Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 675 The Japanese Army is Tenacious

The straight-line distance between Laojinkeng and the area where Kunisaki's detachment is located is four kilometers, and there are mountains in the middle. Although the bombing here is in full swing and the Japanese army is shocked, it is not easy to transmit it by sound waves.

Moreover, even if Kunisaki heard the "booming" sound here, he would never think that there was a fierce battle here if he could not receive the radio waves.

And even if there is a battle, what?

The reason why this Japanese major general divided his army into three groups was not a decision made on a whim.

Before dividing the troops, Kunisaki fully estimated the strength of the Chinese army. At most, there were only two or three thousand people. The strength of any of his armies was comparable to that of the opponent, and the heavy firepower was far superior to that of the opponent. As long as he could entangle it and wait for the other two armies to arrive, the Chinese would have no way to escape.

Kunisaki never thought that the Chinese would play a trick on him, "You surround my point, I will attack your reinforcements." The Chinese soldiers actually wanted to wipe out all his armies.

At this moment, Kuniaki Zheng, who was in charge of Qinglongling Village, looked quite relaxed. The three infantry squadrons had already attacked three times in rotation. The Chinese were only powerful in light weapons, but extremely lacked in heavy weapons.

Therefore, now they were basically mainly artillery, carrying 6 mountain cannons and 10 infantry cannons to blow up the mountain into pieces.

Maybe there was no need to wait for Takeuchi Yunshan to arrive, and the Chinese army on the mountain would be almost annihilated by 16 artillery pieces.

That was really Kuniaki Zheng taking it for granted.

The reason why Leng Feng chose Qinglongling Village as a blocking point was that Qinglongling Village had obvious geographical advantages, and the second was the structure of Qinglongling Village itself.

Qinglongling Village, a small village isolated on the mountain, covers an area of ​​only 0.3 square kilometers, but it is definitely an iron nut.

The small village not only has a stone wall, which is nearly one meter thick, but also a trench surrounding the entire village outside the wall, and the houses in the village are also made of stone, which is extremely solid.

If you cut down the big tree covering the village, you will find that it is like a small castle built on the mountain...

Leng Feng asked the old people in the village and found out that more than a hundred years ago, this was the nest of a group of fierce bandits that crisscrossed the entire southern Anhui mountainous area. The village walls and trenches were built by the bandits.

In that era dominated by cold weapons, standing behind the village wall and shooting arrows at the enemy who fell into the two-meter-deep and three-meter-wide trench was simply a massacre.

It is said that the officers and soldiers mobilized nearly 5,000 people, and more than half of them were killed or injured before they completely wiped out the group of bandits of only more than 500 people. Because they were all stone buildings, the officers and soldiers who had finished suppressing the bandits were too lazy to tear them down, and then the ancestors of Qinglongling Village built a village on the site of this bandit nest.

There are many bandit problems in the mountains, and the villagers will not abandon these village walls and trenches that can ensure their safety. They have been maintained and repaired all year round. In more than a hundred years, they have protected the villagers at least a dozen times.

Unexpectedly, this time, they were used again.

Although the Japanese artillery fire was fierce and the smoke was rising from the outside, it was actually very tragic. In fact, the old people and soldiers were either hiding in the trenches or behind the village walls, and the casualties were far less than the Japanese imagined.

The 16 Japanese artillery pieces had been bombarding for an hour, and more than a dozen stone houses in the village were damaged, but the casualties would not exceed 20 people. The 70-caliber 92-meter infantry gun and the 75-caliber mountain gun could not blow open the two-meter-high and one-meter-thick village wall.

Of course, this was related to the insufficient caliber and number of Japanese artillery. If the four 105-meter howitzers were still there, the small village would be wiped out this time. No matter how strong the stone house was, it could not withstand the bombardment of the 18-kilogram howitzer.

Therefore, with these reliance, Leng Feng was not worried about the "small cannons" used by the Japanese army in front of him. What he was most worried about was the Japanese aircraft. In front of the heavy bombs dropped by the fleet, these were like paper.

Fortunately, this is Chinese territory, and God is on the Chinese side.

The Songhu area was shrouded in fog, and not only bombers, but even light reconnaissance planes could not take off.

Kunisaki Zheng's side relied on artillery bombardment of Chinese mountain villages, while Takeuchi Yunshan's side was bombed by explosive packs. In the end, it seems that neither China nor Japan has gained an advantage.

However, the Japanese troops in the valley were not as lucky as Tong Yi and Leng Feng's troops. They had trenches and stone walls to block and hide, but they were bombed and beaten.

100 "unscrupulous cannons" threw out at least 500 explosive packs in less than 3 minutes. The 3,000-meter-long valley can almost average out to one every 6 meters, which means that the valley is spacious enough, with a narrow place of 200 meters and a wide place of 300 meters. Otherwise, the 2,000 Japanese troops entering the valley would be buried by the surging air waves.

But the actual situation is that although the Japanese army suffered heavy losses, the wide terrain still gave more people a chance to survive.

The number of Japanese soldiers killed or injured in the explosion was never more than 600, and there were still nearly 1,500 Japanese soldiers who maintained their combat effectiveness.

However, although this disappointed Tang Dao, it was within his acceptable range. For the attack formation he arranged, using explosive packs to kill a large number of Japanese soldiers was only one of the most important things. The most important thing was to disrupt the Japanese army's organization and greatly reduce its combat effectiveness.

To put it bluntly, it was to make the soldiers unable to find the generals, and the generals unable to find the soldiers. No matter how many troops lost their command, there would not be much combat effectiveness left.

Tang Dao did not underestimate the strength of the Japanese army, but the reaction of the Japanese army still made him look at them with new eyes again.

These Japanese infantrymen who had received at least one year of military training in Japan and fought for two months in North China were very powerful. Under such a fierce attack, most of them did not blindly run into the wild.

After the initial panic, under the control of the squadron leader and the team leader, they searched for shelter along the mountain road and launched a counterattack on the mountain.

Their strong willpower and high tactical quality are representatives of elite infantry of this era.

However, since Tang Dao dared to ambush the Japanese army with almost the same strength as him in such terrain, how could he easily give the Japanese army a chance to counterattack?

The granite landforms in the southern Anhui mountainous area are particularly obvious here. The mountains on both sides are almost a whole piece of stone. After tens of millions of years of weathering, they gradually had soil and grass.

The lower part of the mountain is mostly bare rocks, and even wild grass is dotted. It is difficult for people to climb on it, and the target is more obvious.

Any Japanese infantry who dared to climb the mountain became the focus of the independent battalion soldiers on the mountain position.

Within five minutes, no less than a hundred Japanese soldiers were killed on the way to counterattack.

Ten minutes later, Takeuchi Yunshan's military order was estimated to have arrived everywhere. The Japanese invaders no longer blindly counterattacked upwards, but organized into infantry squads and infantry companies, using individual engineer shovels carried by individual soldiers to frantically build positions, and the grenade launchers carried by the army also continuously fired grenades at the firepower points on the mountain to cover their infantry.

This is the rhythm of holding on and waiting for help.

Lei Xiong and others who were observing all this on the position frowned.

The "unscrupulous cannon" has interpreted the predetermined tactics to the extreme. The hundreds of Japanese corpses lying in the river valley can almost declare that their ambush has been a great success.

If they withdraw now, the exploits of annihilating hundreds of enemies are enough for the chiefs in Jinling to write blank checks.

But Tang Dao's tactics were not limited to this. He wanted to completely cripple or even annihilate the Kunisaki Detachment.

But obviously, the strength of the Japanese troops in the valley exceeded their expectations. They were still able to maintain a certain structure despite such heavy losses.

If they were allowed to build fortifications in the valley and the two sides fought a protracted war, when the Japanese air support arrived, the losses of the independent battalion, which had already fought hard, would exceed everyone's imagination.

Especially when the Japanese grenade throwers began to fight back.

As many as dozens of grenade throwers sneaked up the mountain with the smoke of explosive packs, causing certain casualties to the attacking troops. Two heavy machine gun teams were attacked by grenade throwers because they were too involved in the fight. Not only were the team members either killed or seriously injured, but even the heavy machine guns were blown up.

Lei Xiong pursed his lips tightly. If it weren't for the grenade launcher, the supreme commander, who had a cold face and no intention of changing tactics, he would even want to suggest that Tang Dao launch a charge, and the whole army should use bayonets to attack the stubborn opponent in front of them with submachine guns and bayonets.

But if that happens, the losses will still be unacceptable.

I wonder how many of the 1,800 people here can see the setting sun...

PS: In the last two hours, calling for monthly tickets, and the guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning of tomorrow!

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