Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 858: Total annihilation!

Pang Dahai was certainly not afraid of the effort of transporting the heavy 150-caliber mortars and infantry guns across the Bi River. The choice of the infantrymen of the Four-Line Regiment to cross the river was almost the same as that of the Japanese army. They all took off their clothes and carried their clothes and equipment across the river, and then lit a fire to keep warm.

The artillerymen were equipped with pack horses. The gun carriages were divided into several parts and placed on the backs of pack horses for transportation. The trouble was that after landing, not only did they have to dress warmly, but they also had to wipe the water off the horses, otherwise it would be a troublesome thing for the pack horses to catch a cold and get sick.

But these troubles were nothing compared to wasting hundreds of shells. When Pang Dahai thought that the shells he had worked so hard to carry along the way would hit the heads of the Japanese who did not run away but also resisted stubbornly, his face was gloomy and water was about to drip out.

In order to ensure that the artillerymen who were excited about the battle would not waste so much, Pang Dahai, who arrived in person with 4 150 mortars and 4 infantry guns, observed the battlefield and personally set the artillery coordinates.

While the artillerymen were busy, the third battalion, the first battalion, and the second battalion that arrived completely surrounded the remnants of Tanaka Takumi.

It was really 360 degrees without blind spots. Just 500 meters away from the position that the remnants of the Japanese army desperately built, a total of 9 infantry companies and 3 fire support companies formed a huge ring.

The cavalry company and the engineering platoon led by Yang Xiaoshan had already withdrawn from the battlefield, and cooperated with the baggage company and more than 200 new recruits to start cleaning the battlefield.

All the bloody battles before were for the sweetness of this moment!

On the battlefield, in addition to the bloody corpses of the Japanese army, there were also rifles, machine guns, and grenade launchers. Of course, the loot that made Tang Dao, the supreme commander, smile was naturally the artillery.

The Japanese rapid-fire artillery squadron was completely wiped out by the 150mm mortar fire. Two of the six 37mm rapid-fire guns were blown into pieces, and the other four were overturned by the air wave and needed to be repaired. However, the guns of the mountain artillery squadron and the infantry artillery squadron were intact due to the cavalry's surprise attack, and there was still a considerable amount of artillery shells in reserve.

This is equivalent to the fact that at a distance of 6,000 meters, the Four-Line Regiment has the firepower of 8 75-caliber howitzers, and at a range of 3,000 meters, the Four-Line Regiment has the strength of covering more than 20 large and small artillery. When it is pulled closer to 2,000 meters, there are no less than 50 artillery pieces in total. Although the total range is not as good as that of a Japanese artillery regiment, the firepower intensity is not inferior to them at all.

In other words, if the Japanese want to fight with bayonets again, the Tang Dao will have the confidence to make them fight before they see the sharp edge of the bayonet.

The work of cleaning up the other two battlefields was handed over to Zhuang Shisan. Tang Dao, Gong Shaoxun and the three infantry battalion commanders witnessed the final destruction of the 2nd Infantry Regiment.

This time, the infantry did not become the main force.

The main reason was that the excellent civil engineering work of the Imperial Japanese Army that Tanaka Takumi expected was not as he imagined. Not only were the remaining personnel under his command not very good at digging with engineer shovels, but also the result of constant harassment by the Chinese.

In the process of the continuous formation of the encirclement, the infantry were naturally not idle. Whether it was a grenade launcher or a precision shooter, they continued to attack the Japanese positions.

They couldn't even straighten their waists while working, so the work efficiency was obvious. It was not easy to wait until the trench could hide a person, and the artillery of the Fourth Regiment was already in place.

That was an artillery unit that assembled 4 150mm mortars, 18 82mm mortars and 8 infantry guns. Pang Dahai, who heard the news of the capture of 4 intact infantry guns, did not ask Tang Dao for instructions. He directly took over the 4 infantry guns that the engineers were pulling with an urgent military situation.

With Tang Dao's order, all the artillery fired at the unfinished positions of the Japanese army. Pang Dahai's original request for 10 minutes of firepower coverage was changed to 20 minutes by Tang Dao.

More than a thousand infantrymen witnessed a feast of firepower. Even if they hid 500 meters away, they could feel the heat waves and the tremors of the ground. The feelings of the Japanese army in the center of the firepower coverage can be imagined.

Lieutenant Colonel Tanaka Takumi died in the first five minutes of the artillery coverage. A 21-kilogram shell fell five meters away from him. Even though he had curled up in the trench, the huge kinetic energy still destroyed the trench and buried him and several regiment staff officers in the soil.

The Japanese army lieutenant colonel who was buried alive must have regretted his decision to hold on and wait for help at the last moment of his life. Not only did he become a dead turtle buried in the soil, but he also took hundreds of defeated soldiers with him and was wiped out by the Four-Line Regiment.

Without the protection of perfect fortifications, almost no one could survive such intense artillery fire.

When the three infantry companies approached the battlefield from three directions where the shelling had stopped, the sporadic gunshots on the battlefield were like a man with prostate problems peeing, some answered and some didn't.

But obviously, these resistances were in vain. The infantry of the Four-Line Regiment, which was dominated by the three-three system, simply and roughly suppressed the enemy with firepower, and then the soldiers who followed up threw grenades frantically, and the limited number of remaining Japanese soldiers were killed one after another.

Until there was no sound on the battlefield!

On the battlefield, the remains of Japanese soldiers could be seen everywhere, like a Shura hell. The strong smell of blood made the infantrymen of the Fourth Regiment who had just experienced a bloody battle unable to bear it, and they all took out towels to cover their mouths and noses!

"Asshole! The battlefield hasn't been cleaned yet. Who can be sure that no Japanese will survive? If you can't stand the smell, what kind of soldier do you want to be?" Lei Xiong, who followed Tang Dao onto the battlefield, glanced at his soldiers They, especially Li Jijin, even put on a gas mask and looked extremely ugly.

"This battle is a great victory. I order that all the personal belongings of the Japanese soldiers captured in this battle, except weapons and equipment, shall be 10% returned to the individual, 20% returned to the company, 20% returned to the battalion headquarters, and 50% handed over to the regiment headquarters!" Tang Dao! But he smiled slightly and ordered loudly.

"Long live the regiment!" The surrounding soldiers cheered.

This was good, there was no need for Lei Xiong to scold him, the soldiers did not care about the stench, and searched for useful things on the wreckage of the Japanese army.

Most of the military uniforms were in tatters. The soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment, who already had new military uniforms, certainly looked down upon them. The only thing that was of any use was the cowhide boots equipped by the Japanese infantry. They were strong and warm, but they were too heavy. It’s not suitable for long-distance travel, but it still needs to be pulled down, right?

Of course, what attracts the soldiers of the Sixth Regiment even more is the property carried by the Japanese army. This is also a major characteristic of the Japanese army. They like to carry around the gold and silver objects they robbed along the way. They rob Chinese people. This Being snatched back again next time is not in line with the old Chinese saying: There is reincarnation in the way of heaven!

"These bastards, when they heard that they were making money, their stinking corpses became fragrant." Lei Xiong looked helpless as he watched the soldiers rummaging through the remains of the Japanese army like a pack of wolves.

"Haha! Brother Lei, sometimes don't be too harsh. After a big war, it's not a good thing if the brothers' nerves are too tense. It's not a bad thing to use search and seizure to divert their attention!" Tang Dao! Laughed.

"We killed Ishiguro Sadazou and the 2nd Infantry Regiment this time. I don't know what that old devil, Madoka Doi, is going to look like! I wonder if he dares to send another infantry regiment to chase us."

"Haha, Tuanzuo, if this old devil Tufeiyuan still dares to send only one infantry regiment, then it wouldn't be a bad idea for our Fourth Line Regiment to compete with him again. I'm afraid he won't have the courage." Gong Shaoxun couldn't help it. Laugh loudly.

Gong Shaoxun is a cautious soldier and has always been opposed to Tang Dao's leadership in the early stages of this battle. However, this does not mean that he is timid. In the battle where the cavalry attacked two Japanese artillery squadrons, even if Tang Dao did not personally suppress the battle, he would definitely As soon as the military order was issued, the entire cavalry company rushed forward, regardless of how many Japanese infantrymen were on the opposite side.

Fortunately, Tang Dao used force mobilization and hid most of the mortars to paralyze Ishiguro Sadazou. As a result, the Japanese artillery lost its infantry wing protection. The cavalry company wiped out two Japanese artillery units at the cost of only twelve cavalrymen. squadron.

Compared to the results, the losses were almost negligible.

At this moment, standing on the last battlefield covered with Japanese corpses, the cautious deputy commander of the lieutenant colonel became a little wild, and he actually had the urge to fight the Japanese again.

This is the effect of victory.

This is confidence.

The psychological state that soldiers need most on the battlefield.

More than ten years later, on that ice field, the equipment of Chinese soldiers was at least an era different from that of the so-called United Nations army. However, the courage to sacrifice and the self-confidence gradually cultivated after fighting the Patriotic War for eight years made up for the lack of equipment.

"Haha! I don't know what Doi Yuan's face is like now, but I know that he will not send another infantry regiment to deliver food to us. I am giving the order to the whole army. I will only give the whole army one hour to clean the battlefield. , an hour later, the entire army will immediately retreat to the south bank of the Bihe River. Before dark, our regiment will all reach the position near the Iron Bridge of the Yellow River." Tang Dao looked into the distance with a bigger smile on his face.

"Tuanzuo, what do you mean..." Lei Xiong was slightly stunned. "Shouldn't we block the main force of the 14th Division on the south bank of Bihe River for a few more days to buy more time for our brothers in the First Army?"

"No need, we killed the 2nd Infantry Regiment in this battle. That old devil Doi Madoka has a background in intelligence, and he needs military merit to help him advance. He will never set foot on the battlefield easily again before he understands the situation. We will scare him for at least two days. By the time he gathers the main force of his 14th Division and comes here, we will have already finished blowing up the bridge and told him that he has nothing to lose!" Tang Dao shook his head.

This is Tang Dao's judgment based on Kenji Doihara's personal habits and style. This is of course not a blind judgment, but based on several battles led by Kenji Doihara himself.

An intelligence chief who has been engaged in intelligence work for decades is suspicious by nature and considers every battle extremely carefully. This is naturally the potential of a wise general, but once a person becomes too wise, he will lose some of his bravery, and in this world , how many people can be called wise and brave?

In Tang Dao's mind, there are many famous generals in the world, and those with such qualifications cannot exceed the number of palms. Of course, this does not include Dofei Yuan, a second-rate army general.

In fact, even his so-called wisdom is just because he is cunning enough. He may have some small cleverness, but he has no great wisdom at all. Otherwise, he would not have become a Class A war criminal after the defeat, and eventually became the first group to be hanged. Damn it.

. . . . . . . . .

In Xinxiang City, the headquarters of the 14th Division!

"The 2nd Infantry Regiment, from Colonel Ishiguro Sadzo down, is all in pieces! This is impossible, this is impossible. The main force of the Chinese has fled in all directions. Which troops do they have that have such strength?" The originally fair and clean man looked like a scholar. Kenji Doihara's face turned pale, and he slumped down on a Chinese-style Taishi chair as if he was stunned, muttering to himself.

The 2nd Infantry Regiment had sent several telegrams to the Division Headquarters before, all of which were requests for reinforcements. It was not until 10 minutes ago that a major staff officer sent a farewell telegram to the Division Headquarters.

The reason why the signer was a mere major in the Army was because he was the highest-ranking officer left in the 2nd Infantry Regiment.

Before he sent the farewell telegram, the 2nd Infantry Regiment Colonel Commander Ishiguro Sadanzo died in battle, the Lieutenant Colonel Deputy Commander Tanaka Takumi died in battle, and three major-level infantry battalion commanders also died in battle.

In the room that was temporarily used as the meeting room of the 14th Division Headquarters in the living room of a wealthy Chinese family, in addition to Kenji Doihara who was slumped in a chair, there were two colonel-level officers, but the two were silent and no one dared to speak.

They had been following the new division commander Kenji Doihara for a short time, but they knew very well that this division commander was insidious. If anyone provoked him, no matter if he was a colonel or a major general, he would not curse you, but the mission of going to war would always be the most difficult.

This may also be one of the characteristics of this lieutenant general division commander who came from intelligence and will soon master the power of the 14th Division!

"Mr. Sano, do you think there is any Chinese unit in this war zone that has such strength?" Kenji Doihara, who came back to his senses, glanced at his colonel chief of staff.

"The previous telegram of the 2nd Infantry Regiment showed that they found the traces of the 4th Infantry Regiment, but the 4th Infantry Regiment is only an infantry regiment after all. With their strength, it is very difficult to cause such a heavy blow to our 1st Infantry Regiment. Intelligence shows that the 4th Infantry Regiment had contact with the enemy's First Army a week ago. I think..." Sano Tadayoshi, the colonel chief of staff of the 14th Division, replied quickly.

"The First Army? They have been defeated by my division and are now fleeing in several directions. They don't have the strength to do so." Doihara Kenji shook his head. "The intelligence said that an infantry division of the New Eighth Division of the First War Zone stationed in Zhengzhou left Zhengzhou the night before. Do you know where they are going?"

"There is intelligence showing that the division is stationed along the south bank of the Yellow River!" Sano Tadayoshi replied quickly.

"Then is there any specific information about the stationed area and troop deployment?"

"No, you also know, Mr. Division Commander, that the assassination on New Year's Day caused heavy losses to our intelligence personnel..."

"Asshole, how can we be sure that the division must be stationed on the south bank of the Yellow River and they will not appear around the Bihe River?" Doihara Kenji was furious, his eyes extremely gloomy. "That's it. The Chinese used the Four-Line Regiment as bait to lure our 2nd Infantry Regiment into the trap, and then surrounded the 2nd Infantry Regiment with an infantry division and an infantry regiment, which eventually led to this tragedy!

The defeat in this battle was entirely due to Ishiguro Sadazo's greed for merit and recklessness! This man, for his own selfishness, sacrificed 3,000 warriors of the empire, he really deserves to die!"

The two Japanese colonels looked at each other and took a deep breath. Their division commander was really good at shifting the blame, and he directly put the blame on a dead man.

"Pass on my military order, order the 59th Regiment to stop marching immediately, find a suitable area to garrison on the spot, and wait for the main force of our division to gather and determine the enemy situation, and then march to the enemy Zhengzhou!" Doihara Kenji stood up and ordered with a gloomy face. "Notify Major General Wan Yu and Major General Sakai of the 27th Brigade and the 28th Brigade to come to the division headquarters to discuss the strategy of attacking Zhengzhou!"

"Hey!" The two Japanese colonels nodded heavily.

Watching the two subordinates leave, Kenji Doihara, who had already stood up, sat back in his chair again.

There was a fierce light flashing in his eyes, but more of it was pain.

He had received a secret letter from the headquarters. After he defeated the enemy this time and made great contributions, he would be ordered to return to the country to use his understanding of China to prepare for the "Special Committee on China", responsible for the establishment of the occupied zone regime and intelligence agencies. Although his military rank was not promoted, his status was incomparable to that of a division commander.

But before good things came, reality gave him a heavy blow. Although the loss of an infantry regiment was not enough to make him, the lieutenant general division commander, pack up and leave, the stain was doomed.

If he wanted to restore his reputation in front of those big guys, he had to capture Zhengzhou, which meant that he had to be extremely cautious next time and could not make any more mistakes.

For his own future, the annoying Four-Line Group could only be let go temporarily, and Ishiguro Sadazo, who was regarded as a confidant, had to take the blame.

Although Tang Dao's understanding of this person is not 100%, it is not far off. A person with a complicated mind and extremely greedy is destined not to become a famous general.

It was not until two days after the four-line regiment completely evacuated the battlefield that an infantry squad timidly approached the battlefield and saw the neatly arranged remains of the Japanese army.

This time, the four-line regiment did not strip off the uniforms like plucking feathers from a passing goose. Except for the woolen military coats of the lieutenant officers, which were still worth taking, the shit-yellow uniforms stained with blood were still worn on the corpses. In other words, all the shoes were stripped off, leaving pairs of feet that had been frozen to bluish white exposed in the cold winter wind.

As for various equipment, except for those that were blown to pieces and could not be used, not even a gun barrel or a piece of butt wood was left.

To put it bluntly, what was left for the Japanese was a pile of corpses, as high as more than 3,000.

It's not that a few hundred people ran away, but some people encountered 150 mortars and were blown into pieces. How to count them?

From an infantry regiment, no more than 50 people could finally escape, 40 of whom were wounded soldiers and medical personnel. They were ordered to stop 30 kilometers away and wait for the battle to end.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for two days, no one came to inform them. It was only when the main force of the 14th Division, which had regrouped and marched, passed by that they were informed of the bad news.

It is said that when the Major General of the 27th Infantry Brigade saw the only 40 people left in the 2nd Infantry Regiment, tears came out.

With these few soldiers, wouldn’t it take until the end of the war to rebuild the 2nd Infantry Regiment?

The Colonel of the 59th Infantry Regiment also wanted to cry. He was the only infantry regiment under the brigade commander. Was there any need for him, the Infantry Regiment Commander, to exist?

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