Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 828: As fast as they come, they run away!

"Commander!" Leng Feng, who was closest to Tang Dao, screamed in surprise.

Leng Feng wanted to throw the bayonet in his hand to save Tang Dao, but the Shuiyueliu master opposite him slashed with a knife, and the warrior's instinct made him raise his knife to block it.

Leng Feng missed the only chance to save his commander.

In a flash, the knife light slashed at Tang Dao, who seemed dizzy and staggering.

"Jia Yi, retreat." Unlike Leng Feng, Fujiwara Zhanxiong, who was also dizzy, had a drastic change of expression and shouted loudly to remind his subordinates.

The reason was simple. He had regarded Tang Dao as an opponent of the same level. The collision of their heads caused both of them to suffer heavy injuries, but he could still maintain his balance. Why should Tang Dao be so miserable?

Unless there was only one possibility, he had another conspiracy. Fujiwara Zhanxiong had never been so afraid of anyone in his life, but today he really had one.

The Tang sword is more valiant than what is described in the data. In terms of cunningness, it is the only one Fujiwara Sen's life has ever seen.

Why did the master let him retreat? The old Japanese swordsman's face changed after he slashed with all his strength and the sword force was completely used up. This roar reminded him of Yue Zong who died under the steel thorn of the Tang sword. That swordsmanship master of Shuiyueliu stabbed with confidence, and then, there was no more.

He was immediately terrified.

Unfortunately, in order to cut off this terrible Chinese man who could fight with the master to a loss, the Japanese swordsman had almost used 90% of his strength. This sword was not something he could just withdraw.

Even though he was already afraid and instinctively wanted to withdraw the sword, the sword force did not decrease, but he no longer had the previous indomitable momentum.

Fujiwara Sen's shout was not only of no help to him, but in a sense, it even reduced the lethality of his subordinate's sword.

The most taboo in fighting is hesitation, and this Japanese swordsman made all the mistakes.

Then, he could only die.

Tang Dao did not dodge or evade the hesitant sword attack from behind. Just like blocking the blade of Fujiwara Sen's, he slightly turned his body and blocked the lightning-like sword light with his arm.

However, this time it was his left arm.

The Japanese swordsman had no excitement of cutting his opponent's flesh and blood in half with one sword. His eyes could not help but glance at the dark steel thorn lying quietly on the ground. He clearly remembered that Tang Dao's individual weapons had all been taken away from his master.

The fact that the steel thorn was still in place made him feel a little relieved.

But how could anyone be distracted in this lightning moment, especially in front of a master like Tang Dao?

Especially who told you that Tang Tuanzuo could not carry two steel thorns?

Among the people present, the only one who knew that Tang Dao had another steel thorn, except Tang Dao himself, was probably his opponent Fujiwara Sen's.

Because, Tang Dao's arm hurt just now, but he was sure that someone else's arm would hurt more, even if he poured iron juice on his arm every day.

Speaking of which, Fujiwara Zhanxiong inexplicably admired Tang Dao for being so bold that he dared to force him to give up his sword in that way, but didn't Tang Dao also "admire" him?

In that attack just now, Fujiwara Zhanxiong used his arm to fight against the special short-handled three-edged military thorn tied to his arm. If it wasn't a fracture, it was at least a bone fracture. He didn't change his face and used his head to fight against him again.

That's right, if the steel thorn hidden in the Tang Dao hadn't broken his right arm bone, Fujiwara Zhanxiong would not have used his head to fight against the Tang Dao. That's because he was also forced into a desperate situation. If he didn't put on the bullshit posture of pursuing the ultimate in martial arts and didn't fight with Tang Dao, he might not have this opportunity in the future.

This should be the legendary mutual "appreciation"!

The pair of men who "admire" each other both want to kill each other, but they don't have the ability yet, but that doesn't mean that others can interfere in this delicate balance...

The knife chopped Tang Dao's arm as expected, but what came was a sharp "clang" sound of metal touching. Tang Dao's arm rushed forward along the blade, in Jia Yi's horrified eyes.

He was about to move his wrist to lift the blade, but Tang Dao, whose sleeves had been cut off, suddenly grabbed his hand.

The handshake between two men, especially two hostile men, never ends well.

Song Qingshu of the 89th Division has a personal experience of this. The blood red on his hand has not faded even in the New Year, and the bright red is very pleasing.

As for the Japanese, Tang Dao will never hold back.

Tang Dao opened his eyes angrily, burst out with all his strength, and suddenly pinched with one hand. With a click, he actually broke several finger bones of the Japanese swordsman.

"Ah!" The Japanese swordsman's scream was like a lone wolf shot.

But this was not the final injury. Tang Dao suddenly pulled back and pulled the Japanese swordsman, whose face changed drastically, into his arms.

Not only was Tang Dao's broad arms welcoming him, but also Tang Dao's slightly ferocious face, which was covered in blood, seemed to feel that he should stop the pain with pain, and seemed to be addicted to hitting with his head. Tang Dao headbutted the Japanese swordsman directly in the face.

This time, blood flew out seven or eight meters away.

"Ah!!" The Japanese swordsman's howl was like a lone wolf shot. Not only was it distant, but it also had a few tremors.

It was probably because the air flow was too fast, so that the little tongue couldn't help but tremble.

Even though the three girls hiding in the corner of the box could no longer see the situation outside, they could still tell from the miserable shouts that a Japanese was going to die, and it was a very miserable death.

"Captain Tang, kill the little Japanese!" Teacher Xiao He clenched her fists and opened her almond eyes wide.

This might be the first time in the life of the future scientific giant who came from a scholarly family in Jiangnan and graduated from China's highest institution of learning that he cursed.

If Professor Ye, who had many students all over the world, heard this, he might bring his disciples who would occupy half of the Chinese physics world in the future to find trouble with Mr. Tang. If it wasn't for this rough guy, how could the first genius girl in the Department of Physics of Huaqing University become like this!

Holding a gun and cursing, she was like a bandit woman.

But that feeling was so cool!

At least in Teacher Xiao He's extremely full emotions at this time, this was the feeling. If cursing could kill people, she might have held a gun and chattered to support the great commander Tang.

Or, her roar did work.

Tang Dao, who was dizzy and buzzing in his head, became even more ferocious when he thought of the three women in the house who were threatened by the Japanese.

"I'll fuck you! Die for me!" Tang Dao roared and hit him again.

Tang Dao's forehead was bloody, but the Japanese swordsman whose fragile face was hit was even more miserable.

The huge pressure generated by two consecutive violent collisions almost squeezed the swordsman's eyeballs.

Of course, although this was a serious injury, it was not enough to kill a master who had practiced martial arts for twenty years. The hard skull broke his nose and inserted into his brain, which was the main cause of the swordsman's death.

Just like throwing away the garbage, he threw away the Japanese swordsman who had lost his sword and rolled on the ground with his hands covering his face. Tang Dao shook his dizzy head slightly, and a rain of blood fell from his hair, and the strong smell of blood filled the whole place.

The Japanese present were collectively horrified.

Tang Dao's tactics were indeed cunning, and he took advantage of the mistakes made by the Japanese to kill two people in a row, but that would only make the opponent more vigilant.

But the ferocity of killing people without a knife, only using the head, really scared the Japanese.

The Shuiyueliu master who was fighting with Leng Feng felt his legs a little weak at that moment. He had seen people who killed people like flies, but he had never seen such a terrible guy who wanted to kill himself. He could have killed people without using his head just now, and could have killed people with his legs and knees.

In his understanding of killing, smashing the opponent's throat or smashing the enemy's vitals with his knees can kill Jia Yi, who has lost most of his resistance, even if Jia Yi is one of the top five swordsmanship masters in this trip.

Tang Dao didn't think so. Those two methods were too time-consuming. He needed to solve the opponent in the shortest time, and using the head was the best choice.

Even if Fujiwara Zhanxiong wanted to come up to help despite his injuries, Tang Dao could bite off the throat of the Japanese in his arms, and then spit the throat tissue in his mouth at Fujiwara Zhanxiong as a hidden weapon.

This is the battlefield, and you must do whatever you want!

In this regard, compared with Tang Dao, a veteran who has been tempered on the battlefield for more than ten years, these masters who have been trained every day on the training ground are not even worthy of Tang Dao.

Without even looking at the Japanese Suigetsu master whose swordsmanship was already a bit messy, Tang Dao looked at Fujiwara Zhanxiong who was watching him hit his subordinates twice in a row but did not move, and smiled with white teeth: "Well, Zhanxiong, little devil, come on, do it again."

Fujiwara Zhanxiong, who stood there for more than ten seconds, shook his head, "Mr. Tang, you are much stronger than I thought, I can't kill you today", and looked at the family heirloom sword lying quietly on the ground five meters away from him with regret, "I will deposit the Fujiwara family's sword with you first, and I will find Mr. Tang to take it back when we meet in the future."

After saying that, a clear whistle sounded from his mouth, which should be to notify his subordinates to retreat.

Then, his figure retreated like lightning without stopping, even faster than his inhuman speed of attack.

"Also, Mr. Tang, if we meet again in the future, please call me Fujiwara Sen'o, no need to call me a devil. My Japanese people are not what you think." The voice of Fujiwara Sen'o, who had already jumped downstairs, came from afar.

Tang Dao looked at the direction where Fujiwara Sen'o left with complicated eyes, but he rarely chased after the Japanese as he did in the past.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't.

However, the short fight of more than a minute really consumed all of Tang Dao's mind and energy. If Fujiwara Sen'o had the courage to rush up again, he would find that the power of the terrifying guy just now was far less than before.

Unfortunately, a warrior with a broken arm bone would not easily put himself in danger, so he retreated very "wisely".

The Japanese in the building received the retreat signal and once again demonstrated their excellent execution ability, including the Japanese swordsman on the other side of the window, who threw a pellet and hit the floor. Smoke rose up, and the swordsman escaped from the small building like a frightened rabbit with a few jumps under the cover of the smoke.

Tang Daoyi was powerless to chase him, but he could still stand up straight.

He reached out to take off the steel spike on his arm, and looked at the Shuiyueliu master who was entangled by Leng Feng and could not retreat for a while.

Yes, the Shuiyueliu master named ‘Sanri’ did not want to leave, but his opponent Leng Feng was not a rookie, so he could come and go as he pleased.

As long as he dared to retreat, the sharp bayonet would be thrown at his back.

This is really a very frustrating thing. With this person's skills, it was not too difficult to take down Leng Feng who was holding only a bayonet. However, Leng Feng was just like his boss, and he wanted to die together at any time, which made the Shuiyueliu master afraid to use his weapons.

It was like a lion meeting a porcupine. If you want to eat meat without being stabbed, you can only take it slowly.

Who knew that it would turn into the current bad situation after such a delay. The boss said hello without martial ethics and slipped away, while the boss who was comparable to the devil on the other side was still there.

Moreover, he took up the military bayonet and looked at him.

In the corner of his eyes, the Tang Dao grinned, full of red teeth, like an ancient wild beast that had just devoured flesh and blood.

The Shuiyueliu master couldn't help but cramp a little in his calf, but in his heart he cursed Fujiwara Zhanxiong.

He was desperately thinking about a way to escape in his mind, and the knife in his hand was naturally a bit messy.

The Japanese swordsman, whose mind was completely confused, naturally ignored the gun sticking out of the window.

That belonged to Erya.

At the moment when Fujiwara Sen's speech was about to leave, Erya approached the window with a Mauser pistol. His duty was to be the last barrier for Tan Tai Ming Yue and others. He had killed two Japanese swordsmen in a row before, which proved that he did a good job, but he was also Tang Dao's orderly, and he was also concerned about Tang Dao's situation.

Seeing that the enemy was about to retreat, he naturally sneaked to the window to observe the battlefield.

Then, he saw Tang Dao's bright smile at him.

Seeing that the commander could still smile brightly despite the blood on his head, Erya's heart was completely relaxed. He was sure that they had won the battle ambushed by the Japanese.

Yes, Tang Dao smiled at the Japanese, he smiled at Erya.

'Sanri' was too self-indulgent!

"Sanri" finally pulled away a little, raised his hand, and a smoke ball was about to fall to the ground.

If nothing unexpected happened, he could have escaped.

The smoke in the box rose earlier than the smoke on the ground, which was caused by the continuous shooting of Erya's Mauser pistol.

The crazy jumping muzzle poured out more than a dozen bullets in two seconds.

As the thick smoke rose on the ground, the unlucky child 'Sanri' was shot into a sieve and lay on the ground with only sobs.

"Why?" The master of Shuiyueliu wanted to ask, we all use cold weapons, why are you Chinese so unruly.

It's very simple! The Japanese were afraid of alerting the garrison, and Tang Dao and his men were not afraid. It was also Tang Dao who was a little careless and did not let Leng Feng go out with a submachine gun on his back. Otherwise, it would give Fujiwara Zhanxiong so many opportunities to show off.

Two Mauser pistols plus a submachine gun formed a triangular defensive firepower point at the stairs. Unless there was an infantry gun, the Japanese could not attack in ten minutes.

"The Japanese are not very good, but this knife is still pretty good!" Leng Feng's voice rang in the ears of 'Sanri' who was shot more than a dozen times but was not completely dead.

Then, the last feeling of ‘Three Days’ was the cold blade entering the body, and then it completely sank into darkness.

All the Japanese swords left on the ground became the spoils of Tang Dao and others, including the samurai sword that Fujiwara Senxiong was reluctant to part with before leaving.

This thing, if you throw it to the old father-in-law to peel apples, he will definitely like it! Tang Dao glanced at the sword shining with cold light on the ground, and couldn't help but have this strange idea in his mind.

It can only be said that Lao Tantai must be relieved that the son-in-law his leaky little cotton jacket found for him is really qualified!

Even the Fujiwara family may collectively spit out blood! ...

Looking at the place where Fujiwara Senxiong disappeared from afar, Tang Dao had a feeling that this Japanese who liked to pretend but was different from other Japanese and even a little naive would really meet again.

Moreover, when they meet again, he will be stronger.

However, Tang Dao was not afraid at all. If he could repel that guy once, he could repel him a second time.

Or, for Tang Dao, if it weren't for the presence of Tan Tai Ming Yue and the other two, Tang Dao, who was reckless and exerted all his strength, was fully confident that he could kill him in three moves by exchanging injuries for injuries.

Tang Dao hardly fought with the special forces soldier who came from the Siberian training camp and could kick iron stakes off. He broke his Adam's apple with one punch at the cost of lying in bed for half a year with his own serious injuries.

This is the battle of soldiers, one move can decide life and death, otherwise the old uncle Han who can fight Tang Dao equally with boxing would not admit that he is not Tang Dao's opponent on the battlefield.

Tang Dao's intuition is very accurate. It won't be long before he and Fujiwara Zhanxiong will meet again on the battlefield in North China.

The Four-line Group will become an unexpected force that disrupts the battlefield in North China. It is a special agent team directly under the Japanese North China Front Command and the sharpest sword under the command of the commander of the North China Front General Terauchi Juichi.

Such a sword is a great enemy for any soldier.

Of course, even if Tang Dao knew that he might let go of an enemy who would become the nightmare of all Chinese soldiers in the future, he would probably still have to do so.

If Fujiwara Sen's so-called Japanese martial arts training had allowed him to sense Tang Dao's determination to kill from the beginning, he would most likely choose to enter the room and kill the three women to hit Tang Dao first, and then kill the enemy who could no longer be completely calm.

Although it was a bit despicable, it was very effective, not to mention that in the mind of that guy, this was probably the most correct method!

Therefore, Tang Dao could only suppress the surging murderous intent in his heart, making him think that his own strength was always much higher than Tang Dao and he did not have to use that method.

When he was finally wounded and found that Tang Dao was his opponent of the same level, it was too late.

Although this battle was short, it was definitely the most difficult fight for Tang Dao since he came to this era.

Both his body and brain were used to the extreme!

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