Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 756: ‘Father-in-law’s’ Thoughts

"Okay! Since you, Commander Tang, have spoken, my 67th Army can afford this dowry. Let Shaoxun bring my cavalry battalion to join your Four-Line Regiment." Commander Wu laughed and suddenly said.

Everyone was shocked!

Even Tang Dao, the instigator, was shocked and didn't know how to answer for a while.

His original intention was just to ask for a sky-high price, waiting for Comrade Wu, who was already drunk, to pay the money on the spot. Tang Dao would be very satisfied if he could give him another cavalry platoon instead of a cavalry battalion.

Unexpectedly, Comrade Wu agreed directly. It seems that this wine was not drunk in vain!

Seeing Tang Dao's surprised expression, Comrade Wu's face showed a little pride.

All along, Tang Dao, this little fox, has always anticipated the enemy in everything, and has surpassed him, an old man in the arena. This time, he finally didn't expect it!

If his subordinates knew that he actually fought with Tang Dao for this matter and sent a cavalry battalion away, they would probably complain silently in their hearts. This result is even worse than losing to Tang Dao.

"However, you, Tang Dao, have to promise me one thing! When the scale of your cavalry regiment expands and my 67th Army needs them, you have to return them to me." Comrade Lao Wu exhaled a strong smell of alcohol and stared at Tang Dao.

"Okay! I can guarantee this. No matter where my Four Lines Regiment fights, as long as the friendly army needs it, my Tang Dao will return it intact. No matter how many troops my Four Lines Regiment has, there will be no shortage of soldiers and horses when we return!" Tang Dao solemnly promised.

"Then it's settled! I have to rush back to the military headquarters. Three days later, you will bring a baggage unit to meet Shao Xun and the cavalry battalion to receive the weapons to be carried when going north." Comrade Lao Wu took a deep look at Tang Dao and turned away.

A group of school officers hurriedly followed, and Tang Dao and the colonel adjutant supported Comrade Old Wu, who was obviously a little drunk, on the left and right, and sent him to the co-pilot of the truck.

Gong Shaoxun stood beside the warhorse and saluted Lei Xiong, Zhuang Shisan, Guo Shouzhi, Leng Feng and others and shook hands to say goodbye one by one. These officers and he were only friendly troops before, but from this moment on, they were colleagues, and the etiquette was more in place than before.

The etiquette showed that the second deputy commander who was airborne from the 67th Army had no intention of being arrogant, which made Zhuang Shisan and others who were below him feel much more comfortable.

These are all manifestations of emotional intelligence, and are more conducive to unity. Naturally, they were also seen by Tang Dao, and he was more satisfied with the person he chose.

For Comrade Old Wu, the specifications given by the Four-Line Regiment were also high enough. The chief officers led by Tang Dao sent him out of the station, and Lu Sanjiang led the most impressive cavalry platoon of the Four-Line Regiment to send him out for 20 kilometers.

Comrade Lao Wu was obviously drunk. As soon as he sat on the co-pilot seat of the truck, he fell asleep. This made the colonel adjutant sitting in the back row very worried and kept observing his superior's demeanor.

Until they were far away from the Sihang Regiment's base, Comrade Lao Wu suddenly opened his eyes. The colonel adjutant quickly handed him a towel dipped in clean water, "Commander, do you want to get off the car and take a rest first?"

"Hehe! Does Adjutant Zhao also think I'm drunk?" Comrade Lao Wu took the towel and wiped his face with a smile on his face.

Except for the slightly red cheeks, the eyes that were once drunken were unusually clear, not like the look of being drunk.

"Yes, if he hadn't been drunk, how could he have easily sent out the cavalry battalion directly under the headquarters of the 67th Army? Even after a series of fierce battles, the headquarters cavalry battalion now has only 120 cavalrymen."

"Yes! Commander, you are generous, but how much effort did you spend to build the cavalry battalion? Not to mention that war horses are difficult to buy and tame, aren't those cavalrymen veterans with two or three years of military service? I think when you go back, the deputy commander and the chief of staff will definitely complain that you don't feel sorry for selling your father's land!" The colonel adjutant replied with a painful face.

"Haha! Adjutant Zhao, you can complain if you want to, but don't bring them two into it. I dare say that they will never blame me, and they will even applaud and cheer for my sudden inspiration." Comrade Lao Wu laughed.

The colonel adjutant tried his best to use his brain to find out what benefits the military would get from sending out the cavalry battalion. Unfortunately, he really couldn't think of any reason, but he knew very well that his great commander would never talk nonsense to cover up whether he was drunk or not.

Besides, looking at his current state, he didn't look drunk at all.

"It's normal that you can't figure it out, otherwise you would be the second Tang Dao? If you have half the mind and strategy of that brat Tang Dao, I would rather send out all the cavalry of my 67th Army." Comrade Lao Wu sighed slightly after looking at the bewildered adjutant.

"Don't be unconvinced. In my opinion, not to mention that you are not as good as Tang Dao, even I, an old soldier who has been marching and fighting for more than 20 years, and my two old friends are not as good as Tang Dao in grasping the entire battlefield!"

The colonel adjutant took a breath.

This evaluation is really too high.

"When it comes to marching and fighting, he really has a talent. I was already amazed by Tang Dao's performance in the Songjiang Battle, the Jiashan Front, and even the Guangde Battle. He seemed to be able to predict all the deployments and movements of the Japanese army. If he was not a true Sichuanese and could kill devils like chopping vegetables, my intuition would also tell me that he had a deep hatred for the Japanese. Lao Guo and I would both agree that he was a high-level spy that the Japanese had spent a lot of money to infiltrate our organization.

When I came to his regiment this time, I realized that I still underestimated this guy. He could even come up with the strategy of attacking the north and defending the south. This is really amazing! I can guarantee that before this, only two people in the entire Fifth War Zone knew these four words. "

"Who are those two people?" The colonel adjutant was dumbfounded.

"One is me, and the other is naturally the one who just came to Xuzhou." Comrade Lao Wu pointed upwards. "And the one who proposed this strategy to me and that person in the telegram was the first director of the Political Department of the Whampoa Military Academy. "

Numb! General Wu's comments were like thunders, which had numbed the nerves of the poor colonel adjutant.

Comrade Wu, he could at least be close to them, but those two were big figures who were so far away from him that he could never reach them in this life.

A small regiment commander actually made a judgment similar to theirs. This guy must have saved the Jade Emperor in his previous life!

An unbelievable thought emerged in his mind. Could it be that General Wu sent out the cavalry battalion just to tie it up with the Tang Dao? He made a heavy bet in advance to invest in the future of the Tang Dao!

If so, in General Wu's mind, what heights can the future Tang Dao reach?

"Haha! But don't think too much. No matter how successful his Tang Dao is in the future, I, Old Wu, will not rely on cutting off my own arm to cling to it. "Seeing the look on his adjutant's face, Comrade Lao Wu didn't know what he was thinking.

"The reason why I pretended to be drunk and agreed to Tang Dao's exorbitant request was that I didn't want the good kids in the cavalry camp to die in vain!"

The colonel's adjutant's head was about to explode. What kind of explanation was this?

"This Battle of Xuzhou may be more cruel than the bloody battle of Songhu! Our country has lost two important cities in the southeast, and this place has the railway line for the Japanese army to go south. If Xuzhou is lost again, the Japanese army will obtain the most important supply line to attack our Central Plains.

Just like Tang Dao said, even if we can't win, we have to drag it out for a long enough time so that our country has time to prepare troops to continue the decisive battle with the Japanese army. But the two Japanese armies are attacking from the north and south. How can this battle be so easy to fight?

Since our 67th Army is determined to fight the Japanese army to the death here, it must defend the city. Under the heavy artillery bombardment of the Japanese army, what else can a cavalry soldier do but die in vain? "Comrade Lao Wu's eyes flashed with pain.

"But we can let the cavalry go out of the city to fight mobile battles like in the Battle of Songjiang, and we can also scout the Japanese army's actions!" The colonel adjutant weakly refuted.

"The battlefield is completely different. In the Battle of Songjiang, the Japanese army must conquer Songjiang, otherwise they will not be able to advance south, so they can only heavily besiege Songjiang. There are no Japanese troops in other directions, so the cavalry has a lot of room for maneuver.

But this time, the Japanese army attacked from multiple directions, and the cavalry would only be killed one by one in the wilderness by the Japanese troops outside if they went out of the city.

And if they stayed in the city, when the Japanese army bombarded, the cavalry would certainly be reluctant to abandon their war horses, and the probability of both men and horses dying would be much higher than that of infantry who could get into the bunkers.

You say, as a corps commander, can I watch these good kids being killed by the Japanese heavy artillery with my own eyes? Giving them Tang Dao can take them away from the battlefield, and when I need them one day, I can call them back.

Hehe, you all think that I was drunk by Tang Dao and he took advantage of me, but you don't know that this helped me solve a problem! "Comrade Lao Wu said with a relaxed look.

"Then, General, if that's the case, why don't we just lend all the cavalry of my 67th Army to him temporarily, and take it back after this war is over."

"I am the commander of the 67th Army, but I also have to give the two lieutenant generals enough autonomy. They are also generals of one side. I can't make decisions for them in everything. When you become a general in the future, remember not to hold all the power in your hands. Don't use people you don't trust, and don't doubt people you use. Otherwise, sooner or later, there will be a disaster of disloyalty from your subordinates!" Comrade Lao Wu said earnestly.

"Before the war, I would suggest that the cavalry of the two infantry divisions leave the city and move a hundred miles away. How many people can survive in the end depends on their luck. Fortunately, I left enough seeds with Tang Dao. As long as they are still there, the cavalry of my 67th Army will have a chance to restore its heyday. ”

“When the commander said that, I suddenly understood! The commander is smart!” The colonel adjutant suddenly realized. “Captain Tang is very scheming, but I didn’t expect the commander to think more long-term than him. The old ones are the wisest, but they are still a little short of experience!”

“Haha, you are wrong. When I asked him for a guarantee, Tang Dao actually knew what I was thinking. Didn’t you see what he promised? No matter how many cavalrymen he lent him, he would definitely return them in full! That was to ask me to rest assured that he would definitely use this good knife of our military cavalry battalion directly under the headquarters on the blade, and would never let them sacrifice easily. Even if there were sacrifices in the battle, he would make up for the cavalry.

This can also be regarded as him helping our 67th Army to support these more than 100 cavalrymen. After all, the huge consumption of these cavalrymen is not a small number! "Comrade Lao Wu chuckled.

The colonel adjutant was speechless. This kind of competition between extremely smart humans was indeed not something that an ordinary mortal like him could guess.

"Of course, it's not that I pretended to be drunk and tricked him. After all, he went to the northern battlefield, and cavalry was a necessary branch of the army. He didn't have to spend a lot of time and investment. My 67th Army Cavalry Battalion was an immediate combat force. It was a mutual benefit!" Comrade Lao Wu sighed. "However, Tang Dao, this kid, pretended to be stupid even though he knew the truth, and he still helped us a lot. "

"Commander, no matter what, you still gave him a huge help. With that receipt worth a million dollars, Captain Tang did not lose out!" The colonel adjutant thought about it, but he was still a little unconvinced.

This kind of thing of giving to the army and asking for favors, I'm afraid anyone would have a little difficulty in their hearts.

"That receipt! It's a huge benefit for Tang Dao, but it also gave him a huge problem!" Perhaps he knew that his adjutant would answer like this, and Comrade Lao Wu glanced behind him. "Let me ask you, if it were you, would you have a way to transport that batch of arms from the concession warehouse?"

After a long while, the colonel adjutant shook his head. "No, I've been thinking about it day and night since I learned about this batch of arms. Not to mention how to transport it out, I don't even know where the remaining 1 million US dollars will come from. The annual military expenditure of our 67th Army is only 1.5 million silver dollars. That would require our entire army to starve for three years."

"So! If we can't solve it, we can only leave it to him." Comrade Lao Wu smiled.

As if he knew the adjutant's thoughts, Comrade Lao Wu closed his eyes before he could speak, "Don't ask me if he can do it. If there are still two or three people in the world who can accomplish this, Tang Dao must be one of them."

That was no longer so-called appreciation, but absolute affirmation and trust in Tang Dao's ability...

Four-line Regiment Headquarters!

Compared with the question-and-answer style of Comrade Lao Wu and his trusted adjutant in the truck, the Four-line Regiment Headquarters was full of cheers.

Tang Dao did not hide the poisonous pie that Comrade Lao Wu had dropped from Guo Shouzhi and Leng Feng. It was the largest fortune that the Four-Line Regiment currently possessed. Although it seemed like a mirage, anyone with a little bit of brains knew that even if half of the receipt was converted and thrown out, a lot of people would scramble for it.

The most abundant type of people in the world are gamblers. If they try their best to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, they might be able to get back this batch of dazzling arms, right?

Of course, Tang Dao also used this to express his attitude. The Four-Line Regiment was not his one-man regiment, but everyone's. Although the two battalion-level commanders were not in the regiment headquarters, they were also high-level officials in the regiment who could participate in decision-making, which completely appeased the last bit of injustice in Guo Shouzhi's heart.

For a cavalry battalion that fell from the sky, Zhuang Shisan, who was good at calculations, actually had some questions: "Commander, this cavalry costs a lot, and we don't have so much baggage for its long-term consumption now!"

"I have my own way to solve these problems, and I will solve them soon." Tang Dao smiled slightly, but he didn't dwell on this matter.

"Tomorrow, Lao Zhuang, you and Captain Leng should prepare, take the cavalry platoon and a baggage platoon, and accompany me to Xuzhou first!" ...

PS: Today, my daughter's electric bike hit a car, and Feng Yue rushed to deal with it. It took her a whole afternoon and half a night, and she didn't get home until after 9 o'clock. She just finished writing the last 2,000 words, two chapters in one.

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