Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 939 Someone wants to see you!

On the morning of March 18, the two infantry battalions and the artillery battalion of the Sixing Regiment, which had been repairing at the 683 brigade station overnight, followed Gong Shaoxun back to the "Dakouzidong" station, which had begun to take shape.

Tang Dao, on the other hand, stayed at the 683 brigade station with the guard company and a special squadron.

Not only because the upright Brigadier Cheng needed Tang Dao to personally sign to receive the share of the spoils won by the Si Xing Regiment in the battle between Beiganling and Lucheng, but also because the 921 Division Headquarters sent a telegram, and the two major division headquarters The chief officer, division guard battalion, and division supply battalion have already embarked on their way to the 683rd Brigade.

Moreover, the two chief officers asked to see Tang Dao by name, and also said that they wanted to treat Tang Dao to a celebratory drink.

In Tang Dao's heart, these two are not just superior officers, they are outstanding figures who have written richly in Chinese history. They have personally spoken, and Tang Dao will naturally not leave.

However, Tang Dao couldn't help but be impatient after all. He didn't want to miss the celebration banquet of the 683rd Brigade, but he didn't want to miss the one belonging to his Four Elements Group.

But it’s not a celebration party!

However, the annihilation of thousands of Japanese invaders was very exciting for the Four Troops, but it was not enough to be ecstatic.

What Tang Dao didn’t want to miss was the burial ceremony of the fallen officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment!

Knowing that the war would be extremely long, Tang Dao, who arrived at the 'Dakouzidong' station, first decided on the address of the arsenal. The second was to ride on horseback and lead the regiment's chief officers to find another suitable location.

The requirements for the location are quite strict. The mountains on the back should be big and lush, and they should be facing north and south. It is best to have two mountains on the left and right, and not too far from important locations such as the regiment headquarters.

If Tang Tuanzuo hadn't mentioned the purpose later, several chief officials would have thought that Tang Tuanzuo was going to build a holiday villa like some senior officials they had met.

What Tang Dao is looking for is the Martyrs Cemetery!

In the future, all the four regiments, and even the rest of the Chinese army, no matter what faction they are, as long as they died for the national war, will be eligible to be buried in this martyrs cemetery!

This is not just an attempt by Tang Dao to boost the morale of the entire Four Elements Regiment. Even if he sacrifices his life, he will leave you a place in the beautiful mountains of China for future generations to pay homage to. Rather, the little butterfly from the future has seen too many stories of "sending veterans home" in the future world.

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An isolated tomb is guarded by local villagers. No one knows the names of the people in the tomb. They only know that there was a fierce battle with the Japanese army here, and several officers and soldiers died here. Due to the fierce fighting, they had to be hastily buried here. The villagers expressed their gratitude to their guardians. Thanks to the kindness of the country, over the past decades, we have taken the initiative to repair the tomb and burn incense on paper to pay homage.

It is unknown whether the person in the tomb is resting in peace, but what about his relatives? Seeing people in life and seeing corpses in death has been one of the Chinese people's obsession with matters of life and death since ancient times.

Death is not scary, what is scary is not knowing where to find it!

In the past, transportation was inconvenient and information was underdeveloped. Even if relatives at home were missed, the news of parents dying without a child would be a long-lasting disaster for every family. Every time I think about it, my heart feels like needles. pain.

Later, when we entered the information society, many people began to post for help. Some wanted to find their own relatives, and some wanted to help fallen soldiers in lonely graves find their relatives. The stories that were reported on TV and newspapers all had happy and touching endings. But as a soldier, Tang Dao knew that behind this touching feeling of perfection, there were actually more scars that had not been healed.

Of course, Tang Dao would not blame anyone. He knew that it was because of the limitations of that era and the difficult and crude conditions at that time. There might be some officers and soldiers, but not many.

Moreover, one defeat after another has made the major commanders focus on 'Can we survive tomorrow? ', "Can we really win this defense battle?", "What will my soldiers eat tomorrow?" On such life-and-death issues, who can spare the effort to heal the inner sorrows of the living?

Therefore, Tang Dao should avoid this mistake, at least the relatives of the officers and soldiers under his command should not have this regret.

Tang Dao used his best efforts to complete the files of all officers and soldiers, including the young men recruited temporarily, and also kept backups. Each officer and soldier had his battalion and company's establishment and name sewn into the lining of his uniform. If an officer or soldier died in battle, His home address can be found based on his information, and when the battlefield situation stabilizes, news of his sacrifice, merit medals, pensions, etc. will be mailed back to his hometown!

In addition, it is this mountain-type martyrs cemetery covering an area of ​​dozens of acres.

All officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment who died in the battle, no matter where the battle occurred, must bring their remains back with permission and bury them here. If it is really difficult to do, then cremate them on the spot and bury their ashes in the Martyrs Cemetery!

Tang Dao even thought that one day he could go to Songhu, Songjiang, Guangde, and Zhengzhou to move the remains of the soldiers who died on those battlefields in the Four Lines Regiment.

Not just to commemorate them, to let them rest in peace, but to allow their relatives and family members to have a definite place to hold them in their arms without having to suffer in hesitation and desperate waiting for decades!

Tang Dao will never forget a real image he saw when he first entered the border military camp: an old mother in her seventies found the tombstone of her young son who died at the age of twenty in the Martyrs Cemetery. First, she slapped the tombstone hard. He scolded him for his unfilial piety, but in the end he gently hugged the cold stone until the sun set in the west!

The several school officials who were accompanying him all stood upright, but with tears streaming down their faces!

"His mother saved money for fifteen years to come to the border! But she is over seventy now, and this may be the last time she comes." Tang Dao, who had just entered the recruit company, was sitting upright in front of the political commissar of the recruit regiment. Although his voice was very soft, Tang Dao could hear it.

"Commander, how did you know?" Someone couldn't help but ask softly.

"Because he and I were recruits at the same time. Twenty-six years ago, he and I sat cross-legged on this land side by side like you." The army colonel who had lost an arm turned his head and glanced at the recruits behind him, grinning.

Tang Dao could see the tears flashing in the eyes of this middle-aged soldier who was already a high-ranking official.

"For the motherland, we don't be stingy with our lives; for mother, we have to live!" This was the first lesson that touched Tang Dao deeply after entering the recruit company.

Whether it was for the motherland or the mother, whether to sacrifice or live, hard training was the only choice for the soldiers.

But as a soldier, Tang Dao knew that on the battlefield, life and death were no longer within his control! As a soldier, he cannot decide his own life or death, nor can he decide not to let his mother cry, but as a commander, Tang Dao can at least let his mother hug her son, even if it is a cold tombstone!

Tang Dao had already agreed with Gong Shaoxun and the two infantry battalion commanders last night that he would rush back to the base in three days at the latest to personally preside over the burial of the martyrs.

If Tang Dao's memory is correct, because the Japanese offensive was strong at this time, the 921st Division had not yet established a large and coherent base, and the 921st Division headquarters had not yet moved to the future famous Jiangjunling and Chishui Village.

If the distance was a hundred miles, the two commanders would lead thousands of people from the guard battalion and the baggage battalion, and they would have to cross the Japanese-occupied area and cross mountains and rivers. I don't know how many days and nights it would take.

Tang Dao received a lot of courtesy. His residence was arranged next to the small courtyard where Brigadier General Cheng lived. The gables of the Taihang Mountain village were very low, only 1.5 meters. With Tang Dao's height of 1.8 meters, he could meet Brigadier General Cheng who was constantly busy with military affairs as soon as he walked into the courtyard.

The air in the early morning was very fresh, and the days without fighting were also very leisurely. Tang Dao, who had eaten two white flour buns and drank a bowl of porridge, was a little melancholy with a cigarette in his mouth. Brigadier General Cheng, who was sitting by the millstone and had finished explaining things to several staff officers who came to report with materials, looked up at Tang Dao who was standing in the courtyard looking at the distant mountains, smiled, and walked over with a few pieces of paper.

"What's the matter? I, Old Cheng, am not treating you well! Let you, little brother Tang, be so melancholy? Come, give me one of the Japanese cigarettes you seized!" Brigadier General Cheng did not come around the courtyard gate, but leaned against the low gable.

Before, the two of them were still calling each other "Brigade Commander Cheng" and "Regiment Commander Tang". After the battle of Beiganling and Lucheng was over, hundreds of thousands of kilograms of flour, rice and corn were carried back to the base. Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang would always call him "Brother Tang". Brigade Commander Cheng no longer called him by his official title, but directly called him "little brother", which was more intimate than "brother".

Obviously, high emotional intelligence is one thing, but the food that can fill the stomachs of 20,000 men is the most important.

Yes, the actual strength of the 921st Division has already exceeded 20,000, which is the specific data that Tang Dao only learned last night.

Tang Dao could only be dumbfounded at the time.

If his memory is correct, when the 921st Division crossed the Yellow River to the east in September last year, it only brought three main regiments and the division headquarters and other auxiliary troops, leaving a main regiment and brigade headquarters of the 583rd Brigade to garrison north of the Yellow River. The entire division rushed to the northern battlefield with about 9,700 troops.

It has only been a short time, but it has doubled and even turned around. This propaganda and mobilization ability is really unmatched!

This is also because in the early days of the War of Resistance, everyone's attention was focused on large battlefields such as the Battle of Songhu, the Battle of Xuzhou, and even the Battle of Jiangxia, which involved hundreds of thousands of people. No one paid much attention to this "small" unit with outstanding future achievements. The top leaders of the 80th Army Group were also accustomed to keeping a low profile and would certainly not take the initiative to tell the outside world how many troops they had. Tang Dao was not particularly clear about this little-known history.

In fact, in just the past six months, the 921st Division has a huge force of 25,000, with 2,400 troops directly under the division alone. The elite troops were also drawn from various units to form a teaching regiment, an independent regiment, a new regiment, an independent detachment, and an eastward column.

If Xia Xiongyuan did not admit his weakness and gathered all his forces to fight the 683rd Brigade, the 921st Division, which was forced to use all its strength, might really give them a big surprise.

However, by then, I am afraid that the North China Front Command will not hold a meeting to study how to deal with Xiong Yuan, the Japanese Army Lieutenant General who is destined to take the blame, but to study how to increase troops to suppress this sudden threat.

25,000 people, almost the strength of an infantry army, plus another infantry division with similar combat power, the 80th Army Group has the strength to compete with a complete Japanese Army division, which is absolutely intolerable to the North China Front Command of Japan.

Of course, this information seems to be leaked to Tang Dao by Brigadier General Cheng unintentionally, but Tang Dao knows that this is actually just an olive branch that Brigade Commander Cheng took the initiative to extend, and even from the instruction of a higher level.

Tang Dao naturally accepted it with pleasure, and at the same time told Brigade Commander Cheng that he would go to big cities to purchase precision machine tools and raw materials and vigorously develop arsenals.

This is no longer called giving back, but a clear response to the other side, I am not only a local tyrant, but also a local tyrant who is particularly interested in you, come and hook me! I am easy to be hooked.

If it had been anyone else, Tang Dao would have been so impatient that he might have been slapped to death by the 80th Group Army who was gradually maturing.

But Tang Dao has told everyone with its extremely hard record that my ideal is to chop off the heads of Japanese soldiers. A few thousand is too little, but tens of thousands are not enough. I am a true Chinese iron-blooded soldier.

Moreover, Tang Dao is from Sichuan and was born in the Sichuan Army. He has little connection with that person. This identity is very important.

Don't think that the 80th Army and the various departments of the Sichuan Army will fight to the death during the Great Movement. The guiding ideology of the various departments of the Sichuan Army is very clear. As long as they don't come to occupy my territory, there's no telling when we will see each other again!

This is also the tragedy of the principal and elder. Since he ascended to the high position, he has never truly unified all the forces. If the warlords of the provinces work with him, what else can they not do?

Therefore, the final historical process shows that he is just a passer-by in history, and lofty ideals finally defeated corruption and darkness.

But no matter what, when Tang Dao knew the strength of the 921st Division, he realized more deeply why even those two men rushed over with the division's supplies and supplies. In this kind of war, military strength is very important, but it is not an easy task to feed more than 20,000 strong men.

I’m afraid most of the title ‘Little Brother Tang’ came from this.

I hope those two people won't call me that. Unlike Brigadier Cheng, who has a different temperament and is more suitable for being friends, those two are elders. Tang Dao, who knows the future well, doesn't dare to make mistakes like that.

"Hey! People who are used to fighting are a little uncomfortable when they are suddenly free!" Tang Dao smiled bitterly and took out the cigarette and handed it to this man.

Although he was impatient, he also knew that there was no high-speed rail machine in this mountain, so he could just walk around for several days, and the two chief officers of the 921 Division were the backbone of the 10,000 to 20,000 elites. Intelligence comes first, security is tight in the areas involved along the way, and the journey is extremely slow, taking several days to complete.

If Tang Dao takes the initiative to ask questions, wouldn't that be urging others to do so? As long as something goes wrong, if something goes wrong, Tang Dao can't bear the responsibility.

"Okay, you kid, don't give me a chance. Who said we have to fight every day during the war? You just want to know when the two leaders will arrive! If you play Melancholy for me, aren't you just waiting for me to take the initiative to give it to you? Tell me!" Brigadier Cheng lit the cigarette with the match Tang Dao took the initiative to strike, blew out a puff of smoke, and glanced at Tang Dao with a half-smile.

"Hehe! Brother, you know me well. I am also the leader of a group! There are a lot of things in the group!" Tang Dao was not embarrassed at all and said with a chuckle.

Anyway, his melancholy eyes were indeed staged, and the only audience was this man who got up early in the morning and was busy.

"Come on, brother Tang, don't be anxious. The two leaders are not as ignorant as you think. Knowing that your Fourth Army Group is busy with affairs, they still let you stay with my minister. When the news reached the 22nd Army, they thought it was Our department has detained it for you!" Brigadier Cheng reassured Tang Dao with a smile.

"The division headquarters is only 70 miles away from here. The 108th Division was defeated this time. All external troops have withdrawn to occupy the county. There will be no Japanese troops in the mountainous areas for a short time. Yesterday evening, I sent an infantry battalion to greet them. The two leaders had already set off at five o'clock in the morning, and they would arrive at sunset at the slowest time.

You can return to your Four Elements Regiment's base tomorrow at the latest. "

"That's good!" Tang Dao smiled widely and slapped her hard.

"You kid, do you think so little of me?" Brigadier Cheng's face sank deliberately, and he held up the paper with dense writing in his hand. "Aren't you afraid that I will try to trick you and give you less profit? I know that you moved more than 6,000 people from Licheng and created thousands more mouths. It won't be easy to feed them!"

"Hehe, brother, if you ignore the dignity of being an elder brother and do the first year of junior high school, then don't blame me for doing the fifteenth grade. Because the population needs to be fed, the price of guns and ammunition produced by our Sixings Regiment Arsenal may rise significantly. !" Tang Dao laughed.

"I almost forgot about this! Sure enough, profiteers can't be offended!" Brigadier Cheng, such a shrewd person, could only give in with a wry smile when faced with Tang Dao's blatant threat, and handed the paper in his hand across the gable. Give Tang Dao.

"These are all kinds of trophies that have been calculated. Take a look and I will tell you that the regiment will come over in the afternoon, so we can join our department's celebration banquet in the evening!"

"Then this meal cannot be included in the distribution of spoils! We have to agree on this first." Tang Dao grinned happily.

"You kid, no wonder you can make those big shots look at you differently." Brigadier Cheng, who was a little stunned by Tang Dao's joke, smiled and shook his head.

At this time, Tang Dao seemed to be somewhat conflicted. He was very concerned about the meal his subordinates received from the 683rd Brigade, but he seemed not as interested in the obviously large number of loot statistics sheets as Brigadier Cheng had imagined.

But this kind of contradiction of grasping the small and magnifying it made Tang Dao exude a strong personality charm. Whether he was a comrade or a friend, it was extremely comfortable to be with him.






PS: I had too many classes yesterday. After finishing my classes in the afternoon, Fengyue participated in the mid-term teaching inspection. It was already 7pm when I got home. I was so tired that I only wrote 1,500 words. Today is another day of classes. I got home at 4:30 and updated immediately after writing 5,000 words. I apologize to all the readers. In addition, I would like to recommend Fengyue's new science fiction book "I Can Bury Everything". I have a draft of it. I need recommendations during the new book period. Please help me read it! Thank you!

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