Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 838 Shen Laoliu is very depressed

Shen Laoliu's shooting skills are really awesome!

It's even beyond the imagination of Gu Xishui, who is the most optimistic about him.

Especially at this shooting distance of 230 meters, the Czech semi-automatic rifle that he has been cleaning for half a month and even sleeps with is almost as easy as a finger, shooting wherever he points.

In addition to sufficient accuracy, the most amazing thing is of course that the semi-automatic rifle has a much higher firing rate than the bolt-action single-shot rifle.

That's what Shen Laoliu learned from his own commander.

The competition between Tang Dao and 662 Regiment Commander Gu, the firing rate of ten bullets in just a few seconds but the accuracy of hitting the center of the bull's eye, is like a revelation in a martial arts novel for Shen Laoliu, a former light machine gunner, which opened his eyes.

Who said that machine guns can only be suppressive firepower and not sharpshooters? He can completely fire suppressive firepower and continue to maintain terrible accuracy.

The Czech light machine gun cannot achieve this because of its strong recoil, but the Czech semi-automatic rifle can meet his requirements, not to mention that Tang Dao Tang Tuanzuo has proved that this is absolutely feasible.

Therefore, Gu Xishui, Lao Hei and others only saw Shen Laoliu's terrible accuracy within a distance of 300 meters. In fact, in the rare training during the march, Shen Laoliu paid the most attention to the rate of fire.

However, he is not yet able to empty the entire magazine in a few seconds like Tang Dao and still maintain terrible accuracy.

But even so, this veteran machine gunner with good shooting talent still managed to fire 10 bullets within 10 seconds and still maintain a sufficiently accurate impact area.

Especially in this situation where the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, Shen Laoliu, who never thought of killing two and earning one and just wanting to live well, can be said to have exploded all his potential.

Therefore, the Japanese army under Utsunomiya was unlucky. Even if they were all lying down and shooting, they were still killed by a semi-automatic rifle with continuous firepower output and sufficient accuracy.

Shen Laoliu never stayed in one place for long. After he emptied his magazine, he immediately rolled over with his beloved new rifle and tried his best to leave his shooting position as quickly as possible.

If Utsunomiya had a God's perspective, he would be dumbfounded to see that the Chinese soldier, who was average in figure, appearance and temperament, seemed to have opened his eyes. Every time before his subordinates' firepower covered him, he jumped and ran more than 20 meters away like a frightened rabbit.

What machine rifle bullets, what grenade launchers, all were magically dodged by him.

Of course, this was also due to the terrain where Shen Laoliu was located.

The Bi River, which flows from the Taihang Mountains in Shanxi Province, is not a small river. Its basin is more than 400 kilometers long. If it encounters a flood season, it may also cause a large flood. In the future hydrological records, it will reach 190 million cubic meters of water, which is considered a large tributary of the Yellow River in Henan Province.

That is to say, it was the dry season in winter, and the width of the river was only 50 meters, and the depth was only more than one meter. If it was summer, the area where Utsunomiya and a group of Japanese soldiers were lying was in the river with a depth of one or two meters.

Yes, the Japanese soldiers were not familiar with the terrain, so they lay on the sandy ground on the river bank, which was actually the river beach, but the grass where Shen Laoliu and Mingxin were located was the real shore.

Since ancient times, people living around the Bi River have built dams on both sides of the Bi River to prevent floods. Although the country has been in a turbulent period for decades, various princes have been singing and I have come on stage, and the regime is not stable, so how can we repair the dam? The fruits of the ancestors' labor have long been destroyed, but the foundation of the old dam is still there.

Where Shen Laoliu is located, there is a slope of earth dam with a drop of one meter. Once rolled, it fell into the shallow ditch. Although the Japanese machine guns and rifles were quite lively, they were basically blocked by the earth dam.

The only thing that can pose a threat to Shen Laoliu is the six grenade launchers of the Japanese army.

Fortunately, Shen Laoliu implemented the tactical guiding ideology of changing shooting positions after firing ten shots thoroughly. The life-saving methods he had trained in the bloody battlefields of Songhu, Jiaxing, Guangde, etc. were also very strong, and he escaped the attacks of the Japanese army under Utsunomiya several times in a row.

Such a sharpshooter who has enough battlefield training, talent and a good gun is definitely a nightmare for the Japanese army.

The Japanese army has a high level of literacy and will never waste ammunition easily. After a round of covering fire, they will stop shooting, observe the enemy's situation and then formulate the next attack plan, not to mention that there is only one Chinese soldier at present.

Compared with Western armies, the Japanese army is indeed not rich, but compared with their opponent, the Chinese army, it can only be described as a local tyrant.

As the main force of the Japanese North China Front Army, the 14th Division is equipped with top-level equipment in the sequence of Japanese divisions invading China.

Not to mention the heavy firepower of various caliber artillery, just talking about some auxiliary equipment, such as rare items like telescopes, there are many more than only company commanders in the Chinese army are qualified to equip.

Take the search team led by Utsunomiya for example. In addition to the commander Utsunomiya who has a telescope that can measure distance, the two infantry squad leaders also have it, and the other six grenade launcher teams also have it.

The most troublesome thing for Chinese soldiers in the Japanese infantry squadron is this small-caliber "mortar" with a maximum range of 700 meters and an effective range of 500 meters. The biggest reason why the Japanese grenade launcher can accurately hit the target after a few test shots is because of the range-finding telescope they are equipped with.

Unfortunately, this time, due to the angle of the sun, the telescope did not become their magic weapon to kill the enemy, but became their death warrant.

Although the Japanese grenade throwers were hiding behind the bushes more than 100 meters behind the Japanese infantry, as they took out the telescopes to observe, the gentle and not glaring sunlight reflected on their lenses was bright and dazzling.

However, Shen Laoliu hid under the shade of a big tree. The shadow of the tree and the bushes completely covered his figure. The Japanese could not find his exact position even if they stared with sore eyes.

Shen Laoliu found several reflective points through his scope. He knew very well that this was either the Japanese commander, the heavy machine gunner or the grenade thrower.

Shen Laoliu was very cunning. The Japanese commander was very important, but it was not unique. If a commander was killed, someone would soon replace him, but if a grenade thrower was killed, it would not be so easy to replace.

Moreover, the grenade thrower posed the greatest threat to him.

Therefore, Shen Laoliu aimed at the farthest spots of light, which were more than 320 meters away from his current position.

The distance was far and there were bushes to cover them. The Japanese grenade throwers never dreamed that the Chinese would target them under such circumstances. Their kneeling posture on the sand was very standard, and the area exposed to bullets was also large.

More importantly, this was a sharpshooter with continuous firepower output.

10 bullets were all poured out in less than six seconds. Although the impact area was no longer as accurate as a target paper, it was enough for the two Japanese main and deputy grenade throwers who were caught off guard.

One was shot in the chest and the other in the face. Ten bullets were shot in a round, and a group of grenade throwers were eliminated. It was an excellent record.

Utsunomiya, who learned that two grenade throwers were killed by the Chinese in the rear, felt that his head was about to split. He knew that he had met a Chinese sharpshooter, which might be the confidence of the Chinese to fight against a hundred.

If he continued to fight at this pace, he would most likely have to pay a greater price, but it was impossible for him to retreat.

He had six Chinese killed in the battle, and he gained nothing. Not to mention that the commander of the regiment would slap him in the face, even he himself could not accept such a result based on his military honor.

"A small team will open up the battle line, with each team 100 meters apart, pretending to cross the river, and their grenade launchers and light machine guns will provide fire cover, forcing the Chinese to constantly move their positions. Even if they cannot kill him immediately, they will be unable to take care of other things." Utsunomiya, who had a splitting headache, finally came up with a countermeasure.

"Team 2, first squad, second squad, go one mile upstream, no, two miles, find a suitable place to cross the river, and then split into two routes to flank the damn Chinese, try to capture him alive, such a Chinese with accurate shooting skills must be the elite of the army, I want to pry open his mouth to get intelligence."

The so-called countermeasures are actually just the old routine of the Japanese Army, attracting the opponent's attention in the middle, and then attacking the weak flanks by going around the two wings.

The reason why Utsunomiya immediately used this old-fashioned tactic to fight the enemy is that this seemingly old-fashioned tactic has been tried and tested in the attack on the Chinese army, and it is almost the first choice of commanders in the Japanese army.

Of course, the Chinese commanders are not unaware of this, but they are helpless. The Japanese army's middle route often concentrates most of the heavy firepower, and the howitzers, mountain guns, and infantry guns are bombed to shake the earth. They can only concentrate their limited forces on the center line, otherwise they don't have to wait for the Japanese army to attack the flanks, and the main front position has been broken through.

This is the consequence of a serious lack of heavy firepower. If the Chinese commander and the Japanese army were given the same number of artillery, do you think the Japanese army's attack around the two wings would be useful?

Of course, at this time, Shen Laoliu was alone with a gun. Utsunomiya's tactics of suppressing with a squad of nearly 50 infantrymen and encircling with 30 people around the flanks was definitely the best strategy of using more people against fewer people.

Even if Shen Laoliu wanted to run away when he saw that the situation was not right, not to mention losing the favorable terrain, it would be difficult to get rid of the pursuit of nearly 100 Japanese soldiers who followed him from a physical point of view. The Japanese search team often brought trained wolf dogs.

"The elite of the Chinese army, I think I should have found the traces of the Four-Line Regiment. This is definitely not the combat power that the Chinese army that my division is facing can have." Utsunomiya suddenly showed joy, and the headache just now disappeared in an instant.

Yes, he was sure that the sharpshooter lurking in the bushes across the river was from the Four-Line Regiment. Besides the Four-Line Regiment that the division commander and the regiment commander valued very much, which Chinese army had such a strong Chinese soldier that could cause his search team to lose six people in a row?

Even if it wasn't, it must be! Captain Utsunomiya didn't want to cast a shadow on his future because of a scout.

"Telegram to the commander of the regiment, my first search team found the traces of the Four-Line Regiment by the Bi River and encountered its scout scouts. Our troops are fighting fiercely with them, and their main force must be not far away!" Utsunomiya issued the second military order.

The Japanese Army Captain did not mean to send a request for help to the 2nd Infantry Regiment. He just reported the situation and his own judgment truthfully.

However, the Japanese Army Captain probably never dreamed that his two orders, the former, sent his two infantry squads to hell, and the latter, sent the entire infantry regiment to the open mouth of a beast that was ready to be devoured.

Tang Dao is never one that passively takes a beating.

And what this Japanese reconnaissance team faced was not just a sharpshooter.

But Utsunomiya and his men did not know this.

The Japanese army had a strong execution ability. As the commanders at all levels issued military orders, the three squads quickly opened up their formations, and the entire attack surface was 300 meters wide.

Whenever Shen Laoliu fired, the firepower from the left, middle and right sides poured down instantly. The Japanese grenade throwers had learned from the previous lessons and had already hidden in the sand piles or hiding places and did not give Shen Laoliu a chance. The pressure faced by Shen Laoliu doubled.

"Mingxin, you are so good. Take those bastards and retreat quickly. Go and call Lao Lu and others to help. I can only help your kid for 20 minutes at most!" Shen Laoliu was already sweating profusely and roaring at the top of his lungs.

The continuous rolling and crawling had consumed a lot of Shen Laoliu's physical strength, and even his roar was not as powerful as before.

In fact, unlike Mingxin, Shen Laoliu doesn't like Mingxin at all, not because Mingxin's reputation as a martial arts master makes Shen Laoliu feel pressured.

Rather, compared to Shen Laoliu, who is nicknamed "Laoliu", Mingxin is the real Laoliu.

If possible, Shen Laoliu really wants to shout: "You Ming Laoliu, stay away from me in the future, okay?"

As a veteran, Shen Laoliu is naturally the leader of the two-person team. Since discovering the Japanese army, he and Mingxin have decided on the tactics of waiting for the Japanese army to cross the river, killing them by surprise, and then the two of them quickly escape.

When those people unexpectedly appeared, Shen Laoliu felt that something was wrong. The Japanese army, which was extremely cautious about crossing the river, would most likely use the means of shooting ordinary people to test whether there was any threat on the other side.

As a veteran, even if Shen Laoliu didn't want to see this happen, there were only two of them, and they were also responsible for reporting reconnaissance intelligence to the superiors. Compared with thousands of brothers and a dozen ordinary people, which one is more important?

Veterans who have experienced dozens of life and death battles can easily make a decision.

But Mingxin can't. As a soldier, if he can't even protect his compatriots and people, what's the point of wearing this military uniform?

The reason is very lofty. Shen Laoliu really wants to spit on his face, but he can't do anything, because he has the same struggle, but he is used to life and death and can choose the tactics he thinks is correct more coldly.

In the end, it was the opinion of the new recruit "Mingxin" that was adopted. Shen Laoliu cursed and took the lead in shooting at the Japanese soldier who was about to shoot and kill the people.

So, the half-crossing attack that could have been more advantageous was ruined. The Japanese not only used the advantage of military strength to open the battle line, but Shen Laoliu also predicted that the Japanese would definitely divide their troops to bypass the two wings.

I just don't know whether they are on the left wing or the right wing or both sides.

Spicy next door, what special squadron is coming! In the next life, I will never fight the Japanese with a rookie again. If I want to fight, I have to find a more reliable one to go with me.

Shen Laoliu was very depressed. He was almost sure that he was finished this time.

However, as a veteran, he instinctively chose to let the new recruit behind him escape, so that someone would give him a chance to take revenge.

Veterans are not afraid of death, but they are afraid that no one will collect his body and help him kill those who killed him.

Whether in heaven or on earth, it is the right thing to do to go hand in hand with the little devils. This is the greatest wish of veterans.

Shen Laoliu was not afraid of being exposed. The closest Japanese soldier was about 100 to 200 meters away from him. Although the Japanese showed a fierce attack, Shen Laoliu knew that the Japanese were pretending. Under the threat of his accurate shooting skills, they were also afraid of death and pretended to be very courageous. They were just covering their companions to come around.

But he did not dare to relax. As the saying goes, when the fake is true, the real is also fake. If he relaxed a little, the Japanese would really dare to rush over.

Even though it was so cold that a trip to the river could freeze a person to death, on a battlefield where life and death could be decided at any time, what did freezing mean as long as he was not shot?

He believed that the Japanese could not hear his roar clearly, but Mingxin, who had excellent hearing, would definitely hear it.

Then, his order was successful.

The people used their hands and feet to crawl back, and Mingxin followed, running faster than a rabbit.

"Damn it, it turns out that martial arts masters run faster than ordinary people!" Looking at Mingxin disappearing in the depths of the grass, Shen Laoliu, who was sweating profusely, could only complain angrily.

However, the Japanese's tentative attack could only make him put aside the sadness of being abandoned by his rookie comrades and focus all his energy on deterring the Japanese army with guns.

He did not have the opportunity to see that Mingxin did not run backwards, but to the left wing.

Shen Laoliu still did not know his "rookie" partner well enough.

He didn't know how determined Mingxin was, nor did he know that Mingxin not only had strong hearing, but also had better eyesight than ordinary people.

Most of Shen Laoliu's attention could only and must be focused on the front battlefield. Mingxin, who was 300 meters away, saw the Japanese army's division and movement, which he didn't see.

The direction of the Japanese army's movement was the upstream of the Bi River.

This was Shen Laoliu's battlefield, so that would be his battlefield.

The big sword behind Mingxin had not yet been unsheathed, but with the posture of a cheetah bending over and running wildly, it was already "clanging".

If Fujiwara Sen'o was the best master among the young generation in Japan, and a samurai sword had no rivals, then in Tang Dao's mind, Mingxin could also be among the top five among the young generation in China.

And this judgment was based on the situation that Mingxin's big sword had not been drawn.

Once Mingxin's big sword was drawn, how powerful it would be, Tang Dao didn't know.

This grand scene was personally experienced by two small teams of Japanese soldiers.

However, no one could describe the madness of the big sword.

It's not that their skills are not good enough!

But, they are all dead!

The dead can't speak.

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