Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 892 The road is narrow!

"Leng Feng, what do you think I will choose?" Tang Dao, who had been looking into the distance, suddenly asked in a deep voice.

In the distance, there had just been an explosion.

In order to expand the access to the city, an engineer platoon following the Third Battalion buried nearly 200 kilograms of explosives under a city wall!

However, in order to ensure a wider passage for the infantry, the engineers did not use the almost crazy blasting method of placing two hundred kilograms of explosives in the same area. Of course, it could send a nearly twenty-meter-long city wall into the sky, and even Use a shower of stones to hit the Japanese position not far from the city wall. If it doesn't kill you, it will kill you.

However, compared to this result, Leng Feng preferred to ensure the passage for his infantry attack.

The road must not be narrow anymore!

So, it is a directional blasting divided into 3 positions!

An eighty-meter-wide section of the city wall completely collapsed, completely exposing the Japanese defensive position illuminated by flares to the sight of the two commanders.

The Japanese army's position was perfectly deployed. In the darkness, sparks from machine guns and rifles were constantly flickering. The Chinese soldiers, suppressed by Japanese firepower, fought back behind the ruins. The light and heavy machine guns of both sides fired at each other, creating a formation in the night sky. A series of extremely magnificent crimson phantoms.

In the final darkness before dawn, for ordinary people, this is undoubtedly an unforgettable spectacle, but for two soldiers who have experienced countless cruel battlefields, they know very well that every phantom disappears Behind the scenes, perhaps the flower of life is withering.

Whether it is Chinese soldiers or Japanese invaders!

War has nothing to do with beauty. Some can only be cruel!

"I don't know!" Leng Feng shook his head in pain.

He had no choice, but he was in pain, because he could see the medical soldiers frantically carrying off the wounded soldiers from the front line. At this moment, there were already more than ten, and this had not officially entered the offensive stage. The last time they fought against Bihe In the battle, we defended against the attack of a Japanese infantry brigade, and we had never suffered so many casualties in the early stages.

Sure enough, an offensive battle is much more difficult than a defensive battle.

“In this war, China is facing a powerful enemy that it has never encountered in thousands of years. Regardless of its national strength or industrial capabilities, China is at a disadvantage. It is almost impossible to win the final victory.

But fortunately, we have a vast land and a huge population. This is the only opportunity for China to reverse its course.

That’s right, no fear of death and sacrifice! This is China's only chance to win this war.

This sacrifice is not only for our generation of soldiers, but also for all Chinese people. For our descendants to continue to live on this land, sacrifice is necessary. "Tang Dao's tone was firm and cold.

Leng Feng felt a shudder. He already roughly knew the final choice of his regimental commander.

"Leng Feng, do you know that as the top commander on the front line, every second of hesitation you make will lead to an increase in the number of casualties among your subordinates.

Moreover, the Japanese invaders in the city may have already approached the residential areas. Every minute of delay will lead to the worst outcome we expected in advance. By that time, when you see rows of white-haired old ladies and wawawei When the baby is crying, do you still have the courage to order your brothers to shoot? If you don’t want to or don’t dare to make sacrifices, then you will face more sacrifices. "Tang Dao still didn't look at his capable subordinate. His eyes were filled with red that was constantly flying in the night sky.

“What’s more, do you think that with the precautions taken by the Japanese army against our people, they will be allowed to continue to stay around their positions and spy on them?

How could they have imagined that one day, their firepower would be inferior to that of the Chinese army, which they looked down upon at all? They used residential buildings and streets to form defensive positions. I'm afraid they wanted to kill a large number of infantry and never thought that the opponents they encountered would have artillery! "Tang Dao's eyes suddenly became a little fierce: "I think you, the highest commander in the south gate direction, should know what you should do! "

The commanders of the three infantry battalions under Tang Dao's command are Lei Xiong, the regimental deputy and commander of the first battalion, bold and enthusiastic, Guo Shouzhi, the second battalion commander, who is persistent and calm, and Leng Feng, the commander of the third battalion, who is fierce and firm.

It seems that among the three infantry battalion commanders, Leng Feng is the coldest one, and the one who can best make effective decisions when faced with such difficult decisions.

But in fact, Leng Feng is a typical example of being cold-faced and hot-hearted. In the Battle of the Golden Pit, he did not hesitate to expose the position of the entire company for stones. Zhengzhou was attacked by the Japanese. His individual combat power was actually far weaker than that of two Japanese ninjutsu masters. , but he still guarded the door of the box without taking a step back, guarding the woman he liked with almost his life.

The coldness on his face is to cover up the pain in his heart, but the coldness in his heart is actually only for one kind of people - Japanese invaders!

For such a person, it is almost impossible for you to expect him to make such an almost cruel decision in a short period of time.

But the south gate position is very special. Mingxin's "making a living" by walking around the streets and alleys of Licheng this week is not just for food and accommodation. Except for the heavily guarded arsenal area of ​​​​the Japanese army, she has never had the opportunity to go to the Japanese military camp in Licheng. He had a close grasp of the situation in the residential areas, and the information had already reached Tang Dao.

During the night combat meeting of the Fourth Army Regiment in the latent area last night, except for Lei Xiong who had already gone to the blocking position, the two infantry battalion commanders each understood the situation in the area where they were about to fight.

In the South Gate area, the residents of the private houses that had been requisitioned by the Japanese army as positions were naturally driven away.

In fact, before the Japanese army arrived, one-third of the original residents of Licheng County had already fled. Those who remained either had nowhere to go, or were lucky enough to think that the Japanese army would not do anything to them. The entire Licheng County has a maximum population of only 6,000 people. As the Japanese army vigorously promoted the so-called "China-Japan friendship" and did not do anything evil in the city, more than 1,000 people returned to the county seat, which only had a population of 7,000. .

There is a street leading from the south gate to the center of the city, which is also the commercial center of the entire Licheng County. Businessmen such as rice shops, grain shops, wine shops, cloth shops, restaurants, etc. are basically concentrated on this street.

Businessmen are indeed different from ordinary people. Money is even more important to them than life. When the Japanese came, civilians ran away more, but many businessmen still chose to stick to it.

Changxiang Chinese website

Although the Japanese army also ate for free, they did not burn, kill, and loot like the legend. The bottom line of human beings was dropped so quickly. In the past half a month, many shops were even open for business.

To put it bluntly, as the most prosperous area in Licheng County, the South Gate area, there are naturally no Chinese on the Japanese military positions, but the surrounding residential buildings have not been driven away, and there are still many businessmen. Once the artillery fire is fired, there will definitely be There was an accidental injury.

If after the war, Leng Feng saw the corpses of his compatriots lying in the wild under his orders, it would definitely be a huge blow to him, and it might become his lifelong inner demon, just like when he saw his youngest brother die in the It's the same as before my eyes.

To this day, he still has the bayonet used by his younger brother under his pillow. Without that knife, he cannot sleep no matter how deep the night is.

Tang Dao couldn't watch Leng Feng put another shackle on him!

That's why he came to the South Gate in person to supervise the battle.

Sure enough, when Leng Feng couldn't make a choice, Tang Dao helped him make a decision.

But with the development of the Four Lines Regiment and the changes in the war situation, Tang Dao cannot stand behind him every time. Leng Feng, who has become a battalion-level commander and may even take a higher position, must learn to make choices.

As Tang Dao said, for the victory of the nation, no one can be sacrificed, including himself.

In every war, what is won is not only victory, but also sacrifice, but also learning and growth.

Soldiers, become elite soldiers in all battles. Commanders, learn to dare to take on more responsibilities, even if it is painful to the bone.

Tang Dao was forced to learn to be ruthless and cruel, and so were his men.

"Order that the officers and soldiers in the city wall area withdraw from the city wall in batches, leaving an infantry platoon to contain the Japanese firepower and cover the engineer platoon approaching the battlefield; the infantry platoon at the city gate retreats into the city gate after receiving the order, and no rash advance is allowed before the military order arrives.

The 1st telegraph gun company used all the 82nd troops to cooperate with the machine gun company of our battalion to cover the Japanese front-line positions with artillery fire for ten minutes after our battalion sent out the signal flare.

At the same time, the 2nd Telegraph Artillery Company said that since the Japanese army has a fortress, our battalion needs firepower reinforcements and requested them to support four rapid-fire guns and four infantry guns! "

Leng Feng lowered his head and pondered for more than ten seconds, then raised his head resolutely and issued the order.

Three minutes later, watching groups of soldiers retreating from the city wall area to 300 meters away, looking for bunkers to hide, Leng Feng looked at Tang Dao with cold eyes, and finally couldn't help but said: "Tuanzuo, I'm sorry, this area There may still be many people from Licheng in the area, and I still want to try again..."

"Haha, very good, Leng Feng, you did better than I thought. If you had just requested the 1st artillery company to use a 150-weight mortar or a 75-weight mountain gun, then it would be great for you to become a regiment-level commander in the future. If you If you have been under my command, Mr. Tang!" A smile appeared on Tang Dao's face, which had been cold just now.

On such a cruel battlefield, sacrifice is already the most common situation. If you feel deeply guilty when you see a little bit of your own blood, then you'd better not shout the slogan of defending your home and country and go home.

But if it is for the sake of tactical victory and does not care about the life and death of its own civilians, then it is as cold-blooded as a butcher.

Just like the Garden Mouth of the Yellow River in time and space, yes, after the levee was blasted, the raging Yellow River water turned a small half of Henan Province into a state of Zeguo, hindering the march of the Japanese mechanized troops. Zhengzhou was saved, and it also forced the slow-moving Japanese army to Having to take a detour, the battle around Jiangxia, an important town in central China, gained valuable time, which was considered a victory from a strategic perspective.

However, the price paid by the people of Henan Province was that as many as 890,000 people were buried in the belly of fish, millions of people became victims of the disaster, and their bones stretched thousands of miles away.

The losses were so great that they even exceeded the Japanese invaders' rampage in Jinling. Tang Dao would not agree with such a chilling strategic victory in any case.

Of course, Tang Dao also knew very clearly that this was the reason why he could only become a soldier and not a politician, no matter in his past or present life.

There is no warmth on the battlefield, but that does not mean that one loses humanity.

Leng Feng's choice is very good.

The accuracy of the 150-heavy mortar and the 75-weight mountain gun is much worse than the 82-pound mortar that can fire 500 meters away from the battlefield. A slight difference can blow up residential areas into a white field.

And when he used the engineer platoon again, Tang Dao vaguely guessed his next strategy.

This time, he no longer needed infantry to attack the passage. He wanted to use another method to give the Japanese some color.

In addition to the 60-meter gap, the tall city wall at the south gate is more than 500 meters long, and the platoon of Bai Sheng's engineer company can carry a full 800 kilograms of explosives this time. That was the last time they bombed the Yellow River Iron Bridge. What's left.

In order to ensure that the Yellow River Bridge completely disappeared from the Yellow River, the First War Zone Command approved a full 4,000 kilograms of explosives, which was considered to be emptying out the old funds.

Since Tang Dao had already exchanged part of the captured weapons for the New Eighth Division's Engineer Company, the remaining explosives were naturally accepted with a smile. Tang Dao was not a charity, and there was no reason to spit out what was swallowed.

So, the engineer platoon, which was on the battlefield again, buried 400 kilograms of explosives under a section of the intact city wall less than 20 meters away from the Japanese defense position!

That was 400 kilograms of explosives. When Tang Dao participated in the Battle of Four Lines, it just buried hundreds of kilograms in a building and blew it up.

And this section of the city wall is only 4 meters high and 3 meters wide. Compared with the reinforced concrete building, it is nothing.

With a loud "bang", the 20-meter-long city wall, which was not considered majestic, was directly blown up to the sky.

The thick smoke enveloped the entire city wall area.

Or rather, it was darkness that enveloped the city wall area.

Because, from that moment on, there was no fiery red phantom, and no one fired flares.

All the Chinese soldiers on the position, including Tang Tuanzuo and Leng Feng, all curled up and buried their heads on the position.

The broken stones even traveled through a space of 300 meters and hit the steel helmets.

As for the clanging sound, it did not exist.

Because everyone's eardrums were buzzing because of the huge explosion, they could not hear any sound at all, even if someone was yelling in their ears, it was as low as a mosquito.

And this was after notifying everyone to plug their ears with cotton.

If they didn't plug their ears, they would just listen so hard, and if they were only a few dozen meters apart, the probability of becoming deaf was estimated to be more than 80%.

It was nearly a minute before Leng Feng ordered the grenade launcher to approach the city wall area and fire a flare.

Then, the Chinese soldiers who looked up and looked forward collectively took a breath of cold air.

The scene of concentrated blasting of 400 kilograms of explosives is much more terrifying than the previous use of 200 kilograms to open up the road.

The original three or four-meter-high city wall has become a ruin, and the highest place is only waist-high ruins.

Tens of tons of bricks and stones were blown away, and the pit where the explosives were buried was slanted inward along the base of the city wall. It was a typical directional blasting. Sixty to seventy percent of the bricks and stones that were blown away flew towards the county town inside the city wall, especially the Japanese positions only thirty to forty meters away from the city wall.

Compared with the artillery shells that can hit the soul with one shot, the lethality of the stones flying into the residential area is much lower. Leng Feng finally chose this slightly gentle attack method for his own people.

But for the Japanese army, it was really irritable.

A few minutes ago, as the number of Chinese on the city wall became fewer and fewer and the firepower became weaker and weaker, Lieutenant Yamashita Zhongshu, who was responsible for leading more than 160 soldiers to garrison the South Gate, was still a little excited.

With the experience of being able to repel the Chinese army, he might be a temporary infantry squadron leader, instead of acting as the squadron leader because of Captain Tanaka's accidental injury.

He was very satisfied with the battle situation just now, although his men suffered a lot of losses in the fierce shooting just now. According to reports, more than a dozen people were killed on the spot and more than 20 were injured.

This group of Chinese who came to attack was obviously different from the Chinese army he had encountered before. They not only had a large number of artillery, but also a large number of continuous firepower. However, a small force of dozens of people was much stronger than an infantry company of the Chinese army in the past. If it weren't for the squadron's two heavy machine guns, the infantry squadron in the fortifications couldn't even raise their heads.

But, what's the problem with being strong? With this level of shooting, the Chinese can't cross it. If he wants to charge into the position, he has 160 infantrymen, 6 light machine guns, 2 heavy machine guns, and perfect fortifications. He can make the Chinese pay more than ten times his own price.

This cannot be said that Lieutenant Yamashita Nakaki was blindly confident. In the past, an infantry battalion surrounded by the 921st Division relied on the civil engineering works built in one day to resist the 921st Division, which was not completely wiped out during the day and lacked artillery and had insufficient offensive capabilities. The losses made the two commanders extremely sad several years later.

But this time, Lieutenant Yamashita Nakaki really thought too much. The opponent he faced, not to mention the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, just talking about equipment, dare not say the division level, but it is no problem to easily beat all the Japanese Army regiment-level infantry sequences of this period.

The huge explosion caused by 400 kilograms of explosives shook Qiliang Zhongyu, who had just escaped from the sky, and the ugly face looking towards the south gate became as white as if it had just been powdered.

As a middle-left officer, Qiliang Zhongyu knew what it was. What else could it be besides blasting? It can't be that the Chinese lit a big firecracker to entertain themselves!

The situation in the south gate is not good, brothers from Lucheng, come quickly! If you don't come, you can only collect the bodies of 1,000 colleagues in the empire. Qiliang Zhongyu once again ordered the signal soldiers to send a telegram for help to Lucheng, even though he knew that a similar telegram for help had just been sent a few minutes ago.

"My goodness, the commander has moved the Sihang Warehouse set again!" Heizi, who was still busy arranging his battle position in the Wang family mansion, couldn't help but sigh.

He had seen with his own eyes how the Tang sword blew up a building.

"Captain, please stop sighing. I want to hear your story, but we have to wait until we die to hear it!" Shen Laoliu said bitterly.

Before the explosion, the gunshots in the city were getting closer and closer. The Japanese were coming soon.

Although it was an honor for the whole regiment to line up and salute after the death, Shen Laoliu really didn't want to lie down like that. He wanted to brag to his children and grandchildren in the future! What's the point of just watching them burn paper, light incense and pour wine underground? Can that stuff be eaten or not?

I'm getting off topic......

It's all because Laoliu had too many inner dramas.

After all, that was the feeling of people hundreds of meters or even kilometers away!

For the Japanese troops on the defense positions of the South Gate, especially the Japanese troops on the nearest front-line positions, including a Japanese lieutenant who had to plant trees at the foot of the mountain, it was really not a loud bang, but an explosion.

Deafness is not enough to describe their feelings at this time. At least half of the Japanese soldiers had two thin bloodstains in their ears, because their eardrums were broken.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would live in a silent world from now on.

In short, from this moment on, they can apply for a disability certificate, the third-level one!

(Japanese: Who are you looking down on? When did we ever get a third-level certificate? If we want one, we’ll get an S-level one!)

(Feng Yue: I’m superficial!)

But this is only the first wave of consequences caused by the explosion.

The wall that flew up to the sky will fall down!

Even if it’s a scattering flower style...

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