Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 937: All excited about the ‘poetry’!

Of course, in addition to the top three items, food, silver winter melon and mechanical equipment, the Four-Line Regiment also found a lot of good things.

For example, in the field hospital of the Japanese division headquarters, the soldiers found a lot of medicines and medical equipment that they had not had time to move away. Although the words on them were written in Japanese and the soldiers could not understand them, the soldiers who had suffered from the pain of lack of medicine regarded these small bottles and jars as treasures.

The 108th Division was definitely a fat sheep. Even these Japanese soldiers had not had time to move away accounted for half of the warehouse.

Heizi and his men were certainly not stupid. Whether it was medicine or food, these things to be imported were not necessarily safe. What if the Japanese deliberately did not damage them when they left and poisoned them? This has happened many times in military wars throughout the ages. Even the Four-Line Regiment did the same thing. When Guangde City was urgently evacuated and many supplies and food could not be moved, they dumped feces on the food!

All medicines and food were sealed on the spot before Tang Dao led the main force to arrive, and no one was allowed to move them rashly.

After Tang Dao arrived, he praised Heizi and others for their treatment. All medicines, food, meat and other things that you want to eat here will be sampled for testing. Fortunately, more than 200 students of Teacher Xiao He stayed, and many of them were engaged in biology.

That is also the main force for Tang Dao to purify "penicillin" in the future. Several of them with excellent grades wanted to leave because they felt that they had no place to use in the Four Lines Group. Tang Dao personally talked to them and kept them with a beautiful vision for the future.

Of course, in addition to this method, Tang Dao also ordered people to visit and investigate the residents in the city. It was learned that it took less than 15 minutes for the Japanese army to gather and leave the city. They left in a hurry. Even if they wanted to poison, they probably didn't have that time.

Moreover, based on Tang Dao's understanding of the Japanese nation, they are extremely paranoid. Once there are no rules and restrictions, the beast in their hearts will turn into a devil, but they also have another side. Perhaps because the resources of the island country have always been limited, this nation has been very frugal and meticulous since its birth. There may be luxury, but it will never be wasted easily.

Most of them were reluctant to destroy these things that they had no time to take away in a hurry! After all, whether the Chinese dared to lead troops into Lucheng was still unknown. What if the Chinese felt that they had taken enough advantage and turned around and left, wouldn’t the supplies be polluted in vain!

This is indeed gambling, but the Japanese have been coveting their powerful neighbor for hundreds of years. Wasn’t that gambling?

Whether it was the frequent border violations of Japanese pirates that began in the Ming Dynasty, or the "Sino-Japanese War" in modern history, or the September 18th Incident that broke out a few years ago, or the July 7th Incident that was just around the corner, the islanders, whose land is only one-tenth of China and whose population is nearly one-eighth of China, are gambling.

Moreover, they succeeded in most of the gambles!

It is obviously more difficult to keep a gambler who often gains benefits at the gambling table away from the gambling table than to keep him away from the gambling table than to keep him red-eyed!

The possibility of the safety of this batch of supplies is very high!

And for Tang Dao, who was smiling at this time, his head hurt a little!

In Licheng, there are still a lot of materials being transported with great effort. Almost all the transportation capacity of the Four-line Regiment and most of the young and strong men in Licheng have been mobilized. According to the report of Zhuang Shisan, who is in charge of the overall dispatch, it will take at least 48 hours to complete.

For this reason, Lei Xiong's First Battalion and part of Bai Sheng's engineering company are still desperately building fortifications in the Dongyang Pass area. If the main force of the 108th Division comes to Licheng, they will have to bleed for materials this time.

Because that is the key to whether the Four-line Regiment can really gain a foothold in the Taihang Mountains.

The mountains and rivers of the Taihang Mountains are enough to protect the Chinese soldiers who escape into the mountains, but everything has two sides. It is extremely difficult for the barren land to feed thousands of people in the 683rd Brigade. If the Four-line Regiment and its family members of 5,000 people and 6,000 Licheng residents who moved into the mountains to prevent Japanese retaliation are added, then everyone will be unable to make ends meet.

What should we do now? More than 750,000 kilograms of food! There are also various machine tools and boilers weighing more than ten tons...

There is no way, I can only ask for help from Brigade Commander Cheng.

The first thing Tang Dao did was to call Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who was still in Beiganling area 6 kilometers away to build fortifications. He didn't say anything else, just one line: A large amount of Japanese food reserves have been seized! Urgently need transportation, come quickly!

Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang was really unusual this time. The original intention of the brigade was to let his third battalion and the 771st Regiment, which was still searching for various captured items on the battlefield, clean up the battlefield together. This was also to reassure this warrior who always liked to eat and occupy more, meaning that the spoils of war would never be less than a penny of your 771st Regiment.

But this Tang Dao and the Four-Line Regiment, who were still somewhat worried about marching towards Lucheng, actually suppressed their thoughts on the spoils of war for the first time, and did not participate in cleaning the battlefield at all. They directly led the third battalion to build fortifications along the planned position area. Tang Dao treated him well, and he promised that Tang Dao would be the most steadfast backing of the Four-Line Regiment, so he would definitely keep his promise.

Wang Xiaoqiang even planned the anti-artillery holes, which was to prepare for the worst.

He was worthy of Tang Dao, and Tang Dao, who knew him well from history books, also did not let him down. They would eat meat together.

"Brothers, stop right there. Immediately order the first and second battalions, except for those escorting the wounded to continue returning to the garrison, including those escorting the surrendered soldiers, to turn around and march back. The direction of the march is Lucheng!" Wang Xiaoqiang only stayed there for less than ten seconds before issuing the military order.

"Deputy regiment commander, the first and second battalions were ordered by the brigade commander to escort the 769th regiment back to the base! If you do this, the commander will be dissatisfied." The commander of the third battalion of the 772th regiment was a little dumbfounded when he heard it. He dropped the digging tools in his hands and hurriedly persuaded.

"Hey, Lao Xiao, I can assure you that the commander will not only not blame me, but will also praise me for my decisiveness. Believe it or not? The commander has already turned around!" Wang Xiaoqiang smiled confidently.

You are so ordinary, but so confident! The commander of the third battalion, who was considered an old comrade by this subordinate a few years ago, must have had such inner thoughts at that moment!

The brigade commander, the brigade headquarters, and the guard battalion have left the 769th regiment for at least 6 miles. What news can make their army turn around? What happened? A gold mine was discovered in Lucheng?

Of course, this major, who had been a brigade commander, didn't know that the things in Lucheng were more valuable than gold mines. They were 750,000 kilograms of food, a small military factory that could produce equipment for an infantry company per month, a monthly salary for an infantry division, and medicines that could save all the injured officers and soldiers in this war!

Any one of them was worth the great leader's army turning around, not to mention that several of them were available.

A few miles, what's the big deal?

"Look, isn't that guy Lao Xu running towards us!" Wang Xiaoqiang, the 'Pu Xin Man', smiled and nodded at the foot of the mountain.

A horse with a soldier was running towards this side at the foot of the mountain.

"What are you doing? Lao Xu, you ran so hard to report to me, did you find a gun or a cannon?" Wang Xiaoqiang greeted and teased his old comrade.

They were military commanders of the same level back then. Now Old Xu is the regiment commander, and he is the deputy regiment commander. Even though he is the third in command, Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, who has been competitive since childhood, just dislikes his old comrade.

Whenever they meet, they feel uncomfortable if they don't say a few words.

"Get lost, the brigade has ordered that we all gather in Lucheng. Except for some transportation capacity used to transport the captured goods, all transportation capacity should be saved for transporting grain! The regiment commander is not allowed to ride a horse!" Old Xu, who has always been calm, jumped up and spit back this time. "My goodness, more than 700,000 catties of grain!"

"Fuck!" Wang Xiaoqiang and the third battalion commander's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

More than 700,000 catties! To be honest, since the 921st Division entered this mountain, it has never seen more than 200,000 catties of grain. That is an infantry division with a total strength of more than 10,000 people! They haven't even seen 200,000 catties of grain. What kind of life do you think they live?

Especially during the cold winter months, the life was the hardest. From the division commander to the newly recruited privates, the rice in the bowl of each meal could be counted. If the Japanese had not sent some heads from time to time, and the villagers in the mountains had not tightened their belts and even took out the seeds to be planted in the spring of next year, the 921st Division would have collapsed long ago.

Let alone other things, just these 700,000 kilograms of grain, mixed with some wild vegetables, rice and flour, etc., are enough for nearly 10,000 people in the 921st Division to eat for two months. Even if the Sihang Regiment has several thousand people, it has solved a big problem.

"The commander said that the regiment transported more grain, and when it is divided, it will be distributed more in proportion!" The commander Xu of the 771st Regiment is absolutely a kind man, and he conveyed the telegram sent by the brigade headquarters without any error.

"Old Xiao, what are you doing standing there, let's go!" Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang ran away. "By the way, don't forget to give all the rifles and machine guns we captured to the comrades of the 771st Regiment. The commander has instructed that the 771st Regiment will be responsible for cleaning up the battlefield!"

"Yes!" The third battalion commander blinked and stood at attention with his legs together.

"Fuck your legs, Wang Xiaoqiang, you are really a piece of shit!" The commander of the 771st Regiment, Xu, almost spit out blood.

Even though he knew his old comrade very well, he still overestimated his bottom line.

He secretly kept the captured rifles and machine guns in front of him. If anyone said that he was hiding it, he would definitely say that it was because he needed to strengthen the firepower to cover the rear of the Four-Line Regiment. Now he heard that he had to concentrate all transportation capacity to transport food, so he was talking about the military order of the brigade again. What a good guy!

"Haha! Old Xu! Don't worry, for the sake of our old comrades, whenever you come to my 771st Regiment, I, Wang Xiaoqiang, guarantee that there will be enough rice. Even if you eat three bowls, I will pile it up for you! You will roll your eyes!" Wang Xiaoqiang laughed happily.

"I don't want you to come here, you bastard, I will treat you to starvation! Nine meals in three days!" Commander Xu turned around and went down the mountain.

What's the matter! He just seized thousands of rifles and several cannons! But he still has two thousand strong men and hundreds of pack horses searched from the battlefield. He doesn't believe that he can transport less than the 771st Regiment.

"Deputy Commander, you are so angry with Commander Xu, don't let him carry the food bag himself in a rage, his waist is old and injured, and he can't bear the weight!" The third battalion commander is also very familiar with this man. Looking at his angry back, he can't help but worry.

"Hehe! That's because you don't understand Old Brother Xu! Our Big Brother was born with the heart of a Big Brother. You know, when we were reorganizing, after he heard about the group army's arrangements, he went to find the division commander and said that I was brave in battle and wanted to give his position to me. He was criticized by the commander for this! The organization has decided on something, so why should we be picky?" Wang Xiaoqiang explained with a chuckle.

"If I don't provoke him, I might as well think about the last battle at Dongyangguan. Our 772nd Regiment suffered a lot of losses, was short of manpower, and was not as good as his 771st Regiment in terms of transportation capacity. Then there is Kong Rong, this big brother! I He agreed with the 772nd group, but he harmed the interests of the entire 771st group! After all, everyone wants to eat more, right?

What's more, Brother Tang is in need of manpower and more than 700,000 kilograms of food. If everyone doesn't work hard, it will be so easy to move away. I don't know when the Japanese plane will come! "

"Deputy commander, you are the one!" The third battalion commander suddenly realized what he was doing and gave a heartfelt thumbs up to his leader.

"Stop beating the horses, and save some energy to carry more food! But there are still dozens of miles of mountain roads to return to the base! This is no easier than fighting!" Wang Xiaoqiang tightened his armed belt, looked at Lucheng in the distance, and recited a poem.

"My belly is already shaking even before I get the rice and white noodles. The damn Japanese sent too many, and I have to carry them even if I turn around!"

"Damn it! When did the deputy commander learn about culture behind our back? This poem is not only rhyming well, but also so easy to understand!" The third battalion commander and the officers and soldiers of the 772nd Regiment who heard this poem shouted. Face worship.

This poem was finally recorded in the memoirs written by a certain general in the future in his later years, and only then was it released to the light of day. A member of the regiment who had already entered an octogenarian year was immediately astonished, and clapped his hands in great joy as his granddaughter tried her best to open her big eyes. 'What a poem! What a poem! ’

If you have never experienced war, how can you understand war? Even if you are born into a military family!

The white-haired old man bent his back, laughed, and leaned on crutches while looking at the Monument to the People's Heroes. While recalling the glorious war years, he also remembered his old comrade who passed away due to illness.

The tough guy who was not defeated by the war could not withstand the erosion of time in the end!

There are already very few comrades of the same era who can still greet him on the phone.

Fortunately, many of them saw the prosperous Chinese age he promised them.

But at this time, these best young people in China have to carry their hopes for a prosperous future on their shoulders!

They may not have thought that when China enters its prosperous age in the future, its annual grain production will be a million-level multiple of what they are facing at this time!

According to records, in addition to the 769th regiment which continued to carry the remains of all the fallen officers and soldiers and the wounded who continued to retreat, the 771st and 772nd regiments of the 683rd brigade, as well as the supplementary regiments that originally transported the captured Shentouling back to the garrison, the brigade headquarters directly under the guard battalion, three regiments and one A total of more than 5,600 officers and soldiers of the battalion participated in this large move.

The Four Lines Regiment only had one main battalion, but Tang Dao who entered Lucheng used thunderous means to suppress dozens of traitors, big and small, who had not had time to escape in Lucheng. They used their family property as reward and recruited nearly a thousand young men from Lucheng to join the 921st Division. As a reserve force, using food as funds, he purchased all the donkeys, horses, and carts in Lucheng.

This was not enough to transport the hundreds of thousands of kilograms of grain, so Tang Dao simply made a big move and distributed ten kilograms of white flour to every household in Lucheng. This way he would not waste these precious grains, but also block everyone's mouth. Who dared to ask The Japanese army informed the neighbors that someone was joining the army, and even if they took the food, they could not get away with it.

As expected, the Japanese troops who later returned to Lucheng were unable to obtain the first-hand true inside story. All the traitors who had taken refuge with them were executed on the spot. The common people who had benefited had one excuse no matter what their considerations were: when the Chinese army entered the city, they were all frightened. The door had to be closed tightly. I only knew that there were footsteps and there were definitely a lot of people. Nothing else was clear.

The Japanese army was also helpless. Lucheng was not Licheng. They gave up voluntarily. They couldn't find an excuse to take revenge. Moreover, they also needed to restore the hematopoietic ability of cities everywhere. They couldn't just massacre every city after occupying it. There would be no one on the land. Farming, no business, do they occupy it and eat the soil?

According to Tang Tuanzuo's arrangement, the entire transportation process is divided into three stages.

First transport a large amount of materials to Beiganling, then transport them from Beiganling to Shentouling, and then transport them to the 683 brigade station!

The advantage of this is that you can hide in the mountains to avoid air raids by Japanese aircraft. In addition, there are some positions in Beiganling. The 108th Division can attack them easily. You can also use this place to defeat them. In addition, you can save the physical strength of the officers and soldiers. You can't, like Wang Xiaoqiang said, be willing to die of exhaustion just to fill your belly.

The 683 brigade station was also organizing mountain people to rush to Shentou Ridge at starry night and transfer all the food supplies away by manual relay.

Good guy, Tang Dao had finally seen the appeal of the Eightyth Army. When he arrived at Shentou Ridge in the early morning of the next day, there were dots of stars all over the mountains and plains.

They were all torches carried by mountain people, at least 20,000 to 30,000 people.

On the Lucheng side, there were no brigade commanders or regimental commanders. Everyone was carrying food bags or supplies.

Relying on these more than 7,000 people plus the requisitioned donkeys and horses, it took one night to evacuate all the supplies in Lucheng.

In addition to the food given to the residents of Lucheng, plus the food consumed by tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians on the road, the food finally transported back to the station was counted, and it was 690,000 kilograms!

The rest of the seized materials were equally large, with an additional fifty thousand yuan, all of which were found from the homes of the traitors who were suppressed.

A bumper harvest, a real bumper harvest!

This has also begun to truly count the weapons and equipment seized in this battle.

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