Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 902: Quite surprising!

However, the following situation was once again beyond Lieutenant Oguri's expectations.

Just when he was looking pale and thought that he was destined to be blown to ashes by the terrible Chinese along with a large amount of supplies, the Chinese attack stopped.

There were no shells falling, no fire cover, and no infantry charge. The big sticks that the Chinese had swung fiercely before seemed to appear in a dream, if it weren't for the strong smell of gunpowder reminding Lieutenant Oguri.

What tricks did the Chinese want to play? The sudden stop of the bombing inevitably made Lieutenant Oguri and his subordinates blush and imagine.

After all, they had already spread their legs and lay flat to let the Chinese army rampage and attack. What's the matter? Did they think this posture was not exciting enough? Could it be that the Imperial Japanese Army had to kneel down and call softly: Sir, please pity me a little?

This is really too shameful. Who wouldn't be angry?

Don't say, a fool will make a thousand mistakes, but he will get one right!

Leng Feng ordered to temporarily suspend the attack on the baggage warehouse, and it was Tang Dao who personally sent someone to inform him.

It was not that Tang Dao was reluctant to part with the Japanese army's stored munitions, and he wanted to exchange them with human lives, but an unexpected situation occurred on the battlefield.

The Japanese army's resistance in the area of ​​the city wall of the East Gate of Licheng was actually very tenacious. If it were not for the Third Battalion's use of a wave of stone rain to blast the Japanese army on the position and then wash the ground with artillery shells to quickly attack the city, and attack the Japanese army on the South Gate defense position from the flank, it would be impossible for the Second Battalion to attack the city without suffering certain casualties.

But the reality is that since Li Jiujin's Seventh Company organized the Sharp Knife Platoon to completely defeat the left wing of the Japanese defense position with grenades and submachine guns, the Japanese defense position at the South Gate completely collapsed.

However, this wave of Japanese troops was more tenacious than expected. As the three infantry companies of the Second Battalion rushed into the city and annihilated the main force of the Japanese army on the position, a small number of Japanese troops actually chose to enter the residential area in the city and fight with Chinese soldiers in the streets.

This certainly did not pose a problem for Tang Dao. Although the special squadron had sent out its elite troops, he still had more than ten special squadron members around him to prevent this situation from happening.

The ordinary infantry of the infantry company was used to block the streets, making it difficult for the Japanese to escape, while the special forces went into the deep alleys in groups of two or three to strangle the remnants of the Japanese army.

The Chinese army, which had already occupied a dominant position, did not hesitate to use flares. Not only was it not difficult to manufacture, but there would definitely be a lot of them in the Japanese army's baggage warehouse. As long as Licheng was captured, all the consumption this time could be recovered.

Even on the top of the Japanese city wall, an undamaged searchlight was found. Don't ask why the lights were still there when the people were blown to pieces. The question was that at this time, not only was the light not blown up, but it was still usable.

Under the simultaneous action of flares and searchlights, the residential area where the remnants of the Japanese army retreated was illuminated as bright as day. If you get closer, both sides can see each other clearly, not to mention shooting at each other with guns.

However, compared with the panicked Japanese army who could only fight desperately, the Four-Line Regiment undoubtedly had a comprehensive advantage. The two infantry companies participating in the encirclement and suppression had at least 20 elite shooters, all of whom climbed to the commanding heights and used sandbags as cover. As long as the shit-yellow color broke into their field of vision, they would aim and shoot. At several major alleys, they were blocked with light machine guns and infantry, basically locking up the Japanese army's activity space.

The special forces all used submachine guns as their main firepower. Two people formed a small firepower group. When encountering the Japanese army that resisted, one would cover with continuous firepower and the other would greet with grenades. If there were many Japanese soldiers, the nearby group would quickly provide support. The Japanese could not run around due to the threat of the gunmen on the commanding heights, but they had no problem.

As for the issue of civilian casualties in the battle, Tang Dao's attitude was very firm. There was no such thing as a complete victory on the battlefield. If this group of Japanese troops was not annihilated in time, the damage caused might be even greater. They had to kill them even if they suffered casualties.

Because any casualties caused by this battle will be borne by the regiment!

Hesitation on the battlefield is not about defeat or not, but the cost of the lives of soldiers. Whether Tang Dao is willing or not, he is becoming a real commander, not only cruel to the enemy, but also to his own people.

After all, he will become the kind of person he once disliked! But so what? China today cannot be saved by a super soldier who can fight ten or even a hundred.

In other words, the only way to save China is sacrifice!

In the past, the casualties of nearly 4 million Chinese officers and soldiers from south to north, and the casualties of 40 million Chinese soldiers and civilians, were the basis for the long Patriotic War to eventually win.

The last stubborn resistance of the remnants of the Japanese army was crushed in less than 20 minutes. The Four-Line Regiment killed 36 Japanese soldiers who retreated into the civilian area at the cost of four soldiers and two deaths, and nearly ten civilian casualties.

But in a bungalow, their attack was blocked!

A surrounded Japanese officer made an unconventional operation. He resisted the siege of Chinese soldiers not with bullets, but with a baby less than half a year old!

Not only was the baby less than half a year old tied to his chest as a shield, but there were also two old people and two young people in the household, a total of five people became his hostages.

This was the number confirmed by the neighbors around the house when the special forces soldiers broke into the house.

The Japanese officer who was yelling at the outside didn't speak Chinese very well, but it was understandable to some extent. He had at least three grenades in his hand, which could have killed the whole family three times.

Before the battle started, the special forces would probably have done it hard. This was a battlefield, not a nunnery. Chinese soldiers would not accept any threats. But now it is basically the end of the battle, and five Chinese were exchanged for one Japanese. , it is indeed a loss-making business.

In particular, the child who was tied to the chest by the Japanese was only half a year old. Because he was roughly tied to the chest with a sheet by an unfamiliar man, he cried heartbrokenly and had tears and runny nose on his face. He should not When I didn't understand anything and couldn't even speak, I was dragged into hell by a demon.

Moreover, the Japanese officer in the room made it clear that he wanted to negotiate with the Chinese top commander.

Cai Yongguan, commander of the Fifth Company of the Second Battalion, who was responsible for blocking the block, was the first to arrive at the scene. However, the lieutenant rank on his collar badge was despised by the Japanese officer.

"You, a small infantry company commander, are not qualified to negotiate with a second lieutenant of the Imperial Japanese Army!" The Japanese officer in the room was extremely arrogant.

If this guy hadn't reported himself to his family, the ugly-faced Chinese soldiers outside would have thought they had surrounded the supreme commander of the Japanese army in Licheng, Sakira Nakatama!

Cai Yongguan's nose was almost crooked with anger. If he could, he really wanted to pick up his big knife and chop the Japanese second lieutenant into ten or eight pieces. He would have killed more than two or three Japanese officers of this level!

It’s just that now Cai Yongguan is no longer the bandit leader who used to do anything with a big sword, nor is he a ragtag soldier who hangs around with a pipe every day. He is now a serious regular army lieutenant company commander, and his brothers who died in the battle are all Still watching him in heaven!

He knew that Tang Tuanzuo never hesitated to make sacrifices, but he would never make meaningless sacrifices. In a situation like this, the only option was negotiation.

After reporting on the situation one by one, Tang Dao, who had already entered the city and was about to go to the Japanese army's baggage warehouse, arrived in front of this residence.

Tang Dao was too familiar with this routine. The so-called negotiation was just begging for work.

But in fact, both the perpetrator and the threatened party know clearly that no matter what they say, the threatened party is trying to kill the opponent as quickly as possible. However, this is the last life-saving life of the Japanese officers who are surrounded. Straw, even if it was a one-ten-thousandth chance of survival, he could only hold it tightly in his hands.

Of course, the courage of this Japanese officer was beyond Tang Dao's surprise.

No, he not only rejected Cai Yongguan, he even rejected Guo Shouzhi who came in person.

Guo Shouzhi was a lieutenant colonel, at least four levels higher than his junior lieutenant. Five Chinese civilians seemed like a good bargaining chip, but if the Chinese military commander was ruthless enough and didn't care about the civilian casualty rate, just a few grenades would be enough. Blast this young Japanese Army lieutenant who was looking forward to Shu into pieces.

"I am the highest commander of the Chinese army in the attack on Licheng. I am a colonel of the Chinese Revolutionary Army. If you give up all resistance and ensure the safety of my compatriots, I promise to let you out of Licheng with the honor of the Chinese military!" Tang Dao's voice said in There was a sound outside the courtyard door.

"If you let me out of Li City, I will die. I know that there are all you Chinese outside the city, and I can't get out of this mountain." A slightly sharp roar sounded in the house.

Obviously, the Japanese second lieutenant who was able to make such a choice at the most pressing time had a fairly wise mind and instantly judged his situation from Tang Dao's promise.

It will soon be dark, and in the mountains and fields, he will only become the prey of the heavily armed Chinese army. Perhaps, he is not even a prey, at most, he is a lamb to be slaughtered.

"This is the final bottom line!" Tang Dao's voice was equally firm.

Negotiation itself is a psychological game. Tang Dao must first draw a line for this person that exceeds his psychological bottom line, otherwise, the other party will only make further progress.

"Then I will die with these Chinese people, including this child." The Japanese second lieutenant was also very tough.

"That's up to you, you Japanese, are you still too young to slaughter villages and households in China? In Jinling alone, you killed hundreds of thousands of my compatriots!" Tang Dao's cold voice came out.

"In addition, if you really do this today, I, Tang Dao, will also guarantee the honor of the Chinese military. Today, all the Japanese pirates in Licheng, regardless of their gender, regardless of their status, will have their heads built in front of Licheng and made into Jingguan. ! Moreover, although I personally hate attacking civilians, for the sake of the five compatriots who died because of you, if I break into another city and see Japanese pirates again in the future, I will repay them with ten times the death!"

Tang Dao's cold and cruel voice not only shocked the Japanese second lieutenant in the room and was speechless, but even the Chinese soldiers around him felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

The second lieutenant of the Japanese Army may not know Tang Tuan Zao well enough, but his subordinates know that Tang Tuan Zao has always said one thing. If he said ten times, then it must be 50 or 49.

It's just that if you kill me a commoner, I'll repay you tenfold. There's nothing wrong with that. Who stipulates that one-to-one exchange is required, even if the Jade Emperor said it, it doesn't matter.

Tang Dao's bloody threat was by no means an empty talk. As the Japanese war went smoothly, more and more Japanese civilians came to China to hunt for gold, including many family members of Japanese military officers. Many of them came to China from the island, and most of them were concentrated in the two big cities of Pingjin and Tianjin.

Now we see that the Japanese army is fighting smoothly and the Chinese army is retreating steadily, but as the saying goes: Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, before the final victory is achieved, who knows whether the Chinese army will be able to determine that day?

Well, didn’t Licheng just show off first? With more than 1,000 defenders, they were still beaten to a pulp by the Chinese soldiers. Within an hour, the two tightly deployed positions were captured.

Yes, there was fear in the eyes of the Japanese Army second lieutenant in the room. He could feel the toughness, coldness, and even confidence of the unknown Chinese commander opposite.

What frightened the second lieutenant of the Japanese Army even more was that this battle really put his confidence that the Imperial Japanese Army was the best in the world to the ground.

It would be fine if the Japanese army did not seek success, but the key point is that they are really good at it. The officers and soldiers they serve are extremely tenacious in fighting. Even if they are constantly bombarded by artillery shells, and even if the strength of the Chinese army is several times theirs, they still hold on. Once the flanking positions were completely breached and attacked from both sides, they entered the rout mode.

Even though you are so tough, you are still beaten by the Chinese army. What does that mean? That shows that the Chinese army is very powerful, at least the one in front of us is.

However, no matter who the Chinese kill, that will happen after his death. He is already dead, so why does he care about the flood? But he is a noble after all! It is too unacceptable to die on the Chinese battlefield like this.

The Japanese Army second lieutenant's eyes flashed fiercely as he made his final struggle.

'Wait, what did he just call himself? His name is Tang Dao. This name suddenly flashed into the mind of the Japanese army second lieutenant, and he was stunned for an instant.

"You are Tang Dao, the commander of the Fourth Infantry Regiment of China's 43rd Infantry Army! Aren't you still on the southeastern battlefield? Why are you here?"

The Japanese Army Second Lieutenant's series of questions confused Tang Dao and the surrounding Chinese soldiers, but then they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

What’s confusing is who this guy is, and he’s quite familiar with Tang Tuanzuo; what’s exciting is that he’s probably a big fish?

A second lieutenant, no matter how valuable he is, is destined not to become a big fish, but whether a fish is delicious or not really does not depend on its size.

After getting Tang Dao again to confirm his identity, the Japanese army second lieutenant actually chose to walk out of the house, but there was no grenade in his hand, and the half-year-old child who was crying so much was no longer hanging on his chest, but with his hands raised, Standing proudly under the muzzle of dozens of guns: "Tang Jun! My name is Xi Zhubeicun. I surrender. Moreover, I can call on my colleagues who are still resisting to surrender, but I hope that you, Tang Jun, will grant me and these colleagues official prisoners of war." treatment.”

Except for the sound of children crying, the surroundings were quiet.

This was not the first surrendered Japanese army that the Four Lines Group had encountered on the battlefield, but Juebi was the boldest. Just the act of giving up all his amulets and standing in the small courtyard was very bold. There were at least twenty guns aimed at him from all directions.

"I never promised anything to surrender! Especially to your 108th Division, 108th Regiment!" Tang Dao walked into the courtyard and looked at the Japanese Army second lieutenant coldly.

"Tang Jun, I can swear on the honor of the West German family that I will never do anything to damage the honor of the military when I arrive in China. In addition, the colleagues I hope to persuade to surrender do not belong to my 108th Regiment." The Japanese Army Second Lieutenant's face changed. Bai, said quickly.

"The West German family?" Tang Dao always had some impression.

"Yes, my uncle served as the Imperial Foreign Minister and also came to China!" The Japanese Army Second Lieutenant said quickly when he saw something interesting.

"Nishimura Kazu's family?" Tang Dao finally remembered that there was such a nobleman in Japan. To be precise, he was a nobleman who did not look up to the emperor very much.

The Nishimura Kazuo Tang Dao was talking about was considered to be the most famous one in his family. He won an equestrian championship at the Olympics six years ago. He later joined the army, but because he was not so humble to the emperor, he continued to do so until a few years later. He died in battle on a small island in the Pacific, and he was just a chariot captain, not even a general.

"Tang Jun, do you even know about my cousin?" Now it was the Japanese Army second lieutenant's turn to be shocked.

"Okay, if you have sworn in the name of your family and have not violated military honor, I can accept your surrender, and if they are not affiliated with the 108th Regiment, if they are willing to give up resistance, I can also agree to treat them as prisoners of war!" Tang Dao looked. He glanced at the fireball rising in the direction of the baggage warehouse in the distance and made a decision.

What he wanted to kill were the butchers whose hands were stained with Chinese blood. It would be best if he could capture the baggage hoarded by the Japanese army without any bloodshed. Moreover, these Japanese prisoners of war were not completely useless.

Even if they will waste food for a few days, the four-line regiment should still be able to afford one steamed bun and one bowl of porridge every day compared to the captured baggage.

Of course, Tang Dao currently has no plans to develop an anti-war alliance like the Eightyth Army. There are anti-war people among the Japanese, but their purpose of anti-war is not to make China stronger, but to worry that failure of the war will destroy their own nation. Pulled into the abyss.

The 80th Army had its own considerations, and Tang Dao hoped that the Four Lines Regiment would be a pure army. The meaning of their existence was to constantly fight against the Japanese army. Even if they were not big enough at the moment, they could only tear off a piece of the behemoth Japanese army at a time. A small piece of flesh and blood, but if it adds up, it can make the Japanese lose blood, right?

If they can successfully recruit and surrender, Tang Dao has already thought about it. Based on the principle of using waste, he will contact the Japanese to make a deal. Prisoners of war can be exchanged, or people can be exchanged for things.

Although such a transaction has not occurred in this time period, Tang Dao believes that the Japanese will agree.

Because, in the past, let alone exchanging prisoners of war, the Japanese had no bottom line in exchanging arms for supplies. Can you believe it? But that is true. Even if they knew that the Chinese would change their guns and turn around and kill themselves, they still did it.

Who made the Great Japanese Empire so poor at that time! If they didn't get enough supplies to appease the army, the number of people killed in the mutiny would be more than that of the Chinese.

Of course, the Japanese army was still at its peak during this period, so exchanging arms might not be possible, but it should not be difficult to exchange some of the supplies they wanted, especially when the man in front of them was still a noble.

Tang Dao knew the status of Japanese nobles in the Japanese army. Why could he be the commander of the North China Front Army? It was because he was still wearing a Earl's badge!

As for why this Japanese second lieutenant named Xizhu Beicun immediately surrendered when he heard his name, Tang Dao didn't have time to ask in detail now. He had to let him realize his value quickly.

Otherwise, Leng Feng dared to use 150mm mortars when he got angry. Moreover, the four 150mm heavy mortars that the Four-Line Regiment relied on had not fired a single shot until now. The Japanese army had not even played their trump cards. The artillerymen would be furious. They would just fire hard when they received the request for fire support from the infantry battalion?

So, Lieutenant Oguri, who had decided to be loyal to the Emperor, did not wait for the overwhelming artillery fire from the Chinese, but waited for his friend's persuasion to surrender!

How to say it?

It was quite abrupt.

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