Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 807 New Year's Parade (Part 1)

Leng Feng stood at the front of the entire queue. Next to him stood the flag guard holding the Blue Sky and White Sun Flag. On the right stood Peng Chong with a solemn expression and kept walking in place.

Then, a loud charge horn was heard coming from the stadium.

Leng Feng took two steps and suddenly stood upright, and let out a long roar of "stand still". The soldiers in the military formation of more than ten rows of soldiers behind him also collectively took two steps and stood upright, shouting collectively "stand still".

The long roar of "stand still" spread throughout the countryside, and the long dragon that was still slowly walking and squirming behind it seemed to have received an order from the brain.

"Dong dong" two muffled but almost shocking footsteps sounded, followed by silence.

The queue of soldiers standing straight like a forest was silent, and the people nearby and far away were also silent.

What is the whole? This is the whole. If the previous standing still gave people a kind of rhythmic beauty, then the silence that filled the place now was the most shocking expression of the people in the place who saw more than a thousand people suddenly changing from movement to silence amidst the sound of commands.

Before the colonel's staff member's mouth suddenly opened and he had no time to close it, the "Didi Didi" charge sounded again.

Just listen to the leader Leng Feng yell: "The security company directly under the headquarters of the Fourth Army Regiment, let's go together."

The ten rows of officers and soldiers behind him followed the flags of the flag guards, together with Leng Feng and Peng Chong who stood beside Leng Feng, and suddenly turned from silence to movement.

It was a ten by ten military formation, with a total of one hundred people!

This time, there were no loud footsteps, or the footsteps were not as loud as before when thousands of people stepped at the same time. However, the soldiers moved their legs and swung their arms at the same time, and the sound of the soldiers' uniforms rubbing together was not loud. The sound of neat footsteps was no less shocking than the movement caused by thousands of people just now.

Because only when they walked into the training ground, the crowd of onlookers could see the orderliness of the queue of officers and soldiers who began to march slowly from a closer distance.

Not only did everyone take almost the same steps, but the timing of waving their arms was also almost the same.

The neat steps and almost identical postures give people an extremely beautiful feeling, but more importantly, the momentum. The forest of steel guns held on the shoulders with one hand seems to show their fighting at this moment. determination and courage.

The people were shocked!

How do you describe that feeling? It was like there was an electric current passing through from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, and the hairs all over the body were about to explode!

If I had to use one word to describe it, it would be trembling!

Yes, tremble at the march of a centurion!

Since the early years of the Republic of China, China has never had peace for several years. The conquests caused by warlord separatism have never stopped, and the army is not that mysterious to these people.

There are those who have strict military discipline and do not harass the people, and there are also those who are vicious and fierce. Even if they are just passing by, if the villages and towns do not give out some labor supplies, then they will just go ahead and get it themselves.

The whole village, young and old, remained silent because they were afraid of the guns in the hands of soldiers, which meant death.

But this is the only group like the Si Xing Regiment that can make people tremble with trembling all over just by marching in a uniform manner and with their head held high and their chests held high with their guns still on their shoulders.

"The first unit that came to us was the guard company directly under the headquarters of our Fourth Army Regiment. This company was reorganized into a guard company from the battalion expansion of our regiment on the 20th. Its predecessor was the first company of the independent battalion directly under the 43rd Army. It is also an independent battalion sharp knife company. This company is composed of veterans of the 88th Division who have fought in Sihang Warehouse, and soldiers of the 43rd Army, 67th Army, and Songjiang Security Regiment who have fought in Songjiang. This company served as the arrowhead of the entire army in the battle of Jiaxing Battlefield, breaking away from the Fourth Army. The defense line of the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade made great contributions to the destruction of all the heavy artillery of the Japanese Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade;

The battle that best embodies the company's fearless fighting spirit should be during the Guangde Defense Battle two months ago. In order to cover the main force of our regiment in annihilating one of the Japanese invaders' Kunisaki detachment, we acted as a bait to attract the enemy's main force, and used the strength of the company to withstand it. Nearly 3,000 people, the main force of the Kunisaki detachment, besieged them all day and night.

They suffered more than 20 casualties and killed and wounded more than 300 Japanese invaders in the defensive battle. This was a heroic unit, so they were organized into a guard company during this expansion, and they also won the first prize in the regiment. The honor of entering.

The leader of the team is Major Leng Feng, the current commander of the 3rd Battalion and the former commander of the Sharp Knife Company. Major Leng Feng entered the battlefield at the beginning of the Songhu War. He has experienced dozens of large and small battlefields and personally killed more than 20 enemies."

The commentator is Tantai Mingyue. After nearly three months of fighting and marching together, Tantai Mingyue is already very familiar with many officers and soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment, let alone an officer like Leng Feng who is a high-ranking officer in the Four Lines Regiment.

In order to achieve this stage effect and the large number of audiences, the Four Elements Troupe specially found the largest theater in Zhengzhou two days ago and rented a full set of speakers, including microphones and speakers. The sound quality may not be comparable to that of the future, but In this era, if the people in an open area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters can hear the sound, it will be done!

Tantai Mingyue has seen many big scenes, but when he introduced the unit number, he was still a little excited and his voice trembled slightly.

That's because only she knew how tragic the battle scenes she described in an understatement were. After each battle, countless young people with pale faces were buried in the soil.

Behind each of the soldiers who are qualified to fight here are countless brothers who have died in battle.

Perhaps only soldiers and those who have had in-depth contact with them can understand this!

The people, on the other hand, are only interested in the outcome of victory or defeat.

For the first time, the reporter Tan Tai, who was standing on the earth platform in military uniform and looked heroic, did not attract much attention. Almost everyone's attention was focused on the team that was moving forward at a steady pace.

Especially the leader, who was tall and thin, with a dark but solemn face under the helmet, and heroic.

In other words, the golden triangular star on Leng Feng's collar added extra points to his cold and solemn appearance.

He was once the sharp knife company commander, now the major battalion commander, and had a record of killing more than 20 Japanese invaders. What kind of outstanding young man is this?

The people's praises were endless, but the "celebrities" who originally brought their daughters and nieces to see if there was a chance to "hook up" with Tang Tuanzuo had a vague look.

If the colonel is not possible, can't the major come to make up? Isn't the colonel promoted from the major?

Moreover, since this young man who strode forward could be the first officer to enter the venue, it already shows his importance in Tang Tuanzuo's mind. He must be the first confidant. Otherwise, how could he be given the most prominent opportunity?

It must be said that there is a reason why these people became "celebrities". Ordinary people are still trembling with this uniform pace and its amazing achievements, but they have already found "value" in it.

In Henan Province, where the phenomenon of favoring sons over daughters has always been very serious, it is definitely worthwhile for these "celebrities" to invest the fate of their daughters and nieces in a future.

"Little brother, is your battalion commander Leng married?" Immediately, a decisive person asked the lieutenant standing next to the straw hut.

"Military secrets, no comment! Also, please keep quiet!" The lieutenant looked straight ahead and replied coldly.

It's not that Leng Feng's marital status is a military secret, but this officer who happened to be from the Sihang Camp, when he heard Tan Tai Mingyue introduce the Sihang Battle, thinking about his comrades who died on the battlefield, was excited, but was interrupted by this ignorant master, asking about something irrelevant, how could he have a good tone.

A warm face was put on a cold butt. If it were normal, the man who was wearing an embroidered cotton robe and a top hat and had a high social status would definitely be furious, but at this time, he was very humble and slapped his mouth lightly as if he suddenly realized something: "Ouch! I almost forgot that we are still reviewing the military. Brother, you are right to criticize me. I will personally offer you a glass of wine to apologize later."

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person. People have said so, not to mention that he is a guest. The young lieutenant's face did not change, but he nodded in response, which was inevitable.

This is the ability. It doesn't matter if you can't get the news now. You can do it later. Even if Major Leng is married, there are still others! If the major is not okay, the captain is also an option.

Information is an extremely important factor in determining the success or failure of an investment!

Do you think Leng Feng and his former sharp knife company are done with?

No, they are not.

Being able to get the honor of being the first to enter the field is an honor in itself. Although the Four-line Regiment has been reorganized, the several large infantry companies are all reorganized as a whole, that is, there are only one battalion, two battalions, and three battalions in front.

For example, Li Jiujin's second company, Qian Dazhu's third company, and Zhao Daqiang's fourth company all performed well enough in the battles of Laoshu Mountain and Laojinkeng, and were no worse than the first company. However, Tang Dao still gave the first place to his first company, which was an unparalleled trust, and it was also a spur to the sharp knife company, which had become a guard company.

From today on, they can only become the strongest army of the Four-line Regiment, with no way out.

Afterwards, they also used their subsequent performance to prove the style of the strongest army of the Four-line Regiment.

Everyone only noticed their uniform steps, but few people noticed that the distance between each row was gradually widening as they moved forward. When people found that the distance between the two rows had been stretched to more than one meter and just began to wonder, the team was only twenty meters away from the rostrum where the Tang Dao Zhan stood.

"Look forward!" The leader Leng Feng suddenly roared again.

"One, two" the officers and soldiers in the queue responded loudly.

The sound was so loud that it was the loudest in the whole audience.

However, the roar of only a hundred people made people think that there were at least a thousand of them, and many people who were close couldn't help but cover their ears.

Before everyone came to their senses, the flag guard holding the national army's blue sky and white sun flag suddenly pointed the flag to the sky at a 45-degree angle, and his upper body remained straight, and he suddenly changed from a slow walk to a big step.

Leng Feng and the guard company commander Peng Chong beside him raised their right arms at the same time and saluted the standard national army, while looking up and sideways to the right in front of them.

"Hold the gun." Leng Feng continued to shout while striding forward.

The officers and soldiers in the queue kept the same stride as their superiors and continued to move forward a few steps. When their left foot landed, they moved the Zhongzheng rifle with a bayonet on their shoulders to their right shoulders with their right hands. At the same time, they took the rifle guard with their left hands. When their right foot moved forward one more step, they moved their right hands to hold the neck of the rifle. When their left foot landed, they pointed the rifle diagonally forward with both hands, with the gun facing upwards, and the tip of the bayonet was about the same height as each soldier's chin.

This was one of the queue movements that Tang Dao taught them two days ago. After two nights of hard practice, they finally achieved results.

Although it was not as neat as the queue that the soldiers were most familiar with before, it didn't matter. What mattered was the "splitting" of the gun.

Yes, "splitting the gun", the exciting action in the Chinese military parade nearly a hundred years later, was brought to this era by Tang Dao.

Steel guns were like a forest, and in the sound of loud footsteps, the shining bayonets in the winter sun made everyone's hair tremble.

The earth-shaking, uniform footsteps, coupled with the steel spikes that almost dazzled people's eyes, the queue of only a hundred people who came at this time seemed to be an inhuman, indestructible war machine in everyone's eyes and hearts, which made the crowd watching feel an extremely huge shock both from the eyes and from the heart, and they felt that they were like a mantis trying to stop a chariot and could not stop them from moving forward.

In front of such a queue, let alone these people, they gave people the illusion that even if there was a steel defense line in front of them, they could crush it with one foot.

Maybe most people just felt shocked, but for the colonel staff, it was no longer a shock, but a shock.

He finally understood why the Four-Line Regiment could repeatedly inflict heavy damage on the Japanese army, and in the almost irreversible trend, it could still bite off a piece of meat from the seemingly powerful Japanese army.

That is, the iron will to fight, and the discipline of resolutely executing the orders of the superiors.

If there is any hesitation, it is impossible to be so neat, this is discipline, and this is by no means something that can be developed in a day or two, it must be that the spirit of executing orders has been deeply rooted in the bones.

This is indeed the case. Those who were selected to participate in the military parade are all veterans in the guard company. The new recruits and those who cannot participate due to injuries can only attend and watch. After several consecutive battles, the resolute execution of the superiors' orders has been engraved in their bones like breathing. Only with this instinct can they make such neat tactical movements at this moment, which is almost the same as the effect achieved by day-to-day training.

The colonel staff took a deep breath.

There is no need to look at other things. Just this square formation of 100 people has clearly told him that the Four-Line Regiment has the soul of a strong army.

But he still underestimated the Four-Line Regiment.

The soul of the Four-Line Regiment's strong army is not in the formation, not in the external performance.

But in the heart!

The Four-Line Regiment will gradually show their strength.

However, no matter how much those people with ulterior motives try to spy on, it is useless. Even without those equipment, the Four-Line Regiment is still strong.

Because, those who died and those who are still alive, they really fought together! For themselves, for their comrades, and for those Chinese who have the same blood and are struggling in the flames of war.

Death is not scary; live, continue to fight!

This is the true soul of a strong army!


As for those peepers who want to spy on the equipment and personnel of the Four-Line Regiment the most.

I am afraid that they are destined to be disappointed today.

In order to keep secrets, all the companies participating in the parade formations are basically in the form of selection. Except for the guard company participating in the parade with a scale of 100 people, the other companies have 90 people, some have 80 people, and the smallest formation is even less unbelievable.

As for the confidentiality of equipment, the Four-Line Regiment also did a good job. All infantry companies participating in the military parade were not allowed to carry machine guns, and the Czech rifles that had been equipped to the troops were not allowed to be brought into the venue. Therefore, the infantry still carried the Zhongzheng rifles that had been replaced. Those newer Czech semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns were not allowed to be equipped. Even the pistols worn by officers were all Mauser pistols.

Anyway, for ordinary people, as long as it is a gun, it can kill people. They don’t know that there is a lot of knowledge in this gun. Semi-automatic rifles and bolt-action single-shot rifles are completely the products of two different eras.

But even so, all Zhongzheng rifles are powerful enough. That is the equipment that only the most elite troops in China can have.

Here, the first square formation officially walked past the rostrum.

"Brothers, you have worked hard!" Tang Dao also solemnly raised his hand to salute when the queue passed by him.

The colonel staff subconsciously stood straight and raised his right hand. Those officers and soldiers who stepped proudly in front of him deserved it.

"Master, you have worked hard!" The marching queue roared in unison.

"Long live the Chinese soldiers!" Tang Dao roared again.

"Long live the motherland!"

"Long live the Chinese nation!"

The soldiers roared again in unison.

The roar was earth-shaking and echoed in the four fields.

The 'celebrity' looked at each other in bewilderment.

They were experienced people, and the slogan of the Four-Line Regiment was really loud. Long live the Chinese soldiers, long live the motherland, long live the nation.

Shouting like this is of course very positive energy, but what if it is spread by someone with ulterior motives?

The slogans shouted loudly by the soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment convey a signal that they will not be loyal to someone, but to the nation.

Yes, these soldiers are always loyal to their motherland and nation, China and the Chinese nation.

This is how they told everyone here in a deafening way.

The life experience of the 'celebrity' told them that shouting like this seems to make some people unhappy, but when listening to this slogan, people always have something unspeakable surging in their chests, as if they would not feel happy if they did not shout it out with them.

If they wait a few more years and see the Chinese military parade that is many times larger than this one, they will understand the emotion that surges in their hearts that they don’t even know what it is.

National pride!

Only those who consider themselves as part of the Chinese nation will feel that emotion when they hear the words "Long live China! Long live the Chinese nation."

They of this era do not lack national pride, but they have not yet awakened.

But now, the emotion has begun to surge!

This is what Tang Dao really wants to tell them.

A true Chinese is willing to sacrifice himself for this country and nation.

Even if he dies in pieces, so what!

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