Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 639: Daring to die becomes ‘chasing’ to death!

The Chinese soldiers, who were roaring "kill", were led by Tang Dao and were running at almost a sprint speed of 100 meters.

The Japanese troops a hundred meters away from the trench could even hear the sound of Chinese soldiers breathing heavily from their noses.

Before the charge, in addition to rifles and bullets, all the water carried by the soldiers was discarded on the spot, and six grenades were ordered to be placed half on the ground by officers at all levels.

This is the first charge, and it is also the last charge. If the entire army cannot break through the defense line in front of the Japanese artillery position as quickly as possible, then all the death squads will die here. This is what Tang Dao had already done before the charge. I told Li Jijin and all the other officers.

Therefore, they had to maintain speed. A few seconds after the Japanese light and heavy machine guns began to fire wildly, they arrived forty or fifty meters in front of the Japanese position.

Including guns and grenades, the average weight per person is no more than 8 pounds, which allows the soldiers to run at a speed of nearly 14 seconds for 100 meters.

The Chinese soldiers who only had this chance ran so fast that at least more than ten of them tripped and fell out without being hit by bullets...

The soldiers who were lucky enough not to break any bones kept rolling on the ground. They might have been bruised and bruised, but they still stood up again and continued to charge behind their comrades.

Those who are unlucky may faint from the fall, or even break their legs and arms directly. What a heartbreaking pain that is!

But no one screamed in pain. Although the surge of adrenaline will reduce the pain, they will not feel the broken arms and legs. They just don't want to distract their comrades.

Bullets were also flying in the air. From time to time, soldiers would run and fall to the mountain with a muffled groan and never get up again.

There was no one to care about them, and no one to support them. If they didn't run faster, I'm afraid all of them would have become trophies of the Japanese army's guns, even if their commanders were among the fallen.

In six or seven seconds, they had run nearly 50 meters. However, although the distance was short, the 350 people lost at least forty people, but this was far lower than Tang Dao expected.

"Damn it, how many Chinese are there?" Yanagawa Kazuo looked at the dark blue figure that kept leaping forward, and his scalp couldn't help but feel numb.

"Your Excellency Yanagawa, I think we should retreat first." The Japanese captain next to him suggested with a pale face.

"You bastard, you are shaking the morale of the army!" Yanagawa Kazuo glanced at the officers around him who were also looking nervous, and there was anger on his face.

"Your Excellency Yanagawa, our department cannot repeat the mistakes of the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade! Think about how the headquarters evaluated this battle?" the Japanese captain called out.

Yanagawa Kazuo couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

The North China Expeditionary Forces Headquarters naturally praised the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade for the all-out battle, saying that the major general brigade commander led the entire brigade to bravely resist the enemy and was a hero of the empire. However, its internal report said that it was extremely heartbreaking. He did not know how to adapt, which resulted in the empire losing thousands of artillerymen who were skilled in technique and tactics, which was the greatest loss in this war.

It was precisely because of this internal report that the major general who died on the spot has not been posthumously promoted to lieutenant general by the empire.

You died heroically in battle and you haven't even leveled up yet. How can you explain this?

Let Yanagawa Kazuo choose, and you don’t want to be such an unlucky guy, right?

Just when Yanagawa Kazuo, the top commander of the Japanese artillery position, was in a dilemma, Tang Dao led the death squad to rush to about 50 meters in front of the position.

The Japanese guards in the trenches were still in a state of confusion. Some were firing desperately in an attempt to stop the Chinese soldiers who were charging at full speed. Some were still getting up from the trenches in disgrace and looking for familiar comrades. They tried their best to shout to their subordinates to shoot, while others looked at the gleaming bayonets that were about to rush at them, fighting with fear.

This is not to say that the Japanese artillery guards are cowards. They are also infantrymen. But since the war in North China, these two infantry squadrons have served as the escorts of the artillery for a long time. While protecting the artillery very well, they Almost never engaged in combat.

It is said that they were born in sorrow and died in happiness, and they had not been on the frontline battlefield for several months. The reaction of this Japanese army to this sudden and desperate charge was far worse than that of the Japanese army under normal conditions.

Of course, what's even more terrible is that the top commander of the infantry is an artillery lieutenant. Until now, he has not issued an effective order, whether it is to issue a desperate counterattack or to use artillery as infantry reinforcement.


The captain of the Japanese guard squadron was already considered the calmest soldier in the defense line. He waved his poor little command knife and ordered a counterattack at the top of his lungs. The area where the gunfire was the hottest was the area where he was, and he fell in his direction. There are also the largest number of Chinese soldiers.

However, compared to the three directions in which the death squads charged, there was only one direction for resolute counterattack, which was still too little.

The Chinese soldiers began to slow down and did not continue to charge at full speed.

It's not that they are timid, and it's certainly not that the Japanese counterattack has become terrifying.

"Drop bombs!" Tang Dao took the lead in throwing two grenades, and then lay down.

The soldiers took out the grenades hanging from their waists. The back cover of the grenade had already been loosened, and they only needed to pull the cord, and then threw it out with all their strength.

There is no precision, no accuracy, just throw it out like that. Even if there is no explosion, it doesn't matter, just treat it as a rock!

Those that fell on the front of the position could create gunpowder smoke, making it impossible for the Japanese infantry to aim. Those that fell in the trenches were naturally awesome. Those that fell behind the trenches didn't matter, either, just to scare people.

In the first wave of grenades, at least 300 grenades were thrown. According to probability, only one-tenth of them could fall into the trenches, but more than 30 grenades exploded in the trenches, which was enough for the Japanese.

At least dozens of Japanese soldiers were blown away by the grenades that kept falling, and then rolled in the trenches with shrill cries.

And for the Japanese, the most unfortunate thing was that among the dead was the captain of the guard squadron.

Because the gunfire in his area was the most intense, causing the greatest damage to the soldiers in the charge, the suicide squad officers and soldiers in that direction naturally took that place as a target.

At least fifty grenades flew towards the trench that was no more than 100 meters wide, and the density was like raindrops.

Although the Japanese captain who fought back bravely retreated into the trench in time, he could no longer do anything about the grenade that exploded one meter away from him.

His arm and command knife were blown away more than ten meters away, and his once handsome and straight nose was completely cut off by shrapnel, and his whole face became a flat plate.

His gray eyes, which had lost their eyelids, stared at the sky, as if complaining that cutting off the nose was nothing, but losing the eyelids was enough to make people unable to close their eyes even after death!

Then, another wave of grenades came, and two seconds later, another wave.

Three consecutive waves, more than a thousand grenades, this kind of attack intensity, not to mention that the Japanese guard squadron with only a few dozen people left would collapse, even Yanagawa Kazuo, who was a hundred meters away, was desperate.

"The whole army retreats!" Yanagawa Kazuo closed his eyes in pain and issued an order to withdraw.

The so-called retreat is just running away. Before the Chinese rushed into the position and killed and injured people, all the artillery ran into the mountains and forests.

Yanagawa Kazuo made a decision that seemed very rational at the moment.

At least, he and his men would not be like the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, which lost both artillery and men.

As for the infantrymen still on the front line, they could only die with their friends.

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the battlefield.

The Japanese army, which was already terrified, whether artillery or infantry, at this moment, the only remaining fighting will also disappeared.

A shit-yellow man jumped out of the trench and ran back desperately. The result of one person running led to several people running, one, four or five, and then more than a dozen. By this time, it was already an irreversible trend.

Hundreds of Japanese soldiers turned around like this, regardless of their backs being exposed to the guns of Chinese soldiers, and ran backwards frantically. The speed was no slower than that of the death squad that almost ran out of breath.

Just like a group of frightened chickens, if they were given a pair of wings, they would definitely take off!

That should be the fastest defense line to collapse since the Sino-Japanese War, no one else.

If Kunisaki was stunned here, he would definitely be pissed off by his subordinates.

Even the Chinese soldiers looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Because they came here to dare to die, but they didn't expect to become the ones who "drove" to death! Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 639 Daring to die becomes "drove" to death! Free reading.

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