Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 670: Coward!

Takeuchi Yunshan was actually quite excited when he received the telegram from Kunisaki Shige.

At least, he could finally get rid of this difficult journey in the mountains of China.

Because they were worried about being attacked by the Chinese lurking in the mountains, without Kunisaki Shige issuing military orders, the Japanese officers who had horses gave up riding horses on their own initiative. Most of them chose to wear ordinary Japanese infantry uniforms, and even gave their command knives to the orderly, not to mention the handsome long leather boots and white gloves. This made the Japanese army colonel who always pretended to be 13 online feel extremely uncomfortable from a psychological level.

Of course, like most ordinary humans, compared with the psychological torment, physical fatigue is the real source of pain.

What Takeuchi Yunshan found most difficult to accept was to measure the vastness of the Chinese mountains with his legs like the infantrymen.

So, most of the time, Takeuchi Yunshan was squeezed in the cramped cockpit of the Type 94 tank with the tank soldiers, enduring the crazy engine roar and the unpleasant diesel smell.

As a result, the communication staff of the regiment who came to report the military order of the detachment took several glances before recognizing that the guy with a black face who struggled to get out of the Type 94 tank was actually the elegant commander of the regiment.

This experience of capturing Guangde County in southern Anhui, China, was really terrible. Takeuchi Yunshan is currently in such a psychological state...

Kunisaki Zheng stipulated that he must reach the mountainous area near Shizipu on the right wing of the highway within four hours, about 12 kilometers away from his location.

This distance, if changed to the plain area, can be reached by a forced march of at most 2 hours, but in the mountainous area, the time will be doubled.

Because there are almost no roads in the mountains of the Chinese. Even the main road connecting the town that can be used by large vehicles can only be used by the small Type 94 tank. Otherwise, the excellent combat power of the Type 89 main battle tank will not be lost to the army occupying the simple highway.

In order to ensure the passage of the Type 94 tank, Takeuchi Yunshan can only choose a marching route with a main road.

This is also what Tang Dao needs. Laojinkeng is the only way for the Japanese army to reach the Shizipu area, unless they abandon their baggage and cross the mountains with light equipment.

But obviously, the Japanese army, which relies heavily on artillery and heavy weapons, will not make mistakes. The American cowboys did the same when facing the mountains on the ice field more than ten years later.

Abandoning all baggage, carrying only light weapons and crossing mountains and running 200 miles a day and night, this crazy tactical behavior will only appear in the hands of Chinese soldiers who rely more on people rather than weapons and equipment.

The outcome of the war finally proved the correctness of the great man's words that "talent is the factor that determines the victory of the war, not weapons."

All the troop movements of the Japanese army are completely in line with the war chess deduction before the Tang Dao war, but Tang Dao is not a god, and there are still two mistakes after all.

One is that due to an accident, the Lengfeng Infantry Company was forced to take the initiative to attack and engage in fire with the Japanese army. It was impossible to reach the designated battlefield and had to abandon the high ground where manpower had been spent on fortifications. As a result, the entire army entered a desperate situation to compete with the main force of the Japanese army, and had to reluctantly abandon most of the pack horses and supplies.

More than 700 people entered the battlefield without any strategic maneuvering space. They only relied on the advantageous terrain to confront the main force of the Japanese army. This was the second time since Tang Dao came to this era. The first time was the death tomb of Sihang Warehouse.

But there was at least a Western concession as a shield there. The Japanese heavy artillery and aircraft became decorations. Qinglongling Village had nothing but mountains.

What's more terrible is that if the Japanese aircraft arrived to cooperate with the Japanese army to launch an attack immediately, Leng Feng's troops would not have any support within a few hours. Can they hold on?

After receiving Leng Feng's report, Tang Dao stared at the map around Qinglongling Village in silence for three minutes before calling Leng Feng back, "Accurate!", which was enough to reflect his depression.

Second, Tang Dao underestimated the caution of Takeuchi Yunshan, a Japanese army colonel.

He didn't know how much psychological shadow the battle of Mouse Mountain had caused him. Takeuchi Yunshan repeatedly reviewed the battle of Mouse Mountain in the past few days and came to a conclusion that the Chinese commander was particularly fond of the kind of surprise attack war.

Originally, the first day of the head-on blocking battle basically ended with the victory of the Chinese. The Chinese commander could have added a strong and colorful stroke to his military exploits with this battle, but he did not. Instead, he used a surprise attack at night that was almost like a moth flying into a flame, severely damaging the detachment's artillery position behind nearly 10,000 troops, and interpreting the victory to glory.

But this is also a double-edged sword. If it fails, the heavy loss of hundreds of people will swallow up the victory of the daytime battle. Anyway, Takeuchi Yunshan would never take such a risky move.

But the Chinese commander did it, and succeeded.

Gu 掎/span\u003eSo, although Takeuchi Yunshan, who received the military order, moved closer to the main force, he was extremely cautious in order to prevent himself from being attacked.

From the beginning, Takeuchi Yunshan sent a full infantry squadron as a vanguard, at least six miles ahead of the main force, which was enough to ensure that the Chinese mortars could not hit the main force.

Not only did he use a 200-man infantry squadron as a scout, but once he encountered a dangerous terrain, he would send a second infantry squadron to climb up the mountain ridge to look around and see if there was any danger before ordering the troops to continue moving forward.

That was not the kind of thing where he would just send a few soldiers with bayonets to poke and fire a few shots in the bushes on the hillside and call it a day if he found nothing unusual.

One or two hundred Japanese soldiers wanted to line up and stroll in the bushes for several laps.

Their caution made Gu Xishui's special forces team, who had been accompanying them in the forest about 500 meters away, stunned. It was not easy to ambush this cautious group of Japanese soldiers.

Caution can avoid being ambushed, but the corresponding marching speed will be slowed down.

In the first two hours, more than 2,000 Japanese soldiers only walked 8 miles, and the marching speed of 2 kilometers per hour was like a snail.

The position reported to the detachment headquarters every hour made Guo Qi's eyes almost pop out when looking at the map. If he hadn't held a magnifying glass, he couldn't find out where the reinforcements he sent out were.

Guo Qi did not do nothing in these two hours. He had organized infantry and artillery to launch a test attack on Qinglongling Village, and the result was the same as he had expected.

Although the mountain village with cliffs and steep slopes was not very high, the terrain was extremely unfavorable for attack. The Chinese had a large number of continuous-fire firearms and were very determined to fight back. They were basically determined to be their elite troops.

This judgment made Kunisaki Shige feel mixed emotions, with both the joy of blocking the Chinese elite and the sorrow of insufficient troops.

Although he had two infantry battalions under his command, the hill in front of him was 1,000 meters long and more than 300 meters wide, and the front line from three sides was nearly 1,600 meters long. If he launched a general attack, he would have to deploy three infantry squadrons at a time. According to the principle of three waves of attack, nine infantry squadrons would be needed.

Moreover, Kunisaki Shige could not have no reserve troops at all, which would put the artillery and the command center in danger. The rear attacks of the Chinese army a few days ago have always made Kunisaki Shige take this as a warning.

As a result, the bastard Takeuchi Yunshan only walked one-third of the distance two hours after the military order was issued, and Kunisaki Shige's anger was obvious.

The wording of Kunisaki Shige's reply became more and more intense, especially 10 minutes ago, when the telegram clearly told Colonel Takeuchi Yunshan that if he did not speed up the advance, he would be able to resign as the commander of the regiment.

A commander used such words to his third or even second-in-command, and one can imagine Kunisaki's eagerness to wipe out the Chinese army before dark.

In fact, who knows what tricks the Chinese will come up with when it gets dark, and Kunisaki really doesn't want to be hit by a few shells for no reason.

There was no other way, Takeuchi Yunshan had to issue an order to speed up the march. In addition to the vanguard squadron continuing to search and guard along the way, the main force had no time to check and take one step at a time as before.

Even so, after letting go of an infantry squadron that was ahead of the main force of the Japanese army, Tang Dao and his subordinates finally waited an hour longer than expected when the main force of the Japanese army arrived at the front observation post.

If Gu Xishui had not sent a secret telegram an hour ago, saying with certainty that the Japanese army would definitely arrive, even Tang Dao couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

In fact, the ambush in Laojinkeng has become a battle that has to be fought. If we don't quickly deal with this group of Japanese troops, the more than 700 people in Qinglongling Village will really become turtles in a jar and can never escape.

In the telescope of Tang Dao, who is wearing camouflage clothes, a large group of shit-yellow has appeared.

The queue is like a long dragon, stretching for miles.

Then, the long dragon stopped, in front of the river valley, at the edge of the trap dug by Tang Dao. Provide you with the fastest update of Rising from Eight Hundred, Chapter 670 Xiaodan! Free reading.

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