Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 779 Secret Arsenal (Part 2)

I guess this secret arsenal is no longer a big secret by now.

But the security is also tight!

The closer we get to Dalin Village, there are not only more checkpoints, but also more and more convoys.

However, Gong Shaoxun was holding a pass stamped by the 67th Army Headquarters. The 67th Army's status in the Northeast Army was naturally not low. Although the Sixth Regiment was not affiliated with the Northeast Army, the officer responsible for checking the pass did not pay much attention to it. After questioning, the witness ordered the soldiers to move the roadblock and let them pass.

On the simple road leading to Dalinzhuang, which could only accommodate carriages, there was more than just the Si Xing Regiment. From time to time, a convoy of horse-drawn carriages covered with oilcloth would drive out of the village.

Whenever this happens, under Tang Dao's order, all personnel and carriages will take the initiative to go down to the dry land beside the road and wait for it to pass.

The Northeastern Army carrying supplies did not dismount to express their gratitude, but drove directly past the Four Lines Regiment, and dust splashed on the faces of the officers and soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment from Tang Dao on down.

It happened once, and the officers and soldiers tolerated it, but it happened again and again, and a group of arrogant soldiers in the guard company became unhappy.

It’s not that they can’t afford ashes, but that their regimental commander is also despised by those bastards. They don’t believe that the successive waves of Northeastern Army officers passing by are all blind, and the three gold stars of the Army Colonel have not been Dust cover.

Even if it's not an infantry army, when you see an officer who is a few ranks above you, you shouldn't go up and salute and say hello?

"Team leader, we have many carriages and horses, but these guys are obviously much smaller. Why do we have to give in to them every time? And we don't see how grateful they are for giving in to them."

Peng Chong, the commander of the security company, originally came from the Northeast Army system, and his personal temperament is still reserved. Especially after honing his position as the commander of the special agent company, he is much more stable than before, but he can't help it at this time. Looking at these old colleagues who left without courtesy, he suppressed his anger and said.

"These brothers of the Northeast Army!" Tang Dao stood in the wilderness, squinting and looking at the vaguely visible village in the distance. "I'm afraid they already know the number of our unit, and they are a little unhappy about giving their equipment to outsiders like us. After all, this is the wealth that the Northeast Army has accumulated for many years. It is normal to have some resentment. Since we want to take other people's things, we should not accept the consequences. There’s nothing too much to say.”

He looked around and said in a deep voice: "Pass on my military order. Anyone who belongs to my Four Elements Regiment should keep their tails between their legs. As long as others don't take the initiative to provoke us, just stand still and wait for me. If there is a gray entrance, just wait." Swallow it, and no one is allowed to hurt anyone, otherwise military law will punish you severely!"

As soon as these words came out, Peng Chong and the surrounding officers whose anger levels were gradually building up were stunned for a moment, but they had nothing to say.

Ask yourself, if they were to change places, they, the veterans of the Northeastern Army, might do the same thing, or even go further than this. If they didn't say weird things in front of their eyes, they would actually be very restrained.

This move by the regimental commander really showed a big heart. In contrast, these actions of the Northeast Army were a bit too petty.

. . . . . . . .

As everyone knows, at a checkpoint not far away, a captain officer reported the real situation of the convoy of the Four Troops Regiment to the dry field for several consecutive times through the phone.

In a small courtyard in a small town twenty kilometers away, a thin middle-aged soldier wearing two gold stars raised his eyes and read the message in his hand. He raised his head and sighed at Commander Wu sitting opposite him:

"Brother Jingshan, you are really right again. Tang Dao is really an extraordinary person. With the dignity of a regiment leader and the name of a hero of the war of resistance, but without the slightest arrogance, Dalinzhuang sent four companies and platoons to transport them. He did not stay for a moment and turned a blind eye to them, but he was able to choose to be courteous and did not show any dissatisfaction. Even if the Four Lines Regiment stood in the wilderness, they were in full military appearance, even the recruits who were still wearing civilian clothes were no exception! This time, Brother Jingshan, you won again.”

"Haha, brother Duoquan is convinced that he will lose this time! Well, I, Wu Jingshan, may not be as good as your brother in fighting, but I still have some discernment in looking at people!" After hearing what this person said, he sat upright. Comrade Wu, who was sitting on the Grand Master's chair, looked very proud and laughed.

His face looked extremely relaxed, but in his heart, he was really worried about the little test that the man in front of him had set for Tang Dao.

In fact, although he, Old Wu, became one of the most important generals of the Northeastern Army after the young marshal was imprisoned, the man who once served as the young marshal's guard and is currently the commander of the 49th Army is the well-deserved number one figure in the Northeastern Army at this time.

The young marshal relies heavily on him, which can be seen from the fact that he was the commander-in-chief in that famous incident more than a year ago! In the short term, no one can challenge his authority in the Northeast Army.

It's okay to say that he took the initiative to give equipment to several infantry regiments to the 43rd Army. After all, he fought hard with the 43rd Army in Songjiang, and exchanged equipment for soldiers to supplement. The first general of the Northeast Army in front of him had to give it to His face.

But the Si Xing Regiment is different. It is nominally under the command of the 43rd Army, but everyone knows that the Si Xing Regiment is actually very independent, and its designation was personally awarded by the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Needless to say, how much the Northeast Army hates the man who imprisoned the young marshal, why would they be willing to give away the wealth they have accumulated for many years to a direct descendant who may be an enemy?

Commander Wu spoke out at a limited high-level meeting of the Northeast Army, and even got angry and beat his chest to ensure that he reluctantly passed the proposal to provide equipment to the Four Lines Regiment. However, in the end, this commander still set up a small obstacle for Tang Dao. If the Four Lines Regiment The regiment was not restrained enough by the intentional or unintentional provocations from the 49th Army. Even though Dalinzhuang was so close, the final outcome was also just around the corner.

"This boy is not bad. Being brave in battle is nothing. The key is that he understands human feelings at such a young age and is tolerant and restrained enough. Although his mind is a bit deep, judging from his performance on the battlefield, he never abandons his subordinates easily. He will not be an ungrateful person in the future!" Some thin middle-aged soldiers also had smiles on their faces. "For these friendly troops, I, the officers and men of the Northeast Army, will not hesitate to make friends with them! Brother Jingshan, don't worry, I will send a telegram to the Dalinzhuang garrison to deliver the equipment I promised you before, without leaving any room for trouble!"

Seeing that this person had expressed his position like this, Commander Wu showed satisfaction on his face and stood up, "Well, I'm busy with military affairs there, so I won't bother you much. I'll take my leave!"

"It's getting late. Brother Jingshan, why don't you wait a little longer and let's have dinner together.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n.\\n" Seeing Commander Wu getting up to leave, the thin middle-aged soldier quickly got up. To retain.

Although Commander Liu has become the number one figure in the Northeast Army in the post-Young Marshal era, in fact he is far from the prestige of the Zhang family and his son in the Northeast Army. Commander Wu Jingshan and Commander Wu are in front of him in the Northeast Army. His prestige is by no means inferior to his. The two are both colleagues who support the newspaper group and are rivals within the faction, but their relationship is quite subtle.

It's just that at the current stage, the Northeast Army has to fight against the Japanese pirates externally and the suppression from that person internally. Unity is far better than internal strife and fighting. This relationship is naturally much more harmonious. Due to emotions and reasons, this dinner must leave one room. Remain.

"No need to bother, let's go! Stay behind!" Commander Wu waved his hands in a farewell gesture, walked out of the door first, mounted his horse, and left under the escort of a cavalry platoon.

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard, watching Commander Wu leave in a hurry, a trace of horror flashed in the eyes of the thin middle-aged man.

Only then did he realize that he still underestimated the importance of Tang Dao in the eyes of his old friend and rival.

The commander of the army came here despite his busy schedule. He really didn't have anything else to do. He just came here just for Tang Dao. He was worried that Tang Dao would fail the small test he set so that he could give Tang Dao Just wipe your ass.

"Pass on my military order, Dalinzhuang will provide the Four Lines Regiment with corresponding equipment, and there will be no difficulties! Also, don't be petty, the Colonel and the head of the regiment will come in person and receive you equally!" After watching Commander Wu and his entourage go away, the middle-aged man The thin soldier ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" the adjutant responded from behind.

. . . . . . . . .

Tang Dao and the rest of the Four Elements Group certainly didn't know the twists and turns involved. They only knew that after giving way to four or five transport teams in a row, the road conditions behind them miraculously became much smoother.

Not only did no convoy come out again, but the checkpoints also gave the green light, as if they already knew they were coming. They even glanced at the pass stamped with the seal of the 67th Army Headquarters and immediately removed the roadblock. The lieutenants leading the checkpoints were still standing there. People on the roadside saluted him politely.

"Perhaps it's not surprising that there are so many people giving gifts! The commander is so awesome!" Peng Chong was so impressed.

After finally arriving at Dalinzhuang, I discovered that it had become a military camp. A trench 2 meters deep and 2 meters wide was dug outside the village. Barbed wire fences were erected outside the trenches. An unknown number of bunker fortifications were built behind the trenches.

Standing in front of the entrance to greet the Si Xing Regiment was a colonel officer. Gong Shaoxun was obviously quite familiar with this officer. Looking at it from a distance, he introduced it to Tang Dao, "This is the former guard battalion commander of Commander Liu of the 49th Army. He is now the commander of the guard battalion." He became the commander of the 626th Regiment of the 105th Division.

Regarding the 49th Army, although Tang Dao was not as familiar with the 67th Army, he knew some of the combat history of this powerful Northeastern Army.

The 49th Army, like the 67th Army, first participated in the North China War of Resistance and fought a battle with the 10th Division at Jinghai on the Jinpu Line. After suffering heavy casualties, it was forced to move south.

Then the big boss ordered reinforcements for the Battle of Songhu, which was in full swing. As a result, the reinforcements came from thousands of miles away just in time for the end of the Battle of Songhu, just like the 67th Army.

Although not as miserable as the 67th Army, which was ordered to defend the city alone against the 100,000-strong Japanese army, it also served as the rear guard for the entire retreating army and fought fierce battles with the Japanese in Fengjing, Dachang, Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway and other places. , three of its four regiment commanders of the 109th Division were killed in battle, and the commander of the 626th Regiment, the main infantry regiment of the 105th Division, of which Commander Liu personally served as division commander, was killed in the battle. A total of four regiment commanders were killed in the entire army, accounting for 8 Half of the regiment commander, this also shows that the fierceness of the battle is not inferior to that of the Songjiang battlefield where Tang Dao and the 67th Army are located.

The colonel commander who was promoted by the commander of the guard battalion may not only be promoted, but also the commander of the army who wants to ensure the combat effectiveness of the main infantry regiment under his command.

This infantry regiment with outstanding military exploits is stationed here, which also shows that the Northeast Army attaches great importance to this secret arms warehouse.

And this person heard that Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment were coming and went out to greet them personally, which gave Tang Dao enough face. Otherwise, even if they sent a deputy to the regiment, Tang Dao, who came to collect the supplies, would not be able to say anything to them. What.

The two army colonels exchanged military salutes and shook hands. Tang Dao knew etiquette and took out the letter for receiving weapons and equipment signed by Comrade Lao Wu from his arms and handed it to the burly and unsmiling army colonel.

"Captain Tang, please! Our unit has already counted all kinds of equipment!" After carefully checking the handwritten letter from General Wu handed over by Tang Dao, the Army Colonel carefully handed it to his adjutant to keep, and stretched out his hand briefly.

Although there was no extra courtesy, Tang Dao actually preferred to deal with such colleagues. The main force was already a hundred miles away from where he was now. He didn't have much time to dawdle here, which also reduced the time cost.

The convoy drove into the village. Under the command of officers of all ranks, teams of soldiers transported the weapons wrapped in oilcloth in boxes and placed them on the small square, while the officer in charge of military supplies brought three or four clerks to check the quantity and hand over with Zhuang Shisan.

Tang Dao took the weapons list respectfully handed over by a major quartermaster of the other side. As calm as Tang Dao was, he couldn't help but pause for several seconds.

The Northeast Army was much more magnificent than he had imagined. It is hard for Tang Dao to imagine that if there was no so-called non-resistance policy at that time, hundreds of thousands of Northeastern troops with such sophisticated weapons and equipment could beat the 20,000 little devils into a hell of a lot, would they beat them like dogs?

Definitely! Tang Dao is sure.

That is to say, the one who was committed to fighting the army in the south that had established a regime at that time, and the strategic idea of ​​"first fighting the internal and then pacifying the external" made him unwilling to have a bigger conflict with the ambitious Japan, and even preferred to give up the rich Northeast without firing a shot.

Facts have proved that the grand strategy he thought was successful could not be more wrong.

The army with the ideal of being the master of the poor people in the world was not only not destroyed, but also finally found the best leader after being tempered, and even spread the ideal spark on the road of the great retreat, and gained a firm foothold in the barren north.

The insatiable Japanese wolf finally couldn't help coveting the fat meat in front of him, and began to invade the whole of China. But China was still not ready for the national war that was destined to happen.

The Air Force invested nearly 200 million silver dollars, but because of the talented but insignificant leader, a large amount of funds are still lying in the US bank and earning interest. The entire Air Force, including old training aircraft, has only more than 300 aircraft, which is less than one-fifth of the fighter planes invested by the Japanese Navy and Air Force.

As the main body of the war, the Army, under the leadership of German military advisers, reorganized 60 infantry divisions, but only equipped three German-equipped divisions. The huge reorganization plan was almost wasted.

Because of the idea of ​​valuing the direct line and weakening the miscellaneous army, the entire army has 182 infantry divisions and 46 independent brigades, 9 cavalry divisions and 6 brigades, 4 artillery brigades and 20 independent regiments, a total of nearly 2 million troops. The system is chaotic and the combat effectiveness is shockingly low.

As for the navy, let alone, seeing that the navy has four fleets and more than 100 ships of various types, but the total tonnage is only a pitiful 68,000 tons.

In comparison, the Japanese army before the war had all kinds of ships with a total tonnage of 1.9 million tons, which was almost a power comparison between a child holding a submachine gun and a child holding a small wooden stick.

That was a joke.

The complete list of weapons of the infantry regiment provided by the Northeast Army surprised Tang Dao and made him feel sad.

With such equipment, let alone 40 regiments, even 20 regiments would be enough to make the Japanese army, which had only 20,000 people at that time, suffer.

If time and space could go back, I wonder if that person would regret his decision?

The list is as follows:

1. 6 Liao-made 15-year-old 81mm mortars, with 3,000 rounds of shells;

2. 8 German-made MG08 Maxim heavy machine guns, 4 Belgian Browning heavy machine guns, each equipped with 60,000 rounds of 92mm Mauser rifle bullets;

3. 150 Dagu-made imitation Czech zb26 light machine guns, 1 spare barrel, with 150,000 rounds of 7.\\n92mm Mauser rifle bullets;

4. 150 Czech-made zh-29 semi-automatic rifles, with 50,000 rounds of 7.\\n92mm Mauser rifle bullets;

5. 150 Liao-made 50mm caliber grenade launchers, 15,000 grenades;

6. 150 Dagu-made imitation German Mauser submachine guns (20-shot automatic type), 150,000 7.\\n63 Mauser pistol bullets;

7. 1,500 Czech-made vz-24 rifles, 750,000 bullets;

8. 20,000 Liao-made imitation German m24 wooden handle grenades;

9. 2 German-made Siemens 5-watt radio stations;

10. 8,000 sets of Northeast Army uniforms (4,000 each for winter and summer);

11. 12 Liao-made 14-year-old 37mm caliber anti-tank guns, 2,400 rounds of shells;

12. 200 Qing-made imitation German Borgmann submachine guns, Equipped with 200,000 rounds of German 7.\\n63mm Mauser pistol bullets;

13. 2 German Siemens 15-watt radio stations;


With this equipment, let alone a Japanese infantry battalion equipped with only two 92-caliber infantry guns at most, even a Japanese infantry regiment equipped with 10 92-caliber infantry guns and four Type 41 mountain guns would not be much worse!

At least, there will never be a phenomenon where an infantry regiment chases an infantry division.

In terms of light firepower, it is even stronger than the Japanese infantry battalion level. If it must be said that it is not as good, it is mainly in terms of heavy firepower. After all, the range of the mortar is still too short, far inferior to the Japanese Type 41 mountain gun with a range of up to 6,000 meters.

But this is not important to Tang Dao. The main battlefield of the Four-line Regiment in the future is behind enemy lines. They can just kick the Japanese army and run away. The Japanese can only use 75 mountain guns at most, and heavy guns above 105 level must be able to be dragged into the narrow mountain roads.

It can be said that the equipment of this light firepower infantry regiment is simply tailor-made for the Four-line Regiment that is about to go north.

When should we not completely replace weapons and equipment at this time?

Putting aside the common mortars, heavy machine guns, 20-shot revolvers, and submachine guns, what attracts Tang Dao the most is actually the semi-automatic rifle, which is about to unify the world's infantry weapons.

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