Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 925 Difficulty!

Obviously, it was difficult for the two mortars to survive in the face of such a blanket bombardment.

One was blown into flying parts, and the other was smashed by the air wave. Half of the twenty or so artillerymen who had been put together with great difficulty were killed and half were injured.

That was not all, because Nobi Nobita's front-line command was too close to the artillery position and was tragically implicated. Several Japanese infantrymen were blown away from the trenches. It was so miserable.

Since the only two mortars that could launch a counterattack behind the mountain were also destroyed by the Chinese artillery group fire, this offensive battle was a disaster for Nobi Nobita.

The infantry artillery deployed on the front line and the mountain artillery deployed at the rear did not fail to help the Japanese troops on the front line. Almost on the eve of every round of Japanese attack, they would spare no effort to bombard the Chinese positions, but they were more likely to cause the greatest damage to the infantry stationed on the positions.

The Chinese 769th Regiment responsible for defending the position was like an indestructible cockroach. When one infantry company was half-crippled, another infantry company would immediately enter the battlefield. The almost endless force in the eyes of the Japanese army was simply despairing, even though they knew very well that the Chinese would never have as many troops as they seemed.

But the fact is that the Japanese army did have an experience of attacking the Chinese front-line positions. At least nearly a hundred Japanese infantrymen had picked up their rifles and started hand-to-hand combat, but the reinforcements that emerged from the top of the mountain ran down, and with sufficient superior forces, after a round of bloody fighting, they were driven out of the position.

What was most painful for the front-line Japanese troops was that although the Chinese mortars did not often fire at the infantry, they could arbitrarily attack the heavy machine gun positions that had moved their positions 700 meters away, which resulted in at least half of the heavy machine guns being blown up while providing fire support.

As the strongest firepower of the Japanese army, the tank, due to the presence of two anti-tank guns on the Chinese position, including the only Type 89 tank, none of the remaining seven tanks dared to enter the 800-meter range, and the Type 89 tank could only become a long-range artillery to bombard the unclear Chinese position.

But obviously, although it cannot be said that it is useless, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is useless.

The heavy firepower that the Japanese army is proud of did not play the role it should have imagined.

The main attack was launched by the infantry with waves of attacks, and the Chinese side started a war of attrition.

Yes, a war of attrition! Not only ammunition was consumed, but more human lives.

According to post-war statistics, in less than 2 hours, Nobi Nobita organized and launched a total of five rounds of attacks, each lasting nearly 20 minutes on average.

At the beginning, the bodies of the dead were moved down, but later they no longer did this useless work. The entire battlefield was full of bloody "shit yellow"!

Not counting the wounded, the Japanese army alone killed more than 400 people!

This is a jaw-dropping 60% death rate, and it is not the casualty rate in the traditional sense. The madness of the Japanese army is terrifying.

The 769th Regiment also fought hard. The two infantry companies and machine gun companies deployed on the front line have been replaced four times...

That means that even the guard company of the 769th Regiment has been sent up, and that is also the last reserve in the hands of the young commander of the 769th Regiment.

In just 2 hours, the head of a regiment had to send up his last reserve. It can be imagined that this tit-for-tat offensive and defensive battle almost pushed this strongest infantry regiment, which will be called the 80th Army in the future, to the end!

After the war, more than 330 bodies of the sacrificed soldiers were carried away, which was not much better than the Japanese army.

The Chinese and Japanese commanders on the mountain and below had already been killing themselves. One of them was afraid that he would die if he did not capture the other side's position, and the other was ordered to block the Japanese army's way and lay a solid foundation for the whole army to encircle and annihilate this Japanese army!

The battle was so fierce that the commander of the 683rd Brigade sent telegrams several times, asking whether the 769th Regiment could hold on. If it really couldn't hold on, he would draw two infantry companies from each of the two flanks to support.

The young commander of the 769th Regiment refused. It was not that he wanted to be a hero, but he knew that although the two flanks had not started fighting yet, when the time was right, the two infantry regiments on the flanks would launch an attack on the Japanese army and put them in their pockets in one fell swoop.

The final encirclement and annihilation battle would be completed by them, and the remaining nearly 1,000 Japanese invaders would definitely resist stubbornly and would definitely not sit and wait for death. The combat mission was no easier than that of his 769th Regiment.

The reason why the young commander kept gritting his teeth and persisting was that he knew clearly enough that the time to encircle and annihilate the Japanese army was about to mature.

Because, the Four-Line Regiment has arrived!

At 1:30 pm, the entire Four-Line Regiment had arrived in the Beiganling area.

Goto Koshiminami did not have the opportunity to stand high in the sky and overlook the mountains, otherwise he would not have been obsessed with the tactic of opening up the front, even if it was no longer for the rescue of Shentouling.

Yes, when Nobi Nobita was still struggling to launch the third round of attack, he received a telegram from the division headquarters: 'The imperial infantry ambushed by the Chinese in the Shentouling area has also been completely defeated! The imperial infantry of Licheng County is still fighting hard! "

This news was definitely a blow to Goto Koshiminami. The infantry battalion that rescued Licheng was the main infantry battalion of his 108th Infantry Regiment. If Licheng was finished again, it meant that his 108th Infantry Regiment was dead in name only!

However, he still did not give up on conquering the Chinese blocking positions ahead. It was no longer for the purpose of rescuing Licheng, but for self-preservation!

He finally understood why there were so many Chinese. It turned out that they gathered only after destroying the 1,500 imperial infantry.

Although this inference was difficult for him to accept, he could not understand why 1,500 well-trained imperial infantry were defeated in such a short time. This was too unscientific.

However, he had no time to think about the reasons. He was more concerned about his own situation now.

The Chinese had a big appetite, much bigger than he had imagined. They were here, not simply to stop him from moving forward, but to eat him up in one bite.

This conclusion made the Japanese Army's Da Zuo cold all over. Even if he didn't want to admit it, the Chinese were now in this position.

The Chinese on the high ground on both wings had not launched an attack, like two poisonous snakes waiting for an opportunity, waiting for him to reveal a flaw.

And this flaw is undoubtedly that when he leads his army back and leaves the field trenches that have been built, the Chinese do not have enough artillery, and the mortars that are now exposed are not enough to destroy the field trenches that his army has spent more than an hour to build.

His way out now is not to retreat, but to move forward, open up the road and move forward all the way.

The mountains will become an obstacle to his army's advance, and for the Chinese, it is also the same. Only by rushing out of the pocket formation that the Chinese have set up can he use the road to exert his mobility and get rid of the Chinese.

After all, the mountain road is rugged, even if all the Chinese turn into monkeys, they will not walk faster on the mountain than on the road.

Therefore, the tactics of the Japanese Army's Da Zuo are still to open up the front road and hold the current position.

But if he has the opportunity to overlook this mountainous area and see the 3,000-meter-long infantry dragon on the road in the distance, he may give up the tactics he thinks are most suitable.

In order to eat this big piece of fat meat, the Chinese have taken out several of the most elite infantry regiments in the entire eastern Shanxi.

769, 771, 772, Four-line Regiment, any of these infantry regiments are famous.

And now, the last piece of the victory puzzle has arrived at the periphery of the battlefield.

But Tang Dao, who arrived 2 kilometers outside Beiganling, did not immediately lead his troops to join the battlefield, but stared at the Beiganling map in deep thought. The rumbling sound of artillery from the distant mountains did not let him get out of this state.

There were nearly ten officers sitting or standing around. Some of them looked anxious, such as the youngest infantry company commander Qian Dazhu; some lowered their heads and smoked silently, such as artillery company commander Pang Dahai; and some looked indifferent and whispered with their colleagues, such as Li Jiujin, an old soldier.

"Why are you so anxious! Isn't the regiment commander considering how to fight? What's the matter! Are you waiting to become a battalion commander for military merit?" Li Jiujin looked at Qian Dazhu, who was impatient and rubbing his face, and chuckled.

"Brother Li, you don't know me! I'm not anxious for military exploits! I just think that the brothers over there have been fighting for a long time, and Commander Cheng has urged us several times on the way here. Now we are waiting here. If Commander Cheng and his men have opinions about our regiment, it will be disadvantageous for us to gain a foothold here!" Qian Dazhu looked up at Tang Dao who was still thinking with his head down, and argued in a low voice.

"Oh! Your kid has a big vision now, not bad, not bad, you will definitely be a battalion commander in the future!" Li Jiujin laughed.

"From your tone, Li, you will be promoted to regiment commander soon! You can arrange for the battalion commander." Tang Dao over there looked up and glanced at this side, and said unhappily.

"Hehe, with these two brushes, I can only be a company commander at best. Even if I want to steal your job, the brothers can't do it!" Li Jiujin shrank his neck, but his face was still smiling.

"Okay, after this battle, you'll have your day!" Leng Feng waved his hand to stop the old soldier from talking nonsense, and looked at Tang Dao with a serious face. "Commander, have you decided how to participate in the war?"

"It's not easy!" Tang Dao sighed slightly and pointed at the map in his hand.

"Look, from where we are, there are only two roads to enter the Beiganling battlefield. One road leads directly to the area where the 769th Regiment is located, and the other road goes around to the 772nd Regiment on the flank. Both of these places already have our army's positions. Even if our regiment goes there, we can't deploy all our troops. If the Japanese find out and turn their guns to fire, it may increase casualties, and we can't achieve the goal of knocking the Japanese army out with one blow."

"Yes! Fighting in the mountains is very different from fighting on the plains. As the saying goes, "If you look at the mountain and run to the dead horse, it's absolutely true. If our regiment wants to go around the Japanese from the rear, it will take about 20 miles. By that time, the Japanese will react and retreat desperately. I'm afraid that the 683rd Brigade alone can't keep all of them!" Gong Shaoxun also frowned.

20 miles is 10 kilometers. If it is on the plain, it's just a forced march, but in this mountain, especially if you want to bring artillery, heavy machine guns and other big guys, it can almost kill people.

If they only used light infantry and gave up the 4th Rank Regiment's biggest firepower advantage, when they really confronted the Japanese, it would become a matter of exchanging lives. After rounds of fighting, those who were still alive in the 4th Rank Regiment were already elite. Gong Shaoxun was really reluctant to exchange such elite troops with the Japanese.

"Yes! The reason why the Japanese are still fighting against our army's Tietou in Beiganling is probably that they still think that our army does not have many artillery pieces. They can still fight, but if they come to their senses at some point, are willing to accept their defeat, and run away, then running away for one-third of the troops is not a problem." Tang Dao nodded.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and asked Gu Xishui who was standing behind him: "Mingxin should be sent out to scout the movements of the Japanese army in Lucheng District! Where is he now? Has he sent any information?"

"Mingxin thinks that no one in the special squadron can keep up with his pace in this mountain. He set out alone. According to his speed, he should have arrived in Lucheng now, but I don't know how this guy will leave us information." Gu Xishui said helplessly.

Originally, sending Mingxin to scout around Lucheng was just Tang Dao's preparation for the battles of Licheng and Shentouling, and there was no fully prepared military action.

For Tang Dao, it was more like preparing for a rainy day.

After Mingxin set out for a while, no one expected that the Japanese army in Lucheng would go all out, regardless of Lucheng's defense, and send the main force in the city to rescue. Brigade Commander Cheng took advantage of the situation and made the decision to wipe out the Japanese invaders.

Mingxin, a new member of the Four-Line Regiment, was extremely excellent in both execution and combat effectiveness, but he also had shortcomings. He might be used to being alone and not used to trusting his comrades. He believed in himself more.

However, he was not wrong. He had lived in a Taoist temple in the mountains since he was a child. His running speed on the mountain road was unmatched by anyone in the entire Four-Line Regiment.

If he ran at full speed, it might not take him more than 3 hours to travel from Licheng to Lucheng, even though it was nearly 30 kilometers. Others following him would really become a burden.

"This guy..." Tang Dao couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

If the information could not be transmitted, Mingxin would be useless no matter how fast he ran. Isn't this putting the cart before the horse? It seems that he still needs to find time to talk to this somewhat eccentric guy. The army is not a knight in the rivers and lakes. No matter how strong the individual strength is, it still depends on the team's strength to win in the end.

At this moment, there was a noise in the distance, which made Tang Dao frown even more.

He had issued a military order before, everyone rested on the spot and was not allowed to make loud noises.

"What's going on over there?" Leng Feng shouted coldly.

That was the 8th Company under his command. It would be strange if Leng Feng's face was good.

After a while, a second lieutenant platoon leader ran over quickly.

"Report to the commander, a fellow villager insisted on seeing our top commander. He said he had important secrets. We asked him to take them out, but the guy was very stubborn. How could we believe him? He shouted..."

"You can't even deal with an ordinary citizen. Tell him that this is wartime. Harassing the army will be shot." The commander of the 8th Company standing on the side was so angry that his face turned red when he heard about this. The old habits of the warlord troops in the past were immediately exposed.

"Fellow villager? Secrets?" Tang Dao's eyes condensed and waved his hand. "Bring him here, I'll see him."

A ragged boy about sixteen or seventeen years old was brought to Tang Dao. Perhaps because he had just argued with the soldiers, his face was still a little red.

"Little guy, I am the highest commander here. If you have any secrets, tell me!" Tang Dao asked gently.

"Is your surname Tang?" The boy looked at Tang Dao, who was taller than him by a head, and hesitated.

The faces of the surrounding officers suddenly changed.

The name of Tang Tuanzuo is of course a common name in the Four Lines Group, and everyone knows it. However, the Four Lines Group has just come to Taihang Mountain and has not fought a battle yet. Its reputation has not yet reached the point where everyone in the Taihang Mountain area knows it. How did this little guy who looks like a local boy know it?

"Yes! My name is Tang Dao!" Tang Dao's eyes flickered slightly, but his face did not change.

"Then you are right. I finally found the right person." The boy seemed not to feel the murderous aura that suddenly rose around him, but his face showed a happy expression and his hand reached into his arms.

Many officers involuntarily put their hands on their waists.

It was a very strange thing that an ordinary boy in the mountains came to see Tang Tuanzuo rashly, and it was no wonder that they were nervous.

I'm afraid that this young man with a simple face didn't know that he actually scared a group of iron-blooded soldiers who had experienced countless battlefields.

What he took out was a piece of paper folded several times!

Tang Dao smiled, he had guessed the original owner of the paper.

Because it was the letterhead paper brought by Teacher Xiao He, in this mountain, no one else would have it except the people in the Four Lines Group.

Spreading the paper, Tang Dao glanced at it, and the smile on his face became even bigger: "Mingxin, this guy, has found the best opportunity for us to enter the battlefield!"

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