Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 880: quid pro quo

Chapter 880 Exchange Conditions

"This time our Fourth Army Regiment came to eastern Shanxi, in addition to bringing a reorganized regiment with equipment to supply the 47th Army, it also annihilated 2,500 Japanese invaders from the Guoqi Detachment in the Battle of Laojin Pit in Guangde in December last year. More than 3,000 people from the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the 14th Division of the Japanese invaders were ambushed on the south bank of the Bi River at the Iron Bridge of the Yellow River. All the equipment from the two Japanese troops was seized and brought into eastern Shanxi!

As for our department, as early as the first month of the year before, we had all been equipped with the equipment of the Northeast Army, and there was no shortage of guns, artillery, and ammunition! "

Tang Dao looked at the two giants of the 683 brigade and said with a faint smile.


 An infantry regiment killed nearly an infantry brigade of Japanese troops in this way? When did the Japanese become so vulnerable?

Of course, for Brigadier Cheng Da, who had obtained information from his teacher in the Jiangxia office, he already basically knew the achievements of Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment. He knew that Tang Dao was still humble.

If Tang Dao almost defeated a Japanese infantry regiment with 400 troops in the battle at Sihang Warehouse, he created the world's first classic defensive counterattack in which the opponent's main force was annihilated with a strength ratio of 1:10, as well as in Songjiang Warehouse. The awe-inspiring solid defensive warfare created by the city, and the three battles of mobile warfare on the plains in front of the Jiaxing defense line, which dragged the enemy for a week and completely annihilated the heavy artillery brigade, the biggest threat to the Japanese side, I'm afraid that guy Wang Xiaoshan Everyone has to jump out and say that Tang Dao is Maverick and Maverick's mother is flying on the plane together. If you brag about it again, the cow will go to heaven!

But obviously, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who was already drooling at the corner of his mouth, said that he would definitely not say that, because like his brigade chief, he accurately grasped the key points of what Tang Dao just said.

Yes, what surprised Brigadier Cheng Da was not the known record of the Four Lines Regiment, but what Tang Dao just said seemed to mean: I brought Japanese weapons captured from two infantry regiments, but these were not in the 47th Army. It is within the scope of supply, and all four of our groups have changed their outfits, so we don’t need this.

Who will he give it to?

 It is almost the equipment of two Japanese infantry regiments! Even if only three-fifths were captured, it would still be enough to equip a complete infantry regiment! Just thinking about such a beautiful thing can make the well-informed Brigadier Cheng Da take off from the spot.

 That’s not to mention Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang who was drooling wildly. The words he wrote in his future memoirs may best reflect his mood at that time.

‘At that moment, I didn’t care whether he was from the Sichuan Army or the Central Army, as long as he was willing to give these equipment to us friendly forces, I decided to call him big brother when I see him in the future! ’

Although Tang Dao's words were not so straightforward, if he said it this way, it would be a joke!

However, Brigadier Cheng, Director Wang, and even Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang are all people who have experienced the cruelest war years. Even though they are still young, their minds are far more mature than their future peers.

 ‘Suffering is a book that makes people grow! ’ Even though it’s poisonous chicken soup, who doesn’t want to live a good life? But this is a fact. When suffering comes, if you still can’t learn to grow, then you are basically GG.

 After the shock and hope, calm down! There is no pie in the sky, and Tang Dao's shrewdness doesn't look like a good person who would give it away for free. If you want to get these weapons, you must exchange them.

"Haha! I did it as a joke, but I didn't expect that when you came, Captain Tang, you would draw such a big cake for our 683 brigade!" Brigadier Cheng laughed and stretched out his hand, "Please come in! Look at me Does Mr. Cheng have the ability to eat this cake?”

 “Please!” Tang Dao smiled slightly.

This military genius was as open-minded and sharp-minded as in historical records, and he could understand his meaning in an instant.

But today, whether he can eat this piece of bread has nothing to do with his ability. That requires courage!

 Because he never dreamed that the Chinese Army Colonel standing in front of him was an elite soldier of the army he and his comrades created. No matter how time and space were displaced, this elite soldier would choose to stand with him.

As for those guns and cannons, their belongings had already been defined long before the Four Troops worked tirelessly to carry them thousands of miles on their backs.

That is just the first gift Tang Dao has prepared for these ancestors. There will be more surprises later.

"What? Your Fourth Corps came to Shanxi and you don't plan to leave? Do you want to stay in the north to fight against Japan? Commander Tang, you have to think clearly. This is something that even your 43rd Army cannot make the decision without permission." Rao Shicheng The brigade commander was bold and was also taken aback by Tang Dao's blunt words.

 At this time, whoever has a gun in his hand has the right to speak, but this basically belongs to those senior generals who have at least 100,000 troops under their command.

For an officer like Tang Dao who commanded a small infantry regiment, the consequences of violating military orders without authorization were basically doomed. Especially in this unfavorable situation of national war, the top management will never be stingy in punishing those who disobey orders. Otherwise, who will listen to them?

"Because the Japanese army was so powerful, our Fourth Army Regiment was surrounded by the Japanese army after entering the Taihang Mountains, and had no choice but to fight against the Japanese on the spot! Could it be that, for the so-called military order, our Fourth Army Regiment had to fight desperately to break out of the encirclement, and in the end a few people escaped alive To protect Central China? Then, our Four Elements Group still wants to live." Tang Dao looked calm, as if this matter was true.

Wang Xiaoshan was indeed honest and did not deceive me. Seeing Tang Dao telling lies without blinking an eye, Brigadier Cheng realized something!

"Please rest assured, Brigadier Cheng, our 43rd Army Military Headquarters will report this to our superiors, and the 23rd Group Army Headquarters will also notify the Military and Political Department to temporarily place our Four Lines Regiment under the jurisdiction of the 47th Army!" Tang Dao frowned slightly when he saw this man, and hurriedly A considerate and perfect explanation. "Furthermore, Commander Cheng, do you believe it? Some people will not be offended by this, but will be happy to see it happen!"

  Brigadier Cheng’s frown deepened!

Of course he knew what Tang Dao meant. Putting an elite infantry regiment in the hinterland of his 921st Division base area would make some people laugh from ear to ear!

 We are friendly forces and helping hands now, but what about the future? What happens after the Japanese are defeated? That must not be like a knife stuck in the belly!

However, Tang Dao's openness and honesty made people less worried. In other words, when Tang Dao took out the letter from his old father-in-law and teacher, Brigadier Cheng was 95% sure. , this person deserves his trust!

Years from now, the 921 Division will receive 300 advanced students. This secret is known to only five people in the entire 921 Division, and Brigadier Cheng is one of them.

What this person never expected was that Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group were actually the escorts of progressive students.

The son-in-law of a calligraphy and painting master who has a deep friendship with the teacher, and a hard-blooded soldier who is willing to take risks to take away progressive students from war-torn areas and send them to the 80th Army. When the identities of the two are intertwined, plus the teacher's last words , it has to make people think a lot!

Therefore, Brigadier Cheng Da, who has experienced countless dangers in his life, is not afraid of what threats Tang Dao and the Four Elements Group will pose in the future.

What Tang Dao didn't know was that the main reason why this master's brows furrowed into deep grooves turned out to be.

There is already a Tang knife that has a Wang Xiaoshan, and there is no worse or even better than him.

"You're almost convinced! But can I hear the reason why your Fourth Army Regiment insists on fighting in the northern battlefield?" Brigadier Cheng asked, stroking the wrinkles on his forehead. "You know, supplies are extremely difficult in the mountains than on the plains. It's impossible to just reach out to the people to get them. Our 921st Division, 47th Army, and other armies have been fighting the Japanese while scrimping on food and clothing. Life has been so miserable. !”

"The reason is very simple. A large-scale battle on the frontal battlefield can easily number hundreds of thousands. No matter how elite the infantry regiment is, it is only a drop in the ocean. With a military order, it may become cannon fodder for the Japanese heavy artillery at any time! For In the war for our country, our Chinese soldiers do not hesitate to sacrifice, but they must die with sufficient value.

 In the battle, under the Japanese aircraft and heavy artillery, our Fourth Army Regiment may only be a waste of a few Japanese artillery shells. But if they were placed on the northern battlefield behind enemy lines, these 3,000 men under my command, taking advantage of the geographical advantages and the tactical policy of "annihilating the enemy on the move" proposed by your army, would be able to earn several or even ten times the number of Japanese deaths. !

 Furthermore, I have reason to believe that the uninterrupted harassment wars on the northern battlefield will become as good as the frontal battlefield!

The Japanese army wants to continue to **** blood from the occupied areas to replenish the consumption of its army and even its own country. This is a wishful thinking. As long as our Chinese soldiers in the northern battlefield do not stop their swords and guns, they will continue to lose blood and consume. We are already terminally ill and cannot be established without destruction, but neither are the Japanese. What kind of giants, how many years can they last based on the productivity created by a population of less than 100 million?

  Even if they are wasted, I will also waster them to death! " Tang Dao replied.

If this reason is placed in the future, it will naturally feel like an afterthought! Because even children know that it is precisely because the struggle in the occupied areas behind enemy lines never stops, transportation lines are attacked at every turn, and supplies are burned and looted at every turn, which makes the Japanese army's already weak logistical supplies increasingly difficult and even more fatal. Unfortunately, the strategy of sucking blood from the occupied territories to replenish the country was not completed. As a result, after the outbreak in the Pacific, the Japanese island economy, which supported the two major battlefields at the same time, almost collapsed!

The first thing to be affected is steel. Many people say that the purpose of the Japanese launching the Pacific War was because of oil. In fact, since 1939, Japan has been forced to implement the second military mobilization plan, comprehensively reducing the material supply of all industries unrelated to military supplies. , and required citizens to implement ten major measures such as conservation, rationing, recycling, and practicing simple wartime living, and stipulated the implementation of strengthened use restrictions on 32 types of materials such as steel, milled iron, gold, silver, copper, and lead.

By 1940, the beautiful country found that there was no money to be made from the Japanese. Japan's foreign exchange reserves and gold were almost exhausted. In addition, the signs of Japan's southward march were becoming more and more obvious, so it began to reduce its material exports to Japan.

So once the beautiful country finally announced the implementation of a material embargo, the Japanese became anxious, because the total steel production in the mainland, the Korean Peninsula and Northeast China was not enough to sustain the huge consumption of the war, and the Americans were tantamount to reining in the war. their necks.

For example, in August 1940 alone, more than 300,000 tons of pig iron, scrap iron and other materials were shipped from the east coast of the United States to Japan, which was almost equal to the total exports to Japan in the first half of 1940. These steels were exported to Japan. Arms production is of great strategic significance. Then, when a beautiful country says it won’t play with you, a scumbag, are the Japanese crazy?

Honestly, I have sacrificed my life and death to earn a little money for you, this evil capitalist. The crazy Japanese must not take a stab at the beautiful national chrysanthemum that makes a lot of money! Anyone would probably do this. Indeed, the arms dealer’s face is so disgusting.

In addition to the ugly faces of arms dealers that drive the Japanese crazy, the Chinese battlefield also makes the Japanese feel sad.

On the one hand, the Chinese have never stopped fighting in the occupied territories. On the other hand, China is a big agricultural country. It needs food and steel, but it really doesn’t have them. It is difficult to meet Japan’s industrialization needs for raw materials and markets. need!

 Being lagging behind actually turned into an advantage one day. The leaders of China and Japan may have collectively felt sad from that moment on.

For Japan, the huge consumption of the war made them more thirsty for steel, and they lost all kinds of scrap steel imported from the beautiful country. They could only target the Chinese occupied areas, so after 1940, the Japanese occupied The district even dispatched military police to steal manhole covers and dismantle the small train tracks built by Shanxi old men in Shanxi Province. By the way, the small train tracks built by Shanxi old men in Shanxi Province were really railroad tracks, not steel but iron!

 Let's talk about it, why Japan, a little kid, was ultimately defeated in the war? It was not because of the combat effectiveness of the army, but because of its weak national power.

 This is also the difference between the era of hot weapons and the era of cold weapons. In the era of cold weapons, as long as there is enough food in the occupied area, the army can continue to fight, but in the era of hot weapons, there are no guns, no cannons, and they cannot be made of wood!

The little butterfly from the future has a very clear point of view, which is to constantly harass the battlefield behind enemy lines and consume the opponent.

 But this view is the greatest affirmation for this era, especially for the 80th Army, which proposed this strategy and tactics but was criticized by some people as "escapeism".

"You also think it's okay for our department to eliminate the enemy during the movement?" Brigadier Cheng Da looked at Tang Dao with a mixture of surprise and joy on his face.

"Otherwise, why would I be here?" Tang Dao smiled and spread his hands. "More importantly, I don't want to leave yet."

 “Haha, that’s true!” Brigadier Cheng laughed loudly. "Okay, tell me what my department needs to pay before you can hand over those weapons to me!"

"First, our Fourth Army Regiment will be stationed here!" Tang Dao's hand stabbed an area of ​​the map of Licheng hanging in the 683 brigade headquarters war room.

“Here.” Brigadier Cheng took a breath of cold air, his face solemn.

The location pointed by Tang Dao is called Dongya Town. It is located in the middle of the Taihang Mountains, with an altitude of 1,500-2,000 meters. High altitude is not a characteristic of this place.

The huge energy generated by the relative movement of the earth's crust has cut canyons into the mountains composed of hard red quartz sandstone and shale layers. The cliffs stretch for tens of kilometers, rising straight into the sky!

 To put it bluntly, the biggest terrain feature here is that it is dangerous!

 Whoever wants to attack here will have to pay a huge price!

If the 108th Division was not actively occupying various communication lines based on Licheng County at this time, and the 683rd Brigade was using this to plan a war, the brigade headquarters might have been moved to somewhere long ago.

Furthermore, as the commander of the main brigade of the 921 Division, Brigadier Cheng knows better that the two chief officers of the 921 Division headquarters are also looking for a suitable location for the division headquarters, which is also an alternative.

In fact, in the past time and space, because of the terrain and the huge cave, this place became the location of the largest military factory in North China. For this purpose, the Japanese army organized more than 5,000 troops to launch a mad attack on this place. In the end, the main force of the 80th Army had not yet arrived. In this case, the Chinese soldiers repelled it with a casualty ratio of 1:6.

Unexpectedly, when Tang Dao first arrived in eastern Shanxi, he would fall in love with this dangerous and important place. Brigadier Cheng's brows furrowed again in a rare way.

 But soon, the second bait thrown by Tang Dao shattered his hesitation.

"I want this place, not that our regiment has to hold on. Like your army, our regiment will break into pieces and attack everywhere to attack the Japanese invaders. I want this place because I want to build a stronghold in Shanxi Province and even the entire North China." , the largest military factory! Our department only has 3,000 people, so we don’t need so many weapons! And your army and our Chinese armies on the battlefield in North China will need it! Moreover, there will also be quilt factories and other military-related factories in the future! Move in!" Tang Dao said with a smile. "Mr. Cheng, please rest assured. If your army is not satisfied with the price, you can take away this land at any time!"

 Brigade Commander Cheng.

Tang Dao's promise perfectly hit his biggest concern!

The 683rd Brigade, no, the 921st Division and even the 80th Army Group, what is lacking most? Is it military uniforms, supplies, military pay? No, neither.

 It’s a gun, it’s a cannon, it’s a bullet!

This is something that cannot be exchanged for legal currency, oceans or gold. All the military supplies of the Eightyth Army now come from there. Senior commanders like them have a sense of urgency with a rope tied around their necks all the time, and they want to rely on the current I don’t know when it will be possible for small workshops with hundreds of people to make dozens of rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition every month to achieve freedom of equipment.

Tang Dao's proposal to establish a military factory can be imagined as a temptation to this military genius.

 But, that may be the location of the future division headquarters!

Just when Brigadier Cheng Da’s eyes were blurred and he was still struggling.

“Furthermore, I promise that within a year, mature technical personnel will be sent to support the arsenal of your army, and the required materials can also be supplied!” Tang Dao threw out the last straw that could break the camel’s back.

As the saying goes, it is better to have your own father than to have your mother. If you can get technical assistance from Tang Dao and build your own arsenal, that would be great!

Then you are still hesitating about DER! The Taihang Mountains are so big and there are so many dangerous places. Where can we put the division headquarters, brigade headquarters, and military factories?

 “It’s a deal!” Brigadier Cheng took the initiative to hold Tang Dao’s hand.

  We cannot let this rich man run away, Brigadier Cheng Da has always been decisive! With his agreement as the number one general of the 921 Division, the two chief officers of the division would not deny him face.

"However, let's talk first. If the factory has lathe equipment, raw materials, etc. that need to be escorted, and if you need help from your army, you can't refuse. Of course, we will also reward you in kind!" Tang Dao said in a good mood. .

"In order to better fight against the Japanese invaders, our Eightyth Army has the unshirkable responsibility!" Brigadier Cheng replied with a smile.

 Good guy! This person's structure is much bigger than that of Comrade "Wang Xiaoqiang". He only thinks about the three-acre land of the 772nd Regiment. Unlike this person, he uses the entire army to endorse him.

  Does that mean that as long as equipment is involved, the entire 80th Army can take action?

Tang Dao's eyes inevitably turned to Jincheng, where there were two infantry divisions and equipment!

Of course, the one who looked forward to the two infantry divisions being equipped with Tang knives more enthusiastically was Brigadier Cheng Da.

 He is waiting for the gift Tang Dao mentioned!

That was the result of annihilating nearly 6,000 Japanese troops!

 Compared with that, the little thing Wang Xiaoshan secretly kept is nothing!

 (End of this chapter)

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