Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 878: Show your strength (seeking monthly votes at the beginning of the month!)

After saying so much, in fact, it is just a guest who came to this mountain. With a crushing force that most people could not expect, he shattered the pride of a strong character!

Yes, although Tang Tuanzuo's individual soldiers are already ridiculously strong, this alone is not enough to make a group of elite soldiers who have survived on the battlefield for a long time collectively decadent.

They have heroes as role models, but the long-term difficult survival relies on the collective strength. No matter how strong Tang is, can everyone be like this?

To be honest, the 772nd Regiment has never been weak to anyone! Didn't they just come to Jindong and fight hard with the 20th Division that has basically conquered Niangzi Pass! More importantly, they beat the 20th Division to tears.

If it weren't for the defeat of the 5th Division at Pingxingguan, the incident that the 20th Division was repeatedly pressed to the ground by the Chinese miscellaneous army at the same position would definitely nail Kawagishi Saburo to the pillar of shame in history.

In fact, even if Comrade Xiao Wang was beaten to death by Tang Dao's "one run, one shot", he was an indestructible Xiao Qiang and soon recovered.

Seeing that Tang Dao, the regiment commander, was a pervert, and the two Japanese infantry company equipment just floated away from his eyes, he directly aimed at Hei Zi and Shen Laoliu, two tool people who were watching the show.

This logic is actually not wrong. Tang Dao is strong, but his subordinates are not necessarily strong. Moreover, even if he is strong, how can his 772 soldiers be weak? Under his command, there are special shooters who killed four Japanese soldiers with five shots, and a strong man who killed three Japanese invaders with a red tassel spear. He is the deputy regiment commander and the commander, not because he is the best fighter and killer.

Therefore, even if Zhu Sanhei desperately winked and blinked at his deputy regiment commander, the indestructible "Wang Xiaoqiang" is still working hard for his two Japanese infantry company equipment.

So, Shen Laoliu let the "mountain turtles" appreciate what a semi-automatic rifle is!

Ten shots, the continuous fire output of ten bullets is already despairing, but what is more despairing is its accuracy. Shen Laoliu, who has a scope, has extended his shooting range to 350 meters, which is beyond the reach of the Hanyang-made sharpshooter!

The gap in equipment and Shen Laoliu's own accurate shooting skills made the officers of the 772nd Regiment look serious!

Family members know their own business. They certainly know the deep meaning of Deputy Regiment Commander Wang's "persistence" in looking for Tang Dao to compete. In addition to the attractive equipment, more importantly, it is to peek at the strength of the Sichuan Army, which is about to become a neighbor.

Originally, the 772nd Regiment, which had experienced a long-distance transfer, knew the old "opponent" and old friend of the Sichuan Army the best, but this infantry regiment that suddenly broke into the mountains of eastern Shanxi subverted their cognition.

Zhu Sanhei's telegram focused on reporting that the regiment commander Tang Dao led only four people to stop the enemy for nearly 40 minutes!

If Zhu Sanhei is not crazy, then God must be crazy!

Comrade Xiao Wang seems to be reckless and shameless, but he has a wisdom that ordinary people can hardly reach. He knows one thing very well. If the Four-Line Regiment really comes to transport supplies, they will be allowed to stay in their own defense zone to a large extent.

And if he doesn't know the details of his neighbors, as the current highest commander of the 772nd Regiment, how can he sleep well?

As the saying goes, "see the leopard from the spot", even though there are only three people from the Four-Line Regiment, from the performance of the three people, the strength of the Four-Line Regiment can be basically guessed!

This is what Comrade Xiao Wang wants to know most today.

Even Tang Dao must be strong, Comrade Xiao Wang expected it. Perhaps the only thing he expected wrong was that Tang Dao showed his strength almost frankly, and did not hesitate to show the combat effectiveness of his two subordinates.

When listening to Tang Dao's explanation of the Czech semi-automatic rifle in the hands of the sergeant named Shen Laoliu, the entire Four-Line Regiment was equipped with 150 rifles, Comrade Xiao Wang was rarely silent.

As a regimental commander, he knew how important this semi-automatic rifle that could fire ten rounds continuously without pulling the bolt was for the front-line battlefield.

That was a firearm that could suppress the enemy without the continuous firepower of a light machine gun. 150 rifles were almost equivalent to 150 more firepower points.

Let alone 150 rifles, if he was given 50, the Japanese would not be able to suppress his 772nd Regiment's two infantry battalions plus a guard company with just one infantry battalion in the Battle of Dongyang Pass.

The Tang sword was surprisingly frank, and the combat effectiveness of him and his two subordinates was also amazing enough.

Fortunately, the 772nd Regiment was not completely defeated!

The big machine gunner put down the machine gun and picked up the wooden training rifle, and fought with the veteran of the 772nd Regiment who had assassinated three Japanese infantrymen on the battlefield. They were evenly matched.

In the one-minute-long bayonet "strangle", both sides were shot by each other! The 772nd Regiment did not underestimate themselves just because the Shandong man was a machine gunner. In a hand-to-hand fight, even the regiment commander had to carry a knife, so there was no distinction between arms and non-arms.

Especially after hearing Tang Dao introduce that the elite of the elites like Heizi and Shen Laoliu, the entire Fourth Regiment only had 60 people, ‘Wang Xiaoqiang’ and the officers of the 772nd Regiment breathed a sigh of relief.

If the entire Fourth Regiment was made up of such guys, they would have no chance of fighting if they wanted to be enemies with them.

Of course, Tang Dao’s frankness won the favor of the highly alert ‘Wang Xiaoqiang’s’.

This was also the effect Tang Dao wanted to achieve. He knew the thoughts of these old predecessors too well.

If the Four-Line Regiment wants to become a part of them, it is not that he can just hug his legs and shout "I want to join" as soon as he arrives.

Let's not talk about whether people will trust you. Just say that if you, an infantry regiment, declares to change its flag, in the context of the joint anti-Japanese war, people will not take huge risks to absorb you!

What do you need to make them take risks?

You need to have value!

This is the bottom logic of everything in the world. From national affairs to food and sex, who would be willing to pay and who would be willing to take risks without value?

Now, Tang Dao is using strength to tell these old predecessors that my Four-Line Regiment has enough value.

Of course, now is just a beginning. In the future, Tang Dao will let them see that a strong Four-Line Regiment is enough for them to take enough risks.

Now, Tang Dao has extended an olive branch, and they just need to accept it for the time being.

However, 'Wang Xiaoqiang' is 'Wang Xiaoqiang' after all! The setback in the military competition made him see the strength and sincerity of Tang Dao, but the 772nd Regiment lost thoroughly after all, which is not what he wants to see.

Especially, the full set of equipment of two Japanese infantry companies was still shining in the sky!

"Drink! Brother, you have opened my eyes this time. It turns out that there are such strong infantry commanders in the world. We brothers must drink a few glasses! I'll drink first to show my respect!" Comrade Xiao Wang held a large bowl as big as a head and drank it all up. He was also desperate.

If you can't win on the training ground, you must win back your face in the drinking field!

Comrade Xiao Wang, who has at least two kilograms of alcohol, came to the decisive battlefield with a wine bowl and drank three bowls of white wine with Tang Tuanzuo. The drunk man was still thinking about the Japanese equipment he couldn't get. Tang Dao, who was obviously drunk, answered him: "It's just a matter of two hundred rifles! Send someone to my regiment to get it today. It's my gift to the friendly army!"

"Gudong gudong!" Excited, Comrade Xiao Wang drank two more bowls.

Therefore, without waiting for the final round, ‘Wang Xiaoqiang’ fell directly, and he had no chance to see the famous scene of Tang Dao sweeping away the three battalion commanders under his command.

Except for the several school officers present, no one knew how much Tang Tuanzuo drank, but according to the news from the kitchen team of the 772 Regiment Headquarters, the jar of old wine that Deputy Regiment Commander Wang bought from his fellow villagers with his last dollar of savings weighed 15 or 16 kilograms, and he actually drank it all in one meal.

Deputy Regiment Commander Wang and the three battalion commanders plus a chief of staff all came out lying down, but Regiment Commander Tang walked out by himself, and even walked back to the station of Zhu Sanhei 3rd Company by himself.

Is there any need to talk about the victory or defeat in this drinking field?

However, I am afraid that even Tang Dao himself did not expect that as soon as he left the 772 Regiment Headquarters, a drunken deputy commander opened his eyes.

"The person is gone?" Comrade Xiao Wang, who was snoring loudly just now, suddenly opened his big eyes and asked.

"Gone!" The young guard who ran in from outside was not surprised at all that his leader sobered up so quickly, but his eyes were full of amazement. "The Chief of Staff, Captain Ding and the others were drunk, really drunk!"

"Good fellow, this Commander Tang is really a talent!" Comrade Xiao Wang sat up with his legs crossed and narrowed his eyes. "Did he say anything else when he left?"

"That Commander Tang said that he would come to the leader again after his Four-Line Regiment was temporarily settled, saying that he had heard of Brigade Commander Chen for a long time and hoped to meet him!" The guard hurriedly reported Tang Dao's original words.

"Hehe, sure enough, it's just as I thought! He came to me! It's just a prelude, the most important thing is to go to the brigade leader." Comrade Xiao Wang showed a little complacency on his face, as if everything was under control. "I just don't know what his real intention is to find the brigade leader?"

"I think this Commander Tang is a good person. Does he want to cooperate with our 386th Brigade to fight the Japanese?" The young guard answered instinctively.

"People's hearts are different from their stomachs! Monk, you have been with me for such a long time, why are you still so straightforward? How can we judge people's hearts by their appearance? If you continue to be so stupid, I will see you die without knowing how you died. You are so kind to protect me, I should protect you well." Comrade Xiao Wang glared at his closest guard and taught him a lesson.

"But Captain Tang said before he left that he would not default on the equipment he promised, and Captain Zhu of the 3rd Company would take it. He is a bad guy, how could he give us so many guns for free!" The young guard felt a little wronged after being scolded.

"So, I can't figure it out!" Comrade Xiao Wang lit a cigarette, frowned and fell into thought. "This Tang sword is a little different from other Guo Party officers!"

"Then your pretending to be drunk has something to do with this?" The young guard was very curious.

He has been following this man for two years, and he knows his behavior very well. He will only show weakness to the enemy when he meets an opponent he cannot handle, and then try to fight back. When he meets someone weaker than him, he will just fight.

In short, this man is not as tough as he looks. He is very smart and cunning, and many people will be confused by his superficial behavior.

This "crazy" man has a brain that works faster than many people!

"You know nothing! If I don't pretend to be drunk, I will be really drunk! Damn, for the equipment of two infantry companies, it's not easy for me! I didn't eat a bite of mutton, but I drank nearly two kilograms of wine. The key is that Tang Dao is still not embarrassed, and I know that if I drink more today, I will be finished." Comrade Xiao Wang didn't know if it was because of the alcohol, his face was very rosy.

"Hurry up and send a report to Zhu Sanhei. Don't wait for tomorrow. Take two platoons and a militia company overnight to send Commander Tang back to his infantry regiment!"

"What's the point of joining the militia company?" The young guard was obviously still too young.

"Idiot, you think hundreds of guns are nothing! If you don't get more people, you can move them back!" Comrade Xiao Wang rolled his eyes at the guard who was obviously not very smart.

When moving supplies, Comrade Xiao Wang is very professional. He not only considers the manpower, but also considers the dangers of the mountain road. The weapons must not be damaged or damaged!

Zhu Sanhei, who had stayed under Comrade Xiao Wang for several years, knew the habits of the old leader very well. The two infantry platoons did not even carry their guns. They just inserted two grenades into each person and set off. If they were really going to encounter the Japanese, they would not Know who to protect whom.

Sure enough, there are people outside the world, and there are mountains outside the mountains. For the behavior of a certain friendly army, an old man like Shen Laoliu was shocked at that time!

"Also, tell Zhu Sanhei and try to advise Commander Tang. Since there is a lot of baggage, in order to avoid encounters with the Japanese army, the Si Xing Regiment can be stationed closer to the headquarters of our 772 Regiment, and our two armies can also help each other!"


This time, the guard didn't ask any questions.

Because he saw a smile on the corner of a certain chief's mouth again, which meant...

It means that he thinks Tang Dao is good and like a good guy!

It must be this Kaizi! Once it's too strong, it won't be easy to gather.

Otherwise, everyone talks about picking out wool, but no one ever talks about picking out tiger hair!

If Tang Dao, Heizi, and Shen Laoliu only showed Wang Xiaoqiang a small patch of leopard markings at the 772 Regiment Headquarters, then when Zhu Sanhei, who personally led the team overnight to present Tang Dao back to the regiment, showed up at the Sixings Regiment After staying for a long time, what Tang Dao showed him was a ferocious tiger standing on the top of the mountain, preparing to prey.

Zhu Sanhei reported this to the regiment headquarters in his telegram the next day:

"The Si Xing Regiment has nearly 3,000 troops. In order to strengthen the regiment's configuration, it not only has three infantry battalions, but also has several companies directly under the regiment headquarters. Among them, the cavalry company has more than 100 horses, and the artillery company is even more organized. The 1st Artillery Company and the 2nd Artillery Company cannot be seen in person because the artillery pieces are covered with tarps, but they can be seen everywhere on horseback. 82 mortars are used as fire support equipment for the infantry battalion;

In addition, most of its guard companies are mainly equipped with flower traps, and there are nearly a hundred of them. In the army, many soldiers walking around with shell guns are actually sergeants. After asking, I learned that the shell guns are for their squads, platoons, and companies. The standard configuration for officers; while for ordinary soldiers, most of them are domestically produced rifles produced in Northeast China, and Japanese-style rifles are basically transported in large trucks accompanying the army.

When our army went to collect it, the logistics officer did not pay special attention to this type of equipment. He only relied on a military order from Commander Tang. He even gave us an extra 500 Japanese-style grenades! "

Zhu Sanhei was a scholar who had attended a private school. Although the telegram was a bit literate, it introduced the current situation of the Four Elements Group clearly and clearly.

"This guy has a plan for coming here!" Standing in front of the window, Comrade Xiao Wang looked at the dusk mountains and had to admit that this matter was beyond his ability to handle. "Telegram to the brigade commander and ask him to make a decision!"

Both of them are smart people. Needless to say, Tang Dao showed his strength unabashedly, which was to send a signal that his Four Elements Group was not a simple transportation team.

The Four Elements Group came here not for sightseeing.

He took the initiative to visit the mountain as a sign of respect for the 386th Brigade, and he was waiting for the 386th Brigade's response.

With absolute strength and the olive branch he took the initiative to offer, the smart Xiao Wang also chose to leave the problem to his superiors.

On the sixth day after Tang Dao entered the mountain, he received an invitation from the supreme commander of the 386 Brigade, asking him to meet at the 386 Brigade headquarters 40 kilometers away!

Tang Dao was finally going to meet the talented general who would shine in the Sino-Japanese battlefield and the future ice field battle.







PS: By the way, today the new book "My Career as an Arms Dealer" by my friend the military author "Jiangshan Elegy" is on the shelves at 0 o'clock in the morning. If you have any book friends who like this subject, you can support it. Thank you!

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