Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 836 The Sad Iron Dragon!

In order to rescue the stranded refugees, Tang Dao first had to obtain the right to blast the Yellow River Bridge. This was originally the task of the New Eighth Division of the city defense force stationed in Zhengzhou.

In the past time and space, they should have received the mission from Commander Cheng on February 12, and then arrived at the Yellow River Bridge to deploy defenses. Once the Japanese army approached the north bank of the Yellow River, they would immediately blow up the iron bridge.

The New Eighth Division was originally from the Guizhou Army and had poor equipment. When Tang Dao first arrived in Zhengzhou, he had seen an infantry company of theirs. Not to mention many of the guns were made in Hanyang, and most of the shoes they wore were straw sandals. Faced with having an airplane With the threat of the 14th Artillery Division, they couldn't blame them for blowing up the iron bridge regardless of the endless stream of fleeing people on the north bank.

The night of February 12th.

1st Theater Headquarters.

"What, Tang Dao's four-line regiment went to Xinxiang and then returned, and they also volunteered to undertake the blasting of the Yellow River Bridge?" Commander Cheng, who was frowning at the war zone map in the headquarters office, glanced at it The chief of staff of the theater brought over the telegram. His expression remained unchanged, but his eyes were full of surprise.

"This guy Tang Dao is a clever guy. He knows that a certain unit of the 14th Division may be waiting for him somewhere on his way to Jin Province. Going to Xinxiang is just a false shot, but he can completely divert to Jiaozuo. The journey was a bit far, but it was safe enough. If the Japanese didn't send out ground troops, they would be unable to defeat him by flying alone. Why did he choose to return to Zhengzhou?

That's nothing. The 14th Division couldn't even withstand the tens of thousands of troops of the First Army. He even took the thankless task of blowing up the iron bridge. Chief of Staff Yan, what do you think he thought? ? "

"Tang Dao has a very bright mind, and his past achievements have shown that the arrangements he made were based on planning and then acting, and they all proved to be useful afterwards.

He returned to Zhengzhou. I guess he expected that the Japanese army would use the strengthened Xinxiang frontline offensive to gain control of the north of the Yellow River, and then sent elite troops to detour in the direction of Jiaozuo. They did not need to pose a big enough threat to his Si Xing Regiment, as long as they could hold back the Si Xing Regiment. , during the day, the Japanese army had a large number of aircraft to support the battle. No matter how elite the Four Lines Regiment was, the battle losses would be too great for Tang Dao to bear. If the Japanese army sent out reinforcements again, even if the Four Lines Regiment could finally reach the Taihang Mountains, it is estimated that there would only be four left. Even one percent is a fluke. Yan Xunfu, who was then the Lieutenant General Chief of Staff of the First Theater Zone, thought for a while and replied.

"Withdrawing to Zhengzhou, there was a time lag, allowing the Japanese army to detour and attack the air. Then, he took advantage of the moment when the main force of the Japanese army was attracted by the main force of our theater and marched north at full speed. The Japanese army will face two choices. It was his small infantry regiment that attacked our war zone. This abacus was pulled so fast!

Commander and I have the same puzzlement. Bombing the Iron Bridge over the Yellow River is completely thankless, but we have to face the main force of the 14th Division at any time, and may also encounter the dilemma that our First Army and the people have not completely retreated. Things. "

The Lieutenant General Chief of Staff, who graduated from the Baoding Military Academy and the fifth batch of the Army University, is worthy of being a veteran. After learning about the latest movements of the Si Xing Regiment, he came to a judgment that was almost consistent with that of "Tu Fei Yuan".

Of course, 'Dofei Yuan' is obviously more skilled, but he made this assumption after not getting any information about the movements of the Four Elements Group.

However, what the senior generals of China and Japan collectively did not expect was that Tang Dao had no intention of choosing an opportunity to escape, but wanted to fight the Japanese first at the Iron Bridge of the Yellow River.

Really, this is unreasonable!

However, this is the battlefield. If everything was reasonable, there would be no need to fight.

The Chinese side wanted nothing but a large number of people, but the Japanese had drones in the sky and tanks and artillery on the ground. It was a complete dimensionality reduction strike. It was absolutely reasonable for the Japanese army to win by crushing them.

Moving the timeline another dozen years, the Chinese military is facing a multi-national force that is armed to the teeth, with not only aircraft and artillery, but also aircraft carriers. However, China still only has the characteristic of having a large number of people. All of this is analyzed rationally. To paraphrase a Sichuanese mantra, give me a hammer!

Hammer, who was running happily with Ximei on his back, was very unhappy. Why did you have to hit me!

"No matter what the purpose of Tang Dao is, where is the combat effectiveness of his Si Xing Regiment? Good guy, a small infantry regiment is equipped with Type 41 mountain cannons and machine guns. This is comparable to the 10,000 soldiers of the New Eighth Division." The rabble is much stronger.

Then leave this task to them. They must blow up the iron bridge immediately after the retreat of our first group army. If the Japanese army attacks with all their strength, they must defend the north bank until the bridge is blown up successfully, allowing the Japanese army to occupy the iron bridge. Then Tang Dao is the one responsible for the loss of Zhengzhou. Please be sure to tell the Four Elements Group about this. "

Commander Cheng is a decisive person. After mentally comparing the combat effectiveness of the Fourth Army Regiment with that of the newly established New Eighth Division, he was shocked to find that the New Eighth Division, in addition to having more people, seemed to be unable to compete with the Fourth Army in terms of equipment and the will of its officers and soldiers. Compare the group and make a decisive decision immediately.

"In addition, please express my gratitude to all the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment on my behalf for assisting the friendly forces in fighting. If the mission is successfully completed, the First Theater Command will truthfully report its military exploits to the Military and Administrative Department!"

The lieutenant general and chief of staff nodded, turned around and left.

"Wait!" Commander Cheng suddenly remembered something. "Tang Dao's telegram also included a request not to revoke the military order of other troops to blow up the bridge. That should be because he was not sure whether there were Japanese spies in Zhengzhou City. He was hiding something from the truth.

In this way, the New Eighth Division, which had already set out, was ordered not to return, but to continue heading for the Yellow River Iron Bridge, but not to participate in the task of blowing up the iron bridge. Instead, it was stationed along the southern bank of the Yellow River to prevent small Japanese troops from using rafts to cross the river and cause damage. The engineer company they had sent out in advance would not be withdrawn for the time being, and would be handed over to the unified command of the Tang Dao Regiment Commander of the Four-Line Regiment. "...

February 13!

Zhengzhou Yellow River Iron Bridge!

The First Army was defeated after all. With the 14th Division's attack at all costs, Japanese planes continued to bomb in the sky. Two days ago, the First Army, except for a small-scale force left to resist and hinder the Japanese army's advance, had already begun to retreat to Zhengzhou in big strides.

It was completely dark, but all along the way were refugees, dragging their families and dragging their heavy luggage slowly forward. The adults' faces were sad and confused, while the children were Fear to the point of crying.

This is what they saw after arriving at the Yellow River Railway Bridge after a long journey.

The fleeing people looked at the Four-Line Regiment, which had trotted all the way to the north bank of the Yellow River and immediately began to build fortifications on the north bank of the Yellow River. The fear on their faces did not decrease much, and they were mostly numb.

The First Army of tens of thousands of troops collapsed in just 20 days under the attack of the Japanese army. What could these thousands of people do?

Lei Xiong was responsible for all the construction of fortifications, and Gong Shaoxun was responsible for the deployment. The cavalry and the special squadron were responsible for reconnaissance, while the regiment headquarters was to be selected by Master Zhuang. According to Tang Dao's requirements, all the people in the Four-line Regiment had to stay on the north bank, whether it was the baggage company or the regiment headquarters!

That actually meant a desperate move. If it were other troops, perhaps ordinary officers and soldiers would not have to go crazy, and Tang Dao's several deputies would have to keep persuading them.

Blowing up the bridge was no problem, but once the bridge was blown up, everyone who stayed on the north bank would have no way out, and that would mean the whole army would be annihilated!

But in the Four-line Regiment, Tang Dao had absolute control, and Lei Xiong and others had been following Tang Dao for a long time, knowing that their superior was a super iron head, but he was the kind of intelligent iron head, and the result of colliding with him was often a bloody blow to the opponent's head.

Moreover, the Four-line Regiment was stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River, not near the iron bridge, but pushed the entire defense line forward by nearly 3,000 meters, giving enough tactical maneuvering space, and the scout of the vanguard was 10 kilometers away.

"Let's go and see the iron bridge! "Tang Dao and Erya waved to the guards behind them, and took the lead to stride towards the bridge built during the Guangxu period.

In the future, not many people will know the existence of this bridge. Even if someone knows it like Tang Dao, they have only seen this bridge in the data, which has left a rich record in the history of Chinese bridges.

The Yellow River Railway Bridge is not an ordinary bridge. It is a dual-purpose bridge for roads and railways. The bridge has 102 bridge holes, each hole is about 31 meters apart, and the total length of the bridge is 3015 meters. It can be regarded as a great project in the world.

The sentry of the bridge had been notified before and had checked various documents. Tang Dao and the guards stood in front of this famous bridge. Under the illumination of torches, the huge Yellow River The iron bridge is like a huge steel dragon across the Yellow River.

This is the crystallization of the wisdom and efforts of the Chinese ancestors. Standing in front of this huge man-made building, one should be amazed.

But at this time, the eyes of the Chinese soldiers are more sad, because the towering body of the bridge has become the last escape route for the people in the direction of Xinxiang. What is more painful is that they have to destroy it on the mother river of China for more Chinese people.

Tang Dao also stood in front of the bridge, silent for a long time.

What makes him, the future little butterfly, heartbroken is not only the bridge, but the people who are slowly passing on the bridge.

Before coming to this era, all the sacrifices he saw were recorded sacrifices, but only when he arrived at this battlefield did he know I know how the Chinese people suffered in this war.

The Japanese slaughtered the Chinese like pigs and dogs.

In Xinxiang alone, there were more than ten atrocities of the Japanese army slaughtering villages and exterminating families, which were learned from the refugees along the way.

On February 7, the Japanese invaders searched door to door in Dongguan Town, Xinxiang, and arrested innocent people. Then they asked the pseudo-chief to issue a certificate to claim the people. More than a dozen people were killed by the Japanese invaders with bayonets before the chief claimed them.

On February 8, 17 innocent people were buried alive in the pool beside the small suspension bridge in Beiguan. The Japanese invaders dug a pit and buried 27 innocent people in the Dongguan parade ground.

On February 10, at the north end of Tongqingli, the Japanese invaders shot and killed more than 80 passing farmers and small vendors. More than 50 innocent people were buried alive beside Xinhui Road.

On February 3, Liang Family Tomb , the Japanese killed as many as five or six hundred Chinese people a day. A peanut vendor on Zaobei Street had all seven people killed.

This is also an important reason why the people of Xinxiang would rather leave their homes and become homeless and drifting. Even if they freeze to death or starve to death, it is better than being insulted and stabbed to death by the Japanese army, isn't it?

These tragic deaths are destined not to be obliterated by more casualties, but for any Chinese, it is a heart-wrenching pain.

The entire army of the Four-Line Regiment can now devote their lives, including the students, the group of once pampered and spoiled children, who also waved their engineer shovels and worked hard to dig fortifications on the north bank of the Yellow River. There are military orders with Tang swords, and there is no lack of fighting spirit aroused by these disasters described by the people.

By comparing the casualties of the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Nanjing, the Battle of Xuzhou, and the Battle of Jiangxia, anyone with a discerning eye can see that as the war progresses, all Chinese soldiers are forced to grow. If they don't grow, they will become a series of casualties.

The Four-Line Regiment is the best among them. Their progress, in addition to tactics and equipment, is more about their sense of honor. As Chinese soldiers, their glory does not come from how many victories they have won, but from the protection of ordinary people.

What kind of soldier is it if they can't even protect their own people? The Four-Line Regiment is establishing such a concept under the subtle leadership of Tang Dao.

This is the Chinese army that Tang Dao wants, the soul of a real Chinese army.

Military soul!

"Sir, who are you?" A lieutenant running over from the bridge interrupted Tang Dao's meditation.

The lieutenant took a look at Tang Dao's colonel collar badge and quickly stood at attention and saluted.

"I am Tang Dao, the commander of the Four-Line Regiment, and I am ordered by the war zone to carry out the task of blowing up the Yellow River Bridge." Tang Dao glanced at the lieutenant, returned the salute, and took the initiative to introduce himself.

The lieutenant was smart and stood straighter, "Report to the commander, the new 8th division engineer company has been ordered to assist your unit in completing the bridge bombing task. I am Bai Sheng, the commander of the new 8th division engineer company!"

"Bai Sheng? This name is good, it means to win every battle. Please say hello to your new 8th division commander for me!" Tang Dao smiled slightly.

Although he couldn't confirm the authenticity of this engineer company now, this engineer company did exist in history. As early as two days ago, they were ordered to arrive at the Yellow River Bridge and eventually became the main force to blow up the bridge.

The Japanese army's steps were not that big. When they rushed over, the Yellow River Railway Bridge had been completely blown up, and they could only sigh at the river in the end.

However, it is also necessary to exchange documents and check them, but this is the task of the signal soldiers on both sides. Tang Dao, the chief officer, does not need to do these trivial things. Encouraging this person, improving intimacy and strengthening cooperation between the two sides is what he should do.

"You are welcome, sir!" Seeing that Tang Dao, the head of a regiment, is very easy-going, the young army lieutenant's heart is obviously relaxed. "My engineering company has been ordered to obey your command, Captain Tang, and please give orders."

"Okay! I came along the way and saw that there are still many soldiers and civilians who have not been evacuated. The matter of blowing up the bridge must be ordered by me personally, otherwise military law will be applied. I hope you can understand this, Captain Bai." Tang Dao nodded.

"Sir, has your four-line regiment not arrived yet?" Bai Sheng did not agree immediately, but turned the subject and cast his eyes behind Tang Dao.

Behind Tang Dao, there were not many people except a platoon of armed guards, which obviously made the army lieutenant very different.

"Our regiment is digging fortifications three kilometers away from the bridge, and the regiment headquarters is about 400 meters in front of the bridge. If the Japanese army comes unexpectedly, our regiment will do its best to stop them and will not delay your engineering company from blowing up the bridge. I wonder if Captain Bai is satisfied with this?" Tang Dao glanced at the rather "meddling" engineering company commander, and his eyes flashed with admiration.

This engineering company commander, who was only twenty-five or twenty-six years old, was more thoughtful than many soldiers he had met.

The reason why he did not agree immediately was entirely to see the tactical arrangements of the Four-Line Regiment. If the Four-Line Regiment was afraid of death and deployed its main force south of the Yellow River, then he had to consider it carefully.

Because that meant that there was too little reaction time left for blowing up the bridge.

If the reaction time was not enough and the destruction was not thorough enough, with the strength of the Japanese engineers, if it took some time to repair it, there would be no need for trains, as long as tanks and artillery could pass, Zhengzhou would be finished.

In other words, the engineer company commander was smart enough. He knew that it was difficult to build such a bridge, but it was equally difficult to destroy it. Blowing up the bridge was related to the safety of the entire Zhengzhou, and its importance was obviously far greater than that of Tang Dao, the colonel commander.

Although Tang Dao did not like those who took the initiative, he never hindered his officers from exerting their personal characteristics. He did not want everyone to be his yes-man, especially for the guerrilla battlefield that was destined to attack from multiple sides in the future. The commanders at all levels of the Four-Line Regiment must have their own logical judgment and tactical deployment capabilities, which Tang Dao began to cultivate deliberately from a very early time.

For example, now Tang Dao has formulated the general direction that the entire regiment will deploy defenses on the north bank of the Yellow River to block the Japanese army that may approach, and the rest are handed over to Lei Xiong, Gu Shaoxun, Zhuang Shisan and other deputies. He does not do everything himself. If there is any inconsistency with his ideas, he will naturally discuss and modify it.

The little engineer company commander in front of him has his own extremely clear logical judgment, which is the type that Tang Dao likes.

Hearing Tang Dao say this, the young engineer company commander showed disbelief on his face.

Bai Sheng thought that the Four-line Regiment would be stationed on the north bank of the Yellow River, but he did not think that the Four-line Regiment would not cross the river at all, and even the regiment headquarters was on the north bank.

You know, before receiving the order to blow up the bridge by the Four-line Regiment, he received an order from the division headquarters that the New Eighth Division would send four infantry battalions to garrison on the north bank, and his engineer company was not allowed to ignite and blow up the bridge without authorization before the four infantry battalions withdrew and before receiving the death order from the division headquarters.

Four infantry battalions, it seems a lot, but in terms of strength, it is only about one-third of the total infantry strength of the New Eighth Division. Compared with the Four-line Regiment, which is defending the whole regiment, the difference is obvious.

After being shocked, the young army lieutenant looked at Tang Dao, the colonel commander who was several years younger than himself, with admiration in his eyes.

"Yes! Bai Sheng guarantees that the entire engineering company will follow the orders of Captain Tang! But if you disobey the order, Bai Sheng will be beheaded!" Bai Sheng looked solemn and saluted Tang Dao again.

This time, it was not just a salute from a subordinate to a superior, but a salute from a Chinese soldier to a Chinese soldier.

Soldiers can understand without any words!

Tang Dao, without any great principles, only the actual actions of the whole regiment, conquered the captain of the engineering company carrying tons of explosives.

With this full cooperation, Tang Dao is confident that the bridge will be blown up within the specified time. The only thing that is worrying him is that the Four-Line Regiment will delay the time again this time and completely evacuate the stranded people.

More importantly, he has to lead the entire regiment to escape before the main force of the 14th Division arrives.

No matter how tough Tang Dao is, he will not take an infantry regiment to fight against the 14th Division. That will definitely be a meat bun hitting a dog and there will be no return.

Tang Dao was unable to predict whether a part of the First Army would retreat to Shanxi Province as it did in the past. The main force of the 14th Division was like a shark that smelled blood. It was successfully diverted, so that when they found that the railway bridge was bombed, it was too late to save the situation.

Just as Doi-Yuan guessed the ending but not the process, Tang Dao also guessed half of it.

The main force of the 14th Division was indeed attracted by the retreating First Army. At least 10,000 people withdrew from the flank of the battlefield to Shanxi Province to avoid being cut off by the Japanese army. Doi-Yuan ordered his 28th Infantry Brigade to chase after them, and part of the 27th Infantry Brigade occupied major towns in Xinxiang to collect supplies for the upcoming Zhengzhou offensive and defense.

But the 2nd Infantry Regiment of Ishiguro Sadazo, who was responsible for searching and pursuing, broke away from its main force and rushed towards Zhengzhou at high speed.

Just as the Chief of Staff Yan of the First War Zone guessed, the tactics implemented by the 2nd Infantry Regiment were to find the Four-Line Regiment, hold them back, and then bomb their positions with air superiority and kill them.

Under the guidance of this tactical concept, even though he knew that the Four-Line Regiment was not so easy to bully, Ishiguro Sadazo, who had been taught by Doi-Yuan, was still full of confidence, and he ran faster than a rabbit.

On the 15th, its main force had already arrived 30 kilometers away from the Yellow River Railway Bridge, and its reconnaissance vanguard was 15 kilometers ahead of the main force.

The soldiers of the special squadron of the Four-Line Regiment were also active in the 15-kilometer area outside their main force.

Therefore, the first close contact between the Four-Line Regiment and the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the 14th Division belonged to the vanguards of both sides.

The elite of both China and Japan...

PS: Brothers! Call for subscriptions! There was no update the day before yesterday, and it was okay that there were few subscriptions yesterday, but why are the subscriptions today so bad? Give Fengyue some incentives, and subscribe to Fengyue for the monthly ticket! I’m going to beat up the fat guy soon.

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