Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 906 Mobilization Order (Part 1) (Please give me a monthly ticket at the beginning of the mon

Just when the officers of the Four-Line Regiment were dazzled by the golden light, and when Li Dalianzhang unleashed all his potential to bring the scales to start weighing gold, Tang Dao received a telegram from Shentouling!

"Shentouling was a great victory! The first wave of more than 1,000 Japanese reinforcements were completely wiped out! Countless spoils! A large number of Japanese troops left the city from Lucheng. Our troops want to fight a decisive battle with them to recapture Lucheng and Changzhi and deal a heavy blow to the Japanese! The two leaders of our division have also agreed!"

To be honest, Tang Dao, who received this telegram under the early spring sun, was trembling all over!

In the past, the 769th Regiment in the Licheng direction was a sheep attack. Although its main force, the first battalion, entered Licheng and fought with the Japanese army in the streets, the Japanese army, which had nearly a thousand soldiers at the time, also planned to lure the enemy deep into the city after gaining a firm foothold. However, the 769th Regiment had achieved its strategic goal and immediately withdrew from the battlefield, and finally ended with a comprehensive victory in the Shentouling ambush.

On the battlefield covering dozens of square kilometers, the 921st Division dispatched 4 infantry regiments with a total force of 8,000 people. The Japanese army participated in the battle with more than 3,000 people. The result was that 1,500 Japanese troops were completely wiped out in the main battlefield of Shentouling. All the pre-war ideas of the 921st Division were fully realized, and the Japanese army, which had already fully occupied the battlefield in Shanxi Province, was stunned.

But obviously, the record of annihilating 1,500 people was not enough for the Chinese army to make up for the disadvantage on the battlefield in Shanxi Province. The Japanese army continued to advance on the battlefield in Shanxi Province. With the fall of important cities such as Linfen and Jincheng, during the most difficult period, the Japanese army occupied 101 of the 103 county towns in Shanxi Province.

However, the terrain of Shanxi Province protected the Chinese army. In the wider areas outside the county towns, there were almost all active Chinese troops. In the words of the Japanese themselves: The Imperial Army spent four years, as if it had occupied this important northern province connecting the north and the south of China, but it seemed not to have occupied it!

But now, the stubborn cart of history seems to be dazzled by the gorgeous dance of the little butterfly from the future, Tang Dao, and has gone a little off track!

With the gift of Tang Dao and the spoils of the Shentouling ambush, the genius general who has nearly a Japanese infantry regiment's equipment has the confidence to fight the Japanese head-on. He actually wants to have another blocking battle after this classic "siege and reinforcement" ambush that is already destined to win.

This is to knock the Japanese unconscious with one stick, and then hit them with a heavy hammer!

It must be said that Tang Dao wanted to raise his hands and feet to agree with the genius general's decision.

Even though it was already dawn, and the Japanese army had learned a lesson, an ambush was impossible, at most it was a blocking battle!

The Japanese army will never be short of troops, and artillery and armored troops will not be absent, especially air support will definitely arrive, and the firepower advantage is still on the Japanese side.

But the advantage is still mine!

First of all, the initiative of battlefield selection is no longer in the hands of the Japanese army. It is all decided by the genius general. He wants to fight wherever he wants. The second wave of Japanese reinforcements who are eager to rescue their own people have no right to refuse!

Secondly, the Chinese troops are completely superior!

The 683rd Brigade, which has decided to have a decisive battle with the Japanese army, will dispatch 3 infantry regiments. If the Four-line Regiment is added, it will have 4 infantry regiments, which will be four times the strength of the Japanese army!

Although for the arrogant Japanese army, even if they are beaten to a bloody pulp, they will still stubbornly believe that the Imperial Army is at least one against five against the Chinese army, and 2,000 Japanese troops are enough to compete with a Chinese infantry division.

But this time, they are destined to be slapped in the face!

Of the two Chinese armies participating in the war, one is a group of elite soldiers who have fought their way out of the cruel environment of the Wanli Great Migration. If they are given the same weapons and equipment, their combat effectiveness can rank among the top three of the entire Chinese army;

The other is a group of strong soldiers who have survived the two meat grinder-level battles of the Songhu battlefield and the Jinling battlefield. Not to mention being able to fight the Japanese one-on-one, they can even tie with the Japanese invaders who are 1.5 times their number.

Of course, the more important point is the ability of the commanders of both sides to grasp the battlefield. The two senior commanders of China completely crushed their opponents.

Needless to say, Tang Dao, who can grasp the pulse of history almost accurately, has an innate advantage. His absolute control over his infantry regiment can bring the combat effectiveness of the Four-Line Regiment to its peak.

And Brigadier General Cheng, who was born in China's most famous military academy and is known as the Three Heroes of Huangpu, is a unique existence among hundreds of Chinese generals. If it were not for the different camps, with his current ability, he would be more than enough to command an infantry army!

With his wisdom, how could he easily deploy his army of more than 5,000 people to fight the Japanese army?

He must have resisted the Japanese attack in the battlefield he had chosen, and then used the mobility advantage of the 683rd Brigade Mountain Infantry Regiment to encircle the Japanese army on both wings. More than 5,000 people surrounded the Japanese army and beat them wildly. The picture was beautiful to think about.

Compared with the two opponents, Xia Xiongyuan, who made another stupid move at this time, was completely at a disadvantage.

It was not that the Japanese Army Lieutenant General underestimated his opponent too much, but that he did not know who his opponent was at all, and committed the taboo of not knowing himself or the enemy!

However, this battle seemed to have a huge advantage, but it also concealed a huge hidden danger.

This battle cannot be delayed for too long!

The 108th Division has more than 20,000 troops along the Handan-Changzhi line of less than 200 kilometers. Once they reacted and immediately sent troops to reinforce Changzhi, they would be in trouble.

The Chinese troops along the way, especially the 921st Division, which still held the 583rd Brigade firmly in its hands, certainly could not ignore it. The 21st Army, which had just fought a big battle, would also join the battle in consideration of the 4th Regiment's thousands of miles of equipment delivery.

Thinking of this, Tang Dao couldn't help but think of the classic scene in "Bright Sword": Because Lao Li's independent regiment suddenly went crazy, fighting everywhere, northwest Shanxi became a mess!

Putting it here, it just turned northwest Shanxi into southeast Shanxi!

However, it seems heroic and exciting, but Tang Dao knows that if he really does that, then the battle will be lost strategically.

The Chinese army at this time, including the 921st Division, did not have the ability to fight this level of battle with the Japanese army.

The main reason is still the equipment and firepower. The Japanese North China Front Army, which has an air advantage, has always attempted to fight a decisive battle with the Chinese army to greatly consume the strength of the Chinese army. If the movement is too big, the Japanese North China Front Army Command will definitely not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Once they use air power at all costs, the 921st Division, which is forced to attack with all its strength, will suffer heavy losses. The 47th Army of the 21st Group Army, which has suffered heavy losses in continuous battles in southeastern Shanxi, may even lose its only chance to catch its breath.

Therefore, it is necessary to strive to kill this wave of Japanese troops in the shortest time before the 108th Division and the Japanese North China Front Command react, and then eat up the Japanese fat meat stationed in Lucheng and Changzhi.

And all this depends entirely on the speed of the Four-Line Regiment in Licheng.

The speed of transporting baggage!

That's right, the battle has been going on until now, and the Four-Line Regiment will never give up this huge baggage that can support thousands of people living in the mountains for several months. That is the foundation for the Four-Line Regiment to survive in the mountains in the future.

In the telegram with the 43rd Army Headquarters a week ago, Tang Dao received a piece of bad news!

The Military and Political Department was very dissatisfied with the Four-Line Regiment's stay in the battlefield in southeastern Shanxi. Although the current Sichuan Army leader had repeatedly applied to the Military and Political Department at the request of General Guo, the Military and Political Department still did not give in, and even ordered General Guo to telegraph the Four-Line Regiment to return to Henan Province, even if the war in Henan Province was critical, it could go to Central China via Shaanxi Province.

Tang Dao knew that this was not because the Chinese side was at a disadvantage in the Battle of Xuzhou, which had already begun, and the Military and Political Department urgently needed to dispatch elite troops. On the contrary, in the Battle of Xuzhou in this time and space, the Chinese and Japanese troops fought back and forth, and it was almost a draw.

In the previous Tengxian Defense War, the Sichuan Army 122nd Division defended Tengxian for nearly 10 days. The battle started on March 9, and until the afternoon of March 18, all the officers and soldiers of the division, including the division commander Wang Mingzhang, were killed. The Tengxian Defense War, which can be regarded as one of the most tragic in the history of China's Patriotic War, has come to an end!

But in this time and space, because of Tang Dao's reminder, the 58th Army, which was transferred back from the front line on the south bank of the Huai River, sent a part of its troops to attack the flank of the Japanese invaders on the 15th to cover the evacuation of the remnants of the 122nd Division, which had been crippled. Although the defense of Tengxian still failed, the invincible 10th Division ran into a bump in front of a small town.

If nothing unexpected happens, the upcoming Battle of Taierzhuang will also end with the defeat of the Japanese army!

At this time, the highest command organization of the Chinese side in Xiakou had no reason to keep its eyes on the small force of more than 2,000 people, the Four-Line Regiment.

If you have to find a reason, it can only be said that some people don't want to see the Four-Line Regiment, an elite force labeled as the Sichuan Army, operating in the same area with the army they are extremely concerned about.

They know too well the opponent who has been fighting with them for more than ten years. That extremely brilliant idealism is a deadly poison and an incurable kind for anyone who is committed to the rejuvenation of the nation.

As for Tang Dao, all his performances on the battlefield are enough to prove that he is a real soldier and a person who loves his country and nation.

In other words, if Tang Dao loves money, beautiful women, and power, perhaps they would not be so scrupulous!

Unfortunately, Tang Dao, who has been trying to survive on the battlefield, is just like his name, showing his sharp edge, and has no time to put on the disguise that those people want.

Although the military and Sichuan Army are still fighting for Tang Dao, the Military and Political Department is very tough and even cuts off the payment of the Four Lines Regiment. That means that as long as the Four Lines Regiment does not return to Central China according to the transfer order of the Military and Political Department, it will not be able to obtain supplies from regular channels for at least a considerable period of time.

Of course, because of the complicated relationship between the various military systems, no matter how tough the Military and Political Department is, it will not easily give the Four Lines Regiment the name of disobeying military orders, especially the Four Lines Regiment, an elite unit named after the battlefield. At most, it will express its attitude by stopping supplies.

As long as they didn't fall out, it wouldn't be a big problem. If there were no supplies, they could just rob the Japanese themselves, such as the Japanese baggage warehouse that was almost in their pockets.

The dazzling gold nuggets and agate jade were undoubtedly one of the biggest spoils of the Licheng battle!

Moreover, the total weight was only more than 2,000 kilograms, and four large trucks were enough to carry it!

But this stuff couldn't be eaten as food. Even if it could be exchanged for food, it would take a long time. The most important thing was to transport the food that could keep people alive.

At this point, we have to thank Qiliang Zhongyu, the boy who sent money. In an open space 300 meters away from the baggage warehouse, there were 15 trucks parked. Although the load capacity of trucks at this time was not high, they could also pull 2 ​​tons of goods if fully loaded.

In other words, these 15 trucks alone could tow more than 30 tons of spoils, which was definitely good news for the Four-Line Group.

You know, the grain and horse feed stored in the open air alone are 300,000 kilograms, which is calculated to be 150 tons. This does not include the equipment of the infantry regiment and 0.5 battle portions of ammunition. The total weight is almost more than 300 tons. Ton.

At that time, the Fourth Army Regiment relied on the baggage company's more than 100 carts and hundreds of pack horses, as well as the entire regiment's officers and soldiers to carry more than 30 kilograms of weight, to transport 200 tons of supplies!

Now, trying to transport these nearly huge amounts of supplies to the 'Dakouzi Cave' more than 40 kilometers away in a short period of time is definitely no less difficult than the battle to capture Li City.

Fortunately, they have a commander from the future. He may not have a space magic bag that can capture mountains and rivers with a wave of his hand, but what fancy tricks in the future world has he not seen?

The nuclear load capacity is simply a joke for future crazy capitalists. Have you ever seen a truck with a nuclear load of 15 tons transporting a total weight of more than 45 tons? Yes, transportation that exceeds three times the standard is simply a very conscientious operation in the future world.

Why do large truck drivers rarely hit the brakes in an emergency? This is because the weight of the container, which far exceeds the standard, will send him away directly. The blood of capital is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In this world, there is no capital, but there is an imminent battle!

Here, there are no pigeons strolling leisurely waiting for tourists to feed them, only predators and prey!

All 15 Japanese-style transport trucks were loaded with up to 7,000 kilograms of grain. Seeing them swaying away from the baggage warehouse, all the officers of the Fourth Army Regiment were worried. These trucks would not leave as soon as they walked on. Just fall off the cliff on the mountain road!

Of course, they were not worried about the driver who was a surrendered Japanese army. Thousands of kilograms of food were the focus!

They obviously underestimated the tolerance of the truck. Although the mountain road was difficult to navigate, the truck, which was ordered to maintain a speed of 8 kilometers per hour, did not need to drift rapidly on the mountain road. It only needed to be stable enough to transport the loaded materials to the destination. Just reach the end of the easy road.

The Japanese troops who had surrendered were all reliable people personally selected by Nishizhu Kitamura and Lieutenant Oguri. Before boarding the truck, they each bowed to the flag of the Fourth Army Regiment and took photos as a 'memorial'!

If they have any evil intentions and want to drive the truck and the baggage as well as the officers and soldiers of the Si Xing Regiment on the co-driver who are responsible for monitoring them to die together in a show of "loyalty to the empire", then Tang Dao will bow them to the flag of the Si Xing Regiment. photos made public.

He does have a reputation, but it's just that of a street person. Anyone with any intelligence would not do that.

Those who don't accept it will be put on a key observation list, which means they will be tied up like a dog and driven away with a whip.

Prisoners of war! It’s good to be able to save my life, what kind of treatment do I want to enjoy? I’m just dreaming! The Four Lines Group will not tolerate them. Tang Dao has always been convinced that Lao Maozi will use 400,000 Kwantung Army prisoners of war in the future!

The baggage company remaining in Dakouzi Cave and the mobilized villagers from nearby villages have rushed to the end of the road, using pack horses, carts, and temporarily requisitioned donkeys and cattle to transfer the baggage to the Sixings Regiment station.

According to the reply from Zhuang Shi who stayed behind, after two days and one night of organization, there will be 6,000 people participating in the transportation, 300 donkeys, 50 oxen, 100 carts belonging to the baggage company, and 400 pack horses. In addition to using four lines of work, The largest transport capacity that can be achieved outside the regiment's regular army.

However, compared with the mountain of baggage weighing up to 300 tons, the transportation capacity that has been exhausted is still not enough.

Then use the manpower of Licheng County!

Tang Dao made a prompt decision and personally issued the mobilization order!

However, this mobilization order is not for the people.

Instead, the owners of several of the largest merchants in Licheng County were found by intelligence officers in the city!





PS: I am asking for monthly votes at the beginning of the month. In view of the big holiday and Fengyue is still working hard to update, readers please vote quickly! Fengyue begs on her knees!

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