Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 921 Jumped out again!

As the Japanese soldiers' scalps numbed due to the stimulation of the world's "cause and effect", a large amount of thick smoke suddenly ignited on the Chinese position!

Bundles of green firewood were ignited and thrown in the corner of the position.

The Chinese soldiers' faces were wrapped in towels soaked in clean water, as if the Japanese army had thrown poison gas bombs.

This made Nakajima Muwen, who was already upset by the stench, also confused. What does it mean? And he smoked himself with smoke?

However, he quickly realized that the Chinese were not self-mutilating, but artificially creating smoke and using smoke to hide their firepower points.

After all, compared to life, the pain of being smoked is really nothing.

The smoke spread quickly, and it took almost two minutes to cover the entire position.

The Chinese infantry also began to shoot and suppress the desperate squad that was covered with "cause and effect" and whose hearts were close to collapse.

The tenacity in the bones of the Japanese was fully reflected at this moment!

Although they said they didn't want to, their bodies were honest. They all fell down on the fertile land of China, including the sergeant who looked at Lieutenant Matsuda with disgust. When the machine gun bullets passed over his head, his head was almost buried in the soft soil.

However, no one laughed at him, even though more than 140 Japanese soldiers behind him had goose bumps all over their bodies!

As long as they can save their lives, it's not shameful!

Unfortunately, whether it is the Japanese infantrymen who are in the "cause and effect" or the Japanese infantrymen who are numbing their scalps when looking at the "cause and effect", they still don't know much about China.

In almost all the prehistoric flows in China, the "cause and effect" thing, once it is infected, basically means death.

"Chief, the little devils are lying quite neatly. Let me and my brothers give them some more food!" An old soldier who was missing two front teeth and had a dry face like a sixty-year-old man came to the young regiment commander who was carefully observing the battlefield in a bunker on the top of the mountain and suggested.

Logically speaking, a veteran, no matter how senior he is, is not qualified to accompany a regimental commander, let alone give any advice.

But the two officers beside the young regiment commander not only did not scold him, but even the young regiment commander himself took the initiative to put down the telescope, "Squad Leader Li, I am very grateful that you can come to support me. The shells are very precious, so there is no need to waste them."

"Hehe, commander, don't worry about the shells. This time, our brigade commander Cheng gave me 150 shells, which is enough!" When the veteran mentioned the shells in his hand, his dry face smiled as brightly as the chrysanthemums all over the mountains in autumn.

"Good guy, I said you, squad leader Li, are so generous! It turns out that old Cheng has made a fortune!" Hearing what the veteran said, the young regiment commander couldn't help but widen his eyes.

That's a full 150 shells! You know, although his 769th Regiment has 4 mortars, the entire regiment has only 25 rounds of artillery shells. Not to mention that the regiment's artillery company is not qualified to use them at will, even he, the head of the regiment, has to call them according to the battle situation, otherwise, he will have to review them in the regiment.

When will his 769th Regiment be able to fight such a rich battle?

And the reason why this young regiment commander respects the veteran in front of him so much is not just because he is supported by the 683rd Brigade. This veteran, who is nearly 50 years old, is a legendary one in the 921st Division.

Three years ago, he was not a member of the 80th Army, but an enemy. In a breakout battle, both sides suffered heavy casualties. The enemy artillery battalion where this veteran was located caused the greatest casualties to the vanguard of the 80th Army, which was in a long-distance transfer. When the nearly ten mortars opened fire, countless elite figures fell one after another, which made the commanders who had been in battles for a long time feel heartbroken.

In the end, it was Brigadier General Cheng, then the head of the Cadre Corps, who led more than 100 elite soldiers with submachine guns and Mauser pistols to clear the way, breaking through the enemy's defense line under heavy artillery fire, and capturing the artillerymen who had no time to escape.

Originally, according to the opinion of most commanders, these artillerymen should be shot to avenge the sacrificed soldiers, but Brigadier General Cheng believed that they all came from poor backgrounds and served different masters. Moreover, nearly ten mortars were seized and needed gunners to operate. If they were willing to accept persuasion and join, they could join. If they did not join, it did not matter. They would be given travel expenses to return home!

Most of the gunners chose to take the money and go home because of fear, but the old gunner named Li Daxi stayed. In his words, "Commander Cheng does not kill people indiscriminately, he must be a good commander. Following him, at least you can have food to eat, which is better than going home and starving to death!"

And this old gunner who just wanted to have enough food gave the 80th Army a big surprise. In the next few battles, he used the gun in his hand and the few shells to accurately solve the enemy's heavy firepower points one after another, providing great help for the entire army to break out of the blockade.

After a year of continuous observation, because of his outstanding military exploits, the superiors intended to promote him to an artillery instructor and promoted him to an officer, but he refused and chose to stay under the command of Brigade Commander Cheng as an artillery squad leader, guarding his small gun, and refused to move.

In his words: You can't eat military ranks, you can only eat by following a good commander!

When the superiors saw it, they knew that the peasant consciousness of this big brother had not changed yet, and he would lead a group of people astray as an officer! Simply, they let him continue to be his big head soldier.

In this way, until the 683rd Brigade was established, this old artilleryman, who had destroyed at least 15 heavy machine guns, was still just an artillery squad leader.

The two front teeth he lost were not because he was almost 50 years old, but because of an emergency transfer. It was dark and the road was slippery. In order to prevent the cannon from falling into the ravine, he used his body to block the cannon from falling.

The old artillery squad leader Li Daxi, who did not want to be an official just to have enough food, may be a little short-sighted, but his artillery skills are well-known in the entire 921st Division.

"Okay, then I will give you the right to fire ten shells, and see how big a meal you can give the little devils!" Picking up the telescope and looking at the Japanese infantry who were still trying to advance on the front battlefield, the young regiment commander made up his mind.

With few shells, he only dared to use them to attack the Japanese heavy firepower points, but now there are more shells, who doesn't want to be extravagant?

In front of the front battlefield, Lieutenant Matsuda did not lie flat on the "cause and effect". Five tanks of his own side were already working hard to provide fire cover. Even if the Chinese played the trick of "smoke their own eyes", the 7.7mm heavy machine guns that could move flexibly were still wantonly wielding their endless firepower. What qualifications did he, a man surrounded by shit, have to be bad?

So, under the leadership of Lieutenant Matsuda, a group of Japanese infantrymen, although it was very difficult, still crawled forward in the "shit".

That is, the scene where the original shit yellow really turned into shit color was quite eye-catching.

"Huh----Boom!" The sound of several mortar shells flying and exploding sounded.

The cornfield full of farmyard manure was blown up, and all kinds of black, yellow and green mud blocks were flying all over the sky!

The death squad collapsed at that time!

It was not because of the increasingly pungent smell, nor the "cause and effect" that fell on him like raindrops, but because the Chinese actually used firepower to cover them, and they used artillery instead of guns!

Who can withstand this? In such an open space, no matter how low the infantry lied, they would die if they encountered artillery shells!

"Baga! Retreat!" Nakajima Muwen looked at the area where his own death squad was covered by thick gunpowder smoke, and gritted his teeth and ordered.

As a front-line commander, he knew too well that the Chinese position was surrounded by smoke and people could not see clearly, but he and his imperial officers and soldiers were in the area where they were, and they could see it clearly from the mountain. The Chinese could cover the death squad with artillery fire, and then they could use artillery shells to kill them the next moment.

Moreover, this was just the first round of attack, and it was still mainly for testing. There was no need to play so hard right at the beginning, so it was better to retreat first.

Under the long sound of the hand-cranked alarm, the Japanese infantry retreated like a tide!

Nobi Nobita, who replaced Goto Daisa and personally went to the front-line command post 600 meters away to supervise the battle, looked at his subordinates who had withdrawn from the front line, and his nose was almost crooked with anger.

The failure of the first round of attack was already expected by him. He had been dealing with the 80th Army for so long, and he had some understanding of the characteristics of the 80th Army. If he could deal with the enemy in front of him in one wave, it would be a fake gray uniform!

However, he never expected that his first squadron would be beaten so badly.

The death squad had 16 people killed on the spot and 13 seriously injured, but how did they do it before they died?

After asking in detail, they found out that the Chinese position was actually the fields of the Chinese mountain people, and spring was the season for sowing...

Nobi Nobita almost vomited blood. Putting himself in their shoes, he certainly knew that this would seriously reduce the morale of the imperial officers and soldiers. No wonder the two wings were fighting in full swing, but the front position was so weird.

So, five minutes later, the Japanese army's four mountain guns and six infantry guns once again launched a fierce bombardment of the front battlefield.

However, this time, the focus of its artillery coverage was not the Chinese position, but the 100 meters in front of the position.

Nobi Nobita, who was very considerate of his subordinates, did not hesitate to use artillery fire to blow up the "shit" and clear the way for the entire army.

This wave, at least 150 rounds of artillery shells were wasted by the Japanese army, which was roughly equivalent to one-tenth of the total amount carried by the Japanese army this time.

The five tanks did not withdraw from the position, but instead, led by the Type 89 tank, struggled to find a way and continued to climb up.

Obviously, this was to use the cover of artillery fire to shorten the distance to a closer distance, so as to prepare a bridgehead for the second wave of infantry attacks.

If it were not for the slope and the raging artillery fire, the 15-ton big guy would have even approached 350 meters from the position.

In fact, the Chinese troops on the hillside position were too good at playing. They even put themselves in the thick smoke and didn't let them see the firepower point clearly. The 57mm tank gun of the 89 tank hadn't fired for half a day and couldn't find the target.

They had to get closer. The four Japanese armored soldiers in the 89 tank were very simple-minded. Except for the anti-tank gun, no weapon was a threat to them. This was the main reason why they dared to get so close.

Of course, they didn't see that the two 37mm rapid-fire guns were also carried into the well-built fortifications by the Chinese artillery under the cover of thick smoke, taking advantage of the Japanese artillery's generous throwing of shells to clear the way for the infantry.

That was the result of a whole infantry platoon working hard under the artillery fire. In order to protect these two big guys that could hit tanks, three soldiers were even blown away by the air wave and two soldiers were seriously injured!

Moreover, the "artificial deception" that the young captain resorted to, which did not hurt the enemy at all but blinded his own people, was actually a preparation for the smooth deployment of these two powerful weapons into the fortifications.

Everything is because these two artillery can penetrate 30 mm steel plates and are the nemesis of the 89 tank and the 94 tank.

If the infantry alone were to counter these big guys, according to the young regiment leader's estimate, he would probably need to invest three infantry companies on the frontal position during this day, which would definitely make people feel chills on their spines. number.

Fortunately, the 683rd Brigade sent these two big guys, which was even more gratifying than the four mortars brought by Li Daxi, the old artillery squad leader.

A master gunner, 4 mortars and 150 rounds of artillery shells can basically guarantee that the position will not be lost, but two 37mm rapid-fire cannons can guarantee that today will be a victory. If the four artillerymen are like what they promised That way, the Japanese tanks would never be allowed to escape.

The eyes of all the commanders on the Chinese position were focused on the two 37mm rapid-fire guns that had been hidden in the fortifications.







The Japanese infantry began to attack before the artillery fire had completely stopped. However, this time, more than one infantry squadron was dispatched in the previous round. A total of 6 infantry squads of nearly 300 people were divided into two echelons. The first echelon was as high as Two infantry teams with nearly a hundred people bent down and quickly attacked the top of the mountain 300 meters away from the position.

The defense line is about 500 meters wide, with an average of one Japanese per five meters. Behind them are 4 Type 92 heavy machine guns, 12 grenade launchers, 12 light machine guns, 1 57mm tank gun, and 8 7.7mm heavy machine guns. Supporting them.

Even though the Chinese position is still filled with smoke, the advancing Japanese infantry believe that this downpour of bullets can kill any Chinese who dare to take the lead.

In the frontline headquarters 600 meters away, Nobi Nobita looked at his subordinates moving forward under the cover of bullets with a telescope, his eyes full of expectation.

You are afraid of 'shit', I will not hesitate to waste artillery shells very un-Japanese to clear the way for you, it is your turn to show the bravery of the Imperial Japanese Army!

The two infantry teams of the first echelon have marched to the place where they failed last time.

The damn Chinese are so mean. There are so many dirty things here. A trace of anger and fear flashed in the eyes of Lieutenant Matsuda, who had barely escaped death and spent twenty minutes to wash off the dirt on his face and body.

Being ordered to be the commander of the death squad again, he subconsciously moved his feet away from a pile of soft soil. Although he was not using his face, he was unwilling to step on shit with his feet. He never wanted to try that soft, smelly feeling again in his life.

This feeling will definitely become a nightmare for the Japanese Army second lieutenant in the future, but that may still be a good thing.

After all, only the living can dream, right?

"Hit me!" the captain on the battlefield ordered angrily.

The regiment commander has just given an order not to skimp on ammunition. After this battle, all infantry companies participating in the battle will be tripled in ammunition and grenades. This is what Brigadier Cheng has just sent a telegram to agree to.

It can be replenished several times after the war, which will save a lot of money. The Chinese soldiers on the position fired desperately, looking like they were struggling to survive.

Lieutenant Matsuda, who was still moving to avoid stepping on Baba, suddenly lost his legs and sat down on Baba who had just avoided him.

There was no way, who made him unlucky and got shot!

It was such a coincidence that a bullet penetrated his calf which was tied with leggings.

"The Chinese are working hard!" A flash of horror flashed through his heart. Second Lieutenant Matsuda, whose legs were so painful that he could no longer walk normally, immediately rolled over on Baba's land.

In front of my little life, feeling uncomfortable again is really not that important.

This is human beings. Never believe in the so-called bottom line, which is something that can be lowered step by step.

Those who were shot were trying to hide, while those who were not shot naturally hid more quickly. The Japanese infantry's advance speed became visibly slower.

"Baga! Order them to speed up. The Chinese ammunition storage cannot support this for a long time! In addition, order the armored squadron to increase the cover of the infantry. Otherwise, don't blame me for reporting to the division commander personally after the war." 600 meters Outside, Nobita Nobita Shaozuo ordered angrily.

"Hi!" The captain's deputy beside him nodded heavily.

Three red flares were fired into the sky from the direction of the Japanese position.

At this time, not only did the main force of the Japanese army 100 meters behind the first echelon speed up, but the 89 tank, which had not wasted its shells because it could not clearly see the weight of the Chinese position and its firepower points, also had to twist its huge body and move forward hard on the hillside, swinging He drove the front of the car to the position and fired two shots in a row.

They may not know that the two 37mm rapid-fire guns on the mountain have also been looking for traces of it. The thick black smoke emitted from the rear of the tank due to the roar of the engine completely exposed their position on the battlefield.

After all, the thick smoke on the Chinese position not only blocked the sight of the Japanese troops, but also blocked the sight of the Chinese soldiers. This thing does not recognize whoever did it.

But now, the guy who poses the biggest threat to the Japanese army has jumped out again.

In front of two anti-tank guns.






ps: Brothers, Feng Yue's real name, Han Tang Feng Yue's new sci-fi book "I Can Bury Everything" has been signed online. It tells the story of the intersection of the real world and the world of Shan Hai Jing. You will see traditional giant beasts and monsters, but it seems not so traditional. After all, have you ever seen Shan Hai with a crooked technology tree? Brothers, please go and support, thank you very much!

But Feng Yue absolutely guarantees that when updating the new book, Ba Bai will still maintain normal updates. I won't say that it is mainly because there are a lot of manuscripts for the new book.

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