Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 663 Crying and Laughing!

Kunizaki Shige started to implement his division plan early in the morning.

The whole army was divided into three routes, and the left and right wings began to enter the mountains to search for the Chinese troops hiding in the mountains.

Searching is of course not a matter of everyone going into the mountains in a mighty manner and searching blindly. In the vast mountains, let alone hiding 1,800 people, even tens of thousands of people, they can't even see a shadow.

In fact, Kunisaki Shige put most of his hopes on the navy's reconnaissance aircraft, so that he would not have to take any risks. The main force would be on standby in a relatively open place, just waiting for the reconnaissance aircraft to report the specific location of the Chinese to the ground by radio.

But an accident happened.

On this day, the southern Anhui mountainous area was sunny and sunny, but the surface of the East China Sea was covered with thick fog and accompanied by wind. The navy did not dare to take off the fighter planes at all.

There was no other way. Tens of thousands of people couldn't just wait there. Kunisaki had to use the infantry as the main search team...

Just as Tang Dao had expected, the Japanese army aimed at the mountain villages from the beginning. After searching for more than a dozen villages, they were all empty. The angry Kunisaki had to send more search teams to increase the search area.

However, in order to prevent the Chinese hiding in the mountains from biting back, Kunisaki came up with a new routine.

An infantry battalion, four infantry squadrons, and 800 people were used as the search team to spread out in all directions for a carpet search, and he led an infantry battalion with artillery units in the middle.

Each infantry squadron was responsible for one direction, and then each infantry squadron was divided into three infantry squads, and the squads became the main search teams in the form of small teams.

The location where the squads advanced was generally no more than two or three kilometers away from the area where Kunisaki's main force was located.

This ensured that the Japanese search teams could support each other and search a sufficient area.

How to say it?

Kunisaki's routine is like a big octopus, stretching out four tentacles, and then the main tentacles fork and finally form a net.

If any node is attacked, it means that the Chinese army has been encountered, then the net can be quickly assembled to surround and eat the prey.

Of course, there are risks in this way. For example, a small team or even a small team will be quickly eaten by a large number of Chinese, but compared to being able to catch the big fish of the Chinese army, this loss is absolutely acceptable.

It was in this context that Sergeant Tatsunai Miyamoto led his team to search forward along the foot of the hill.

As a veteran with five years of military service and who has participated in dozens of battlefields in North China and East China, Tatsunai Miyamoto is actually very clear about his current situation.

That is, danger!

Although he was far away from the main force of the infantry squadron sitting in the rear 1,000 meters away, he did not suffer any attack from the Chinese, but the Chinese may appear at any time.

After the battle of Laoshushan, Miyamoto Tatsune, who had no chance to fight and had been observing the battlefield, knew that the combat power of this group of Chinese was not comparable to that of ordinary Chinese troops. The Chinese with the same number of troops might not be able to beat them, but what if they were twice or several times more?

He was absolutely sure that if he really encountered dozens of Chinese, his small team, which had only thirteen people left, would most likely be swallowed up by the Chinese before the main force arrived in the rear.

Damn, what a shitty search team, we are just bait, cannon fodder. From the moment Miyamoto Tatsune received the mission, he was saying MMP in his heart, greeting the officers from the squadron to the brigade.

Yes, rather than saying that they are a search team, it is better to say that they are baits thrown by Kunisaki. As long as the Chinese dare to bite the hook, the overwhelming "net" will roll over and trap the Chinese.

This is the sadness of being a bait. The fish is caught, but the bait is basically finished.

Sergeant Tatsune Miyamoto didn't want to be eaten as bait. He wanted to live well, so he didn't pay much attention to the search. He kept warning his subordinates to be alert and prevent being attacked.

This tension was also passed on to the Japanese soldiers in the squad. They were almost divided into three parts with fear. Three riflemen took the lead as the vanguard, two infantrymen and Sergeant Tatsune Miyamoto in the middle protected two grenade launchers, and three riflemen near the end protected two machine gunners.

Then, Private Chi Zaoji, who was walking in the front, was perhaps too frightened. He actually gestured to Sergeant Tatsune Miyamoto behind him, indicating that he had discovered the "enemy situation".

That completely stopped the little hearts of the Japanese soldiers who were already afraid of enemies.

Until Miyamoto Tatsune crawled to the position of the three infantrymen in a very standard crawling posture, he almost slapped the private in the face.

It's not that the corporal found a black sheep and caused more than a dozen Imperial Army soldiers to chew mud as if they were facing a formidable enemy, which is too humiliating, but, can you not be so sharp-eyed, you bastard?

The fact that you found this sheep proves that we have found Chinese mountain people, which means that we have to go to the village to find Chinese as guides or interrogate the whereabouts of the Chinese army.

But that undoubtedly greatly increases the danger of this trip.

Baka, can't you just pretend you didn't see it? We can just search this area safely and return, how perfect is that?

Military merit? Compared with life, military merit is nothing! The infantry battalion under Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan claimed that dozens of people had won military merits for their bravery in combat, but it is not certain whether the small wooden boxes belonging to them contain their own bones!

But for Miyamoto Tatsune, who was angry at the stupidity of his subordinates at this time, since he had found the target, he could not pretend to be deaf and dumb and pretend that he did not see it. In addition to him and the idiot Chi Zaosi, there were 11 other people in the infantry squad, two of whom were temporarily added to him by the squadron.

As long as he dared to do this, he had every reason to believe that a few reports would be reported to the squadron leader, and there would be a lot of people who wanted to take his position as sergeant.

"Surround them, don't let the Chinese run away!" Miyamoto Tatsune, who had no choice but to make up his mind, had to give the order.

The three groups of Japanese soldiers covered each other and approached the hillside more than 300 meters away. Until the last 100 meters, they no longer concealed their figures and began to run at high speed.

Shitou, who was frightened by this scene, stayed for three seconds, and finally reacted, turned around and ran, calling Dahei: "Dahei, run!"

The animal instinct made the big black sheep feel the strong threat brought by the dozen people running over, and also took a step and ran after the pace of the little master.

But everything was too late.

Although the sturdy Japanese soldiers were fully armed and were on the mountain, their running speed was extremely amazing, far beyond the reach of a seven-year-old Chinese child.

Especially when he saw that a Chinese child appeared from behind Shitou, Miyamoto Tatsunai's eyes became extremely happy.

No matter how incompetent he was, interrogating a child was always easier than an adult. Perhaps, there was no need to threaten him with a cold bayonet, and a few candies would have tempted him to tell the truth.

"Don't shoot, catch him alive." Miyamoto Tatsunai panted and ordered his colleagues who had already pulled the bolt.

No matter how precocious Shitou was, he was only a child of seven or eight years old. His legs were almost stiff under extreme fear, and he tripped to the ground after running only a dozen meters.

The big black sheep following closely saw the little master who had been with him day and night fall, and he stopped running, but turned his head, lowered his head, and faced the Japanese soldiers who were already approaching within a few dozen meters.

Sheep may not be as intelligent as dogs, but when threatened, they will also protect their owners. There are real examples of sheep on the grasslands, led by the head sheep, fighting back with their horns when facing their natural enemy, the wolf pack.

But it is a strange thing that a female sheep, for the sake of her owner, actually chose to face a dozen fierce men with sharp blades alone.

"Dahei, run! Don't worry about me." The Chinese child cried.

"Yoshi! This sheep is good. I will kill it later. I haven't eaten the delicious roasted lamb for several months."

The Japanese laughed.

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