Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 853 The Last Trump Card (Part 2)

"Did Xiaoshan mobilize nearly an infantry squadron of Japanese troops?" Tang Dao put down the telescope in his hand and looked at Zhuang Shisan.

"Yes, Captain Yang just sent a telegram, he successfully attracted nearly 200 Japanese troops, and the two sides are currently in a stalemate. The Japanese did not launch too fierce attacks because the artillery was successfully involved by the 1st Artillery Company. The losses of the special forces company and Captain Bai's two engineering platoons were not too large! Regimental commander, can you notify Deputy Regimental Officer Gong?" Zhuang Shisan showed a trace of excitement on his face.

As one of the four major officers of the Four-Line Regiment, although Tang Dao, Lei Xiong and Gong Shaoxun, three battlefield veterans, were under his command, Chief of Staff Zhuang was actually mainly responsible for logistics and rarely participated in tactical formulation, but he was the head of the staff after all, and was responsible for issuing regimental orders to various departments, so he was still aware of the tactics agreed upon by Tang Dao and the three.

Chief of Staff Zhuang was not excited about Yang Xiaoshan's troops successfully gaining a foothold on the flank of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, but that Tang Dao's ambush could be used.

The reason why the Four-Line Regiment has not launched a general attack until now is that they are worried about the Japanese planes and artillery. Now the danger of planes has been solved, and only the Japanese artillery is left.

Tang Dao keeps deploying troops, isn't it just to mobilize the available troops under Ishiguro Sadazo! Now, the time is finally ripe.

"How far is Deputy Regiment Gong from the approximate area of ​​the Japanese artillery?" Tang Dao's heart was also agitated, but his face did not change.

"Deputy Regiment Gong called to report half an hour ago that their hiding area is here! The distance is about 2,000 meters!" Zhuang Shisan tapped hard on the topographic map with his hand.

"2,000 meters?" Tang Dao narrowed his eyes slightly. "Then they can enter the charge area in about 10 minutes."

"We can only win this battle, not lose! Although we have made enough arrangements, we cannot be completely sure that the Japanese army has transferred all the infantry. Once there are more than 100 Japanese infantrymen on guard around the Japanese artillery unit, the cavalry will certainly suffer heavy losses. The cavalry company has only been in my Fourth Regiment for more than a month. In such a hard battle, we can't just let them charge the cavalry." Tang Dao suddenly said. "So, Lao Zhuang, from now on, you will be fully responsible for the command of the regiment!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand to Erya: "Go, bring me the heirloom sword of Zhan Xiong that you picked up on the ground last time. It should be good to chop off the dog heads of the Japanese devils with that thing!"

"Where are you going, Tuanzuo?" Zhuang Shisan was speechless, and a bad premonition flashed through his mind.

"I'll take Lü Sanjiang with me to join Deputy Colonel Gong and the Cavalry Company. With more men and more horses, we can chop off more Japanese heads, right?" Tang Dao smiled indifferently, took the samurai sword handed over by Erya, and turned to leave.

"Commander, commander, this is the main battlefield! If you leave, how can I, a mediocre sword, take charge of the overall situation! Besides, commander, you can't go back on your word!" Zhuang Shisan was so scared that his face turned pale. He rushed forward and pulled Tang Dao's arm, almost begging.

The reluctance was like a young wife pulling her husband who was about to go out soon after her wedding.

He had to be pulled! Tang Dao was the best choice in terms of technical and tactical level, brains, and fighting will. No one in the Four Lines Corps could disobey him, but he also had an unbearable shortcoming - he especially liked to be on the front line.

In the past, the Four-Line Battalion had only a few hundred soldiers, and it was fine for the battalion commander to personally participate in the battle. However, when the independent battalion was later established, it had more than 2,000 soldiers during the Battle of Guangde, and Tang Dao still had this old problem.

This is too much. What's the matter? The Four-Line Regiment has not died out, and the regiment commander has to personally fight the enemy with a sword!

Of course, this is not a matter of face or not, but that there is no eye on the battlefield. If Tang Dao, the spiritual pillar of the Four-Line Regiment, falls, then no matter how many Japanese troops are annihilated, from a strategic point of view, the Four-Line Regiment will also lose.

Because, except for Tang Dao, who can rely on his extremely strong personal charm to unite the various units of the Four-Line Regiment with complex sources, no one else can have this ability.

Therefore, Lei Xiong, Gong Shaoxun, Zhuang Shisan, including the two infantry battalion commanders Guo and Leng, specifically discussed this issue at the military meeting of the Four-Line Regiment. Faced with the collective "attack" of the top backbone forces of the Four-Line Regiment, Tang Dao could only clearly state that it would never fight on the front line unless it was absolutely necessary.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Shisan specifically pointed out that Tang Dao should keep his promise after expressing that he didn't have the ability. They are all the leaders of the regiment, so they can't just turn around and take the previous promise as a fart.

"Old Zhuang! It's true that the main battlefield is here. You are panicking alone, but there are still Deputy Regimental Officer Lei and Lao Guo! They are both veterans. The little devils in the encirclement are just a dish that is almost ready. You can eat it whenever you want. You just need to do a good job of logistics support!" Faced with the "reluctance" of his chief of staff, Tang Dao blinked his eyes to "comfort". "In addition, don't put a hat on me, Tang Dao. When did I say that I would fight on the front line? I was commanding on the front line. The two are in the same position, but the difference is beyond description!"

"Fuck!" Zhuang Shisan almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

How can he be so good as to replace the pillars? Cavalry battles are completed at lightning speed. How can I command if I don't follow them? Follow them, what's the matter, the Japanese stabbed at us with a gun, and we chopped them down without a knife! That's fighting!

Chief of Staff Zhuang Da wanted to refute the serious nonsense of a certain regiment leader, but after all, Tang Dao was the supreme commander, and he was surrounded by staff, communications troops, and guards. Chief of Staff Zhuang Da could not disgrace Tang Da Tuan leader. .

After such a delay, Tang Dao strode away with the knife in hand.

Lu Sanjiang and fifteen cavalry who were specially transferred from the special squadron to serve as guards and communications also trotted to keep up. In addition, Hammer, who had been restless for a long time, was wagging his tail and was so excited that he didn't want to move.

This really means what kind of dog is what kind of owner!

Turning around and seeing Erya still there, the somewhat frustrated Chief of Staff Zhuang Da was curious: "Erya, the group has disappeared, why don't you go!"

"Chief of Staff, I have just learned to ride a horse not long ago, and I am still good at trotting, like that kind of cavalry charging into battle. At my level, I probably fell off the horse and fainted within a hundred meters. If I went, wouldn't I be causing trouble to the commander?" Erya! Very honest answer.

"The group leader is talking about the command..." Zhuang Shisan replied subconsciously.

Erya pursed her lips and smiled.

Tang Tuanzuo said that he would not kill the enemy in battle, who would believe that!

Even without looking at the 'Hammer', he was shaking his head excitedly, and even the dog felt his fierce murderous intent.

"The first and second battalions were sent to wait for the military order from the regiment. When the military order was issued, the first and second battalions launched a comprehensive attack on the encircled enemy; in addition, the third battalion was sent to continue to maintain pressure on the Japanese troops in front of them, regardless of ammunition consumption, and must make sure The Japanese army did not dare to mobilize troops easily, so they told Leng Feng and Li Jijin that the regiment leader took Lu Sanjiang to Deputy Gong. If the Japanese were allowed to mobilize troops to the artillery position, they would know the consequences. There’s no need to be a battalion commander or company commander. Let’s all take a share of the ocean and go back to our homes to find our mothers!” Master Zhuang looked at the figure of Tang Dao and others who had already mounted their horses a hundred meters away. He ordered with his back teeth.

Don't tell me, without the Tang Dao, Chief of Staff Zhuang Da is pretty much the same at the moment.

After all, this man once served as the commander of the security battalion and also served as the chief of staff for two or three months. His command level may not be enough, but his temperament has been improved.






"Brothers, the decisive battle with the Japanese is about to begin. Take advantage of this moment to kill as many of the little devils as you can. The chief of staff also said that there is no need to consider ammunition consumption. Give me the heavy machine gun. Just shoot a few waves like before! Also, there’s no need to hide the mortars, let me fire at the Jaap’s machine gun positions!” Leng Feng knew Tang Dao immediately when he heard that Tang Dao had gone to the cavalry company. plan and immediately make corresponding tactical arrangements.

The entire army of the Fourth Line Regiment can have more than 20 mortars, because the 1st and 2nd Battalions and the Japanese army were almost strangled together. In order to avoid accidental damage, they have not been used.

As for the Third Battalion, the Japanese army only charged for two rounds before giving up. There was no need for mortars to participate in the battle. Therefore, from the beginning of the war to the present, the mortar squads hiding 800 meters away from the battlefield have not been able to show off their skills at all. Chance.

At this moment, one green and two red flares were fired from the Third Battalion's position, and the six mortar squads belonging to the Third Battalion's fire support company were very happy.

As more than 20 heavy machine guns fired fiercely again, six mortars also fired at the area that the artillery observers had already observed.

Rain of bullets and shells once again enveloped the Japanese army's simple field position hundreds of meters away.

"Nani? Are the Chinese starting to concentrate their firepower again?" Ishiguro Sadazou, whose mind was already buzzing, received bad news from the front line again.

After looking into the distance with a telescope for a long time, the livid-faced Japanese army officer really didn't know what kind of medicine the Chinese were selling.

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Conventionally, fire preparation is for the infantry to launch an attack, but feedback from the front line is that the Chinese infantry did not move at all.

In fact, Ishiguro Sadazou was not afraid of the Chinese infantry attacks. He even welcomed them with both hands and feet.

In more than an hour, the remaining hundreds of people of the 3rd Infantry Brigade had already dug simple trenches, and their heavy machine gun squadron was not seriously damaged. Their attack on the Chinese blocking position may have resulted in heavy casualties, but if the Chinese Come and attack their defense line, they will also let the Chinese people know what it means to be heartbroken!

But the Chinese were simply preparing for firepower, which made Ishiguro Sadazou a little numb!

The Chinese are probably not rich enough to waste ammunition so extravagantly without making any tactical arrangements!

But if not, then what are their evil intentions? Ishiguro Sadazou's mind was spinning rapidly, but he still couldn't find the answer, and his computer almost crashed.

If this major of the Chinese Army knew that he was not afraid of wasting ammunition and would kill every extra person he faced, a mouthful of blood might be sprayed ten meters away.

It’s so frustrating to fight with a prodigal!

"Order the mountain artillery squadron and the infantry artillery squadron to fight back against the Chinese! Let them know how powerful the Imperial Japanese Army is!" Ishiguro Sadazou, who was puzzled, could only use the most primitive move.

fight back!

Both sides have entered a state similar to that on the main battlefield. If you shoot me once, I will immediately shoot back ten times!

Six infantry cannons and four mountain cannons are definitely powerful on a normal battlefield, but here, the firepower is slightly weak.

The Third Battalion's position was more than 1,000 meters wide and tens of meters deep. Ten artillery pieces simply couldn't take care of it. This didn't even count the artillery squads that were scattered throughout the vast wasteland.

The Japanese artillery fire was weak, but the number of artillery pieces participated in the battle by the Four Lines Regiment was much greater than theirs.

Artillery Company 1 received the order to cooperate with the Third Battalion to cover the current Japanese army with firepower. Six 150-caliber mortars opened fire, and seven infantry guns were temporarily used as howitzers. In addition, there were four 75-caliber mountain guns. Together with the six mortars belonging to the Third Battalion, a total of 23 guns opened fire.

The artillerymen of both China and Japan were focused and fired at their respective designated areas. The only ones who suffered were the infantrymen of both sides.

Seeing the Japanese artillery retaliate, the heavy machine guns stopped firing and hid in the trenches. The infantrymen huddled in the trenches early. As long as the unlucky shells did not fall into the trenches, they would have no problem saving their lives.

The Japanese side, of course, was the same, and they all hid in the trenches.

Perhaps the only difference from the Chinese side was that because of limited time, the deepest trench they hid in was only 70 to 80 centimeters. It was no problem to lie in it and shoot, but it was still a bit difficult to hold their heads and curl up their whole bodies.

In addition, the intensity of Chinese artillery fire was far superior to that of the Japanese.

Not to mention the mortar shells that fell into the ground at almost 80 or 90 degrees like a meteor, the terrible warhead of the 150 mortar weighing 21 kilograms, even if it exploded 5 meters away from the edge of the trench, the trench wall dug by a single engineer shovel would collapse to the other side like tofu squeezed by a huge force.

There were many Japanese infantrymen hiding in the trenches. Although they did not encounter shrapnel and air waves, they were squeezed into the soil like sandwiches because of the squeezing of the trench walls.

Under the terrifying force, it was not as simple as spitting blood. The Japanese infantrymen who survived by chance and shivered in the air waves had no idea what their unlucky colleagues had encountered, but this scene was seen by the infantrymen of the Four-Line Regiment who were cleaning the battlefield after the war.

Some Japanese soldiers were squeezed so that their chests and backs were less than five centimeters thick, and there were meat balls hanging in their mouths. No one wanted to explore what the meat balls were. It was mainly because they were horrified to think that they might have been squeezed out of the chest and abdomen.

Of course, in addition to the internal organs in the mouth, there were also many organs rushing out of the buttocks. These Japanese soldiers had a special feature, their buttocks were particularly raised and bulging...

Some Japanese soldiers could not be seen as human beings at all. The steel helmets on their heads were still there, but they were wrinkled as if they were rubbed by a giant hand.

The steel helmets were like this, not to mention the meat inside the steel helmets!

Forget about the fishy smell, you can smell it from a long distance.

Seeing this scene, the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment, especially the Seventh and Eighth Companies, could not help but vomit. In the future, they would not need the reminders of their superiors when digging trenches. The width of the trenches was 1.5 to 2 meters, and some key parts were specially reinforced with thick wooden boards. No matter how tired they were, no one had any complaints about ensuring the quality of the trenches.

In fact, the scene where the Japanese were crushed to death by the huge force of the shells was too impressive.

The artillerymen of both China and Japan took out their anger on the other side's infantry at all costs, and one thousand meters away from the battlefield, Tang Dao had already joined Gong Shaoxun, who was leading the cavalry company and walking slowly.

Seeing that Tang Dao really came, Gong Shaoxun hurriedly urged the horse to come over.

The two sides did not salute. In order to ensure that they would not be targeted by the Japanese cold gunmen, all officers, including Tang Dao, even tore off their rank collar badges and put them in their pockets.

"Commander, this battle is dangerous! I can lead the team myself." Gong Shaoxun did not talk as much nonsense as Zhuang Shisan, and went straight to the point with a serious face.

"Brother, you can go, so can I!" Tang Dao's answer was also very simple.

Riding on a warhorse, Tang Dao cast his eyes on the more than 100 cavalrymen behind Gong Shaoxun. His voice was not loud, but it was enough for everyone to hear.

"Brothers of the Cavalry Company, this time the battlefield of our cavalry company is the last blow to the Japanese army. Only by killing the Japanese artillery can our first and second battalions launch the final decisive battle against the Japanese army in the encirclement without scruples!

And I, Tang Dao, am both the head of the Four-Line Regiment and a soldier of the Four-Line Regiment, so I'm here! Brothers, can you accompany me to pull out the last fang of the Japanese invaders?"

The officers and soldiers of the cavalry company looked at their strange but familiar head, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

Strange, because the cavalry company had just come to the Four-Line Regiment from the 67th Army for a month, and they fought side by side with Tang Dao in the Battle of Songjiang, so most people had only seen Tang Dao a few times; familiar, that was naturally the name of Tang Dao's hero, which was well-known.

However, it was the first time for the cavalry to let the highest commander charge with them.

You know, cavalry charging is the most majestic and magnificent. In ancient times, it was the killer in the hands of the commander, charging the infantry formation to break the opponent's will, but now it is a war era dominated by hot weapons. If the opponent has a few machine guns, these nearly 200 cavalrymen are likely to become live targets of the opponent.

The infantry can still hide in the trenches, but once the cavalry launches a charge, there is only one way to fight to the death.

Even if the formation is sparse, no more than half of them can survive and rush into the position.

When the cavalry received the military order and entered the battlefield, they were ready to die in battle.

And their highest commander actually stood in front of everyone and asked the cavalry to accompany him, which meant that he had to rush in front of everyone, and the death rate was almost 90%.

So, the cavalry hesitated!

"Sir, I'll accompany you!" Gong Shaoxun sighed, drove his horse to the right side of the Tang Dao, pulled the carbine out of the gun bag, and raised it high.

Although he had not worked with Tang Dao for a long time, Gong Shaoxun knew Tang Dao's personality. No one could change his decision.

He also knew that Tang Dao came in person just to tell him and the cavalry company with practical actions that no matter where you come from, you are my Tang Dao brothers when you come to the Four Lines Regiment. I am willing to die with you!

We are all men, what else can we say? Just do it!

"Sir, I will accompany you!" Lu Sanjiang drove his horse behind Tang Dao, and imitated Gong Shaoxun, pulling out his gun and raising it.

"Sir, I will accompany you!" The cavalrymen woke up from a dream, roared, and pulled out the carbines in their gun bags and raised them high.

About to step into the battlefield, there was no cheering, no slogans, only the carbines raised high in their hands.

That was the first weapon they would use at 200 meters after entering the charge. At least one bullet would be fired before it would be the turn of the saber!

The carbines raised high were the cavalrymen's answer to their regimental commander.

No matter what the road ahead is, it's just to die together!

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