Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 805 Everything is ready!

I have to say that this trick of the middle-aged handsome guy is quite cool!

In the name of the regiment leader Tang Dao, the Sixings Regiment Headquarters responded to the gentry and military and political officials who sent greetings and invited them to attend the New Year's Eve party of the Sixings Regiment.

Basically no one would refuse an invitation from a hero group leader, and they all wrote back that they would definitely be there on New Year's Eve, saying that they must see the heroic appearance of the entire Four Elements Group with their own eyes.

These are beautiful words, and they may be the truth in their hearts, otherwise they wouldn’t know how to brag to others when they go back, right?

After final statistics, the number of families who expressed their intention to attend the New Year's Eve party of the Four Elements Group was as high as 266, not to mention that all the prominent people in the big city of Zhengzhou were wiped out! But there is one third.

Seeing that the battle was becoming a bit big, and it was a bit different from his original intention of spending the New Year with the officers and soldiers of his own regiment and instilling some patriotism, Tang Dao simply gritted his teeth and became cruel. , decided that since this was already the case, it would be better to make the momentum bigger.

He called Lei Xiong, Gong Shaoxun, and Zhuang Shisan over and briefly expressed their thoughts.

The three lieutenant colonels collectively opened their mouths!

Tang Tuanzuo is going to shock Henan Province!

It turned out that Tang Dao wanted to hold a military parade belonging to the Si Xing Regiment before the party, so that all the officers and soldiers of the regiment could show off their elegance in front of the people of Henan Province.

It not only allowed the people to see the grace of the Four Lines Regiment, but also settled the hearts of the people on the edge of the war, explaining to them the Four Lines Regiment's firm attitude in resisting the war.

Of course there is no problem in doing so, but the Si Xing Regiment is just a small regiment-level unit. It came to the territory of the first theater and held a grand military-civilian party and a military parade. There was still a disadvantage on the front line. What would the First Theater Command, which was overwhelmed by the war, think?

Especially the general commander, who is one of the most important figures in the government.

This was what the three lieutenant colonels thought of in unison.

"They will agree, and I will personally invite the commander of the first theater, whether he comes out to participate or not, but at this time, he will definitely agree." Tang Dao said firmly.

Tang Dao understands human nature very well.

The First War Zone has been at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Japanese troops along the Yellow River. It is about to lose its defense line and lose the Ping-Han Line, a transportation artery, and urgently needs to boost morale.

Allowing the Four Troops to hold military-civilian gatherings outside Zhengzhou City, in a sense, expresses the relatively relaxed attitude of the top management and conveys to the officers and soldiers on the front line that the command department is not in a state of decay. It is a kind of anxiety that stems from an expression of confidence.

People are so strange. As long as you have enough confidence, you may be able to do something that is obviously difficult to do. On the contrary, you will not be able to do something that is obviously achievable once your self-confidence disappears.

Of course, the three lieutenant colonels didn't know that Tang Dao simply let go and straightened it out, which had another deeper meaning.

He did it for some people who were paying attention to him secretly.

Before the 89th Division threatened Tang Dao with trumped-up charges, Tang Dao actually sensed the crisis.

After the Four Elements Group arrived in Xuzhou, there were a lot of prying eyes around. Whether it was in the small town that had been repairing for several days or in the blossoming Xuzhou City, Tang Dao's keen intuition reminded him that the Four Elements Group was surrounded by prying eyes. A spy is indispensable.

With the current strength of the Four Elements Group, the Japanese would not go to great lengths to use spies to keep an eye on him, so there was only one possibility.

Keeping a low profile can only bring suspicion, so it is better to show your strength openly. The bigger the noise, the more you prove that you have a clear conscience.

Thieves always keep to the side when walking, right?

After all, in the north now, both that army and Yan Laoxi'er are a thorn in that person's side.

"Then it's settled. Tell the brothers, cheer me up on New Year's Eve. You guys will decide on the parade formation. I will personally go to the theater headquarters to ask for instructions. I must let the people of Henan Province take a look around me. The style of the group." Tang Dao made the decision directly.

Tang Dao, who is the leader of a regiment, has said so, so who can object?

The three chief officers discussed the arrangements for the military parade before the party. Tang Dao took Lu Sanjiang's horse to the cavalry squad of the special squadron on horseback, and happily went to Zhengzhou City.

It stands to reason that Tang Dao is only an army colonel. Even if he is famous, it is already a great honor for the First Theater Command to have a major general-level senior counselor to receive him.

Even Tang Dao himself didn't expect to be able to do anything. Anyway, he only needed the First Theater Command to agree to do this.

Unexpectedly, when Tang Dao explained the situation, the army colonel responsible for receiving him from the First Theater Command Staff Department asked him to wait a moment. After a while, he hurried back and told Tang Dao with a slight surprise: "Commander Tang, the commander-in-chief will be here in May." I’ll wait for you in the small living room in a few minutes.”

Don't blame the colonel's staff for being surprised, even Tang Dao himself was shocked.

The commander of the first theater is an army general, in charge of nearly two hundred thousand troops. Tang Dao, an infantry commander who commands two to three thousand people, is a high-ranking official in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of such a big shot, he is just a cannon fodder-level subordinate.

Moreover, the current commander of the First War Zone and concurrently chairman of Henan Province is a big figure in the government who is no less important than Commander Li of the Fifth War Zone. His military and political status is extremely high and cannot be compared with ordinary second-level generals. .

"Hello, Chief Cheng! Tang Dao has been ordered to report for duty!" Tang Dao stepped into the elegant small room full of Chinese style and made a military salute.

An old man who was nearly sixty years old, wearing a military uniform without a military cap, and his hairline had moved up a lot, was reading a newspaper with his head down. When he heard the noise, he raised his eyes and glanced at Tang Dao, who was standing upright, and smiled faintly. Waving his hand: "Captain Tang, sit down, drink tea first, and let me read yesterday's news about your Four Elements Group!"

"Yes!" Tang Dao sat down on the stool opposite the old man, his waist straight.

Obviously, the purpose of calling him here was that he was curious about the news that the Four Lines Group was going to hold a military-civilian party.

After a moment, the old man finished reading the newspaper and looked up at Tang Dao, with a gentle expression on his face, "They say that Commander Tang is a man of great power in the army. This is indeed a well-deserved reputation. As soon as you came to my first theater, you launched such a big battle!"

Tang Dao put his hands on his knees and listened calmly. He knew that the big man didn't want to hear his explanation, so he just had to listen.

Seeing Tang Dao's mature demeanor, the smile on the old man's face became even brighter: "I asked you to come because I originally planned to attend the military-civilian party of your Four Lines Group. It's Chinese New Year! I have to be as lively as you are. of."

Tang Dao's face was filled with joy. If this leader of the military and political affairs of Henan Province attended, not only would the Four Elements Group be more powerful, I'm afraid he would be able to sell tickets for anyone else who wanted to come to the Four Elements Group's party.

At that moment, Tang Dao's mind was filled with money flying.

According to Zhuang Shisan's estimation, even if each of the more than 200 local celebrities who came brought only 100 silver gift envelopes, the group of four groups could earn more than 20,000 yuan. After all expenses were taken into account, there was still a surplus.

However, before Tang Dao could speak, the old man sighed slightly: "But another battle report has just been sent from the front line. Now that I see you, I have to go to a battle meeting."

After saying that, he looked at Tang Dao, his expression much more solemn than before: "I just heard that you are not only going to have a party, but also a military parade. I just want to ask you, why?"

"Sir, as long as the spirit of resistance of our soldiers remains alive, China will always be there! Therefore, I want to parade the troops of our regiment on the Chinese New Year!" Tang Dao stood up and answered at attention.

The old man didn't answer. He crouched with his hands and squinted at Tang Dao, who had an upright look on his face. The small hall was extremely quiet, and the two soldiers, one old and one young, just looked at each other.

After a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth: "Okay! You are right! I agree with your request, but the military parade is okay. Don't use live ammunition to blow up a mountain like you did in Mangshan Mountain. "

Without giving Tang Dao another chance to speak, he waved his hand and said, "You can go on your own! There will be staff from the theater headquarters to represent my first theater!"

"Yes!" Tang Dao gave a military salute and turned to leave.

After walking out of the door, the sweat finally flowed from Tang Dao's forehead.

These big shots were really enigmatic. When they called him over, they seemed to just ask a question and didn't say anything. In fact, they hammered Tang Dao for a long time.

Mentioning Mangshang Mountain is a warning to Tang Dao. Your Four Elements Group is just passing through this place. Although he does not object to what you do is a good thing, you have to be more honest. In the line drawn by me in the first battle area, he The First War Zone is not a bunch of cowards from the 20th Army Corps, who will soften after being frightened by the artillery shells of your Fourth Army Regiment.

It is even more interesting to say that he would come to participate and then immediately change his words and say that the military situation is urgent and that he needs to attend the combat meeting. This is even more interesting. He not only showed his kindness to Tang Dao, a capable general who was favored by both the Sichuan Army and the Northeast Army, but also maintained a safe enough distance. .

What does this mean? It means that the elder has smelled the vigilance of the Tang Dao Four Elements Group.

As for a person of his level who could completely turn a blind eye to a small group leader like Tang Dao, but he still met Tang Dao for a few minutes and spoke with some words to Tang Dao. What does this mean?

Guess for yourself!

Smart people will naturally understand!

Judging from the decisiveness of the elder in the future to lead the army and civilians of the province to electrify the uprising, Tang Dao somewhat understood what he was thinking.

This person's political vision and structure are definitely superior to many important officials who seem to be in front of him.

What he means is, I don't care which side you Tang Dao joins in the future, as long as you are a Chinese soldier, serve this country and the nation, and when you reach my territory, I will protect you.

That's why Tang Dao didn't explain it in a long way, and just said, "The spirit of resistance will never be extinguished!" ’ to answer this person’s why.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the outcome will be the opposite.

Maybe they won't seize the Tang Dao, but the Four Elements Regiment doesn't even think about doing these things in the first battle zone.

If things don't go well, as soon as a military order is issued, his four-pronged regiment will have to march northwest overnight.

This should be the highest-ranking person Tang Dao has seen in this generation. His depth in the city is far greater than that of Wu, Guo, and Zhang who were purely soldiers.

Those three people have also experienced a lot in the officialdom, but after all, they are all in the military. They are a little more upright, but a little less tact, otherwise Commander Zhang would not be firmly covered by a big black pot. Then he finally proved himself by martyrdom for his country.

However, let Tang Dao choose, he would naturally prefer to deal with soldiers.

Chatting with a boss of this level can really tire you to death.

Fortunately, his purpose of coming to the First Theater Command was achieved...

In the next two days, the Si Xing Group was like a machine running at full capacity.

There are rehearsal programs for those with programs, and venue arrangements for those without programs.

The student company was entrusted with an important task, and basically all those with a little artistic talent were sent out by Teacher Xiao He to guide the companies. Even if there was really a performance of breaking a stone with the chest, it was not possible to just send a strong man to lie in the middle of the stage, and then another strong man came up to smash it, right? How could they say some lines?

Because the scale of the celebration of the Four-Line Group was expanded, not only the total of 5,000 soldiers and civilians in the town, but also the businessmen, market goers, and spectators in the town, all of whom were guests and had the right to sit at the table to eat, and finally there were celebrities who came from Zhengzhou City.

The mayor of the town, Huang Siren, had to be smart enough. It was the end of January, and most of the land around the town was dry land, and wheat seedlings were planted early. Grain is the lifeblood of farmers, so it can't be touched, but there are still many vegetable fields, right?

Anyway, the vegetables in the vegetable fields have been eaten up long ago, so it's better to use the vegetable garden of more than ten acres in the west of the town, flatten it with soil, and then use a stone roller to press it, so there is a place for the military parade, and enough area to watch the show.

You know what, once these ten acres of land are leveled, the area is larger than a regular football field, and there is no problem seating five or six thousand people.

Seeing that the residents of the town were busy making money, the Four-Line Regiment did not bother them. They dispatched a battalion of several hundred people to level the land and compact it, and then dispatched an infantry company of a hundred people to build the stage. In addition, two infantry companies were sent with professional carpenters to cut down trees to build long tables and benches, and the remaining 500 people were sent to build simple wooden sheds along the two sides of the rostrum being built.

The simple wooden sheds are of course prepared for those "social celebrities". It's not that Tang Dao wants to show the difference in class, but they come with gifts after all, so how can they feel that the money is worth it?

Just like the concerts in the future, the front row and the back row are not the same price, right?

These wooden sheds that can block the wind are the VIP rooms prepared by Tang Dao for them. Tang Dao even thoughtfully requested to prepare a charcoal basin in each wooden shed. Although the conditions are still simple, you just need to make these "celebrities" feel different from ordinary people sitting in the wild.

These things look difficult, but for the veterans of the Four Lines Regiment who are getting more and more accustomed to civil engineering operations, they are all easy to do.

More than a thousand veterans helped to dig trenches that stretched for thousands of meters on the Mouse Mountain, which was originally made of stones, not to mention these purely civilian projects. From the plan set on January 29 to the evening of January 30, a large-scale "concert center" with a certain scale had been completely built.

A stage made entirely of loess stood in front of an empty field the size of a football field. Twenty-five thatched huts, each accommodating more than 20 people and with three tables for eight people, were built in an arc along both sides of the empty field. As long as they were not shameless enough to come with a large family, this thatched hut could accommodate at least 600 people to watch the show and eat, which should be enough to accommodate those "celebrities" who paid.

On the other side of the empty field, 20 earthen stoves were built on the spot, and 20 large iron pots were already placed on them. Next to them was a pile of firewood as big as a small mountain, which was the waste left over from making tables, chairs and benches.

Zhuang Shisan was definitely a smart man. He asked people to chop these waste materials into firewood and keep them for backup.

Henan Province was really too cold in the coldest days of winter. When the north wind blew, the cold wind would penetrate into the bones. At that time, they had to review the troops, organize the show, and eat, which would take several hours. No matter how hard the soldiers resisted the cold, their runny noses were a natural reaction that could not be controlled by humans.

Don't let someone have a long snot hanging above his lip when entering the parade, and then be photographed by reporters. That would be embarrassing for the Four-Line Regiment.

Zhuang Shisan's plan is to light more than 20 bonfires around the open space before the parade begins, artificially heating up the space, even if it's a little more hot.

Of course, although this is not a battlefield, security protection is still necessary.

The Four-Line Regiment's alert started five miles away from the town. There were three layers of sentry boxes and mobile sentries. Even 1,000 meters north of the open space, three anti-aircraft machine gun positions were built, two in a group, and each anti-aircraft position had four groups, with a total of 24 heavy machine guns deployed, to prevent Japanese planes from attacking.

After all, the news that the Four-Line Regiment was going to hold a military-civilian party had already spread out, and the battlefield was more than 200 kilometers away. If the Japanese army had any intention, the Four-Line Regiment would not be willing to be slaughtered, and how could they bite off a few pieces of meat?

In order to prevent this, Gong Shaoxun personally arranged and deployed, and prepared for the entire regiment to evacuate the venue for air defense operations as soon as possible.

However, to ensure safety, except for the three infantry platoons drawn from three infantry battalions guarding the venue, all officers and soldiers entering the venue, only second lieutenants and above, were allowed to carry guns, and the rest were not allowed to carry guns. After the military parade, the guns were stored in a designated area and guarded by special personnel.

All preparations have been completed, just waiting for the New Year's Eve on January 31.

At seven or eight in the morning, there were already many rickshaws, horse-drawn carriages, cars, and even bicycles crowded on the simple road leading to the town. In order to grab the first prize, celebrities from all walks of life did not even sleep in.

With that situation, those who didn't know would think that this group of gentry and celebrities were going to travel together in winter!

The masters and mistresses naturally sat comfortably in carriages, cars or rickshaws. Those who rode bicycles were mostly servants or bodyguards of the family. They all dressed and moved in a similar manner, wearing a top hat, black clothes, bell-bottom pants and a pair of cloth shoes. They pedaled their bicycles hard and followed their masters' carriages.

Watching such a group of cars coming slowly from afar, Tang Dao, who had gotten up early to wait for these gods of wealth, smiled slightly. It doesn't matter whether the car is good or not, what matters is that the ticket money is in place.

Don't underestimate these "country bumpkins" sitting in the carriage. Any one of them can easily buy a courtyard house in Yanjing City.

In the future, those who open the horse-drawn spur can only stand at the gate of the courtyard and say "yeah" to check in!

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