Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 667 A brutal shot!

"Bang bang bang!" Gunfire sounded continuously.

Seven Japanese soldiers fell to the ground with the sound of gunfire!

After all, the ten precision shooters could not reach the level of snipers. Although they had already locked on their targets, three of them still missed their targets due to temporary movement of the target or body shaking.

Among them was Miyamoto Tatsuuchi.

What saved him this time was not his intuition, but his tense nerves. The first gunshot was heard in his cochlea, and Japanese Army Commander Cao instinctively bent down and rolled into the grass on the side of the mountain to find cover.

His superb military skills and keen reflexes allowed him to dodge the bullet fired 0.3 seconds later, and the scorching trajectory flew past his chin, causing a burst of scorching heat.

The precise shooter aiming at him still wanted to kill him with one shot, so he aimed the gun at Miyamoto Tatsuchi's face exposed under the helmet. If it were a larger chest, how quick Miyamoto Tatsuchi's reaction would be, It can only be doomed.

"Enemy attack, fight back!" The moment Miyamoto Tatsuchi turned over and rolled into the grass, he roared...

However, no one heeded the call of Mr. Cao to fight back effectively.

In fact, the bullets fired by the Chinese were so dense, including not only rifles, but also submachine guns and shell guns, that the grass on the side of the mountain road was shot into pieces.

If anyone can fight back at this time, they really need to have an indestructible body.

Obviously, not to mention that the Japanese don't have this ability, it is estimated that their Amaterasu will have to receive a lunch when he comes here.

That's because Yilian must not let a living Japanese soldier free his hands or time. The small stones are still there on the ground a few meters away.

The two Japanese soldiers who escaped the disaster in the first wave of attacks were a grenadier and a spearman. These two also showed amazing individual qualities in the face of the sudden attack.

Relying on the powerful strength of their waist and abdomen, they kept rolling to avoid the bullets that were chasing them. After entering the grass, they jumped and used trees and rocks to cover them. Not only did they avoid the rain of bullets, but they also found a suitable target. bunker.

Moreover, the grenadier with the grenade on his body also took out the grenade from his backpack, intending to fight back at the last moment.

He was able to make such excellent tactical moves in the blink of an eye, and he did not flee into the mountains and forests as the Chinese soldiers thought, but had to fight back despite being at an absolute disadvantage. This is definitely an excellent soldier.

Compared to the grenade launcher with the rank of sergeant, the performance of the remaining Japanese gunner was somewhat worse.

After gaining a temporary respite from the bunker, the Japanese gunmen turned over and crawled into the forest again, with the intention of escaping.

"Baga! Fight back!" Miyamoto Tunai roared angrily as he watched his companion's performance.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Several shots landed on the rock where Miyamoto Tatsunai was hiding, causing sparks to fly and stuffing Miyamoto's roar back into his throat.

Then, the Japanese Army Commander Cao's eyes were full of despair.

Yes, most of his colleagues were killed, he was suppressed by fire, and his subordinates wanted to escape, but it was not enough to make a veteran who had been through battles completely despair.

‘Dong dong dong! ’ The sound of running footsteps that reached his ears like war drums was what made this Japanese veteran who had participated in dozens of battlefields despair.

The crazy firepower of the Chinese was just for cover, covering their infantry charge.

But they already had an absolute advantage, and rifles and submachine guns alone were enough to deal with these remaining soldiers in a few minutes.

Is it because of the coward who ran away? it's out of the question.

Did he think he could escape? So far, the Chinese have not even used light machine guns!

Miyamoto Tatsuchi's idea was absolutely correct. Two seconds after the Japanese gunmen abandoned their colleagues and fled towards the mountains, five light machine guns that had been ready to go roared at the same time.

The Japanese army started to get too close to the road. The light machine gun shooters were worried that the bullets would hit the rocks and form ricochet, causing damage to the rocks. However, facing the Japanese soldiers who jumped out more than ten meters, they no longer had this worry.

The five tongues of fire that were spitting out like mad formed a death barrage with dozens of bullets. A warrior with full agility points was nothing more than a fish in the net in front of this large net composed of bullet streams.

Like a bird with broken wings, the Japanese rifle did not run three or four meters before it fell sideways into the woods.

They were for the little boy.

In the face of the crisis, Miyamoto Tunai, who was more sober than usual, instantly thought of the key point.

"Ah!" A shrill scream came.

Miyamoto Tunai looked over in horror.

That voice was very familiar to him. It belonged to Sergeant Moriki, the brave grenadier who did not escape.

Sergeant Moriki was not a soldier in his squad, but he was also a veteran who had been in the army for several years. He was rich in combat experience and tenacious. If he hadn't suffered heavy losses, he would never have screamed so sadly.

The scene in his eyes was so cruel that Miyamoto Tunai's scalp went numb.

It was a thin but capable Chinese soldier who, using only a rifle, lifted Sergeant Moriki, who weighed more than 100 kilograms, halfway into the air.

Sergeant Moriki's feet were in the air, like a salted fish hanging from the eaves.

However, he could not move, but his limbs were struggling in vain as he was lifted up in mid-air by a rifle.

Judging from this ending, the Chinese soldier not only has terrible arm strength, but also has amazing stabbing skills. Otherwise, even if Sergeant Moriki only had a grenade without any melee capability, he would not be beaten like a fish. The gun is in the air.

Perhaps sensing the gaze of the Chinese soldier, Miyamoto Tatsunai's body instantly went cold.

He knew that he was doomed.

Not to mention that he didn't know how many guns were aimed at him, he was no match for this terrible enemy who was ten meters away.

Miyamoto Tatsunai's logic was correct. Leng Feng, as the third combat power of the current independent battalion, had defeated two Japanese infantrymen with similar combat power to Miyamoto Tatsunai with one gun. It would take at most three moves to kill him.

"Damn it!" Miyamoto Tatsunai roared with despair in his eyes, but he swung the muzzle of his gun.

His muzzle was not aimed at Leng Feng, who was half-raising the Japanese Army sergeant and looking at him coldly, but at Shitou, who was lying on the ground seven or eight meters away with a pale face.

Yes, Miyamoto Tatsunai, who already knew that he was doomed, wanted to take revenge on the Chinese in his own way.

If it wasn't for that child, how could he have fallen into the current situation where he was doomed to die? He lost his military exploits, his life, and even didn't know whether his ashes could return to his hometown.

And these Chinese, don't they want to save that child? Why not destroy them together! You can't save them.

This is Miyamoto Tatsunai's extremely twisted mentality at this time.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed.

He didn't even have time to pull the trigger, and with a roar, a huge black shadow smashed towards him.

Out of instinct, the Japanese Army Sergeant curled up and tried to roll to the side.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

Blood splashed everywhere.

That was Leng Feng's rage, and he actually smashed the Japanese infantry on the gun.

Using the human body as a weapon, such an inhuman thing was only done by Tang Dao. Leng Feng could only be dumbfounded at the time. Unexpectedly, in a hurry, he actually picked up a human body weighing hundreds of pounds and threw it nearly ten meters away.

Brutal, it was really too brutal.

The battlefield where the gunfire gradually subsided was almost silent at that moment, and everyone was stunned by Leng Feng's move.

Only Leng Feng did not stop his extremely violent attack. He strode forward and covered a distance of ten meters in an instant. He fiercely stabbed the Japanese army sergeant who had already bent over and entered a defensive state with his long spear.

Miyamoto Tatsunai knew that he had lost the opportunity to continue shooting. Facing the long spear stabbing at him like lightning, the only thing he could do was to use his arms to force the blade with the spear. If he could swing the opponent's bayonet away, his bayonet would change from blocking to stabbing forward, stabbing into the chest of the rushing enemy.

He was already very proficient in this move, and had an excellent record of assassinating five Chinese soldiers with one move.

It was a pity that he met Leng Feng, and it was Leng Feng who was violent and exploded.

The power contained in that shot might be Leng Feng himself, and he might not be able to use it again in the future.

Like an ant trying to shake a tree, Miyamoto Tatsunai's arms mustered hundreds of pounds of strength, but he didn't shake the spear at all. The bayonet was like a knife cutting butter, piercing Miyamoto Tatsunai's chest directly, and the tip of the bayonet pierced through the back by as much as 15 centimeters.

You know, the human body is originally more than 20 centimeters thick, plus clothes, it is extremely rare for a bayonet blade of more than 30 centimeters to pierce the human body, not to mention that the bayonet itself has a guard.

Exposing so many blades in the human body can only mean that Leng Feng's power is so great that even the guard and the muzzle are stabbed into the human body. How great is that power?

Pain! Pain! Pain! Miyamoto Tatsunai's whole face was twisted, and he now knew why Sergeant Moriki screamed so miserably.

Perhaps, being smashed to death by a stone like a hammer is a perfect destination compared to the severe pain that is almost like stabbing a wooden stake into the body!

"Chi Zao Si, kill the kid!" Miyamoto Tatsune, whose mind was filled with severe pain, was really fierce. He turned his head and shouted wildly at seven or eight meters away.

He remembered that Private Chi Zao Si had a knife in his hand, which was enough to stab the little boy before the Chinese killed him.

The severe pain made his eyes wander.

But the corners of his mouth actually tried to curl up.

In the blurred vision, he saw that Private Chi Zao Si, who was originally lying down, had begun to move.

Then, his smile froze.

With a cold roar from Leng Feng: "Die!"

With a sudden force on his wrist, the long spear stirred fiercely, and the blunt object and blade inserted into the body of the Japanese Army Sergeant completely crushed his heart.

The last thing left in Miyamoto Tatsune's completely dim pupils was the picture of the private he had high hopes for, kneeling on the spot with his hands holding his head.

Although his name was "Sooner or Later Die", this Japanese private was much more sensible than his superior. After experiencing the pain of his eggs being broken, he had a great enlightenment.

The egg is gone, but the brain cannot be gone again...

PS: I have four classes today, and I have a lot of things to do when I come back. Fortunately, I finished writing before 11 o'clock and updated it.

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