Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 715: First impression of the chosen one!

The news that Tang Dao had woken up spread quickly throughout the independent battalion like the wind blowing over the mountaintop.

The independent battalion was instantly excited.

Because they were still in the war zone, there would not be deafening cheers, but the soldiers' bright eyes and happy expressions made people know their joy from the bottom of their hearts just by looking at them.

In a sense, Tang Dao has completely become the backbone of this "miscellaneous army" that is made up of several troops. In addition, more importantly, at this juncture, not only the officers at the battalion level have serious disagreements, but the soldiers are also confused about what they should do to live up to this uniform.

It's really like being trapped in the fog and not seeing the direction.

Now, their supreme commander has finally woken up.

Although the soldiers will not use the adjective "a beacon in the dark night", it is actually just that.

However, there are also puzzles.

A group of young men and women who wore worn and even bloodstained dark blue uniforms because of military orders, watched the big-headed soldiers communicate excitedly, and even lit a cigarette that they usually hid and would only sniff at most.

This "student company" newly formed by 300 progressive students and young teachers three days ago is really incomprehensible, because how could the awakening of an infantry battalion commander end up like this?

They have also heard of the name of Tang Dao, the heroic battalion commander of the Four-Line Battle.

But unlike the heroes who are almost mythical in the hearts of ordinary people, for the almost glorious Four-Line Battle, for these students who can be called highly educated, they will never attribute all the brilliance to the commander alone.

They prefer to crown the title of hero on the head of that unit. If it is a hero, then the hundreds of Chinese officers and soldiers stationed in the Sihang Warehouse are all heroes, not just the commander who appeared in the newspaper.

This is one of the differences between educated and uneducated. They all have their own independent thinking ability, not blindly following, just like their current choice.

In the face of national crisis, how to save this huge and extremely weak nation is something that the chosen ones who make up a very small number of the population are constantly thinking about.

Some choose to follow their teachers to the south to find a new school site to continue their studies, hoping to use their knowledge to strengthen the motherland; some choose to join the army on the spot and practice their ideals with passion; others are disappointed with the current government and hope to find a new way, such as these students who plan to go to the north, all of whom have such ideals.

For a while, the awakened students were whispering to each other, and were very curious about the Tang Dao Battalion Commander Tang who only existed in the legend.

Since they came to the independent battalion, at most, the first deputy battalion commander Lei Xiong came out to welcome their arrival and gave them enough courtesy. When the special organization of the "student company" was established, he only asked several sergeant squad leaders to temporarily serve as platoon leaders. He himself served as the company commander of the "student company". Other military positions such as deputy company commander, deputy platoon leader, squad leader, etc. were elected by the students themselves, but Tang Dao, the young battalion commander, did not even show his face, which made the arrogant and proud people quite dissatisfied.

Until later, Fang Shihuan, a direct disciple of Professor Tan Tai Yunshu of Jinling University's School of Arts, who was the vice president of Jinling University Student Union and had great influence among students, learned from his junior sister Tan Tai Mingyue that Tang Dao was resting in bed due to illness caused by continuous fighting. This kind of resentment of being despised was reduced a little.

How to say it? Human nature has never been single, and it is so complicated that most human beings find it difficult to understand it in their lifetime.

Although these gifted people know that they need this group of elite soldiers to escort them for the two thousand miles to the north, and the country also needs soldiers to protect it, the proportion of highly educated people, which accounts for one thousandth of the population, still gives them an inexplicable sense of superiority.

The reason for this mentality is that for thousands of years, scholars have firmly occupied the top class of society. This has always been the case in the past, present, and future.

Soon, their curiosity was answered. A signalman came to inform them that Captain Tang ordered the whole army to assemble. They were about to meet the man who only existed in legends.

More than 2,000 soldiers gathered in the valley.

The Laoshan Mountains belong to the remnant of the Huaiyang Mountain System. The mountains are not high. The highest peak, Longdong Mountain, is only more than 400 meters above sea level, but the mountains are crisscrossed and the forests are lush. It is easy to hide more than 2,000 people.

The independent battalion stayed in the mountain not just to make noise. The reconnaissance range of Lv Sanjiang's cavalry platoon and Gu Xishui's special operations team was up to 10 kilometers. At this time, most of the main forces of the Japanese army had entered Jinling City, and the closest to this place was also 10 kilometers away, and it was the Japanese army from the direction of capturing Wuhu.

Therefore, under Tang Dao's order, the special operations team and the cavalry platoon expanded the alert range to 800 meters away, and a large number of bonfires were lit in the valley.

While dispelling the thick darkness, it also provided enough warmth for the officers and soldiers whose clothes were not thick.

Under the leadership of several veterans who served as infantry platoon leaders, 300 student soldiers lined up in a fairly neat queue and entered the valley last, and also saw the army colonel standing in the most conspicuous position.

Tang Dao's appearance completely matched their imagination, with a tall and burly figure, a straight figure like a pine tree, a cold and heroic face, and sharp eyes like a knife.

The more than 2,000 officers and soldiers standing solemnly before him were like upright javelins, which perfectly highlighted this point.

No wonder the soldiers were so excited when they heard he woke up! This must be a tough warrior. The students exchanged glances with each other and had the most intuitive first impression of Tang Dao standing tall in front of the entire army.

However, as the student soldiers entered the area designated for them, the whole place was quiet, except for the chaotic footsteps and whispers of the student soldiers.

The independent battalion formed a queue based on the company. Each lieutenant and captain should have stood at the front of their respective companies, but now, they all lined up in front of Tang Dao, with their bodies straight, their hands pressed against their trouser seams, and their faces stern.

It seemed that something unusual was about to happen.

The students all felt the almost stagnant solemnity, and then looked at the row of soldiers standing in the front row. The student soldiers couldn't help but shut up and subconsciously lightened their steps.

Tang Dao swept his eyes towards the "student company" that had just stood quietly, and frowned imperceptibly.

The students nowadays are no different from the students in the future. Although they are well-read, they are still a group of teenagers before they have been beaten by the society. Just look at their sparse formations.

If there is any difference, perhaps it is that these young people who are experiencing the country and nation have the ideal of sacrificing their lives and blood!

However, it is only limited to ideals at present. In war, if you want to test the authenticity of ideals, the sickle of the god of death is the best experimental equipment.

Tang Dao's slightly frowned brows flashed, but he still couldn't escape the students who were curious about him.

Obviously, they felt Tang Dao's "contempt" for them!

This made the passionate and proud children of heaven a little unhappy. They were born in the first university in China and even in Asia. Their teachers are all the top scholars in China, and their classmates are the best people in China.

In fact, this is not the arrogance of these young people.

Looking back at the history of Jinling University, the future Chinese will definitely be shocked by this former highest institution of learning in China, which was founded 120 years ago and officially named Jinling University 90 years ago.

At that time, Jinling University had 7 colleges, including science, engineering, medicine, agriculture, literature, law, and teacher training, 43 departments, and 26 research institutes. Later, when the People's Republic of China was founded, its colleges and departments were independently divided into more than a dozen colleges of higher learning. Even such "small" schools separated from colleges and departments will be famous in the future, and any one of them will attract many students.

For example, the future Jinling University, which is so awesome, was established based on its two colleges of literature and science. For example, Southeast University was actually just the predecessor of its first college of engineering.

The professors and scholars who taught there almost gathered the top talents in various disciplines in China at that time. Yun Zhonghe, the talented and scumbag who wrote "Farewell to Cambridge", also served as a lecturer in the School of Literature. Zhang Dajia, the ink-splashing painter known as the "Southern Zhang and Northern Qi", Xu Dajia, the leader of the "Three Heroes of Jinling" and famous for his galloping horses, Shi Shiyuan, the only Chinese graduate student of Nobel Prize winner Marie Curie and the teacher of the future "Chinese Marie Curie"

Huaqing and Yanda, two famous northern universities, are also first-class institutions of higher learning at that time, but if compared with this famous university, they are not a little bit worse.

Such an excellent institution of higher learning, a group of excellent and brilliant teachers, how can the students they teach not be excellent, and even excellent to the point of pride?

If they are just scholars, the pens of scholars cannot save China at that time, only the guns in the hands of soldiers can. In the years before the outbreak of the war, many of their seniors chose to join the army after graduation. The army, air force, and navy all had these scholar brothers. In this war, countless Jinling University students shed blood in the blue sky and on the earth!

They could have become the top group of people of this era with their talents, and they could have enjoyed their youth and life, but those people did not. They were scholars, but they were willing to put down their pens and pick up guns for this country and nation.

As juniors, they also chose the path that their seniors had chosen.

They are one of the people who can use what they have learned and even sacrifice their lives to change the fate of this country. They are fully qualified to be proud.

But now, an army colonel glanced at them with "contempt".

How can they not be angry?

However, they have enough self-cultivation to not show their dissatisfaction at this rather unusual moment.

"The army has its own rules. Don't get involved if you don't understand!" Before setting off, several division commanders repeatedly reminded them of this.

Tang Dao's eyes wandered through the ranks of his troops until the whole place was silent.

"Brothers!" Tang Dao's unique metallic voice spread throughout the place!

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