Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 658: Plan

As Tang Dao talked about several fatal shortcomings of the "heartless gun", a trace of disappointment appeared on the face of the Army Major General.

He has been fighting for more than ten years, and of course he knows that Tang Dao is not deliberately weakening the power of this almost genius invention of explosive pack ejector, but it is really quite useless.

Especially what Tang Dao said, if this thing is placed on the forward position, once the Japanese army uses artillery fire to cover it, there is a high chance that fireworks will be set off on their position. For this reason alone, even if they know that this kind of explosive can be used to cover it, The 'artillery' that throws out more than 100 meters is very lethal to infantry, and few commanders will use it.

"This is such a pity, but it is not completely useless. Maybe it can be used when defending the city." After all, the Army Major General was already over forty years old. Although he was disappointed, he did not forget to give Tang Dao this young man colleagues gave him some comfort.

"Hehe, what you said, Chief Tong, is very reasonable. No matter what kind of weapon, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, a submachine gun is far better than a single-shot rifle in city street fighting. But if it is placed in the wild and the distance between the two parties is widened, , not as useful as rifles; mortars are much better than direct-aimed artillery in mountain warfare, but if used in fortified operations, they are far less effective than direct-aimed artillery." Tang Dao said with a smile. .

"What do you mean?" The Army Major General was slightly startled.

He seemed to hear something else from Tang Dao's words, and he was ready to say it.

"I mean, if the Japanese army entered the valley in front of you, Commander Tong, do you think the shortcomings of the 'heartless cannon' can be ignored?" A smile filled Tang Dao's face.

"If this kind of 'unscrupulous artillery' faced the Japanese mountain artillery, field artillery and infantry artillery on the plains, of course it would have frequent shortcomings, but this is not a plain!"

"I understand, haha! You, Commander Tang, think so fast! I, Tong, admire you." Looking at the relatively flat valley under the ridge, the Army Major General finally understood what Tang Dao meant.

On the plains, this large 'mortar' was completely useless because its range was too short and its accuracy was insufficient, and it faced the Japanese army with a large number of artillery.

But once it changes to the scene in front of it, it is the best stage for it to show all its advantages.

The width of the valley floor is only about 200 meters. If you use this thing to smash the explosive packets down from the mountain, you will be within the range. Not to mention that there are all Japanese troops there, so what kind of precision is needed there? Just blow it up.

Even if it doesn't kill you, it will shock you to death, and even if it doesn't kill you, it will scare you to death.

The so-called making the best use of everything is just that!

But the Japanese army is not a fool. How could it be so stupid that without reconnaissance, the entire army sneaks into this dangerous place that is very likely to be attacked?

"Captain Tang, your idea is good. This 'heartless gun' is also very suitable for such a battlefield, but the Japanese are not so easy to take the bait." The face of the Army Major General who gradually calmed down from the excitement became serious again.

"In the two days and nights when the Japanese army left Guangde City, the entire army of our independent battalion bombarded the Japanese march 16 times, destroyed one Japanese infantry gun, three vehicles, and killed and wounded dozens of Japanese soldiers. Two Japanese soldiers On that day, we walked less than 30 kilometers in total.

Tonight they will be harassed by a small group of troops sent by our army. They will not be able to sleep well for two nights and the whole army will be exhausted.

If they still insist on carrying out the army, it will take at least five days to completely get out of the mountainous area, and they will pay a greater price.

The leader of his detachment, Kunizaki Zheng, was originally a heavy general of the Fifth Division. He was unwilling to accept the heavy losses suffered in the Mouse Mountain Blockade a few days ago, so he would definitely choose new tactics to deal with our army. "Tang Dao looked calm.

"Are you saying that the Japanese will definitely choose to go into the mountains and wipe out your small force regardless of the risk, just so you have a chance?" The Army Major General's eyes flashed under the light of the torch.

After pondering for a long time, he still sighed and shook his head, "Commander Tang, your strategic and tactical ideas are very exciting, but the Japanese army has ten thousand people, and you only have more than two thousand troops. This snake swallowing elephant will burst its belly."

"Erya, bring over that Japanese-style map of the Guangde area." Tang Dao waved to Erya who was standing behind him confidently.

Erya spread out a Japanese-style map marked in detail on a big stone and stood beside it with a torch held high. Several soldiers gathered around the map and watched Tang Dao's fingers move on the map.

"You see, this is the current location of the Kunisaki detachment. It is divided into three parts, the forward, the middle army, and the rear army. Each of the three parts is about one kilometer apart. In fact, they are connected end to end.

This is nothing more than what the ancients called a long snake formation. No matter whether our troops attack from the beginning or the end, there is always the risk of being surrounded by its two parts.

Therefore, in the past two days, we have mainly carried out small-scale harassment, constantly delaying their marching speed, and there has never been a large-scale attack by the main force.

In fact, Kunisaki didn't seem to have made any effective counterattack. In fact, his strategy was just to wait and respond to changes by remaining unchanged until the main force of our army appeared.

It's like a turtle bastard, always huddled in the turtle shell, allowing you to harass you without pain or itch. If you reveal your true intentions, his hidden head will poke out and bite you till your blood drips. . "

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard Tang Dao's description being interesting.

However, it seems to be true.

No matter how they harassed the Kunisaki detachment, they had never sent a squadron-sized force into the depths of the mountains. I'm afraid it was exactly what Xiang Tangdao said. It wasn't that they didn't want to fight, but that they had been waiting for a suitable fighter opportunity.

This made Guo Shouzhi, who was eager to win, sweat involuntarily on his forehead.

In the afternoon, he suggested to Tang Dao that the Japanese army had been exhausted physically and mentally by the harassment, so should they find a place for a decisive battle with the Japanese army in the remaining two days and deploy enough troops to launch a large-scale attack on the Japanese army that was determined to march.

Then he might fall into Kunisaki's trap.

Mountain marching is difficult, which is actually the same for both China and Japan. The Japanese walk painfully, and the Chinese will not walk on flat ground, and the marching speed will drop significantly.

If the Japanese army reacts quickly, and the battle is still in full swing over there, and this side sends troops into the mountains to encircle the rear, the consequences can be imagined.

If it goes wrong, the meat will not be eaten before the people are gone.

Fortunately, Tang Dao had already seen through Kunisaki's plan and had no intention of fighting a decisive battle with the Japanese army on both sides of the simple road.

"Just like Commander Tong said just now, although we dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese invaders in the Laoshushan blocking battle, that was also achieved by building fortifications in a timely manner and paying heavy sacrifices. We must not underestimate the Japanese army.

It is certainly impossible for our 2,000 troops to swallow up the nearly 10,000 troops of the Kunisaki Detachment in one go, no matter how sophisticated the tactics are.

But what if they split their forces?" Tang Dao pointed to the map again.

"Look, if we go five kilometers further, the terrain here will be much more open. One road can lead directly to Shizi Town, and another road can reach Yao Village. Kunisaki Zheng, who has been harassed by me for several days, will definitely not let go of this terrain that allows him to deploy his army. He will most likely find a way to outflank and annihilate my Chinese army that has made him lose face.

And this is his only chance. Otherwise, no matter how thick his tortoise shell is, it will be penetrated by my continuous harassment day and night.

The great Japanese Empire Army is like a turtle that shrinks its head and only takes a beating without fighting back. Not to mention that he belongs to the long-renowned Steel Army in Japan, even the old devil Ushijima Sadao, who no longer seeks no merit but no fault, probably won't keep holding on like this!"

The Army Major General nodded frequently after hearing these words.

If it were him, with a force far exceeding that of his opponent, but being harassed frequently by his opponent using the terrain, he would also choose to use his superior force to kill his opponent once and for all!

And what Tang Dao said about dividing the troops was almost inevitable.

The mountain roads were rugged and not conducive to large-scale troop operations. It was the most normal tactic to divide the infantry into several routes, communicate through radio, surround the opponent like a big net, and then gradually reduce the encirclement to completely strangle the opponent.

"Here is the battlefield I prepared for them." Tang Dao pointed at a point on the map.

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