Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 698: Fruits of Victory (Part 1)

From spring to autumn, from sowing seeds to hard work, for farmers, the moment of harvest is the happiest.

For the battlefield at the end, harvesting the fruits of victory is joyful and anxious.

No one wants to sacrifice at such a time, but if you are careful enough, you need enough time.

The independent battalion has perfectly completed the tasks assigned before the war. It took less than two hours to completely defeat nearly 2,000 Japanese troops in the valley, and then entered the mopping-up stage more than an hour before dark.

But a few kilometers away, there is a main force of the Japanese army with more than 2,000 troops watching. If they make any unusual moves, Tang Dao will be forced to give up the final search and lead troops to transfer, and even have to give up a large number of captured inside and outside the valley.

The two completely different tactical choices are actually no longer controlled by Tang Dao, but the right to choose is handed over to Kunizaki Zheng.

Kunizaki Zheng, who is several kilometers away, felt the abnormality as early as an hour ago. No matter how rugged and difficult the mountainous area is, Takeuchi Yunshan has walked for almost 6 hours, even if he climbed.

Moreover, even if there were any problems that slowed down the march and the signal of the field radio was not good, didn't he still have a signalman under his command? He couldn't run fast and couldn't ride a horse?

It was definitely not for several hours, as if he had completely disappeared.

Kunisaki felt with his military intuition that Takeuchi Yunshan's infantry regiment must have had some accidents, and the most likely possibility was that they had a fight with the Chinese army...

"The damn Chinese must have tried to lure the tiger away from the mountain to rescue the besieged Chinese!" After thinking for a moment, Kunisaki confidently made a judgment that was rated as the stupidest and almost the only one after the war.

But in Kunisaki's situation at the time, this might also be the most reasonable judgment.

Because no one could believe that more than 2,000 Japanese troops would be defeated and annihilated by a Chinese army that was not very large.

The so-called "Steel Army" of the Empire of Japan is not a heavy artillery brigade without much combat power. The combat power of two infantry battalions is enough to fight against a Chinese infantry brigade without losing the upper hand. The Chinese in this mountainous area have only 3,000 people at most, and nearly 1,000 people are still surrounded by Kunisaki on the lonely ridge of Qinglongling Village.

Therefore, Takeuchi Yunshan's troops were at most blocked by the Chinese by destroying the road and could not move forward. They also took advantage of the signal blind spot in the mountains to prevent the two armies from communicating normally, which eventually caused an illusion that he had to mobilize troops to rescue, so that the besieged Chinese had a chance to escape.

This is the reason for Kunisaki's final judgment.

It is irrefutable and sufficient.

In addition to sending three small teams as liaison troops to approach the Laojinkeng area, Kunisaki's main force did not send any more soldiers.

Then, Kunisaki issued a military order for a comprehensive attack on Qinglongling Village.

The sky was gradually getting dark. Although he had more than 2,000 troops surrounding Qinglongling Village, the mountain was still a mountain after all, with a circumference of nearly 2,000 meters. The Japanese encirclement on the periphery was even larger, and it was inevitable that there would be omissions.

If the Chinese were allowed to sneak down the mountain at night and sneak away, even if there were only a few dozen of them, it would be difficult for Kunisaki, who was eager for revenge, to accept it.

More importantly, through the obstruction of Takeuchi Yunshan's troops, Kunisaki felt the "anxiety" of the rest of the Chinese.

The enemy's arsenic is my nectar! In order to avoid more trouble, Kunisaki also completely lost his patience to wait for Takeuchi Yunshan's troops. After bombarding the mountain for another 20 minutes, he deployed three infantry squadrons to attack from the east, south and west.

In the rear, there were three infantry squadrons on standby.

The Japanese infantry who had been deployed and were about to be deployed reached more than a thousand people. It can't be said that they were all out, but they had used most of their strength.

That is to say, when the battle in the river valley of Laojinkeng was coming to an end, the decisive battle in Qinglongling Village was in full swing.

The Chinese and Japanese sides completely exchanged roles.

However, the situation of Leng Feng and Tong Yi's two elite infantry companies and a group of baggage soldiers was much better than that of Takeuchi Yunshan's troops.

Although they were trapped alone, they had prepared early and had sufficient ammunition. Not to mention that the 145th Division headquarters armed the guard company responsible for protecting the transportation of materials with almost all the ammunition they could get, Leng Feng's company also gave them whatever Tang swords they wanted.

Half of the submachine guns and Mauser pistols obtained from the two big bosses of the 67th Army and the 43rd Army were taken away by the first company. Submachine guns alone were useless, and there were enough bullets. As long as you have the strength to carry them, you can carry as many as you want.

The most exaggerated sergeant squad leader actually carried 400 submachine gun bullets and 8 grenades in one breath.

In his words: Even if I have to die this time, I will fight to my heart's content before I die. I have never been so extravagant.

In fact, the officers at all levels also understood his true meaning. He prepared it for the brothers in his infantry squad. The man holding the gun died, but as long as the gun was not broken, there would be a successor. He left enough bullets for his successor.

It was with this belief that this man, who was only 1.6 meters tall and looked a little thin, actually carried more than 15 kilograms of weight over mountains and ridges, far exceeding the limit of a single soldier's weight in this era.

There were also many squad leaders or deputy squad leaders like him. These veterans knew one thing very well: if there was not enough ammunition in a defensive battle, they could only fill it with human lives.

They would rather die of exhaustion than be killed by Japanese bullets.

Sufficient ammunition reserves and a large amount of continuous firepower made the Japanese army determined to attack the mountain taste what it meant to be miserable.

The threat posed by mountain artillery and infantry artillery to Chinese soldiers with stone walls and trenches was smaller than they expected. However, the Chinese's way of putting them into a 100-meter area and then firing them made them suffer. .

Even if it is a wild sweep with the muzzle of the gun pointed at the general area below without showing the head, it is often the result that several people scream and fall into the bushes and stone crevices.

To put it bluntly, in this combat mode, the more than 20 heavy machine guns mounted in the rear looked lively, but in fact their suppressive power was limited. And the precise shooting they were once proud of was no match for those who kept their heads buried under the trenches. The Chinese soldiers are even more useless.

If you want to attack the mountain, you have to wait until the Chinese ammunition is used up. This is not a false proposition. Logically speaking, the Chinese are determined not to be able to maintain such firepower intensity for a long time.

But the key is, how many lives do they have that they can spend playing with the Chinese? The commanders at all levels at the front of the Japanese army were so painful that they just wanted to shout "Mama!"

But he could not retreat, so Kunizaki bypassed the infantry battalion captain and directly gave orders to the three infantry squadron captains. In the absence of him issuing a withdrawal order, military law was imposed on those who retreated.

Without having to see the livid face of Mr. Kunisaki, several Japanese captains knew that the so-called military law practice basically meant throwing a knife into your belly.

As Takeuchi Yunshanbe encountered obstacles, Lord Kunizaki's patience had already been exhausted. At this time, he was irritable and irritable, a typical menopausal old man.

The battlefields in three directions fell into a stalemate. The Chinese soldiers consumed a large number of bullets and the Japanese consumed their lives.

This aspect is somewhat similar to the Battle of the River Valley.

However, on the other side of the river valley, it was because of Kunizaki's "confident" choice that he was able to continue the search and kill the remaining Japanese troops smoothly.

The ambush and rout took nearly two hours, and the search and kill operation lasted almost a similar amount of time.

The winter sun sets in the west, and with the last gunshot, there is no other sound in the valley except the laughter and laughter of soldiers and old comrades meeting each other and greeting each other.

Nearly 2,000 people worked together to search the river valley and the mountains on both sides of the river valley twice, but nothing was found.

Without the wails to disturb the joy of the officers and soldiers of the Independent Battalion, all the Japanese soldiers became dead!

Corpses were taken out from behind the stones in the barley and dumped on the rocky beach of the river valley. Master Zhuang and a group of soldiers from the infantry platoon were busy counting the number of people.

The Japanese army was in a miserable state. Those whose uniforms were still intact were stripped naked, and only the bloody corpses could retain their final dignity.

Most of the Sichuan troops were still wearing summer military uniforms. The relatively thick uniforms of the Japanese army were a good material to keep out the cold. Especially the pair of cowhide boots, which were not flexible enough for mountain climbing, but were strong and warm. They did not need to be afraid of bushes and sharp stones. After wearing them, they felt My whole body felt warm.

In this battle, nothing else, just the military uniforms can satisfy thousands of Sichuan troops to keep out the cold in winter. Based on this alone, the Sichuan troops, who usually have runny noses from the cold at night, think it is worth it.

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