Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 720 Is there a treasure?

"Camp Commander Tang, it is certainly their fault that the classmates just said that you are a warlord behind your back, but Commander Tang, you are in a high position, but you insist on clinging to such a trivial matter and making derogatory remarks. Isn't this also a bit ungentlemanly?" A young man with a slender body and a handsome face stood behind the short-haired girl and spoke angrily.

"What's more, you just brutally flogged the loyal and brave soldiers under your command without asking any questions. This is what a warlord did." The young man defined Tang Dao with extremely sharp words.

Even if Tang Dao glanced at him with a sharp gaze like a knife, the young man did not take a step back. He looked at Tang Dao bravely, with a kind of 'Beheading doesn't matter, as long as the idea is right! 'the meaning of.

His typical stupid attitude of "pointing at bald people and scolding bald people" aroused a chorus of agreement.

"Yes, the senior is right, this is the warlord!"

"Yes! Those brave company commanders just wanted to fight the Japanese. What's wrong with them?"

"Senior, I support you in your fight to the end against the arrogant and unreasonable warlord!"

Regardless of their physical appearance or sharp words, young people in their early years are basically the kind who look outstanding at first glance. With so many fans, it goes without saying that they must also be among the student leaders.

Tang Dao was not angry, but instead had a smile on his face.

It's interesting. He didn't expect to face off in this way with a group of people destined to write their names in the sky of Chinese history.

However, when they carve their names with their extraordinary achievements in their respective fields, it will still be in the distant future. At this time, they are just a bunch of passionate young people.

When he thought that these future bosses would bump into each other in front of him, Tang Dao felt a bad taste in his heart that was so strong that it was difficult for him to get rid of it!

After all, once this opportunity is missed, it will never come again!

When they reach that big mountain, these stupid young men will become the 'little treasures' in the eyes of the big guys, not to mention being treated as honored guests. However, it would be difficult for Tang Dao to 'fix' them in such a comfortable way. More difficult.

"Okay, since the classmates say that I, Mr. Tang, am a warlord, let's talk about it openly. If what you say is reasonable, then I, Mr. Tang, will apologize to everyone, and because of what my warlord has done, I am willing to Take another ten whips of military law!" Tang Dao said. "However, if all of you here are just yelling and can't say anything that can convince everyone."

Tang Dao's tone turned cold, and his eyes showed a trace of murderous intent.

The students' faces instantly turned pale!

Only then did they realize that the guy standing in front of them was not a religious man.

His experience of fighting on the battlefield for more than a month, the hideous scars all over his back, and the fact that so many strong soldiers were willing to be whipped under his orders are enough to prove that he is not just a person who only stays at the headquarters. The guy who ordered his men to rush into the hail of bullets could count how many Japanese souls there were among his men.

Is it difficult for such a guy to kill several helpless students in such a wilderness?

The slender young man's little face was even more pale. If the angry Tang Dao wanted to kill someone, he, the leader in scolding the Tang Dao warlord, must be the first.

His eyes couldn't help but look at Tantai Mingyue, the teacher's daughter and nominal junior sister, who was one of his talismans.

Unexpectedly, Tantai Mingyue, who was standing alone more than ten meters away, seemed not to pay attention to the situation here at all. She explained things in a low voice to two small signal soldiers without even looking here.

However, the young man was quite tough. Even though he was so 'intimidated' by Tang Dao, his little face turned pale with fright, but he kept holding his neck and refused to take a step back until Tang Dao's expression softened, and there was a hint of a smile on his face. With an expression on his face, he said: "If you can't give me a reason to convince Mr. Tang, then all of you here must promise me three things in the future. If you don't have the ability,"

When he said what was going on, Tang Dao looked past the handsome boy and looked at the short-haired girl who was the first to speak: "Then, classmate, you personally agree to one thing and obey unconditionally, and I won't embarrass anyone anymore. What do you think?"

Intuition told Tang Dao that despite her small size and gentle speech, this girl was actually very prestigious in this student team, at least much more powerful than the handsome boy who always glanced at Tantai Mingyue for help. .

At least, he looked directly past the handsome boy and towards the girl, and the handsome boy himself did not feel the slightest bit embarrassed about being ignored.

In such an era, although women's status is beginning to rise, the overall status of women cannot be compared with the future. A group of such outstanding boys are willing to be led by a woman, which shows that she is determined to be outstanding.

I just don’t know if it’s family background or talent.

In this era, most of those who can afford to study have good family backgrounds, especially those who study in first-class institutions of higher learning such as Jinling University, Huaqing University, and Yenching University. Except for some individuals who are extremely outstanding, most of them are It is not wrong to say that they are the second generation of officials or the second generation of rich people.

If your family background can convince a bunch of 'second generation rich' and 'second generation officials', how rich will you be? If you can fool such a person, does that mean that even if you don't work hard to make money, the independent battalion's huge military expenditures in the future will be taken care of?

It is not Tang Dao's fault that he is snobbish. After a fierce battle with the Japanese army in the Guangde Mountain area, the morale of the officers and soldiers of the independent battalion was high. In addition to instilling the concept of defending the country, Tang Dao also promised a generous reward. According to the current statistics of military exploits, about 30,000 silver dollars have to be distributed. If the disabled and the dead are added, it will be about 70,000 silver dollars.

However, the current silver dollar reserves of the independent battalion, plus the ten large yellow croakers given by Master Gu before leaving, plus the 30,000 French currency reward given to Leng Feng by Tan Tai Yunshu in the town, are only about 50,000 or 60,000.

As for the rewards mentioned by the group army headquarters and even the military and political department, Tang Dao did not ask when he woke up. At this time, it would be useless to ask. The independent battalion has not even seen the normal military expenditure that should be allocated!

In other words, although Tang Dao and the independent battalion are still carrying bulging bags and look rich, they are actually insolvent. As long as the rewards and subsidies are paid to the officers and soldiers, the cash flow will be cut off and they will go bankrupt.

Seeing such a sponsor, Tang Dao, who was having a headache about financial problems, would have some ideas? If anyone could buy his medals at a high price with cash, Tang Dao would dare to sell them!

If it wasn't because of his family background, it could only be because of his talent. How amazing would it be to be the boss in front of such a group of proud people?

Talent, for Tang Dao, who had already begun to plan for the future, was even more attractive than gold.

Money can be earned, and if it doesn't work, you can rob the Japanese, but talent is really not something that can be bought with money.

As for whether the talent is willing to work for him, Battalion Commander Tang is now using a big stick and a double-pronged approach! As long as she dares to agree, he dares to tie her up in the military factory he is envisioning. He has no shortage of leading firearms in his mind, but he lacks the talent to realize his design drawings.

Tang Dao, who had many thoughts flashing through his mind in an instant, must have a 'golden light' in his eyes! His burning eyes were even hotter than the bonfire on the side.

However, Tang Dao, who had been thinking about how to "kidnap someone", obviously overlooked one thing. He looked at a girl with such a burning gaze, especially in such a context. What promised him one thing, and unconditionally obeyed, and he would let everyone go.

That's not the image of a scoundrel teasing a decent woman!

Inevitably, the "golden light" glittered, and in the eyes of many hot-blooded students, it became a "sharp light" glitter.

How could this guy be so dirty? The short-haired round-faced girl didn't react at first, but was later reminded by several familiar girls who pulled the corner of her clothes and whispered to her, and then she reacted.

A blush rose on her round apple face, and even her neck was red. It was not only shame, but also annoyance.

For such a female genius who was a top student in the Department of Physics of Huaqing University and was specially hired as a lecturer by Jinling University, no matter her family background or talent, even in Jinling City, where there are many high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen, she is the most beautiful woman. Let alone teasing, even pursuing her must be cautious.

Tang Dao's expression of his desire in a transactional manner definitely refreshed the three views of everyone present.

"You are dreaming" Facing the somewhat 'hungry' warlord surnamed Tang, the short-haired girl gritted her teeth and spat out three words.

Tang Dao

Dan Tai Ming Yue on the other side pursed her lips and smiled softly.

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