his head out and said.

"Come on! Come on, brothers, let's go together." Cai Yongguan threw down the cigarette butt in his hand, blew the trumpet hanging on his chest, then turned over and shot down a Japanese infantryman who was only 20 meters away from them.

"Haha, come on, little devils, I have so many of you to take the blame before my grandfather died, it's enough." The wounded soldiers leaned against the huge crater and fired their last few bullets.

"Yoshi, there are still alive!" Seeing several soldiers spinning and falling in front of him, Major Morita was not angry but happy, and ordered loudly: "Don't throw grenades at them, I want living Chinese. I want them to kneel at my feet, and then chop off their heads one by one."

At the same time, Potato in the reverse slope tunnel heard the trumpet sound mixed with the gunshots, and burst into tears.

He knew that he had to execute the military order.

However, this time the soldiers executed the military order to send their brothers on the road.

As the only soldier who could report the battle situation to the rear in the tunnel, Potato was drawn by lot before the second hand-to-hand combat.

He held the longest branch in his hand.

That was not because he was lucky enough, but because the soldiers who were much older than him quietly broke the branches they held in their palms.

This brief draw of lots determined life and death, but the Sichuan soldiers who were already blood-thirsty exchanged glances and the answers were almost the same.

Leave the hope of life to the youngest boy.

After all, his life was only sixteen years, too short!

But Potato would not know all this, perhaps he would understand it until he experienced it again many years later.

The result of the draw was already destined, it was just the last comfort given to him by the elder brothers.

When he grows up to that age, he will make the same decision.

This feeling can only be remembered, but it was already lost at that time!

After dialing the phone, Potato, holding the microphone, cried heartbreakingly:

"Captain Cai of Hill No. 3 requests: Fire at the top of Hill No. 3!"

Repeated over and over again.

"Request, fire! Fire! Fire!"

The cry of the young soldier resounded in the command center.

"Fire, you motherfuckers, fire!" The young soldier with tears streaming down his face could not hear the explosion above his head, and suddenly cursed.

If they don't fire, the Japanese will come up, and the remaining brothers will be pierced through the chest by the bayonets of the Japanese devils.

They can die, but they can't die under the bayonets of the Japanese devils. This is what Cai Yongguan told him before he left.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Lei Xiong, who was livid on Hill No. 1, pulled out his pistol and fired into the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Leng Feng fired into the sky.

They were close to Hill No. 3 and could see the situation on the hill very clearly.

Hill No. 3 was about to fall, but the resistance had not stopped. :.

They wanted to send off their brothers in a way that only soldiers can.

Hundreds of meters away, three red flares hit the sky. That was the command post issuing a military order to the artillery company.

"Received! All officers and soldiers of the Independent Battalion and the Revenge Regiment salute all comrades on Hill No. 3! You are great!" Tang Dao's trembling voice sounded on the phone.

"Everyone, stand at attention! Salute!"

Potato, who finally received a reply, squatted in the trench with his face covered and cried loudly. The big tears splashed on the ground along his rough fingers, and the sound was like a wolf's howl.

He knew that his brothers were going to die, all of them were going to die, after he issued Cai Yongguan's military order. He wanted to be with his brothers, but he couldn't, he had a more important task.

Cai Yongguan ordered him to take Captain Wei Donglai away.

The two infantry companies had been wiped out here. If they wanted to rebuild the two infantry companies, he, a 16-year-old boy, could not do it alone. Wei Donglai, who was seriously injured and unconscious, could take on this important task.

Of course, Cai Yongguan also hoped that the young Tu Dou could survive, which was one of the reasons why he issued this military order.

"Give the artillery company an order to fire!" Tang Dao put down the phone woodenly, staring at the distance with an almost ferocious look, and yelled wildly. "Order Pang Dahai to use all his artillery to fire for me. If he can't hit the top of the mountain, then fire at all possible locations of the Japanese. The Japanese artillery fire will not stop, and all artillery must not stop. Even if one devil is killed, there will be one more brother to bury with me!"

This should be a very rare irrational order issued by Tang Dao in his life. The two Type 41 mountain cannons captured from the Japanese army had only 100 shells in total, but this time, 80 rounds were fired, just to have one or more devils to bury all the Chinese soldiers who died on the No. 3 high ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The two Type 41 mountain cannons roared, and ten mortars fired at full speed.

The two mortars on Hill No. 1 and the two mortars on Hill No. 2 all turned their muzzles.

A total of 16 guns fired at full speed.

The Chinese artillerymen showed the Japanese invaders that the Chinese were not weaklings. They also had guns. If they went crazy, they could plow the small hill from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain several times.

Looking at the Japanese infantry and cavalry slowly approaching, listening to the screams from far to near, Cai Yongguan smiled. All the Japanese troops on the top of the mountain, whether infantry or cavalry, were finished.

Although the winter sun was setting, the fireworks in the sky were so gorgeous! ...

PS: More than a dozen relatives came to my hometown yesterday. Fengyue had to treat them to a meal and accompany them to see Xiangyang, so she was busy from morning to night and even forgot to ask for leave. Sorry! Updates will be resumed today! Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 633 Winter Sun Setting for free reading. :.

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