Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 738 Everyone should do their job (Part 2)

"Sir is here!" Erya shouted softly as he walked through the door.

All the officers who were still smiling and greeting each other suddenly fell silent. The tea drinkers put down their teacups and ate snacks and hurriedly swallowed them. The smokers quickly threw away their cigarettes and stood up together to face Tang Dao, who was dressed in military uniform and finally stepped into the venue. Greetings with a military salute, "Regiment seat!"

Tang Dao strode into the venue, glanced at the more than 20 captain-level officers who were standing neatly, smiled on his face, and waved his hands to indicate that everyone did not need to be so formal: "Okay, don't make it so serious, because it's New Year's Day. I was in a hurry to march, so I didn't call everyone to get together and chat. Today, we just happened to take advantage of the expansion of our battalion. Two things have become one thing. We all got together to chat and discuss the future establishment of our regiment. Everyone, sit down! No need to be so serious!”

"Let's listen to the group. Ouch, Lao Hei, please move your feet quickly. I haven't even taken two puffs on that cigarette!" Li Jijin bent down and picked up most of the cigarette that had been crushed under the table. I felt so distressed that I rubbed it again and again.

"Look at how promising you are Li Jiujin!" Tang Dao nodded at Li Jiujin with a dumbfounded expression, and turned to look at Xing Erya. "Go and give each of these Dalian company commanders a pack of cigarettes. Consider it my New Year's gift to them."

"Sir, the reporter from Tantai got it for you through connections." Erya muttered reluctantly.

The independent battalion marched to Jiashan County. In order to supplement military supplies, Tantai Mingyue found a friend of her old father and asked him to buy food. For Tantai Mingyue's sake, the family gave him more than 20 packs of Laodao brand cigarettes. As a result, Tang Dao was lucky. He didn't even draw a few of them, but he gave them all away. Erya, as a signal soldier and orderly, would definitely not be happy!

"Don't pick at Soso, it's just a few packs of cigarettes! When we go to a good place later and plant mountains full of tobacco leaves, not to mention the thousands of brothers in our four-line regiment who can smoke enough, we can also support our brothers' troops, and even go out Sell ​​it." Tang Dao, who walked to the top of the long conference table and sat down, criticized the stingy orderly with a smile.

"Haha, brother Erya, you can be stingy with those guys, but don't be stingy with your brother Li. In a year or two, when my aunt grows up, I will be a matchmaker and introduce you to us. But it’s just a burden.” Li Jijin smiled widely, showing his yellow teeth.

As an orderly of Tang Dao, Erya's rank was only that of a sergeant, and a group of bosses and gangsters would not offend him even if they didn't look at him. However, because he was young, only seventeen or eighteen years old, a group of people led by Li Jijin The 'uncles' always teased him about his marriage.

Li Jijin, an old ruffian, took the lead, and several other company commanders who were also familiar with Erya also started teasing him.

"Old Li! I hear you talk about my sister-in-law every day, but I never see you show us a photo of your sister-in-law. Why! Is it because you want to match your appearance, Old Li, so...then you Don't trick us two brothers," Pang Dahai said with a smile.

"I'm bah, you fat bastard looks like you don't believe it. You don't know what it means to be a talented man or a beautiful woman. My family and I are born for this word, not to mention my sister-in-law. She is as beautiful as a flower at a young age." "Li Jijin's mouth always talks in the same way.

When I heard him say that he and his wife were born for talented men and beautiful women, not to mention the roar of laughter in the venue, even Leng Feng, who had always been serious, couldn't help but smile.

This good guy is so shameless that he opened the door for Shameless---It's so shameless.

Others don’t know, but their old brothers from a platoon of the 88th Division don’t know? Li Jijin worked as a soldier in the field all year round to earn military pay. His mother-in-law was raising children at home, taking care of the elderly, and cultivating several acres of land. He held the big kitchen knife towards the door and forced the thief to retreat.

When they heard Li Jijin reading his family letter proudly, everyone saw a very real Sun Erniang. She was cool enough, but how did it have anything to do with her appearance?

The atmosphere at the venue instantly became lively.

When Erya returned and handed out a pack of cigarettes to each officer, Comrade Li, who talked the most, only had half a pack of cigarettes at most. Li Jijin, who was rushing to become relatives with Erya, was confused. The atmosphere changed. It has simply reached its peak.

The officers had not been so happy for a long time, even when they killed so many Japanese soldiers in the battle at Laojinkeng.

After all, they were still on the battlefield that time, and hundreds of people including Leng Feng were still surrounded by Japanese troops. The battle would not be over unless they were rescued.

But it's different now. They are far away from the battlefield, and they have received the good news that the battalion has been expanded into a regiment. Tang Dao's deliberate indulgence has made what was supposed to be a serious military meeting turned into a tea party, because the battle of Jinling has been suppressed for a long time. The emotions were finally released.

I'm afraid Li Jiujin didn't understand why Mao Erya wanted to treat him like this. He couldn't wait to send his sister-in-law away. No one here except him knew that his sister-in-law and her sister were printed from the same mold, and they looked almost the same. , but he is definitely a good hand at running a house! He has experienced this personally and knows it best.

Maybe it’s because Erya is still young! Tell him about your wife, is he too shy? Li Jijin looked at Erya who gave him a big look, and could only give himself a reasonable explanation.

Watching the officers light up their cigarettes, Tang Dao tapped the table in front of him gently: "Let's celebrate. When our regiment goes to Xuzhou to receive the weapons, maybe it will be the New Year. Then we will have a New Year party for the whole regiment. Chief of Staff Zhuang will invite a few opera troupes and the whole regiment will celebrate. Now, let's get down to business first. I called you here to let you express your thoughts and opinions."

Then, Erya and Xia Dayu distributed the four-line regiment organization table that Tan Tai Mingyue had already written.

The expressions on the faces of the officers who received the organization table were serious at first, and then excited. They didn't expect that their new commander would be so generous.

Not only was the gold-eating beast cavalry equipped with a company, but even the artillery was set up with two companies, with 4 mountain guns and 4 heavy mortars, plus anti-tank guns and machine guns. With these heavy firepower, they might dare to confront a Japanese infantry brigade head-on.

"What else can I say? Just follow your idea, sir!" Li Jiujin spoke first. "However, sir, can I give you a little advice?"

"If you have something to say, just say it. If you have something to say, just say it. When you are talking nonsense, you are always talking nonsense, Li Jiujin. But when it comes to business, your child is like a newly married young wife, and you are wearing it very well!" Lei Xiong glared.

"Hehe, sir Lei, don't be anxious! I am not afraid that I will say something wrong and be laughed at by my brothers!" Li Jiujin said with a smile. "How to change this organization? I am just a small company commander and can't give too many suggestions, but I think the equipment of the infantry company written by the sir can still be improved."

"Let me hear you say it?" Tang Dao nodded.

Tang Dao was actually quite satisfied with Li Jiujin. Although he was a bit of a jerk, he was smart enough and could not stand up at critical moments. In the last night raid, he was chased by the Japanese army. He gritted his teeth and planned to be the tail of the "gecko's tail cut off", which showed his precious quality.

To be honest, when the independent battalion was established, Tang Dao chose Li Jiujin as the company commander. What Tang Dao valued most was his loyalty. He did not expect that this old soldier would do much better than Tang Dao expected in this company commander position.

Although Li Jiujin was being cautious and evasive at this time, Tang Dao was looking forward to his suggestions.

"Brothers, you have all fought many battles with the Japanese. I would like to ask, if our infantry company faces a Japanese infantry squadron, what do you think is the biggest threat to our regiment's officers and soldiers?" Li Jiujin cast his eyes on the company commanders of the same level opposite and around him.

"Needless to say, most of the damned Japanese soldiers are veterans, and their shooting skills are not good. Many of my brothers were bitten by the Japanese bullets when they raised their bodies a little when shooting. They were either shot in the head or in the chest. The brothers couldn't even hold the stretcher to carry them down." Zhao Daqiang answered in a muffled voice.

His 4th Company didn't suffer much loss in the two battles of Laoshushan and Laojinkeng. The casualties were only a dozen, but there were not many wounded soldiers. They were basically all victims, and the cause of death was basically gunshot wounds, so the feelings were particularly deep.

"Yes! Old Cai, I have also fought for several years, but I have never seen an army with such accurate shooting skills. At least more than 20 people in my 9th Company were shot and killed by the Japanese hiding on the hillside, and that was when we were in the trenches. They relied on some stones and wooden stakes to shoot at us. If it was a field battle on the plain, our company's losses would definitely be greater." Cai Yongguan, who was helped to sit up, was also in fear.

The brave infantry company commander who once became famous in the independent camp by chopping several Japanese soldiers with a big knife was so afraid of the Japanese gunmanship. It is conceivable that in the early days of this great Patriotic War, the Japanese veterans with excellent skills and tactics left a great shadow on the Chinese army.

A trace of gloom flashed across Tang Dao's face. Of course, he knew that regardless of any advanced weapons and equipment, the Japanese army at this time was far superior to the Chinese army in terms of infantry training.

Not to mention that the Chinese army was psychologically traumatized by the excellent shooting level of the Japanese army, even the American soldiers who were armed to the teeth were the same.

In the summary of the US Army Department on the Pacific Island War, it was mentioned that the crazy infantry of the Japanese army tied themselves to trees and shot officers and technicians accurately, and the bullets never missed.

As a result, when the American soldiers encountered the Japanese "cold gun", the officers and soldiers would be nervous, and then call for artillery support to bomb the area, and finally gradually advance.

The reason why the average level of Japanese shooting is far higher than that of Chinese troops is entirely due to the rigorous training of recruits.

Before the outbreak of the war, the Japanese Education Department had issued a regulation that each recruit who had just joined the army should not consume less than 150 rounds of rifle ammunition per month, and no less than 300 rounds of machine gun ammunition. During the entire shooting training process, the total amount of ammunition consumed by each recruit was not less than 2,000 rounds.

2,000 rounds of training ammunition is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for the current Chinese army. Not to mention the miscellaneous armies such as the Sichuan Army and the Guizhou Army, even the most elite German-equipped divisions, the actual training rifle ammunition consumption of soldiers will not exceed 20 rounds per month.

In addition to the scalp-numbing training ammunition consumption, in the live-fire training on the shooting range, the Japanese instructors will not completely rely on the number of shooting rings to determine the quality of shooting results.

They believe that the results achieved in actual combat are very different from the results on the shooting range.

A Japanese soldier recalled that when he operated the "Type 38" rifle to conduct 5 rounds of live ammunition shooting, although he achieved 9 rings, he was still criticized by his superiors.

His superiors told him that although these 5 rounds of ammunition all had 9 rings, the bullet marks were too scattered and not concentrated. It was okay if they didn't hit the center of the target, but as long as they could hit a corner of the target, it was a success. 0 rings with 5 rounds hit together was better than 45 rings with scattered bullet marks.

As for those recruits who missed the target and performed poorly, the punishment was also very severe. The instructors would loudly insult them in front of their comrades, and at the same time order them to bow to the guns constantly to apologize, and finally let these recruits slap each other in the face to remember this lesson.

No success was achieved by luck. The reason why the Japanese infantry could show superb skills and tactics on the battlefield that frightened these elites was inseparable from their large consumption and rigorous training.

Gu Wei

"Is that so? We have suffered enough from the Japanese infantry's accurate shooting. If we want to kill them, we have to be more accurate and ruthless than them." Li Jiujin put away his usual playful smile and looked serious.

"So, I suggest that while our Four-Line Regiment is far away from the war zone, our regiment should set up a teaching team and select some veterans to be responsible for various trainings for new recruits and teach them how to save their lives on the battlefield. As a company commander, I don't want to watch those new recruits assigned to my infantry company being shot to death by the Japanese devils because of carelessness.

'He has a scar as big as a bowl on his head, but he will be a brave man in 18 years!' It's quite arrogant, but that man was not born by his mother and raised by his father. He made his parents cry at his grave, but Old Li couldn't see it.

Since the establishment of our independent battalion, Lao Li's second company has fought three battles and lost 26 brothers, most of whom were transferred from the original Songjiang Security Corps. What does this mean? It means that their training during the recruit period was a mess. If I don't train them well, I won't dare to go to the territory of Jiangnan in the future.

If I go there, how can I tell their parents! Say that your son died in my hands? Do you want to tell everyone in the village? Lao Li, I'm afraid I don't have the face to do that! "

At this point, tears flashed in Li Jiujin's eyes.

The lobby of the small restaurant was silent.

I guess no one would have thought that the most cynical infantry company commander would actually have such a delicate mind.

But obviously, he was telling the truth.

This time, the independent battalion fought with the Kunisaki Detachment in the southern Anhui mountainous area, and the entire army lost more than 400 people, most of whom were soldiers from the Sichuan Army Revenge Corps and the original Songjiang Security Corps.

That must be inseparable from their weak training.

On the other hand, the casualty rate of the veterans who transferred from the Four-line Camp, the 67th Army and the 43rd Army was much lower than theirs.

It's not that their previous training was so good, but the continuous battlefield became the most rigorous training ground. Soldiers who could not make rapid progress would be eliminated, and those who could survive were the best.

But the price was also shockingly high. For example, the 524th Regiment, the predecessor of the Four-line Camp, had two rounds of soldiers alone, and very few could survive from before the war to after the battle.

"Great! Li Jiujin has made a good suggestion this time! Very good." Tang Dao smiled and clapped his hands first.

The applause in the meeting hall was thunderous!

"Hehe, just my own humble opinion, I'll show my ugliness, please don't laugh at me, sir and brothers." Li Jiujin said arrogantly and sat down triumphantly.

"What does Lao Li mean?" Cai Yongguan asked Wei Donglai beside him quietly with an uneducated look on his face.

"It means he's a bit ugly, but very awesome!" Wei Donglai scratched his head and tried hard to give an answer.

"Old Li is good! He's an honest man." Cai Yongguan gave Li Jiujin a thumbs up.

Li Jiujin...

If he had known that this group of idiots were so uneducated, he would have lost his book bag to them! Fortunately, he learned culture from the reporter from Tantai University for several days.

There was another round of laughter.

With Li Jiujin's example, the other infantry company commanders also offered suggestions.

Some believed that the reason why the Japanese army could suppress their own troops at the infantry company level was not because of how accurate the infantry shooting was, nor because of the light machine gun, but because of the grenade launcher.

In the Tang Dao organization, each 15-man infantry squad was equipped with Japanese grenade launchers, but most of the Japanese grenade launchers were veterans, and the Chinese grenade launchers were far less experienced than them. In the same level of shooting, the Japanese grenade launchers often had the upper hand.

Therefore, if you want to gain a suppressive firepower advantage in infantry company-level battles, you still have to equip yourself with mortars.

As for the heavy mortar body, if you add shells, you need at least a 15-man artillery squad to transport it, which is not within the scope of consideration of the infantry company commander.

Although it seems to be a contradictory concept, Tang Dao quickly wrote down this extremely useful suggestion.

The shells of the 20-type 82MM mortar weigh several kilograms, and the effective range is up to 2,000 meters. Naturally, it can beat the Japanese grenade launcher with a range of only 500 meters. However, its body and base weigh 60 kilograms, plus several kilograms of shells. Transporting requires too much manpower and material resources, which is absolutely not suitable for infantry companies, especially when trekking through the mountains. This is a strategy he formulated in combination with the four-line regiment that is about to arrive at the mountain.

But the company commander's suggestion reminded Tang Dao that the infantry company cannot use 82MM mortars, but it does not mean that they cannot carry smaller calibers.

If Tang Dao's memory is correct, in order to counter the Japanese army's large-scale equipment of grenade launchers, the top leaders will propose a plan to copy the 60-caliber mortar next year. However, the copying speed was too slow. It was not until two years later that the first sample gun was produced, and it was not until three years later that it began to be equipped in large quantities.

That is the famous Type 31 60 mortar, with a total length of 677mm, a total length of 601mm, a total gun mass of 19kg, a gun body mass of 5kg, a gun mount mass of 9kg, a seat plate mass of 5kg, a maximum range of 1444m, a maximum initial velocity of 148m/s, a maximum rate of fire of 18 to 30 rounds/min, a directional firing range of 11°, and a high and low firing range of 45° to 70°.

With this small-caliber artillery, a 20-man artillery squad can be equipped with three artillery guns and carry more than 80 rounds of artillery shells under extreme conditions. If equipped with pack horses, it will be no problem to provide fire support for the infantry company at the forefront of the front line for a whole day.

The development and manufacture of 60-caliber mortars has been included in the must-do schedule of the arsenal that Tang Dao will definitely build in the future.

Engineers and skilled workers, Tang Dao no longer has to worry about, the group of 300 student soldiers is the best candidate.

Last time he ordered Lao Hei to take ten student soldiers to the battlefield, it played a very good effect. Now the attitude of the student soldiers is very good when they see him.

Of course, Tang Dao also knows that they are surrounded by a group of fierce elite soldiers who kill without blinking an eye, so they naturally respect him as the chief officer. If they change the environment, it may not be certain.

But it doesn't matter. Although many of them will become important masters in a certain field in the future, when it comes to the development of science and various novel ideas, he, a little scum with a hundred years of historical memory, can really beat them easily.

Find a suitable time to have a big discussion with them about science and culture, and watch the ignorant commander Tang conquer them with a mouth cannon.

After all, Tang Tuanzuo underestimated the elites of this era. The slightly professional questions from the Department of Physics and Mathematics could make him, a special elite who was carefully trained, look confused. If it weren't for the few novel ideas he casually said, he might not be able to conquer the country, and he would be driven off the stage by the elites as a guy who only knows how to talk big.

In terms of fighting, the elites are not good, but in terms of their expertise, even if Tang Dao is a time traveler, he can't do it.

Who made him a soldier instead of a doctor before!

Of course, if he was a doctor, he would have been dead by now.

It's like holding an atomic bomb, which is far less useful than a kitchen knife when there is no detonator.

The officers talked a lot and said several problems, which were all adopted by Tang Dao one by one, but in terms of the organization, only the teaching team mentioned by Li Jiujin was reliable, and most of the others were related to equipment.

"Since there are no major opinions on the organization, then except for the teaching team proposed by Captain Li, the rest of the organization will be tentatively decided. I have met with Deputy Regiment Commander Lei and Chief of Staff Zhuang about the candidates, and they have basically been decided." Tang Dao made a summary speech.

The venue became quiet instantly.

The officers all sat upright.

This is related to where everyone will sit.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Today is a 6,000-word chapter. I have been writing since I got up in the morning. My eyes are dizzy from writing! I recommend a new book by a military author friend, "My Spy Career". It is a new book seedling. I hope everyone can support it. Thank you all.

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