Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 809 New Year's Parade (Part 2)

The two fireworks in the distance were ignited by four cannons and four shells, which directly ignited the enthusiasm of the people.

Compared with the momentum of the four infantry companies in front of them stepping on the rostrum with swords and guns like a forest, the live ammunition shooting with the deafening sound of artillery is obviously more directly stimulating to human senses.

"Chinese artillery, good job!" Outside the open field, many people waved their cotton hats and cheered.

There is no way, this is the effect of live ammunition.

The momentum of "I am invincible" shown by the infantry is like the deep spiritual needs of human needs, which is very touching and can accumulate emotions, but the artillery used the simplest and crudest "physiological" stimulation, and the sense of pleasure was also very strong.

The key is that the artillery of the artillery company hit the point in the hearts of the people very accurately, nothing else, just accurate!

What's more, the officers and soldiers of the artillery company are all handsome guys today. They are in neat uniforms and energetic, showing the military temperament to the fullest. Not to mention them, even the huge company commander with a big head and thick neck who looks like a cook has an indescribable masculinity in the eyes of many women.

Although he didn't show much, Cheng Tieshou, who always stood in front of the rostrum like a green pine with half a square of artillery soldiers, is not to mention that his big black face, which was invisible at night without any disguise, is now shining handsomely.

Although not many people can see his eyebrows and eyes under the helmet, this can't stop him from becoming the man who is asked most about whether he is married after Major Leng Feng.

After all, the manly company commander Pang Da is over 30 years old. In this age, there are not many bachelors, especially for an army captain.

At the same time, it also interprets a truth: men still have to rely on talent to make a living at any time.

The public's emotions have been completely aroused by the performance of the artillery company. The noisy sound waves almost covered the roar of the artillery company's slogans as they packed up their equipment and left the rostrum.

Including the colonel staff, everyone thought that this was the climax of the Four-Line Regiment's military parade.

Because, the previous introduction has made it clear that the four infantry company squares are already the four main infantry companies of the 43rd Army Independent Battalion, the predecessor of the Four-Line Regiment. Their military exploits are already unmatched; and the artillery company has basically pulled out all their equipped artillery for display, 37mm anti-tank guns that can break armor and fortifications, machine guns that can be used for both high and low altitudes, 70mm infantry guns and 75mm mountain guns captured from the Japanese army, not to mention a regimental-level unit, even an army division would be proud of it.

Whether it is the spirit of the officers and soldiers or the equipment, they are all the style of a strong army.

Just based on this, the effect of the Four-Line Regiment's New Year's parade today has been achieved.

But everyone underestimated the Tang Dao, or underestimated the Four-Line Regiment.

The real climax has just begun and is far from reaching the peak.

Next, there is a special forces company phalanx composed of engineers, medical soldiers, and communication soldiers, a baggage soldier phalanx, and a phalanx of 50 new recruits drawn from the 500 new recruits. They represent not the front-line infantry, but the auxiliary soldiers and the fresh blood supplemented by the four-line regiment.

Although it is not as exciting as the previous one, it also allows people to clearly see the strength of the four-line regiment, and it makes everyone's emotions slightly eased from the excitement.

Then, there is a cavalry phalanx composed of 30 cavalrymen. The cavalrymen began to accelerate from the entrance, and the rumbling sound of horse hooves resounded throughout the venue, raising the emotions that had just calmed down again.

In the era of cold weapons, cavalry is the trump card no matter which country it is. It is not only its huge lethality and speed, but more of a momentum.

Although the cavalry phalanx of the four-row regiment only had 30 horses and did not run at full speed, but only increased the speed to medium speed, the thunderous sound of horse hooves and the fierce momentum that came in front of them made the people facing them hold their breath at that moment.

Especially when they arrived at the direction of the rostrum, pulled the reins suddenly, slowed down the speed of the horses, and drew out the sharp sabers in unison and placed them on their chests.

They were performing the saber salute unique to cavalry to their supreme commander!

But the sword light was so cold that the eyelids of the people who were only 20 meters away from them wanted to jump involuntarily.

That was the instinctive fear of humans for ferocious creatures!

Even if the cavalry had no intention of killing, the shiny sabers showed their unique ferocity to all the people. The blades swung from the backs of the horses were not just sharp.

That could only bring death.

Tan Tai Ming Yue's voice echoed in everyone's ears: "These are cavalry soldiers from the 67th Army. They participated in the reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance battles outside Songjiang City. Under their swords, a whole Japanese cavalry squadron fell. The enemy, from the major cavalry battalion commander to the cavalry corporal, was not spared.

At the same time, they participated in the outer reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance operations of all the battles of the Four-Line Regiment. They even acted as bait in the Battle of Baihe Port, inducing Japanese planes to dive and attack, so that the anti-aircraft machine guns ambushed on the ground could severely damage the Japanese fighter planes.

Their military exploits were brilliant, but the losses were huge. Hundreds of Northeast Army cavalry elites who came from the northern battlefield thousands of miles away, only dozens of cavalry are left now!"

The leader of the cavalry square was a captain cavalry company commander of the original 67th Army, and Lv Sanjiang was just a member of the cavalry array.

Originally, he just held the knife in front of his chest, and with a grim face, he slowly retreated to the distance with the cavalry array.

The bright knife light reflected his increasingly mature face under the winter sun. The cavalry lieutenant had long lost the immaturity of entering the battlefield two months ago. His resolute eyes and the hard stubble under his chin all showed that he was becoming more and more like a seasoned soldier.

The battle outside Songjiang City was the most glorious time for him as a new cavalryman. He and the old squad leader personally acted as bait to lure nearly a hundred elite Japanese cavalrymen into the encirclement and wiped them out. The two were commended by the battalion headquarters and reported to the military for approval, and finally won the Baoding Medal.

When Tan Tai Mingyue said this, Lu Sanjiang's eyes were not proud.

Honor, for the cavalry lieutenant who had gradually matured, was not as important as he had imagined when he entered the barracks.

Because he missed the old squad leader, if he was asked to exchange everything he had now for the old squad leader's life, he would definitely not hesitate.

So, when Tan Tai Mingyue talked about the battle of Baihe Port, the cavalry lieutenant who was still resolute just now finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Old squad leader, I have done what you taught me. I have no fear, I am highly focused, I hold my saber tightly, I pierce the enemy's chest, and I will never leave without fighting!

I am alive, and the enemies fall under my sword one by one, but you can't see it all! Old squad leader, I miss you! Lv Sanjiang burst into a cry in his heart!

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, unscrupulously flowing on his face, accompanied by the ups and downs of the horse's back, and rolled on the horse's neck.

The warhorse has long been in tune with its comrades, feeling the strong sadness and longing in the hearts of its comrades, slowing down its pace, looking up at the sky and neighing!

That was the horse telling the comrade sitting on its back: Don't be sad, I will accompany you until the end of your life!

A horse neigh, and a group of war horses neighed in unison!

It was not until the cavalry company soldiers put the saber back into the knife bag, jumped off the horse, patted the neck of the comrade and comforted him softly, that the restless war horses calmed down.

Perhaps the people watching outside the field did not understand the wonderful connection between the cavalry and the war horses, but they could vaguely feel the tragic neighing of the war horses, which was a special fighting mode for the cavalry and the war horses.

The man is alive as long as the horse is alive, and the horse dies as long as the man dies!

The dust raised by the cavalry's hooves was overwhelming, causing the figures of the square array entering the field behind them to be covered by the dust.

However, there were too few figures!

When the dust was gradually blown away by the wind, the formation that appeared in front of everyone was really shocking.

There were only three people in total!

Two captains walked slowly side by side in front, and a soldier followed behind them.

As the three-person formation gradually approached, the two captains walked slowly, as if they were having difficulty walking, and the soldier was a young soldier, with a tender face that was definitely no more than sixteen years old!

What does this mean?

Everyone in the audience looked at each other, not knowing what was going on!

Until Tan Tai Ming Yue's voice sounded softly: "Now coming towards us is a square formation composed of all officers and soldiers of the 7th Infantry Company and the 9th Infantry Company under the 145th Division of the 21st Army of the former Sichuan Army!"

The whole audience suddenly fell silent!

Two infantry companies, no matter how short of soldiers they are, will never be less than 200 people! Why only three people?

And even if the IQ is not online, you know that in such an important occasion, the female commentator of the Four Lines Group will not make such a fatal introduction mistake.

There is only one possibility, two infantry companies, only three people left.

"The Second Company was ordered to cooperate with our Fourth Line Regiment to defend the Laoshu Mountain position and hold the No. 3 Highland of Laoshu Mountain to block the Japanese invaders. The Japanese invaders attacked the No. 3 Highland with two infantry battalions and heavy artillery for a day and night. All the officers and soldiers of the Second Company held on to the position and killed and wounded thousands of Japanese soldiers. When the highland finally fell, they called on our artillery to bomb indiscriminately." Tan Tai Mingyue took a deep breath, suppressed her inner excitement, and tried her best to tell this battle example that she had already known by heart.

"Yes, when our army supported Hill No. 3 late at night and searched for survivors, we only found one person, one of the two company commanders you see now. In the bomb crater, he was pinned down by his soldiers. He survived by chance, but almost all his soldiers died.

As a company commander, he called at the last moment to request indiscriminate bombardment to protect the position, fulfilling his responsibility as the commander of the position. His soldiers, at the last moment of their lives, used their bodies to protect their superiors and fulfilled their responsibilities as soldiers!

And the reason why you can still see the last soldier in the second company is that the remnants of the two companies The brothers drew lots to select this soldier who was less than sixteen years old to escort another company commander who had been seriously injured!

So, please don't underestimate this miniature square formation, because that's all they have!

But please don't pity them. The headquarters of the Four-Line Regiment has decided that in the near future, these two infantry companies will be rebuilt and named Steel Seventh Company and Iron Nineth Company! ”

As Wei Donglai and Cai Yongguan saluted the rostrum, the Tang Dao returned the salute, and the colonel staff returned the salute solemnly. The three-person square formation held their heads high and chests high, just like the previous infantry companies, roaring in unison, "Long live the motherland! Long live the Chinese nation!" and stepped forward.

It seemed that there were not three people, but three hundred people!

The whole audience was silent, and everyone stared at the passionate and heroic three people.

The applause sounded like thunder! It didn't stop for a long time.

It was even more intense than the fireworks set off by the artillery company with live ammunition.

Many people had already vaguely understood by this time that the military parade of the Four-Line Regiment was not just a display of bravery, but more of a commemoration, a commemoration of sacrifice.

The New Year is the most traditional and solemn festival of the Chinese nation. They hope that their brothers in heaven can also see it.

However, what really set off the climax of the parade was the last phalanx to enter - the phalanx of retired soldiers.

Yes, the Si Xing Regiment has a group of wounded soldiers who are about to retire.

It's really because of their injuries that they can no longer serve.

The Four Lines Regiment has never abandoned a wounded soldier. No matter how serious the injury is, they would rather not have supplies and weapons, but someone must carry the wounded soldier away.

This was an iron order given by Tang Dao himself at the beginning of the establishment of the Independent Battalion. Anyone who did not comply would be punished according to wartime military laws.

There may be many people who criticize this military order and think it is the most useless kindness in the bloody battlefield, but only those ordinary soldiers know that it is because of this military order that they dare to die.

Because what they fear most is not death, but the helplessness of being ruthlessly abandoned when they are seriously injured and unable to decide their own death. They have seen many wounded soldiers trampled to death by Japanese war horses. Military bayonets were used to hold up wounded soldiers who were in pain and death.

No one wants to be the star of that scene.

The wounded soldiers were transported to the rear medical team for treatment. Fortunately, they survived, but many lost their legs and arms and could no longer serve. According to military regulations, they had to retire.

Tang Dao promised them that their retirement ceremony would be held after the Four Elements Group arrived at their destination. Those who wanted to return to their hometowns would be given sufficient travel expenses and pensions. Those who did not want to go home, Tang Dao would also make arrangements for them nearby. It depends on their choice.

Generally speaking, the last phalanx to enter is the finale and a symbol of glory. Now Tang Dao will leave this honor to these wounded soldiers who have to retire.

No one objects to Tang Dao's decision. Even if these wounded soldiers retire due to injuries, they will always be soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment and a part of the Four Lines Regiment. They have never changed.

This phalanx composed of twenty-six people did not move as neatly as the previous soldiers, although they had worked very hard to keep it neatly.

Some were on crutches, and some were missing arms. Their physical disabilities made it extremely difficult for them to keep their movements completely consistent.

However, when the final phalanx entered the scene, the crowd remained silent. In the entire training ground, there were only the footsteps of the phalanx of wounded soldiers who were not particularly orderly, and their slightly heavy and laborious movements in order to keep the formation orderly. Breathing.

"What is coming to us now is the phalanx of soldiers who are about to retire. There is no need for any unnecessary introduction to them. The scars on their bodies are proof of their merits. Here, on behalf of all the soldiers of our Four Lines Regiment, I would like to give them a word: Veterans , won’t die!”

This time, it was not Tantai Mingyue who was explaining, but Tang Dao himself who stood in front of the microphone. His metallic voice spread throughout the audience through the speakers: "Everyone here, salute our comrades!"

With a sound of "Shua!", all the soldiers present raised their right arms.

Without waiting for the wounded soldiers to salute first, the colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors and recruits who had not yet worn their military ranks all present saluted the wounded soldiers.

"Old soldiers never die!" Teacher Xiao He, who was standing far away and was not qualified to participate in this military parade, couldn't help repeating Tang Dao's words, and sighed to Tantai Yunshu, who was standing next to her: "Mr. Tantai, you have a noble vision. What a vision to find such a talented husband!"

"There! There!" The middle-aged handsome man stroked his long beard modestly, glanced at his talented little colleague from the corner of his eye, and murmured in his heart.

Others didn't know how powerful the little girl in front of him was, but he knew that not only was her family background not inferior to his Tantai family, but she also had the reputation of being the number one genius student in the physics department of Huaqing University. That Professor Ye was right The evaluation of his proud disciple is even more touching.

He said: If he can make further progress in his studies, he will definitely become a leader in Chinese physics research.

This is also one of the reasons that impressed the president of Jinling University to hire her as a lecturer at the school. Otherwise, how could China's First University easily let a young woman of no more than 20 years old serve as a professional teacher in such an important department.

We still need to get the two young people married as soon as possible! The middle-aged handsome uncle has an unprecedented crisis.

This is not to say that Lao Tantai, who has read thousands of sails, is petty, but that Tang Dao is really too good. The closer you get to him, the more profound you can feel the depth of his world. It seems that there is no one in the world who does not know him. There is no problem that he cannot solve.

Just like now, a small military parade was actually performed by him so magnificently. Both ordinary people and 'celebrities' who had seen the big world were walking according to his rhythm. Many people's eyes were red and red, especially It was when the retired soldiers walked out of the phalanx that tears streamed down their faces without even knowing it.

Yes, those soldiers who can't even walk are worthy of everyone's respect. They are missing a leg and some are missing an arm. They seem to be struggling, but they still have different eyes. Although they are staggering, they still hold their heads high. .

"Salute to our comrades!" The second lieutenant who was leading the veteran phalanx, leaning on a cane and wearing a sixth-class Baoding medal with only one left arm, shouted sternly with tears in his eyes.

At the same time, the second lieutenant clamped the crutch tightly and tried to raise his left hand, performing a not very standard military salute.

That was the standard of his best.

Many people are familiar with the young second lieutenant. He was a platoon leader of Leng Feng's company. He was hit by the Japanese infantry artillery three meters away during the Qinglongling defense battle. One arm was blown off and half of his foot was lost. After he was treated, he heard that he had to retire because he could not fight or even complete the logistics work. He cried and vowed not to leave, but in the end he chose to accept it.

Standing in the distance, Leng Feng's face, which was always cold, was like a cold stone, but tears were hidden in his eyes covered by the shadow of the helmet brim.

How could he not be sad? That was the soldier he had followed for three years, from a private to a corporal, and then promoted to a second lieutenant platoon leader because of his military merits. In the end, he came forward and talked with the second lieutenant for a night, and finally persuaded him to accept the fact of retirement.

He must have tears in his eyes. Among the 26 retired soldiers, his company had the fewest soldiers, only 3, but that was because most of his soldiers died of serious injuries. Among the 16 seriously injured soldiers in Qinglongling, only 7 survived and 4 picked up their beloved guns again.

Although the military salute performed by the second lieutenant looked a little awkward, many women's eyes flashed with tears like his.

From his tears, no one doubted the determination represented by it. Everyone believed that if necessary, he would pick up the steel gun just like his strong and powerful hand.

What made more people cry was the arms raised at the same time in the square formation.

Those with right arms raised their right arms, those without right arms raised their left arms, and those with right arms but no hands raised their bare arms without hesitation and put them on their eyebrows. Two soldiers originally used their right hands to support their crutches, but when they heard the command "Salute to comrades!", they resolutely handed the crutches to their left hands, raised their right hands high, and jumped forward in the team with difficulty on one leg.

What kind of spirit is this! What kind of touching feeling is this!

Although their footsteps are not as earth-shaking as those of the infantry, and their hands do not have the shining bayonets and steel guns like the previous infantry, they do not have the god of war that can destroy everything like the artillery battalion. However, the raised and broken arms seem to be more frightening than the steel guns, and the footsteps of the one-legged jump are like a thunder from the sky, exploding in people's hearts, making you tremble incomparably, and every cell in your body is trembling for it.

This scene made countless people's faces full of tears without knowing it.

I don't know who took the lead, raising their arms and shouting loudly: "China, will win!"

"China, will win!" All the officers and soldiers of the Four Lines Group present shouted together.

"China, will win!" All the people in the audience followed together.

At the end of the war diary of that day, Tan Tai Ming Yue wrote:

When I saw two wounded soldiers who were about to retire salute with their right hands and jump forward with their only remaining left legs, and the empty trouser legs of their right legs swung empty with the beating wind, I finally couldn't hold back my tears.

Although their bodies were broken and they could no longer fight bravely as they once did, they were just like what their regimental commander said: old soldiers never die!

What was broken was the body, but what was immortal was the spirit. If the country and the nation needed it, they would still pick up their guns again, no matter what kind of gunfire and rain of bullets were ahead.

The slogan of "must win" that spread throughout the four fields resounded for a full ten minutes until they were hoarse!

At that moment, there was no distinction between soldiers, celebrities, and civilians. They had only one identity, Chinese!

Because of these soldiers, they finally saw the hope of victory in the bad news of defeat again and again.

They had never been so firm in believing that China would win this war.

Even those gloomy eyes hidden in the corners, looking at the tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians cheering, could not help but lose focus for a moment.

This is the purpose of the Four-Line Regiment Military Review!

What is reviewed is not the bravery, but the spirit of the War of Resistance! Only the spirit can not be defeated or destroyed by guns, cannons, planes, and ships...

PS: This chapter is a bit long and difficult to write, so it is a bit late, please forgive me!

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