Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 655 This is a real dog!

"To fight the Japanese, you don't necessarily have to use cannons! You can use guns." Lei Xiong glanced at the sluggish Li Jiujin and woke him up.

"That's too close. The Japs' cannons are not for nothing." Li Jijin couldn't help but look bitter.

As a veteran, he knew how powerful the Japanese army was. Relying on their familiarity with the terrain, they fired a few cannons at their marching ranks from a distance. The Japanese could only say nothing, but when they got really close, their infantry cannons, grenade launchers, and heavy machine guns came at them. But it will kill people.

If we really hit him like this, it would be like stealing the chicken but losing the rice, but it would deceive the brothers in the company. Do you think Li Jiujin's face would not look bitter?

"I've been waiting for a long time. You idiot Li Jiujin just wants to take advantage of you and hide when you encounter difficulties!" Lei Xiong's face was stern...

"Fight, whatever the superiors say, we will fight. Li Jiujin and Erlian are not softies!" Li Jiujin gritted his teeth and had no choice but to bite the bullet.

The lady who only wanted to save her life on the battlefield had already forgotten the idea of ​​seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages as her position gradually improved. In the past two days, she even made the decision to lead two platoons as a blocking force. Now that the words have been thrown away, of course we can’t give in.

Otherwise, it would not be Li Jijin who would become the laughing stock of the entire army, but the entire Second Company. Everyone knows that if there is a persimmon in the Second Company, it will pick up the soft persimmon and pinch it, right?

"My Third Company will also resolutely obey orders!" Qian Dazhu also expressed his stance.

"As soon as I join the army, I want to kill the Japanese, whether with guns or cannons!" Leng Feng said coldly, squinting his eyes.

"My Fourth Company"

Zhao Daqiang was just about to express his stance when he saw Tang Dao wave his hand with a smile, "Deputy Battalion Commander Lei, please stop scaring them. He brought several of you here single-handedly. Is he willing to let you become targets of Japanese artillery?" Believe it or not, the Japanese artillerymen are still hiding in their positions waiting for us to appear!"

"Hmph! Don't scare them. They all think that the heads of Japanese devils are found in the ocean! A few people have come together to take credit. Let's see what they can do." Lei Xiong snorted coldly.

"Then, what do you mean, sirs?" Li Jijin was still a little confused. "To fight or not to fight?"

"Okay! Let me tell you a little story about my hometown." Tang Dao smiled slightly.

"Once upon a time, there was a young man living upstairs in an old man's bedroom. The young man would often come home late at night. He would take off his boots when he entered the room and throw them heavily on the ground. There would be a bang, which would shake the whole house and wake the old man downstairs from his sleep. He woke up with a start, and then there was another bang, and the other boot hit the ground again. Only then did the old man toss and turn and find his dream again.

Over time, the old man developed a conditioned reflex and had to wait until two sounds were heard before he could fall asleep. Once the old man couldn't bear it anymore and went upstairs to protest to the young man.

Only then did the young man realize that his arbitrary behavior had hurt others, and he promised to make corrections in the future. The next night, when the young man returned to his room late at night, another boot dropped to the ground. The old man suppressed his anger and waited for the other boot to drop.

But I waited and waited, but there was no more sound, but I didn't dare to sleep peacefully, for fear that a sudden bang would come unexpectedly, and I stayed up until dawn, losing sleep all night. Full of suspicion, he went upstairs to inquire.

It turned out that after the young man dropped one boot according to his old habit, he suddenly remembered the old man's protest and quickly put the second boot gently on the ground without making a sound, but he didn't want to cause the old man to have insomnia all night long. . "

"Sir, what you mean is this." Leng Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. "We just need to harass them with gunshots from a distance to let them know that we are coming again. Because of the shelling last night and during the day, they must have waited all night until our shelling and sneak attack were completed. As a result, they had another sleepless night."

"Wonderful! In this case, we only need to waste a few bullets, not a single artillery shell, to make the Japanese sleepless." Pang Dahai clapped his fleshy palms and praised loudly.

This strategy was perfect for his artillery company. Yesterday night and today during the day, a total of hundreds of artillery shells were fired. There were some results, but this was just a harassment battle. When it came time to really fight the Japanese army, his artillery battery was out of artillery shells. So how could he, the artillery company commander who had high hopes from the infantry, deal with it?

The infantrymen were fighting for their lives against the Japanese army. No matter what the reason was, he and his artillery company could not sit back and watch.

But if he continues to fight at this rate, it won't be long before his dozens of artillery pieces can only become decorations.

"Sir, you are wise!" Zhao Daqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir, why are there still buildings in your hometown? And there are still unfamiliar people living upstairs and downstairs, shouldn't they be grandfather and grandson?" Li Jijin blinked, and his train of thought went astray again.

"I said that in my hometown there are planes that can take hundreds of people into the sky, and there are trains that can run hundreds of kilometers per hour. Do you believe it or not?" Tang Dao responded angrily to the curious baby.

"I don't believe it!" Li Jijin shook his head firmly.

He's not stupid. China doesn't even have a few planes with one pilot, but it can still carry hundreds of people. How could it be a dream? Even if you are a commander, you can't just brag!

"Then it's over. This is a story, I made it up. Why do you, Te Liang, come so many?" Tang Dao pointed angrily at the four of them. ""You four infantry companies, each infantry company will assign an infantry platoon to me, and shoot and harass me 800 meters away from the Japanese position. At 12 o'clock, I will withdraw the troops. "

"What about the military exploits?" Li Jijin jumped up and stood at attention and asked again.

"Reward the company commander with three potatoes, and each soldier will get half a pound of rice." Zhuang Shisan answered for Tang Dao.

Leng Feng twisted his mouth and turned away.

The three company commanders all left with bitter faces.

Will they be called potato-brand company commanders in the future?

"Haha!" Looking at the people who left in disgrace, Gu Xishui and Lao Hei laughed happily.

"What are you panicking about? We just fired a few shots and earned 20 pounds of rice for the brothers. In the morning, everyone's rice porridge is as thick as white rice. Let Lao Hei, the bastard, drool over it!" Li Jiujin hugged Qian Dazhu's shoulder to comfort him.

At least, this action to win merit that he had united was not in vain. Not only did he eat the potatoes of Battalion Commander Tang, but he also smoked a cigarette from Pang Dahai and got 20 more pounds of rice for the brothers. Why not?

It seems that this is the truth. Including Leng Feng, the four infantry company commanders of the independent battalion were very open-minded and took much bigger steps.

That night, the Kunisaki Detachment finally waited for the Chinese attack.

The Chinese attack this time was obviously more intensive than yesterday.

The area where the Kunisaki Detachment was stationed was not chosen on both sides of the simple road, as that would be too obvious.

Instead, the infantry battalions were stationed in various valleys with a radius of about one kilometer, and the mobile sentries were sent out at least 500 meters.

In addition, blazing bonfires were lit not far from each fixed sentry post to ensure visibility, so that even if they might be attacked by Chinese artillery, they would not be attacked by Chinese infantry.

In fact, barbed wire was set up in many places, which was extremely tight.

But this time, it was really the Chinese infantry that attacked.

That is, they were far enough away from the main camp of the Japanese army, and they fired at eight or nine hundred meters away. The infantry artillery and mountain artillery fired over, and the people ran away.

"Damn it, they must be using infantry to explore the distribution of my troops. Tell the whole army to be alert to the Chinese artillery fire. No campfires are allowed to keep warm. No matter the rank, everyone must rest in the trenches." Kunisaki gritted his teeth and issued a military order.

So, no matter whether it was a major general or a private, the Japanese army spent another night in the cold trenches with their eyes wide open.

During the long wait, I naturally took a nap with my eyes squinted, but I can't even describe the feeling.

The temperature is low in winter, and this is a mountainous area. The newly dug trenches are even more damp and cold. You may not feel it when you hide in the trenches because it involves life and death, but who knows if you take a nap in it!

Even wrapped in a blanket, you look like a cuckoo.

What's more painful is that the legendary Chinese artillery shells did not fly until dawn.

This is really too dog.

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