Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 693 The beginning of the general attack

"Five minutes later, the artillery company will throw another 100 explosive packs, and use mountain artillery and mortars to cover all enemy positions for 20 minutes. Then, the 10th, 11th and 12th companies led by Deputy Battalion Commander Guo, and the 3rd and 13th companies commanded by Deputy Battalion Commander Lei will move from the head and tail of the valley into the valley, but they must not launch a charge, and use the momentum of a feint to hold back the remaining troops on both wings of the enemy."

"Li Jiujin!"


"Your 2nd Company and the 15th Company will rush down the mountain from the middle of the valley. There are boulders and natural gullies on the river beach. With you as the commander, the two infantry companies will set up two blocking positions in front and behind. Don't let a single Japanese soldier break through your defense line. Can you do it?"

"Please rest assured, sir, but if one person from my two companies survives, I will never let any Japanese soldier pass through my defense line, even if they have small tanks." Li Jiujin patted his chest and assured confidently.

That's the confidence! But it made Zhao Daqiang want to roll his eyes.

The Japanese still have small tanks, but those things have long become a pile of scrap metal, okay? Although he was ordered to deal with the Japanese tail several miles away, Mo Songzi was his old acquaintance. They just met before coming here. They just talked a few words, but all he heard was how he boasted about how he killed the Japanese small tanks.

It's hard to figure out the story here.

The "unscrupulous cannon" fired a total of four or five rounds, and only a few Japanese infantrymen died in that kind of raging air waves. That's because the Japanese are small in size and have a small area to be hit by bullets. Their two short legs are very flexible, but the 94 small bean tank is not like that.

Although it is still a tracked vehicle, it can't go to the complex terrain of the river valley. It can only jump back and forth on the mountain road, and the chance of being bombed is much greater.

The shrapnel and the flying stones can't do anything to the nearly 10 mm thick steel plate, but the air waves that are close at hand are not something that only a small bean weighing more than one ton can withstand.

The first Type 94 tank was very brave, spewing black smoke and rushing towards the river valley mouth through the smoke. In the end, it did not survive the second round of the "unscrupulous cannon". A 7-kilogram explosive pack exploded one meter to the side of the little bean.

The huge air wave directly rolled this steel monster seven or eight meters away, and it was stuck upright in the mountain stream with its head down and its butt up.

Two Japanese soldiers inside climbed out with blood on their heads, but the final outcome was that they were beaten into blood gourds by the flying stones. It would be better to stay in the tank. As long as they were not so unlucky and were hit by explosive packs at close range, the tin can was definitely the safest place on the battlefield.

The three Japanese members of the other little bean tank obviously thought so, so they parked the tank on the side of the mountain road and did not move. It seemed that they planned to rely purely on luck.

Maybe it was because of the angle, or maybe it was because the iron turtle was very angry. Anyway, the explosive pack thrown by the "unscrupulous cannon" really didn't do anything to that thing.

The battlefield was raging with wind and shrapnel flying everywhere, but the motionless small tank was like an indestructible cockroach in the huge waves. No matter how bad the external situation was, I remained motionless.

The small tank even called on the machine gun on top of its head to shoot wildly at the right wing mountain position.

Many machine gunners were so angry that they used light machine guns or even heavy machine guns to shoot at the shadows looming in the smoke.

But obviously, the 7.92mm caliber bullets posed no threat to the 94 tank with nearly 10mm thick armor. Except for the sparks flying and the beauty of fireworks, it was useless.

The Japanese tanks became more arrogant. After the explosion of the explosive packs, they even tried to cover their infantry's attack on the mountain position.

However, they obviously forgot that the independent battalion had not only mortars, but also machine guns.

A Japanese twin-mounted 25mm machine gun was forced to self-destruct on Hill No. 3 due to an emergency, but the independent battalion still had a Suloton 20mm twin-mounted machine gun and a 25mm twin-mounted machine gun.

The two machine guns were originally deployed by Tang Dao on the high ground 400 meters away on both sides of the valley. Their main function was to defend against air attacks. In case Japanese planes came to help, the anti-aircraft machine gun positions composed of two machine guns and several heavy machine guns with anti-aircraft machine gun mounts were Tang Dao's trump card.

As a result, the Japanese army has not even flown reconnaissance planes so far. Tang Dao boldly determined that the Japanese fighter planes must not be able to take off due to weather reasons, and directly withdrew all anti-aircraft machine gun positions and launched a ground attack.

The soldiers of the fire support company had just moved the twin-mounted machine guns to the designated positions when they received help from the infantry in front. At that time, the mountain wind blew away the thick smoke in the valley, and the 94 tanks were not far away from them. The visual range should not exceed 300 meters, and the target was too obvious.

Mo Songzi, who shot down a Japanese plane in the battle of Laoshu Mountain, completely gained Cheng Tieshou's trust and served as the main shooter of the Su Luotong machine gun. However, this job was not easy. The total weight of a 20mm machine gun was as high as 200 kilograms. Even if nearly 20 strong guys took turns to carry it, they were exhausted.

Mo Songzi was already unhappy because he had not gained any military merits and was exhausted. Suddenly, he saw this arrogant "little guy". It was like a strong man who had been in prison for ten years seeing a prostitute?

A whole magazine of ten shells was fired by this guy in five seconds.

Facts once again proved that Mo Songzi was not only lucky, but also had real talents. At least five of the ten shells hit the target.

Several bullet holes the size of a baby's fist were clearly visible on the side steel plate of the Japanese tank. There was no explosion as expected. The tank was silent, and the rumbling black smoke produced by the engine continued to spew, but there was no movement.

It completely became a little turtle.

No one knew what kind of bad luck the three Japanese soldiers in this Type 94 tank had suffered until later when they were cleaning up the battlefield. A Sichuan soldier curiously opened the back door of the tank and looked inside, then squatted on the ground and vomited.

The power of the cigar-sized bullets that ricocheted in the tank after passing through the steel plate can only be known after seeing it with your own eyes.

Five randomly jumping bullets basically destroyed the equipment inside, and by the way, tore three living people apart, with pieces of flesh all over the inside of the vehicle.

Not to mention the Sichuan Army, even the veterans of the independent battalion who had experienced several bloody battles did not want to see that nightmare scene.

"Zhao Daqiang!"


"Your 4th Company, along with the 14th and 16th Companies, will rush down the mountain from the middle and lower parts of the river valley, rush into the river valley to establish a blocking position, and at the same time, continuously compress the living space of the Japanese invaders. Can you do it?"

"Guarantee to complete the mission!" Zhao Daqiang was much more straightforward than Li Jiujin.

"Remember, your main combat mission is to divide the Japanese invaders in the river valley into three sections and separate them so that they cannot form a unified command. Then our army can divide and annihilate them.

At that time, all the mortars and mountain guns of the artillery company and all the heavy firepower of Cheng Tietou's fire support company will open fire 200 meters to your left and right sides to provide cover. After you complete the combat mission, I will mobilize the troops at both ends of the river valley according to the battle situation and launch a general attack on the remaining enemies." After Tang Dao issued the military order, he asked again: "How is it? Any other questions."

Originally, the independent battalion had 4 infantry companies, and the revenge regiment had 9 infantry companies. Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan's 7th and 9th companies were basically gone. The independent battalion had only 11 infantry companies. Leng Feng's 1st company was not there, and there were only 10 infantry companies available.

Up to now, Tang Dao has taken out 10 infantry companies that can be used. Only the last company, the special agent company, is on hand. The cavalry platoon is also responsible for monitoring the distance, and the special operations team is also lurking in the mountains. At most, only Lao Hei's guard platoon can be put into battle.

It can be said that Tang Dao is a rare desperate gamble since he came to this era. There is no retreat, no trump card, and he will die if he fails.

"Guarantee to complete the mission." Seeing the final military order of Tang Dao to annihilate the enemy, all the officers answered in unison without looking away.

Only Li Jiujin was a little hesitant, and his eyes were a little erratic.

Zhao Daqiang's heart jumped. What kind of tricks is this old man going to do? Don't say anything like taking advantage of the artillery company's firepower coverage to let him get some canned food to fill it up.

His soldiers should also take this time to drink more water and take a few breaths to try to recover their physical strength. They are not here to run errands. I should have known not to eat canned beef. Who the hell knew that Li Jiujin had such a sharp nose, almost as good as a 'hammer'.

"Li Jiujin, if you have anything to say, hurry up and say it. If you miss this opportunity, I won't give you another chance to make demands." The first person Tang Dao came into contact with in this era was Li Jiujin. From the moment the old man's eyes began to roll around, he knew that he wanted to make trouble again.

However, it was precisely because he knew him well enough that he knew that this guy was a bit shameless, but he would never be irrelevant to the occasion. His request should be related to the battlefield.

"Hehe, sir, can you give me some flying thunder cannons?" Li Jiujin laughed.

"What, you, Li, are you planning to let your soldiers carry flying thunder cannons to fight the Japanese? Then I can only tell you, don't think about it." Tang Dao frowned slightly.

"How can I do that! I'm planning to recycle the waste, put sand and gravel in it, and roll it down the mountain, just like the logs used in ancient times. I'll count whoever I kill. Even if I can't kill the Japanese, it can still serve as a shelter for my troops, right?"

"Sir, I want 50 for the 4th Company." Zhao Daqiang's eyes lit up and he asked for it directly.

"Fuck, Daqiang, can you not be so unkind? This is the trick I came up with. You can just copy it, but why are you asking for so much?" Li Jiujin's eyes bulged out, and his saliva almost sprayed on Zhao Daqiang's face.

Among the four infantry company commanders, Leng Feng was the coldest, Qian Dazhu was the youngest, Zhao Daqiang was the most honest, and Lao Li was the most shameless. At this time, all the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion had a portrait of these four.

But obviously, they were wrong. When an honest child plays tricks, he also has a set of tricks that can make a shameless person angry.

"Two companies of our army need to squeeze the living space of the Japanese army, and this kind of movable shelter is exactly what our army needs most." Zhao Daqiang did not distinguish, but simply stated the reason.

Li Jiujin

Don't say it, this reason is very valid.

The Tang Dao's tactics are like fishing. Li Jiujin's role is like the net, and Zhao Daqiang is the fisherman who keeps hitting the water surface upstream to drive the frightened fish into the net.

Otherwise, Tang Dao would not have assigned him two Sichuan Army companies.

So, the smart Li Dalian commander was sadly divided into 30 large oil barrels. The resentful look on Zhao Daqiang's face really made the honest child's scalp numb...

A total of 80 oil barrels were divided for Li Jiujin and Zhao Daqiang, and the remaining 20 oil barrels placed on both sides of the mountain naturally took on the burden of throwing 100 explosive packs.

As Xia Dayu's two red signal flares hit the sky, 20 unscrupulous cannons that had rested for half a day opened fire again, with an average of 5 explosive packs per cannon.

The artillerymen in charge of these 20 cannon barrels were now skilled and knew that this thing had no accuracy. They just had to be careful not to let it explode. After ignition, they didn't care about the result and were responsible for loading the next one.

The explosive packs rushed into the sky again irregularly and then fell into the valley.

The Japanese army, who had finally left the mountain road and worked hard to find a place that could defend against the firepower of the two mountains, was once again blown up by the flying stones.

Baga! This is not playing by the rules! It's already done! Why is it coming again?

At this moment, the Japanese army was not a little bit resentful in their hearts.

I had been stunned by this kind of explosive pack with no trajectory before. After fighting for a long time, I finally found a safe place with a lot of casualties. It was like an offensive and defensive battle. Why did they start throwing this evil thing again?

The Japanese soldiers in the natural gullies in the river valley had to look up at the sky carefully. The gullies and rocks could block bullets, but they could not block the explosive packs falling down. If they fell into the gullies, the people in the gullies hundreds of meters away would be blown up to the sky by the air waves generated by the thing. If they were not killed, they would fall half to death.

Looking from a high place, the situation was really quite funny. The Japanese soldiers who were looking up at the stationary state at the place where the explosive packs fell, rolled and crawled and scattered, like a group of Jerry who met Tom.

The honor of the Imperial Japanese Army had long been thrown to Java Island.

What a pity! There was no camera to record this ugly scene of the Japanese army. Tang Dao, holding the telescope, was very regretful and determined to equip Tan Tai Ming Yue with a camera when he had money in the future.

As far as he knew, there was already such a thing in this era, but it was very bulky and could not be compared with the future cameras that could be carried on the shoulder or in the hand.

But it didn't matter, as long as there was an image, maybe these images could be turned into cash after the war.

Tang Dao knew that it was not only China that hated the Japanese. After the outbreak of the Pacific War, the Westerners in Australia were also severely harmed by the Japanese. In the later period of the war, they did not accept the surrender of the Japanese and drove more than 100,000 Japanese troops into the jungle full of poisonous insects. Almost no one survived.

The key is that these foreign idiots will be very rich in the future! It will not be difficult to get some foreign exchange back by cheating them.

Tang Dao watched the Japanese being beaten to a pulp, but the artillery company took off their uniforms and worked shirtless in the winter until white smoke came out of their bodies.

After the explosive packs were dropped, the mortars distributed on the mountain opened fire. However, it was not a blanket attack, but a fixed-point artillery attack based on the location where the Japanese troops gathered more according to the information sent by the artillery observers in front.

Only those standing on the mountain could see more clearly. The location where the artillery fire was most concentrated was about 300 meters before and after Li Jiujin and Zhao Daqiang were about to rush down the mountain to establish a blocking position. Tang Dao had to use 20 minutes of artillery fire to drive away all the Japanese troops in this area and establish a channel formed purely by artillery fire.

After all, Tang Dao's tactics learned from that unit, which penetrated deep into the enemy's position to separate the enemy, could effectively compress the enemy's living space and speed up the enemy's collapse, but it also had great risks.

Especially since this was the first time that the independent battalion operated in actual combat, and no tactical exercises had been conducted at all.

When the Japanese troops in the valley discovered the opponent's intention, they would definitely launch a desperate charge to kill the opponent who had penetrated their position. If they did not establish a good blocking position and let the Japanese troops break through the firepower network and engage in close combat, the huge casualties would definitely break Tang Dao's heart.

Because once the two armies were only a hundred meters or even fifty meters apart, the artillery battalion could hardly provide them with any assistance. They were not yet powerful enough to accurately fire artillery shells within a range of 100 meters. Under the artillery shells, all lives were fragile, whether they were enemy or friendly.

The mobilization of the independent battalion's forces was naturally unknown to the Japanese troops who could not see the overall situation deep in the valley. They only knew that they were running wildly under the suddenly increased artillery fire of the Chinese. They had to withstand the artillery fire above their heads and guard against the deadly bullets fired from the two mountains. Especially the Japanese troops in the middle of the valley, they were simply miserable.

Only the Japanese troops who chose a good position at the beginning and hid in the rocks or grass at the foot of the mountain were happy at this moment. As long as you don't shoot, don't expose yourself, and hide your head and butt, generally speaking, the danger is not very great.

Whether it is artillery, infantry or machine gun, the Chinese will shoot after finding the target, and will not shoot blindly, except for the flying explosives that will be blown up one by one.

Since discovering this characteristic of the Chinese army, many Japanese soldiers have been hiding in the bushes or rocks and never shoot again, even if the officers who once made them silent roared and fought back, they would not fight.

Compared with precious lives, what are the hideous faces and anxious roars of the officers? What's more, many officers who have the courage to roar and command have gone to chat with Amaterasu.

Therefore, many people are more at ease hiding and not showing their heads. As for what to do if the Chinese rush down?

Don't worry, someone will definitely fight back. Almost 80% of the Japanese soldiers have this idea.

This is actually the so-called survivor psychology, everyone wants to save themselves, and expects others to resist, but the final outcome is that everyone dies.

Damn it, the 'Steel Army' that had given up the pride of the Imperial Japanese Army has been humbled to this point, and the Chinese have no intention of letting them go.

When the oil drums filled with more than 150 kilograms of soil and gravel rumbled down the mountain, the Japanese soldiers hiding in the bushes and rocks were really depressed.

The Chinese are too cruel!

They even used a nearly primitive weapon like rolling logs! ...

PS: Today this is a big chapter of 5,000 words, so it is considered two chapters combined into one.

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