Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 926 The style of painting changes so quickly!

Inoue Koki is one of the highest commanders of this position.

Why can it be considered only one of them? Because there is another officer of the same level as him in this position, and both sides have the same rank but different duties.

The more than 100 people on the other side are not under his command. He can only command the more than 90 people under his command, and...

and those tall horses.

Yes, Inoue Koki is an army captain, but he is not an infantryman, but the noblest branch of the Japanese Army-the cavalry.

As one of the most mobile branches of the Japanese Army on land, the battlefield that originally belonged to Inoue Koki was the wilderness of fierce fighting. The favorite combat mode of the cavalry captain was riding on the back of a horse, waving a sharp saber, and chasing the enemy infantry who had begun to retreat in the infantry attack.

Whether the enemy army was resisting stubbornly or kneeling down to surrender, what greeted them was just the same mode.

The sharp blade passed, the head flew up, and the blood bloomed!

In front of the iron hoof of the imperial cavalry, all resistance was vain.

But obviously, this mountainous area is definitely not a battlefield suitable for the imperial cavalry. The narrow space only needs two machine guns for the enemy, and no matter how strong the iron hooves of the imperial cavalry are, they will be shot to pieces.

Therefore, Inoue Xiaoshu is quite satisfied with his current situation. No matter how anxious or fierce the battle in front is, it has nothing to do with him. His task today is not to charge or pursue, but to defend. He only needs to guard those artillerymen who don't care about the etiquette of the imperial infantry and show their big shoulders and heads at every turn.

Yes, this position is not elsewhere, but the mountain artillery position deployed by Goto Koshi Minami-Daizao.

Compared with the large-caliber heavy artillery such as 155 caliber and 200 caliber that were used frequently in the Battle of Songhu, the 75mm caliber mountain artillery is just a humble little brother, but here, it is the most powerful weapon.

Although it only has a caliber of 75mm, this is a howitzer with a killing radius of up to 10 meters. Moreover, 4 mountain guns are enough to throw more than 150 shells in 30 minutes. The large craters on the hillside are basically left by these artillery.

At least more than half of the casualties of Chinese soldiers on the position were caused by this kind of artillery, which means that the mere 4 mountain guns almost accounted for half of Goto Koshi's heavy firepower, and their importance far exceeded the 92 infantry guns similar to small-caliber cannons.

In view of the previous experience of the infantry artillery position that was too far forward and was blown upside down by the Chinese small artillery, the Japanese Army Da Zuo placed his four big killers 1,200 meters behind his temporary command post based on the maximum range of the Chinese 82 mortar of 2,500 meters.

Of course, in order to avoid the Chinese from coming to the rear to encircle, not only blocking his own rear but also attacking his own mountain artillery positions, the Japanese Army Da Zuo also spent a lot of money.

Not only were there two infantry squads left behind, but the cavalry squadron that followed the main force was also left around the artillery position.

To put it bluntly, there was originally a rear wing defense line built by more than 200 Japanese cavalry infantry. With only a thousand infantrymen who could participate in the battle, nearly one-fifth of the troops had to be stationed in the rear. The Japanese Army's Osamu had definitely invested a lot of money.

Moreover, the infantry trench was 200 meters away from the artillery position in the center, which left enough space for the artillery to play. Any troops that attempted to approach the infantry defense line would be hit by infantry and artillery.

In the original words of Goto Koshi and Osamu: It would be fine if the Chinese were not stupid, but if they really wanted to make such a stupid move, let the rear of our army become their place of bloodshed.

This Japanese Army General Zuo is not bragging. Four mountain cannons are the best in this mountain range. As long as the infantry defense line can stop the enemy infantry within 200 meters, the flames spewed by the mountain cannon can even melt steel, not to mention the fragile human body.

Moreover, even if the Chinese are ruthless and use more than a thousand troops to attack this defense line, they will definitely not be able to break through the defense line within 15 minutes! Don't forget that the main force of its infantry is 2,000 meters away. Maybe there is not much to do with the front position. If the whole army returns to support, all Chinese troops who dare to abandon the geographical advantage will be swallowed up by him.

Don't underestimate these more than 200 infantry and cavalry. The two infantry squads belonging to the 108th Infantry Regiment Guard Infantry Company are both reinforced, with a total of more than 60 people in 4 infantry squads, and each infantry squad has a Type 96 light machine gun and a grenade launcher.

That means that although there are only two infantry squads, they will have as many as 8 light machine guns and 8 grenade launchers.

After entering northern China, the Japanese cavalry squadron also made its own changes according to the Chinese battlefield. They were not only equipped with sabers and lances, but also specially carried light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers.

The North China Front Command asked the cavalry regiments under each division to be able to fight on horseback or on foot, similar to the dragoons in Western countries who are withdrawing from the stage of history.

The dragoons, who performed well in World War I, lost their mobility advantage due to the large-scale application of mechanized equipment such as tanks and trucks, and were destined to be replaced by mechanized corps.

But in China, the dragoons can sprint at horse speed when mounted and rely on trenches to form a combat capability similar to that of infantry when dismounted, which is absolutely powerful.

Otherwise, how could Xia Xiongyuan send out his cavalry squadron twice in a row? That is the synonym of elite.

If these 200 people defended with all their might, their combat effectiveness would not be weak.

Just like the future battle of Guanjiaao, there was no mountain artillery to help. The Yamazaki Battalion, which was surrounded by the 80th Army with the strength of a division, relied on the hastily built civil engineering works to resist the siege of thousands of people and finally held on until the arrival of reinforcements.

Although more than 500 people died in the end, they were not completely wiped out, and the brigade commander Cheng, who was furious and quarreled with the commander, suffered heavy losses.

Of course, that does not mean that the Japanese army is so powerful. It is mainly because the 921st Division has no infantry artillery that can break the strong fortifications. If it is replaced by the 4th Regiment equipped with 37mm anti-tank guns and infantry guns, it would be strange if they did not blow the hastily built fortifications of the Japanese army into slag.

But there is no doubt that once the Japanese army has fortifications and tries its best to defend them, it is really a hard bone. It is a tough character who can definitely break the opponent's teeth.

Perhaps, although Goto Koshinan did not say it explicitly, this artillery position, which was isolated 1,200 meters behind the main force, was the bait thrown out by this person.

It was like the bait hanging on the fishhook, which smelled good, but it would be fatal if swallowed.

But the plan could not keep up with the changes. The front line was short of troops. The Japanese Army had no choice but to transfer an infantry squad from the rear to the front line.

So, there was only one infantry squad of 63 people left on the 700-meter circular defense position at the back. The most powerful existence was naturally the more than 90 noble imperial cavalry led by the dismounted Army Captain Inoue Koki.

The battle had been going on for two or three hours. There were rumbling sounds of artillery in front and behind, but the scum infantry had no results. Captain Inoue, who was at the back, was quite nervous and looked at the surrounding mountains and fields with a telescope again and again.

But people's nerves can't be kept tense all the time. Even if they can, they will become numb after a long time. After more than two hours of peace, Captain Inoue began to hum a little song from his hometown while half lying in the trench.

Several fellow villagers who had a very good relationship with him also surrounded him, smoking cigarettes one after another, and complaining about the incompetence of the infantry in front.

The early spring in Taihang Mountain is not very friendly. Even if there is sunshine, the temperature does not exceed ten degrees, not to mention that it is in the mountains, especially having to sit in such a damp and cold trench. The cavalry of the Empire of Japan, who are usually used to being awesome, can't stand this.

Complaints are almost inevitable!

Since you are here, make the best of it. Captain Inoue has a much better adaptability than several fellow villagers. From time to time, he hums a few little songs and cooperates with them to curse the front-line infantry "malu". His mood is not very good, but it is definitely not very bad.

But this kind of good and bad mood was also destroyed.

A burst of gunfire rang out!

"Baga! There are Chinese, everyone prepare for battle!" Inoue Xiaoshu, who heard the gunshot, hurriedly threw down half a cigarette and ordered sternly.

However, the gunshots were not so dense, indicating that the number of enemies was not large.

"Baga, go and see what's going on quickly?" Inoue Xiaoshu's face did not show any relief because of the small number of enemies. On the contrary, his face became extremely ferocious when he looked at the area where the gunshots were heard.

Because that was the area where the cavalry squadron placed war horses.

It was cavalry, and there was no one who didn't love war horses.

For the Chinese cavalry, war horses were comrades and brothers, and the Japanese cavalry was no exception. In their spare time, they would also bathe their war horses, and even save their own rations to feed war horses in difficult times.

In other words, looking at the cavalry all over the world, war horses are their closest existence.

Because they need to fight on war horses, their lives are completely connected with war horses. When charging, if the war horses stumble, the lives of people and horses will be gone.

The word "share weal and woe" is the most appropriate to describe cavalry and war horses.

Inoue Xiaoshu led the cavalry to dismount and enter the trenches to become infantry, but war horses cannot be placed in trenches, right?

It is even worse to place them on the battlefield. Once the Chinese attack, the huge size of the war horses is simply the best destination for bullets. Moreover, even if the war horses are not considered, once the war horses are hit and run wildly because of pain and fright, that is in their own camp.

Once a behemoth weighing hundreds of kilograms runs wildly, it is comparable to a small car. If more than a hundred horses explode together, it will undoubtedly place a time bomb on their own position.

War horses must stay away from the position.

When planning the position, Inoue Xiaoshu found a good place for more than a hundred war horses of the cavalry squadron, a forest not far from their own position, and the location is located behind the command post. It is not only hidden, but the Chinese should not sneak in from that area.

For this reason, he also specially selected five soldiers to guard the grove. In case of any situation, not to mention resistance, warning can be done.

Now, the warning came, the unique sound of the Type 38 musket and the sound of the Chinese rifles echoed each other.

What made Inoue Xiaoshu extremely anxious was that the wail of the warhorse in pain resounded throughout the mountains.

"Damn it, what do the Chinese want to do?" Inoue Xiaoshu sent a dozen people out of the trenches to check, while picking up the telescope to look at the grove more than 300 meters away.

In the field of vision of the telescope, blue military uniforms wearing branches camouflage appeared from time to time. They fired rifles into the woods, and the smoke covered their already vague figures.

It is normal for China and Japan to fight, you kill me, I kill you, but what made Inoue Xiaoshu's face become ferocious was that the Chinese seemed to do more than just kill people.

They were so shameless that they shot at the horses.

He saw with his own eyes a group of maroon war horses running wildly out of the woods, perhaps because they had been shot. Stimulated by the pain, the horse's speed increased to its maximum speed in less than thirty meters.

It was obviously that the vital part was not shot. If it could be rescued, it would only take two months and it would still be a strong horse.

Unfortunately, the Chinese did not give it a chance.

"Ta-ta-ta!" There was a burst of continuous shooting, and at least a few bullets hit the horse that had galloped more than a hundred meters.

The horse's huge body collapsed.

He fell more than a hundred meters away from the naked eye of the Japanese cavalry.

"Doji!" a Japanese cavalry shouted angrily.

That was his mount. Such a close distance was enough for the Japanese cavalry to recognize the war horse that he had been with day and night.

But it was obvious that the war horse, whose screams were getting smaller and smaller, was already dead.

If the cavalrymen next to him hadn't held on to the nearly crazy Japanese cavalryman, he would have rushed out of the trench and ran to the horse that was already on the verge of death.

It is really sad to watch your comrade die in front of you, but you can't go to it to say goodbye to it for the last time.

"Despicable!" Inoue Xiaoshu's eyes turned red instantly.

He almost understood that the Chinese did not dare to attack his position, so they could only kill the horses to vent their anger.

His guess was right. The fighting in the woods continued. One of the soldiers he sent ran over and reported to him: "Captain Inoue, there are about fifty or sixty Chinese people. They are frantically attacking our squadron's horses. Sakamoto Cao Please ask for support.”

"Are there any other Chinese?" Inoue Xiaoshu, as the captain of the lieutenant squadron, still has this idea.

On such a battlefield, let him get out of the trench, his intuition tells him that this is very dangerous!

"It hasn't been discovered yet!" the Japanese first-class soldier answered honestly, but there was begging in his eyes: "Captain Sakamoto So requested the squadron leader for support, otherwise, in ten minutes, all the horses in my squadron will be slaughtered."

Almost without looking at the faces of the surrounding cavalry, Inoue Xiaoshu could tell what they were thinking.

No one can watch his comrades being slaughtered by the enemy without doing anything. If he does not rescue today, even if he can go back alive, he will be despised by the entire cavalry squadron.

The cavalry is not like those scum infantry who are mainly poor people. Many of the cavalry are from nobles. They resisted him together. Even Lieutenant General Xiong Yuan could not save his fate in the cavalry squadron.

"Order the Cavalry Squadron 1 and the Cavalry Squadron 2 to attack! Rescue our imperial officers and soldiers!" Inoue Xiaoshu hesitated for no more than a second before issuing the military order.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

He was talking about rescuing his own officers and soldiers. For this reason, even if something went wrong, no one could blame him.

A cavalry squadron has four squads, two cavalry squads plus a few cavalry sent out previously. Inoue Xiaoshu spent a lot of money on these more than a hundred horses.





Time goes back to five minutes ago.

"Captain Hei, do we really want to attack these war horses?" Shen Laoliu asked unbearably. "The little devil's cavalry is not a toy, but these Japanese horses are good things! The horses are fast and powerful. If we can win them all, I can guarantee that Lu Sanjiang's cavalry will have to call them brother or brother when they meet. "

"Why, Shen Laoliu, who claims to kill the Japanese without blinking an eye, has become soft-hearted today?" Heizi glanced sideways at Shen Laoliu, who was carefully making suggestions, and curled his lips.

"How can that be possible? Don't you want to expand the size of our cavalry? Captain Hei, don't deny it. These guys with four legs can run faster than us with two legs. If we give our special squadron a few more good horses, we will die There are many more little devils in the special squadron!" How can Shen Laoliu recognize that soft-hearted label?

But it is true that he is reluctant to kill those tall horses. These precious things, not to mention the fully trained adult horses, are worth nearly a hundred silver yang. Even those ponies whose teeth have not yet grown well cost more than 20 yen, which is more than he Shen Laoliu Military pay is high in January.

"Do you still remember what the commander gave us?" Heizi's eyes became calm, even cruel.

"Let us use these war horses as bait to attract Japanese rescuers," Shen Laoliu replied.

"If we don't use some harsh medicine, how can the Japanese be fooled?" Heizi's eyes were cold. "Since the horses are here, there must be a lot of Japanese cavalry in the trenches. No matter how many can be mobilized, as long as dozens of people can be mobilized, the pressure on the regiment will be much lighter.

Tell me, which is more important, the lives of the brothers or the spoils of war? "

"Needless to say, of course my brother's life is important!" Shen Laoliu replied without hesitation.






ps: Fengyue has a full day of class today. I will update the code word when I go home after class. The update is a little late, sorry!

Then he licked his lips: "I heard that Japanese horses eat concentrated feed such as soybeans and corn, but I don't know if horse meat tastes good. I want to grill a thick horse leg tonight!"

A group of special forces...

Is the style of painting so sexy? I almost missed my waist!

82 Chinese website

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