Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 951: You can be willful if you have money!

“However, first of all, let me state that although I, Tang Dao, announced this war participation allowance, it does not mean that I, Tang Dao, took it out of my pocket.

Let me do the math for you guys. In this battle on the eastern Shanxi front line, there were about 2,000 people from our Four Corps participating in the front-line battlefield, and there were also five or six hundred people involved in logistics support and transporting supplies. If we add in the young and strong civilians recruited, The overall number exceeds 3,500 people.

Let’s talk about your 921 Division. The four infantry regiments participating in the front line alone amount to 8,000 people. This does not include the brigade logistics personnel and the general public who were later mobilized under the order of your Brigade Commander Cheng. If we add them all up, we He is a good man, and the frontline combatants alone are over 10,000.

My Tang Dao family has a small amount of money, but believe it or not, if I send back this letter asking for money, I, an old man who has saved some money in his life of brewing, will definitely shout to the mountains: Damn it, you dare to come back and interrupt me You're such a loser! "

Tang Dao waited for everyone to finish drinking before shouting again.

Tang Da Tuanzuo's phrase "The old man wants to scold you for being stupid" is very funny and full of visual appeal! It is necessary to provide battlefield subsidies to more than 10,000 people. After hearing this, which old man would not feel a hundred MMP in his heart? When talking about a prodigal son, the best thing to do is to praise the prodigal son, right?

Just, no one laughed.

Many people couldn't help but frowned. What Tang Tuanzuo was talking about was a real problem. There were more than 10,000 people! Each person who gets a piece of money will have to pay more than 10,000 yuan in cash.

But more people were waiting quietly for Tang Dao to continue speaking. Although they didn't know the young army colonel yet, an officer of this level would never make a promise in front of more than a thousand people and then immediately blow it away. Pass.

Here comes the turning point.

"Where's this money! It's not my personal property, Tang Dao, but I got it myself." Tang Dao smiled.

In the somewhat astonished eyes of the officers and soldiers of the 769th Regiment and other officers, Tang Dao announced the sources of what he called "battlefield allowances" one by one.

"This time, our Fourth Army Regiment and the 921 Division fought a total of three battles and occupied two county towns. Not only did they seize the Japanese army's baggage warehouses and find a large amount of gold and cash from them, they also suppressed a group of surrendering Japanese troops. Cartilage.

Normally, they bully the people in the fish and meat village, but during the national crisis, those bastards not only hoard and raise prices, but also act as lackeys of the Japanese. For such people, as long as they are Chinese, they should be despised. "Tang Dao had a bright smile on his face:

"Perhaps they finally repented after being spurned by us, so they dispersed all their property to provide military supplies for our frontline troops to fight against Japan. Then I had no choice but to accept it for everyone."

"Ahem, Commander Tang, can I ask for my comrades how many foreign currencies we seized in total during our occupation of the two counties this time!" The young commander's face was rosy and he seemed a little embarrassed.

This means he drank a lot, otherwise the young leader would never ask such a "confidential" question on such an occasion.

But obviously, the reason why he asked this question was not that he really wanted to know how much cash had been captured and how much each person could share, but that he wanted to know the morale of the entire regiment's commanders and soldiers who had suffered a little low due to the heavy sacrifices in this battle. Cheer up.

The seized wealth is that stimulant!

Because although money is vulgar, it can really buy food and equipment, allow the army to continue to develop healthily, and allow everyone to see a better future.

Many people can endure hunger, but they cannot bear to have a gun in their hands without bullets! To stabilize the morale of the military, we can't just rely on painting a pie. Sometimes we also need to have something tangible and visible.

Even so, given his personality, it still feels a bit awkward! After all, the Sixings Regiment and the 921st Division are not the same army, are they?

"What's not easy to ask! The two division chiefs sent me to accompany Brigadier Cheng to Laojun. They didn't just pretend to accompany everyone to drink and eat meat. They specifically told me to give everyone a surprise and to inform everyone about this four-day trip. The results of the joint battle between the regiment and the 921st Division!" Tang Dao's smile did not diminish.

"Brigadier Commander, did the division commander really say that?" Wang Xiaoqiang quietly poked his commander.

"What do you think?" Brigadier Cheng Da gave his clueless subordinate a big roll of his eyes.

If the teacher intended to do something like this, how could he still hide it from his top general?

Brigadier Cheng Da is 100% sure that the guy in front of him who talks like he is real is just making up random reasons for himself.

However, in order to let this guy accompany him for a glass of wine, he had to pay tens of thousands of oceans. This arrogance is really admirable.

Needless to say, Brigadier Cheng Da really knew Tang Dao very well. Although his guess was not entirely accurate, he was still close to him.

The only thing he guessed wrong was that Tang Dao had no intention of taking away the Xian Dayang captured in Lucheng.

If he had been worried about money before, after the capture of Licheng and the seizure of a batch of gold weighing as much as 20,000 taels from the Japanese army's baggage warehouse, Tang Dao no longer had to worry about funds for at least a year.

This gold, if exchanged according to the market price, would be worth more than three million yuan. The only troublesome thing is, who has the ability to eat this batch of gold?

Tang Dao did not hide the rich seizures in Licheng from the two division leaders. On the way back from the mountain pass, Tang Dao told the division leaders about the most valuable seizures, and naturally also talked about his headaches.

No matter how good the gold is, it is of no use if it cannot be exchanged for silver or legal currency that can be spent, and it cannot be eaten or drunk.

It’s still the same old saying: Money is yours only when you spend it. If you keep it anywhere, it’s useless except for looking good!

The division commander was stunned by the huge amount and was silent for a long time. He helped Tang Dao find a solution to the problem.

There is no shortage of local tyrants in Jin Province. A man who runs a brothel, a tobacco house and a casino in the small Lucheng has 2,000 kilograms of silver hidden at home, not to mention those big families.

According to the division commander, let alone 20,000 taels of gold, even if it is several times more, those local tyrants who have withdrawn their property to Shaanxi Province can exchange it all for you.

Gold is more popular than silver and dollars in this era!

After all, when running away, it is much more convenient to carry dozens of small yellow croakers than to carry a few boxes of cash dollars.

The so-called "gold in troubled times, collection in prosperous times" is this truth.

And who is the biggest local tyrant in Jin Province? It must be the old man from Shanxi.

"Your Four-Line Regiment came to Shanxi Province, which happens to be under the jurisdiction of the Second War Zone. You have every reason to visit this war zone commander!" The division commander suggested to Tang Dao as they walked. "However, your rank is too low. It will be unknown what month it will be when you, a small regiment commander, are assigned to the position.

So, I will ask the headquarters. The war zone commander wants me to get a battlefield report from the 921st Division! As the "alert" unit in the war report, you are also considered to have participated in the war, so you can report on behalf of my division.

Besides, that person likes money, and you have enough money on hand now. If you please him, he will definitely do what you want.

If you are cruel enough and give all this gold away, with that person's personality, he might even promote you to the rank of major general brigadier."

"If I want to be promoted to brigadier, I can use my military exploits to build it up, but how can I use the money earned by my brothers? This money is not for me, Tang Dao, personally, and it can't even be considered as the Four-Line Regiment. It belongs to the entire anti-Japanese army." Tang Dao's face was very calm, but full of arrogance.

This may also be the real reason why the usually serious division commander at the wine table rarely showed a friendly face to Tang Dao, whom he had just met.

Tang Dao is not only a real soldier, but also a soldier of the Chinese nation.

This division commander has been in the army since 1911, and it has been 27 years. How many so-called famous generals have he seen? So-called strong army?

Some people can fight with blood and courage, and their soldiers are like wolves and tigers, but every place they pass is miserable, and the soldiers rely on robbing ordinary people to make money and maintain morale.

Such an army is not an army, at best it is a group of armed bandits!

Soldiers come from the people, so they have to protect their hometowns and people! This is the foundation of being a soldier.

Tang Dao is very good at fighting, and it can be seen from his battles such as defending Songjiang and attacking the Japanese Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade.

He was also very generous to his officers and soldiers. Even if Tang Dao didn't say it, the division commander knew through intelligence before coming that the Four-Line Regiment was paid very well. In order to fulfill the military pay, pensions and rewards, he would even rather his future father-in-law sell his family property and paintings.

The army under his command did not rely solely on material rewards to boost morale, which was in line with the 80th Army's military management concept.

Otherwise, no matter how strong Tang Dao's personal ability and the combat effectiveness of the Four-Line Regiment were, the lieutenant general division commander would never send the head of his main regiment to be the director of the political training department.

That almost meant that the Four-Line Regiment was treated as an extra-staff army, waiting for the probation period to expire.

With this huge amount of funds, Tang Dao had already thought of how to use it, including issuing battlefield subsidies to the entire army participating in the war.

"This time, our Sihang Regiment and the 921st Division seized a total of 130,000 silver dollars, 2,000 kilograms of pure silver, equivalent to about 56,000 silver dollars, and gold bars and jewelry. These precious materials are also valuable, but I can't say anything before they are converted into silver dollars. In addition, I have promised the two division commanders that this batch of funds will be used for the replacement of equipment, food and medicine for our two armies!" Tang Dao said calmly.

"Kuaizhe, how many silver dollars did Captain Tang say we seized? I didn't hear clearly." A soldier from the Jianghan Plain hit his comrade next to him with his shoulder.

The sound of artillery explosions on the battlefield caused the soldiers' hearing to generally decline. It was normal not to hear clearly at this distance.

"Ah!?" The comrade next to him opened his hippo mouth and looked dazed. "Pinch me first? See if I'm dreaming again?"

"Pinch!" The soldier pinched his comrade's thigh without hesitation.

"Ouch! You really pinched me!" The soldier jumped in pain.

"How much? Just tell me!" The soldier was so anxious that he didn't even want to go.

"My dear, it's 180,000, 180,000 in cash!" The soldier who said the huge amount could not feel the severe pain in his thigh at this moment.

The soldier stood there in a daze.

More than 80% of the officers and soldiers of the 769th Regiment had the same dull expression as him, which made the scene, which should have received cheers, a little quiet instead.

I didn't expect that beating a little devil would make so much money.

Just once, they almost earned half of their entire division's military pay, and this didn't count the hundreds of thousands of kilograms of food and those bullets.

"On behalf of the joint command, I announce that all the troops participating in this battle will be issued 5 yuan for participating in the front-line battles; 3 yuan for participating in material support and other work; seriously injured officers and soldiers will be issued 50 yuan for injury allowance; and sacrificed officers and soldiers will be issued 100 yuan for pension." Then, the sound of Tang Dao echoed in the still somewhat silent valley.

"How was it, was it fun to fight the Japanese?"


The deafening roar caused stones to roll down the hillside.

Perhaps, there is nothing more exciting than this.

Killing little devils not only brings military merit, but also makes money.

"Will you do it again in the future?"

"Fuck!" The voice was more uniform than ever before.

"Should I drink this wine?"


"Then, can you have three drinks with me?"


Brigadier Cheng Da’s eyes started to look like stars!

He has never distributed money to everyone so freely in his life. Hundreds of thousands of dollars were sent out like this. As a commander, he shouldn't feel too happy.

Brigadier Cheng Da's head is very flexible. Just the battlefield allowance, the four regiments plus the 921st Division, combat plus logistics, exceed 14,000 people. On average, one person is less than 4 yuan, so it must be close to 60,000!

The total number of sacrifices of the two armies will never be less than 700, one hundred per person, not 70,000 oceans! Nearly 300 were seriously injured, and another 15,000 were lost in the ocean.

Good guy, Tang Dao spent a small 150,000 yuan just to drink this meal.

Fortunately, Tang Dao had mentioned that a batch of gold had been captured by the Japanese army in Licheng, so he wondered where he got his confidence.

Brigadier Cheng Da, whose eyes were about to sparkle, was worried about Tang Dao in vain.

Because, Tang Dao actually had some money just now that was not taken into account at all. Both the Four Elements Regiment and the 921st Division were still counting.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the 108th Division still lags behind the Japanese 10th Army, 14th Division and other units that have fought against the Four Lines Regiment. However, in terms of dog owners, this ad hoc division far exceeds the standing division.

I don’t know what it’s like on the Shentou Ridge and Beigan Ridge sides, but it’s like this here in Licheng.

Every Japanese soldier who was killed or crippled had more or less gold jewelry and gold coins on his body.

Especially the lieutenants and sergeants carried far more gold jewelry than ordinary soldiers and generals.

Obviously, they were all stolen from North China in the past three months.

Tang Dao also found out the reason after asking the Japanese second lieutenant who surrendered: the Chinese are poor, and the Japanese are not much better, especially these low-level officers and soldiers. The purpose of coming to China to fight is not to respond to the emperor's orders. It is said that expanding the empire's territory will make the empire's military fortune prosperous, and the more important one is to come to China to make a fortune.

In the past few years, many Japanese soldiers stationed in Northeast China sent the stolen money back to Japan, allowing almost all the families of soldiers in the country to "eliminate poverty and become rich."

When they came to North China, they naturally tried their best to get a vote. As long as part of the stolen gold and Chinese money is handed over to the chief, the rest can be kept by himself.

The reason why many people carry them with them is because it is not safe to store them in the military camp. If they die in battle, they will probably be corrupted by the superior officers. If they carry them with them, they may have fellow villagers and friends who can help collect them and send them back to the country.

Gold is small and valuable, so it’s easy to understand why they carry it with them. As for why they carry Chinese silver that can’t be used in Japan, it’s based on the mentality that mosquitoes are still meat when they are small, just in case they can be exchanged for gold one day. Woolen cloth!

Because I have been carrying out combat missions for three months, one reason is that I don’t have time to send the gold home. The other reason is that I want to grab more and save more, so I still carry it with me.

I'm afraid they didn't expect that this time in the battle of Jindong, not one or two people died in battle, but the entire county was killed. The gold and money they had worked hard to rob for three months were not cheap to the so-called Shangguan. It's cheaper than the four-line tour.

There are military regulations here in the Four Lines Regiment. All seizures found from the corpses of each Japanese soldier must be handed over and then distributed according to proportion.

The military regulations of the Si Xing Regiment regarding the handing over of spoils of war are very strict. Anyone who violates the rules will be punished with 20 lashes, and the serious ones will be deprived of all military ranks and positions.

Last time, in order to establish the authority of the military regulations, Tang Dao beat up the senior officers of the Si Xing Regiment and himself from top to bottom. Facing such a ruthless person, who would dare to violate the military regulations easily? What's more, the company, platoon, and squad leaders were also keeping a close eye on their soldiers. They didn't want to be whipped because some idiot was obsessed with money.

Needless to say, the 921st Division was handed over completely and not a single cent was left behind.

However, that was handed over to the logistics department of each regiment. After the four regiments had finished counting, the figures would be reported to the division headquarters. They were still busy with various things in the past three days. It is estimated that Brigadier Cheng and several regiment commanders were not involved. They care too much, so no one knows what the total amount is.

In other words, there was a little logistics genius on the Four Lines Regiment. In just two days, Zhuang Shisan made a clear tally of all the seizures of the Four Lines Regiment in Licheng, and briefly reported it to Tang Dao via telegram.

Tang Dao was also shocked.

He was already quite satisfied, but he didn't expect that the more than a thousand little devils who had been killed would give him a surprise.

In Licheng alone, five to six thousand yuan of "pocket money" was found from the corpses of Japanese soldiers.

This kind of pocket money is certainly not enough to frighten a certain member of the group who is already wealthy. What makes him stunned is the gold.

If it’s not gold bars, it’s gold!

Gold rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, all kinds of gold ornaments were put together and weighed, and it turned out to be as high as 2,700 taels. On average, each Japanese soldier carried 2 taels of gold.

The gold jewelry with still-stained blood all proved that Gouri's 108th Division was a gang of ruthless bandits who robbed all the wealth of the Chinese people.

Fortunately, the Chinese soldiers took it back again.

With this money, wouldn’t it be more than enough to provide battlefield subsidies to more than 10,000 people?

Tang Tuanzuo was confident and shouted loudly, and he was very enthusiastic in getting the officers and soldiers of the 769th Regiment drunk.

There will definitely be many people who will go out lying down today, but it will definitely not be him, Tang.

In the warm atmosphere, Brigade Commander Cheng, who drank at least three taels of white wine, looked at the night sky and felt like crying!

He had completely lost the intention to compete with Tang Dao in the drinking field. This guy was good at drinking and persuading people to drink. He would use dollars to hit people to drink when he disagreed with them. Who could win?

The most important thing is that this is just one regiment, and there are three more regiments waiting for them to drink!

This night is destined to be the Waterloo of Brigade Commander Cheng, who has rarely lost in the battlefield!

Tang Da Caishen, use the current dollars to protect your body!

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