Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 635: Confrontation!

Looking at the infantry and cavalry struggling for their lives in the fire!

Looking at the subordinates running wildly on the hillside like a group of frightened quails!

Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan's eyes were full of stars.

If nothing unexpected happened, the infantry battalion under his command would have been completely "destroyed" by him, the infantry regiment commander, and half of the cavalry squadron would have to be taken with him.

"Baga! Fire back, order all artillery units to fire back at all Chinese artillery, no, including the position of the infantry!" The Japanese army colonel, with stars in his eyes, took a full minute to recover, and issued a military order with an ugly red face.

Takeuchi Yunshan's move was more accurate than stopping the Chinese mortars from continuing to hit his infantry and cavalry on Hill No. 3, as it were, indiscriminate retaliation.

The Japanese mountain artillery, howitzer, and infantry artillery opened fire here two minutes later.

There were artillery fires on the tops of the No. 1 and No. 2 highlands, and there were also artillery shells that crossed the three highlands and exploded in the mountains and forests hundreds of meters away.

This was also the first time that the meticulous Japanese used precious artillery shells so aimlessly for their unclear coordinates.

In other words, except for the two highlands No. 1 and No. 2, the rest of the area was basically a random attack. .

But the Kunisaki Detachment had more than 40 artillery pieces of various sizes, and they certainly had the qualifications to be so willful.

As the saying goes, a master can be defeated by a random punch. I'm afraid Takeuchi Yunshan himself didn't expect that the military order he issued in shame and anger almost hit the artillery company of Tang Dao.

In order to better support the front-line operations, the artillery company did not choose the area in the rear, but at the foot of the mountain less than 500 meters away from the three highlands, surrounded by two Sichuan Army infantry companies as guards.

Because of the communication relationship, together with the defensive infantry trenches, the area of ​​the entire artillery position did not exceed 2,000 square meters.

The Japanese artillery fire exploded in the area closest to the artillery position, even more than ten meters away from the trench. The flying shrapnel almost cut an unsuspecting infantry observation sentry in half.

That was also the first casualty on the artillery position.

If the barrel of the Japanese artillery was slightly tilted, not to mention the 18-kilogram shells of the 105 howitzer, even the 6.5-kilogram shells of the Type 41 mountain gun could also cause a bloody storm on the artillery position.

This is the characteristic of the artillery. The artillery position is stockpiled with shells. Once detonated, basically all the members will be killed.

Under normal circumstances, when the artillery fire is very close to them, the artillery should lift the artillery and move quickly to avoid damage to personnel and equipment.

But at this moment, the artillery company officers and soldiers who were given a death order had only one thought: kill the Japanese on the hilltop, as for the rest, we will talk about it later!

"Brothers, load the ammunition for me, and beat him up." From the calm Pang Dahai waving his arms and shouting loudly on the battlefield, we can see how persistent the artillerymen are at this moment.

The determined artillerymen ignored the crazy counterattack of the Japanese artillerymen and persistently fired shells full of hatred at the hill stained with the blood of Chinese and Japanese soldiers.

Most of the artillery shells left by the 63rd Army before leaving also made this bombardment possible.

In just 30 minutes of bombardment, the artillery company fired 80 mountain artillery shells, 400 mortar shells and 200 machine gun shells.

The small high ground was plowed from top to bottom and from bottom to top, back and forth at least twice, and the bombardment lasted nearly half an hour.

This was also the most fierce artillery bombardment of the Chinese side in the entire Mouse Mountain Blocking Battle, because the reserve of artillery shells had reached an extremely dangerous situation.

But it was this bombardment that also made the Japanese realize the power of Chinese artillery.

It turns out that when the Chinese had artillery, even the most inconspicuous mortar could blow them into pieces and become fertilizer for the earth.

Perhaps even Tang Dao and Kunisaki Zheng, the two highest commanders of China and Japan, did not expect that a battle for a high ground would eventually turn into an artillery battle.

The Japanese army relied on their large number of artillery to launch an artillery battle only against the possible hiding places of the opponent.

Hillsides, foot of the mountain, canyon, woods, all positions and areas where the enemy's infantry might hide, could be bombarded.

The Chinese infantry could only hold their heads and hide in the trenches hoping that they would not be so unlucky.

The Chinese side was catching the fixed target of Hill No. 3 and firing wildly, with a tendency not to stop until the Hill No. 3, which was about to fall, was flattened.

The positions of both China and Japan were full of rumbling artillery sounds.

When the artillery fire of both sides finally stopped, the Japanese army withdrew.

The order to retreat was issued by Kunisaki Zheng himself.

Even though Hill No. 3, which he had besieged with all kinds of tactics, was right in front of him, and even though this Japanese Army Major General knew that there could not be any Chinese soldiers on that small hill, he could easily occupy it even if he sent a small infantry squad.

But he didn't dare to do it, because he was afraid that the crazy Chinese would use it as a trap and wait for his people to go up and bombard again.

Even if you don't need to see it with your eyes, you know that there will be no positions on the top of the mountain and the hillside. The infantry going up there will only be live targets for artillery shells.

The final result is that he will become the biggest joke of the imperial army in the entire Songhu area, constantly sending people to become targets of Chinese artillery, and the biggest result is just the consumption of some Chinese artillery shells.

Then let the Chinese reoccupy the high ground. He can turn the Chinese on the high ground into targets for artillery shells.

This is what Kunisaki Zheng, who has completely given up the tactic of quick victory, plans to do.

For this reason, he has requested 5,000 artillery shells from Lieutenant General Ushijima Sadao of the 18th Division.

Since the Chinese are so tenacious, he will answer them here with enough artillery shells.

No matter how strong the position is, no matter how tenacious the will is, it is just a hard shell, and artillery shells are the factor that breaks that shell.

Kunisaki Zheng's move is vicious enough, making full use of his own advantages and using his strengths to counter the opponent's weaknesses.

However, he misjudged the Chinese soldiers on the opposite side, and even more so the Chinese commander on the opposite side.

The Tang Dao, which was emotionally agitated by the death of two infantry companies, was much more fierce and tenacious than he imagined.

300 people can die, and 3,000 people can also die.

But the death of these 300 people alone has consumed 700 to 800 people of the Jing'an Army Brigade plus an infantry battalion.

If 3,000 people died, how many people in Kunisaki's originally powerful mixed brigade-type detachment would survive until after the war?

No one knows the answer!

Just like the Sino-Japanese War, although the Japanese are advancing triumphantly, in fact, even they themselves do not know what the outcome of the war will be.

Everything must be fought first to know the outcome.

However, the only thing Kunisaki can be sure of is that the first day of this offensive and defensive battle ended with his failure.

The blood-red sunset slowly fell into the mountains in the intervals between the sound of artillery fire.

But the battle did not stop because the sun set.

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