Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 735 Everyone wants to take the back door!

Not to mention that Lei Xiong couldn't think of a candidate, in fact Tang Dao also had a headache.

As long as Guo Shouzhi doesn't take that position, the independent camp will not have that suitable candidate.

Even Tang Dao suspected that this was a position deliberately arranged by the Ministry of Military Affairs so that he could not find suitable candidates for the time being, so he could forcefully stuff people into it.

At that time, there will be five chief officers in the regiment, three of them are from Tang Dao, and two are from the Military and Political Department. It may be impossible to control the Four Elements Regiment, but it is completely possible to create obstacles for you or make different noises for you. Did it.

The shadows of several main company commanders flashed through Tang Dao's mind one by one, but were rejected one by one. Even if the famous warrior Leng Feng suddenly took this position, it would not be of much benefit to him.

After all, not everyone is like him Tang Dao. The soul of an old man of nearly a hundred years contains the clear context of this era. Without these, even if his personal force is stronger than the contemporary era, he will definitely not be able to bring the soldiers to life in desperate situations again and again. And by the way, it will leave an unforgettable memory for the Japanese people.

"Don't look at me, I can't find a suitable candidate now!" Tang Dao met Lei Xiong's probing gaze and shook his head, but he didn't feel too distressed: "However, this matter can be postponed until I see him. Wu Junzuo decides again, no matter what, I’ll invite Big Brother for another drink and ask him to send me a capable person.”

"Sir, I really belong to you." Lei Xiong blinked, but he immediately understood the other meaning of Tang Dao's statement.

This person is using his position to sell favors to Wu Junzuo.

After the First World War, Commander Wu naturally had to reward those who deserved rewards and those who deserved promotions, but there were only so many positions. Commander Wu, who must have arrived in Xuzhou, now looked like he should be promoted. The job list also makes my head hurt.

Tang Dao suddenly offered the precious position of lieutenant colonel and deputy regimental commander. How happy was he?

That is, this favor is sold, but it is not that easy to get.

After all, the 43rd Army and the 67th Army belong to two infantry armies. Such a transfer across the infantry corps is equivalent to the daughter getting married. From then on, she becomes a 'relative'. As her mother's family, the 67th Army is not allowed to give any 'dowry' or anything like that. ?

"If this position is given to someone Wu Junzuo likes, then I think our cavalry platoon will have to be turned into a cavalry company? I remember that in the standard regiment establishment, you can decide whether to equip cavalry units based on financial resources." Lei Xiong smiled. He gave Tang Dao a cigarette back and took a puff happily.

Compared with other armies, the most enviable thing about the Northeastern Army is not the rich wealth Lao Zhang has accumulated for them. Artillery and light and heavy machine guns are among the top three among all factions in the country. However, due to geographical characteristics, the Northeastern Army has developed ten Cavalry for several years.

The cavalry duel outside Songjiang City proved that although there were reasons for excellent tactical command, the high quality of the cavalry was also the decisive factor.

On the battlefield in the north, only the cavalry of the Northeast Army could compete with the Japanese cavalry. The Four Lines Regiment was about to march to the far north. The cavalry, which was much more maneuverable than the infantry, was almost an indispensable unit.

Lei Xiong's heart aches when he thinks of his small cavalry platoon, which only has 20 people.

But cavalry is the most expensive and most difficult thing to train. If no one spends a year or two to spend money on training, it can only be a dream to create qualified cavalry.

Although the 67th Army suffered heavy cavalry losses in the last battle, it would be pretty good if they were given another cavalry unit!

Of course, these are just thoughts for Lei Xiong. Ask him to talk to Commander Wu. He is afraid that he will spit water in his face. He can only leave this matter to Tang Dao. Anyway, he can't Not the first time.

"Haha, Brother Lei, you are really unkind!" Tang Dao laughed and pointed at Lei Xiong. "However, I like it. I just told Wu Junzuo that this is what you specifically told me. Otherwise, our Fourth Group would rather leave the second deputy commander vacant."

"Ahem!" Lei Xiong almost choked to death on a puff of cigarette.

Then the two of them had great fun together! This matter has been settled like this. I don’t know if it will work out. The worst that can happen is that I will get sprayed! Comrade Lao Wu still understands Tang Dao, and his ability to drink is average.

As for the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, when they saw that the 43rd Army and the 67th Army were getting involved again and were engaging in high-level officer exchanges, so what?

As the saying goes: ‘If there are too many lice, don’t be afraid of them! 'Anyway, you've already played the trick of slapping Tianzao against the 43rd Army, so why do you care about one more crime?

A true soldier understands the ins and outs of being a soldier, but still maintains his love for his status as a soldier!

Politicians, they never understand soldiers! …

Comrade Wu, a hundred kilometers away, was just as Lei Xiong thought. He frowned and carefully examined the hundreds of long lists listed by the military staff. These were all those who performed well in the battle before evacuating Jiangbei. Officers ranging from second lieutenant to colonel.

Gu Qi

Excellent performance is a good thing. If you just give out rewards, that's fine. It's just trying to make money. Promotion of military rank is fine. After the Songjiang War, most of the people who are still alive have been promoted to one rank. But promotion to military rank is not so easy. Easy now.

The battalion, company, and platoon levels are just a matter of paying off. After a big war, there are enough vacancies at the grassroots level, and it is enough to select and appoint those with outstanding performance.

But it was difficult to go up. In this battle, the brigade and regiment lost quite a few officers and deputy officers, but the positions were limited, and there were only about ten people who met the conditions.

There is an old saying from the ancients: "Don't worry about scarcity, but worry about inequality!"

"Sneeze!" Wu Dajun, who was still frowning and thinking, suddenly felt a slight chill on his vest and sneezed several times.

"What the hell, who is scolding me behind my back!" Wu Dajun looked out the window depressedly, always feeling that something bad had happened. "Have I not made a decision yet?"

Unfortunately, he underestimated his hunch.

Little did he know that a hundred kilometers away, two 'chicken thieves' were happily smoking cigarettes while discussing poaching people from him.

Scolding your mother is nothing! That would make him feel more distressed than digging out his flesh! …

The position of the regiment headquarters has been determined, and the remaining battalion and company levels are not too difficult.

The Si Xing Regiment has three infantry battalions under its jurisdiction, which is the standard configuration. There are three infantry battalion commanders, and the first battalion commander is concurrently served by Lei Xiong, which makes it difficult for Lei Xiong to refuse.

For the same reason as Tang Dao just said, Tang Dao is too good. Not to mention Guo Shouzhi living in his shadow, even Lei Xiong feels redundant. It would be better to leave the regiment affairs to Tang Dao. It's fine if he mainly engages in infantry battalions.

The second battalion commander will be Guo Shouzhi, which is basically a certainty.

The candidate for the third battalion commander, Lei Xiong, advocated promoting Leng Feng. The reason was that his military rank had already been major, which fully met the qualifications of a battalion commander, and his personal ability was almost sufficient. The only flaw may be that he had just received military law. At this time, he was not even a company commander. No, he is working as a cook in the company with the rank of major!

During the morning march, Lei Xiongdu also saw this guy carrying a big iron pot on his back, but he didn't know whether this guy's food was cooked or not. Lei Xiong didn't want to taste it anyway.

"Since there is a punishment, let him be the agent! If the agent is good, let him continue to be the agent. If the agent is not good, let him continue to be his company commander!" Tang Dao made the final decision.

"Three infantry battalions, but it turns out that our independent battalion has four infantry companies, and all of them are difficult to manage. I don't think it's better than this. I know them best. Give me two of them so that Lao Guo and Leng Feng don't have to worry about them. ." Lei Xiong suggested.

The first to fourth companies of the Independent Battalion have passed the test of the First Battle in Southern Anhui. There are no weak ones. Some of them are just because of the different personalities of the chief officers and their different fighting styles.

The First Company, like their chief officer, executed the most resolutely and ruthlessly.

In the Battle of Qinglongling, hundreds of infantrymen with the first company as the main force were surrounded by more than 2,000 Japanese troops and trapped in Gushan. They were bombarded by Japanese artillery fire, but they did not just hide and get beaten. They resolutely counterattacked and beat the Japanese troops to tears. Call me mother.

More than 200 Japanese soldiers fell in front of the position responsible for the first company alone. This was just a tentative attack by the Japanese army. If the independent battalion surrounded them without much fanfare the next morning and the Japanese launched a desperate attack, the first company would at least be able to It would take five or even eight times more Japanese troops to be killed.

Kunizaki should probably be glad that he ran right, otherwise, even if he gathered a large number of troops to take Qinglong Ridge, he would be blinded by tears.

In the second company, the style of Li Jijin is also clearly identifiable.

Gaining maximum results at the minimum cost is something that is engraved in the bones of the officers and soldiers of the Second Company. It may seem that the tactics of the second company are not as fierce as those of the first company, but after careful calculation, the record of the second company is actually not bad at all.

The battle between three and four companies in the gold pit also has its own highlights. If Lei Xiong is the one to choose, it is really a squandering and charming way.

Of the four infantry companies, it would be best if his battalion could occupy two of them.

"Brother Lei, are you like Li Jijin and others?" Tang Dao couldn't help grinning.

It turns out that this person is the biggest backdoor thief!

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