Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 869 The beginning of suffering!

That was the sound of the Mosin-Nagant!

Tang Dao, like his top sharpshooter, loved this rifle imported from the bear nation.

It has the same straight trajectory and accurate characteristics as the Type 38 rifle, the best rifle on the Chinese battlefield. In addition, it has a much better dust-proof function than the Type 38 rifle. The smoke after shooting is also smaller than the Type 38 rifle, which is more conducive to concealment. Of course, for Tang Dao, what he loves more is the lethality of the 7.62mm bullet, which is much greater than the 6.5mm bullet of the Japanese Type 38 rifle.

So, with just one shot, Sergeant Pingdu of Bei'an, who crossed the valley and climbed halfway up the mountain, died!

That shot hit his fragile neck. The terrible 7.62mm bullet not only left an egg-sized hole in his neck, but also broke his cervical vertebra. No matter how quickly the deputy shooter beside him covered his hideous wound with a hemostatic pack, he could not prevent the sergeant who had been in the army for more than 5 years from suffocating to death.

The main machine gunner of the 1st Squadron of the 2nd Infantry Company of the 3rd Battalion of the 108th Infantry Regiment of the 108th Division, who was responsible for harassing the rear of the 386th Brigade, was killed in action!

Yes, after crossing the valley mouth and seeing the flat mountains on both sides, the second lieutenant captain of the 1st Squadron, Guan Ye Shilang, breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the signalman to inform the cautious squadron leader in the rear that he could continue to march, and ordered all the infantry in the squadron to take a temporary rest!

As for the squadron leader's order to occupy the commanding heights and cover the entire squadron, the second lieutenant squad leader only symbolically ordered a machine gun team and four infantrymen to complete it.

In Guan Ye Shilang's opinion, if there is an ambush, the best ambush place for the Chinese should be on both sides of the deep valley. In this kind of terrain, it will take less than a few minutes to climb up. Even people with poor brains will not make such a choice.

Captain Gui Falcon's worries were purely unfounded, and he always let his 1st squad take the lead, and the 1st squad was called the strongest squad. However, Guan Ye Shilang did not agree in his heart. He even maliciously speculated whether Gui Falcon wanted him, the second person in the infantry squadron, to die early.

Therefore, the execution of Gui Falcon's orders was greatly discounted, which was actually the subconscious resistance of the second lieutenant squad leader.

Then, the tragedy happened 3 minutes after he gave the order!

The Chinese actually had an ambush!

Moreover, just one shot killed his main shooter!

But this is not the end of the tragedy.

In addition to rifles, the Chinese actually had machine guns, which were so scary that they were creepy.

After a rifle shot, a sound of "puff puff puff" similar to tearing cloth was heard by the Japanese infantry who were still a little confused.

Then, the Japanese infantry sitting in the mountains at the mouth of the valley fell to the ground.

To be more precise, the Japanese heard the gunshots only after the soldiers and horses were thrown to the ground, because the speed of the bullets was faster than the speed of sound, but the distance of hundreds of meters was too short, and the bullets and the sound arrived almost at the same time.

That was Kuroko's MG34 machine gun!

Just a long burst of fire, more than 40 bullets were fired in three seconds!

It was like a whip made of bullets, lashing the Japanese army column with no more than 2 meters between individual soldiers.

Isn't that a bloody storm?

A long dragon was swept on the ground, which was the dust raised by the bullets hitting the ground.

But more of it was the blood mist that suddenly splashed in the air.

Because of rest and the elimination of ordinary Chinese villages, the Japanese infantrymen who were relaxed due to the continuous victories in the northern battlefield were not in a tense state during the war at all. They sat together and chatted, discussing how to plunder and kill. They were too selfless.

They had done this kind of thing in northern Hebei for no less than five times.

According to the Chinese government's post-war statistics, in northern Hebei, the 108th Infantry Regiment under the 108th Division committed heinous crimes. In Meihua Town, more than 1,500 villagers were killed, and then more than 3,600 people were massacred in Cheng'an County. This was just the tip of the iceberg of the crimes committed by the 108th Infantry Regiment.

The First Army, which was forced to retreat after fighting the 108th Division, clearly stated in the subsequent clear code telegram that it would not accept the surrender of a single soldier of the 108th Infantry Regiment.

So, the infantrymen of the 108th Infantry Regiment who were too selfless to enjoy the feast were punished.

At least 20 of the 40 bullets hit the human body, and some bullets even rolled into the body of another infantryman after passing through a person's body, causing a wound big enough to fit an adult's fist.

At least 10 people were hit, and a large amount of blood spurted out instantly, forming a thin layer of blood mist in the air.

The shrill cries instantly resounded through the sky, even covering up the gunshots that continued to resound through the mountains.

Chuanzi was stunned!

When the big guy took out the ammunition belt full of bullets and put it on the machine gun, Heizi patted him on the shoulder and asked him: "Little guy, don't you want to see the battlefield? I'll give you a chance to be my ammunition man. Hold the ammunition belt well. I'll help you to report to your superiors when we go back!"

Looking at the yellow and orange ammunition belt full of bullets, Chuanzi was stunned once. He had never seen so many bullets, even in Li Dadao's infantry company.

He even remembered that Li Dadao proudly showed him a few bullets that were rewarded to him for killing the Japanese platoon leader three months ago. They were polished and then carefully put back into the purse on his chest, together with the military salary that Li Dadao had just issued.

But in Big Man's place, there were countless bullets, and it belonged to a machine gun. Touching the cold bullet chain, Kawako felt that even if he died now, it would be worth it.

Kawako had imagined how terrifying it would be to have such a belt machine gun, but he never imagined it would be so terrifying.

The machine gun jumped and roared in the hands of the big man, and the ammunition belt quickly slipped into Kawako's hand. Then, in Kawako's field of vision, there was a burst of Japanese infantry.

The red color of the blood mist is still clearly visible even from more than 400 meters away.

Kawako's mouth is wide enough to swallow a wild boar! Even the beating hot bullet casing fell on his hand, leaving black marks on it.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" The voice still didn't stop.

Kuroko fired more than 100 bullets in two long bursts in one breath. He picked up the telescope and looked at the battlefield. Then he turned his head with satisfaction and looked at the statue-like little militiaman. He patted Kawako on the shoulder: "Little guy , Don’t be in a daze, we have to leave here quickly and go to another shooting point, otherwise, the Japanese grenade is not a vegetarian. "

Then, he lifted the machine gun in one hand and his super large package in the other, and retracted it under the three rocks he chose.

Kawako woke up from the shock, hurriedly hung the remaining bullet belt weighing six or seven kilograms on his body, and followed Kuroko away.

Not only had he promised Li Dadao that he would obey orders and do whatever he was told when he went to the battlefield, but more importantly, this big guy from the friendly forces was really awesome.

He could have killed nearly ten Japs by himself!

Kawako underestimated Kuroko!

Being selected as the fire support of the special operations squadron, Heizi had an extremely strong record in the Songhu Battle. At a distance of 200 meters, he once suppressed a Japanese infantry squad with a Czech light machine gun. their attack.

And now, he has an MG34 machine gun in his hand that makes the furry bear nation fearful. Its maximum rate of fire reaches an incomprehensible 900 rounds per minute. What's more terrible is that he also has a telescope in his hand.

This means that he increases his shooting range to over 500 meters.

The machine gun is not a rifle. The effective range of an ordinary machine gun is up to 800 meters, and the effective range of the MG34 is up to 1,000 meters. This is without the extended barrel.

The extremely excellent machine gunners were matched with the extremely excellent machine guns, and they had enough ammunition. The Japanese were caught off guard, and it was not unlucky that they got into trouble.

In this wave of shooting, which lasted no more than 10 seconds, the Japanese army suffered at least 16 casualties. This was because their individual soldiers' level was high enough and they rolled to avoid quickly after the first long burst of fire. Otherwise, the results would have been even more impressive.

The Japanese machine gunners who had already occupied the commanding heights were finished. This did not mean that no one would use the machine guns. The superior soldiers who failed to rescue their colleagues immediately pounced on the machine guns.

Then, he became the second person to die after his dead colleague.

When the shot came, the bullet hit the center of the helmet. The 7.62mm warhead was not deflected, but ignored the thin steel, broke through the helmet and penetrated into the head of the Japanese superior soldier.

The Japanese superior soldier who had just laid down on the machine gun was like a frog with his head cut off. His legs were twitching violently, but his upper body was motionless, which strangely made the other four Japanese infantrymen who had fallen to the ground feel their balls. Chilly.

They don't want to die, let alone die in such a miserable way!

But the battlefield is not what they have the final say on.

"Enemy attack! Counterattack!" A shrill command came from below.

Even if the Japanese infantry couldn't see the specific location of the Chinese, they could only lie down bravely, place their guns on the rocks, and shoot in the general direction.

"Pagou'er!" was the sound of gunfire from Sanba Dagai.

"Ta-ta-ta!" was the sound of machine gun fire in the 11th year of Taisho.

The 1st Infantry Squad had two light machine guns. During the Chinese machine gun attack just now, the machine gunner sat at the back of the queue due to personal habits, and was lucky enough to escape the almost brutal rain of bullets.

On the mountain road, there were still five or six Japanese soldiers struggling desperately in a pool of blood.

"Yuna-kun, help me!"

"Mom, I don't want to die!"

"Please, Lord Daoshi, have you forgotten that I carried you away from the battlefield?"

The traumatized Japanese soldiers desperately shouted to their close friends, hoping that they could save their lives, but no one dared to rush to the death zone to drag their friends to a safe location.

Because everyone knows that since the Chinese machine guns can hit there, they will never mind repeating the story just now in the same position.

Therefore, they can only fight back and fight back with all their strength. Only in this way can they have a chance to rescue those wounded soldiers.

Kanye Shiro was trembling, but not because of fear, but because of anger!

He thought wrong. The Chinese were much more cunning than he thought. They did not set up an ambush in a valley with dangerous terrain, but chose to attack in a mountainous area that would give them an opportunity. They succeeded, taking advantage of their carelessness, Team 1 suffered heavy losses.

Looking at the dozens of bodies lying in a pool of blood, Kanano Shiro knew that his military career was almost over.

The first team has a total of 44 people. After half a year of war, it only lost 10 people. It was just replenished a month ago. Your Excellency, the captain, will never allow one-third to be lost in such an insignificant battle. Naturally, Gui Falcon would not be asked to shoulder this responsibility. The most suitable person could only be him.

As his subordinates began to counterattack, the Chinese fell silent. No matter whether it was the rifles or machine guns just now, they stopped firing. This only showed one problem. The enemy was short of manpower. Thinking back to the speech of the captain when he led the troops forward, they were taking advantage of the opponent's lack of manpower to wreak havoc on the enemy's rear. The Chinese's purpose was obvious. They were here to delay time.

Only in this way can those damn Chinese civilians hide in the mountains like rats.

"Light machine gunners, grenade launchers, cover, the 2nd squad to the left, the 3rd squad to the right, approach them, kill them, kill chickens!" Guan Ye Shilang gave the order with red eyes.

Kill all the Chinese who tried to stop them and open the way for the whole squadron. This was also his only chance to reduce his guilt, even if the opponent had a machine gun with terrible firepower.

But he still had nearly 30 people under his command, as well as light machine guns and grenade launchers, and had enough opportunities to destroy that terrible firepower point.

So, the 1st squad of the 2nd Infantry Squadron made an unforgivable mistake again.

The ones who fired now were Tang Dao and Heizi. Heizi killed more than a dozen devils with a wave of firepower surprise attack, and Tang Dao killed two Japanese machine gunners with two shots, but Shen Laoliu did not fire a shot, and two veteran soldiers hiding with grenade launchers 350 meters away also remained silent.

In addition, there were four elite soldiers from the 386th Brigade on one side of the mountain. They were short of clothes and bullets, but it cannot be said that they were not strong in combat. In addition to their terrible mental will, they had also experienced more than a dozen battles of all sizes and were true veterans.

If they were replaced with the old sleeves that only had three or five bullets, they might be trapped by their weapons and equipment and had limited combat effectiveness, but now, they have a Mauser pistol and three MP28 submachine guns, with an average of more than 120 bullets per person, which makes them unprecedentedly confident. Within a distance of more than 100 meters, they can let the Japanese know why the flowers are so red.

What, you have never used this kind of gun before? In the hearts of soldiers with red genes, if they are not familiar with it, then use it a few more times, won’t they be familiar with it?

There were nearly 24 Japanese soldiers, who began to spread out their formations and climb up the hillside from both wings.

Kuroko's machine gun opened fire again, and a wave of concentrated fire knocked down the Japanese infantrymen who had been separated by nearly seven or eight meters.

The firepower was really too fierce. Even though the distance between the individual soldiers was so wide, the bullets poured down like a heavy rain, and still swept down two infantrymen with superb individual skills. No one wanted to be the next one.

"We found his position, machine gunner, shoot, grenade launcher, kill them!" Shiro Kanno, who was hiding behind a rock, breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the machine gun was 400 meters away from here, he believed in the two grenade launcher groups under his command. They were all veterans who had joined the army for 4 years and had performed well in previous battles. They had blown up 20 firepower points of the Chinese army and even had a record of accurately hitting the enemy's heavy machine gun firepower point at a distance of 500 meters. That meant throwing the grenade accurately into the fortifications with a radius of only 2 square meters.

"Bang!" A grenade launcher fired first.

A cloud of gunpowder rose from the distant mountain, about ten meters away from the position of the firepower point just observed.

"Bang!" Another grenade launcher also fired.

Gunpowder smoke rose on the top of the mountain.

"Yoshi! Keep going!" Guan Ye Shilang looked into the distance through the telescope, and a smile appeared on his face with difficulty.

As long as this firepower point was blown up, his tactical goal could be achieved.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out.

Just 10 meters away from him, the grenade thrower who was still measuring the distance with his hands was struggling desperately on the ground.

A bullet passed through his hand and hit his eye socket.

Blood spurted out as if he was not willing to die, and the wailing sound was getting lower and lower in front of Guan Ye Shilang.

Chinese people have sharpshooters!

What level of sharpshooter is this who can shoot into people's eyes at a distance of hundreds of meters?

At that moment, Guan Ye Shilang's eyes were cold.

But the suffering of the 1st team may have just begun.

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