Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 953 Can’t wait to go home!

But war makes peace and happiness doomed to be short-lived!

Although Tang Dao, who had a good sleep, was reluctant, he finally had to pull his hand out from under Tan Tai Ming Yue's head and wake her up.

There was no way. Yesterday's joy and peace and tranquility belonged to yesterday. Today, Tang Dao had to fulfill his responsibility as the head of the regiment.

Today, he had to hand over all the spoils with the 683rd Brigade, and then bring the spoils back to Dakouzi Cave, dozens of miles away!

In fact, it was not that troublesome. Tang Dao took three 75 mountain guns and three infantry guns and 200 rounds of various artillery shells from the various Japanese weapons seized in the Battle of Beiganling, as well as all telephones, switches and telephone lines. This stuff is not high-tech, but it is now one of the most urgently needed materials for the Four Lines Regiment.

When the garrison was first built, the regiment headquarters and the three infantry battalions and the arsenal needed the fastest communication. We couldn't let the signal soldiers run around all the time.

In addition, the most valuable thing may be the tank wreckage that was brought back by the 921st Division. The broken steel plates seem useless now.

But Tang Dao values ​​these broken steel plates no less than the three mountain cannons, because the Dakouzidong garrison, which is under construction, needs steel too much. Not only does the military factory need raw materials for making guns, but it also involves the protection of various buildings and permanent bunkers.

Tang Dao knows that in the past, the Japanese army would not organize an infantry brigade to attack Dakouzidong until three years later because of the existence of the 80th Army's increasingly expanding military factory, but this era is destined to change.

Dakouzidong will not only have a well-equipped arsenal, but also supporting factories such as power generation, smelting, and textiles, which can completely become a new industrial base.

The Japanese army will never easily allow such an industrial base that can continuously provide weapons and ammunition to hundreds of thousands of troops to exist. A large-scale invasion far beyond the past may be in the near future.

The topography of Dakouzidong is extremely special. There are cliffs and steep cliffs stretching for dozens of miles. The Japanese army wanted to rely on bombing with planes alone. Not to mention that their air force was far inferior to that of Western countries, even if they reached that level, facing the vast mountains of hundreds of miles in radius, thousands of tons of bombs dropped would only be equivalent to throwing a stone into a pond, which would splash a little water at most.

If you want to destroy it, you can only rely on infantry.

It is necessary to build permanent fortifications on those thoroughfares.

There is no lime factory in Dakouzidong now, so we will use the existing materials first, with the local red stone rock as the main material. The stone is bonded with ancient glutinous rice juice, with two layers inside and outside, 50 cm thick, and 30 mm thick steel plates in the middle. Unless the Japanese invaders use 100 mm cannons to bombard or blast with explosive packs, they cannot destroy the fortifications.

Such permanent fortifications only need three to form crossfire and provide cover for their respective flanks. Three permanent fortifications do not require too many troops. 12 soldiers, 4 machine guns, 4 submachine guns and 4 rifles, as long as enough bullets are given, can block the entire passage and stop an infantry squadron.

In the Normandy landing in the past, a German soldier in a bunker on the coastline used an MG42 and 10,000 rounds of bullets to cover the beach with the corpses of the Allies.

The reason is that in addition to the dizzying firing rate of the MG42 machine gun, the Allied soldiers who rushed to the coast in pure infantry mode did not have cannons that could break the permanent fortifications, and the large-caliber naval guns anchored on the sea ten miles away could not accurately hit the small bunker, which led to the tragedy.

It can be seen that in the era without RPGs and missiles, permanent fortifications are definitely a nightmare for light infantry.

This is just like the future Japanese North China Front Command, which spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build trenches and connect them with bunkers. The 80th Army, which was mostly light infantry, was also helpless in the early stage.

There was no artillery that could break through the bunkers. A small Japanese squad was in the bunker and could resist the siege of one hundred or even hundreds of Chinese troops.

The 80th Army could not afford the life-consuming battle.

But if the 80th Army had infantry artillery or enough 20mm machine guns, the Japanese bunker connection tactics would be a death sentence.

When there is a lime factory in the future and the ability to make concrete, Tang Dao will also upgrade these permanent fortifications, so that the Japanese can also experience the pain they have caused to the American cowboys on the Pacific island.

If possible, Tang Dao even thought of using the tactics used by Brigadier General Cheng on the ice field to dig underground tunnels in the mountain walls around the station to form an underground Great Wall.

But later I thought that the stone mountains here are even harder than the mountains on the ice field. It would take a long time to dig them all out with the current pure manpower method. Moreover, the Japanese can't reach the firepower level of the Americans. Tang Dao has to give them a thumbs up for being able to transport 100mm cannons into the mountains.

In addition, there are dozens of Japanese war horses. Tang Dao wants to expand its cavalry company, so he also wants them.

In addition to these, all other guns, ammunition, helmets, bayonets, pack horses, etc., Tang Dao did not take them all and left them to the 921st Division.

"It's not that I don't want them, but my regiment needs food far more than bullets!" Tang Dao explained seriously. "However, my regiment's baggage company has so many people and horses, and it can't accommodate them. You are so eager to give them, do I have reason to suspect that you want to withhold my regiment's food?"

"You kid, you just talk nonsense!" Brigade Commander Cheng hit Tang Dao's shoulder hard. "I'll remember this favor."

The regular army of the Four-line Regiment's baggage company only came with more than 300 people, but there were also grooms? There were nearly 300 grooms, and they also had 150 carts and 260 pack horses. This transportation capacity was almost crushing the 921st Division's baggage battalion, okay?

Besides, no one stipulated that if you can't transport it all at once, you won't admit it. If you can't transport it all this time, you can come again next time. Anyway, the two armies are only 50 miles apart.

Since Brigade Commander Cheng said he was grateful for this favor, Tang Dao didn't want this person's favor to be so cheap, not to mention that he was about to seduce the main regiment commander of the other party!

Speaking of this, it's just right to talk about this night commander. He originally arrived last night, but Tang Dao didn't see him at the celebration banquet in the end.

Tang Dao, who was already half drunk, was still wondering if Brigade Commander Cheng was reluctant to let him go and planned to fool him.

As a result, when he heard the message from a signalman, Brigade Commander Cheng's face was a little ugly. He explained to Tang Dao, and Tang Dao knew why he didn't come to the celebration banquet.

It turned out that he might have walked too fast and was blown by the night wind, and his body, which had just recovered in the field hospital of the division headquarters, could not hold on again.

As soon as he arrived, he coughed violently and even coughed up blood. He went directly to the medical team of the 683rd Brigade. The doctor's diagnosis of the medical team was still an old lung problem and needed to rest.

Tang Dao suddenly remembered that this young regiment commander, who was only 24 years old, had lung disease. In the past, he had always been sick and had to be carried to the battlefield on a stretcher many times.

Because he died too early, there was no record left to determine what disease he had, but Tang Dao, based on his performance that he was young and strong but weak enough to sit on a stretcher on the battlefield, was most likely tuberculosis, which was the future tuberculosis!

In this era without antibiotics, it is almost an incurable disease.

Fortunately, this era has Tang Dao. Penicillin, the world's first invented antibiotic, sounds very high-end, but in fact, as long as the principle is understood, it is not difficult to purify this drug.

Tang Dao knows that the development and extraction of penicillin must be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

Not only for the treatment of this future right-hand man, but also for those wounded soldiers, the emergence of penicillin can make the treatment rate of bacterial infection of wounds exceed 90%, which also means that the mortality rate caused by bacterial infection of wounds has been greatly reduced.

It is estimated that this regiment commander will have to recuperate in the 683rd Brigade Medical Team for a period of time. Tang Dao is not in a hurry. As long as he can fool this person away before the end of March and prevent him from participating in the Xiangtangpu Battle, which will definitely be fought, the original sacrifice caused by the stray bullet will not happen.

In order to let this future partner rest in peace, Tang Dao, who woke up in the morning, did not disturb him, but asked Tan Tai Mingyue to go to the 683rd Brigade Medical Team on his behalf to deliver a Browning pistol and 50 yuan in cash.

Browning pistols are standard equipment for several chief officers of the Four-Line Regiment, which means that whether this captain Ye likes it or not, he is already a member of the Four-Line Regiment, even if he is currently on loan.

And the 50 yuan is naturally for him to buy more nutritional supplements to replenish his body. Although there are no large supermarkets here, this mountain is rich in products, including wild animals and old medicines. According to the way the 80th Army acts, if they don't pay, they will never take the mountain people's things for free.

Tang Dao, who is in the 683rd Brigade, is mainly responsible for the distribution and handover of various spoils with Brigade Commander Cheng and the Quartermaster Director in charge of logistics. Tang Dao didn't need to worry about these things. The Quartermaster Director of the 683rd Brigade had divided them well yesterday.

But Tang Dao generously said that he didn't want all the weapons. Although he made up a reason, how could Brigade Commander Cheng not appreciate this favor?

But he didn't know how big his favor was.

The grain transported back from Lucheng, excluding the grain used in yesterday's celebration banquet, still had 680,000 jin left. Tang Dao, who was supposed to take 340,000 jin of grain, only received 300,000 jin.

In addition, Tang Dao did not take a single cent of the 100,000 yuan seized from the silver winter melon and the current dollars, and left all of it to the 921st Division as funds.

Moreover, Tang Dao also said that the war allowances, pensions, and rewards promised to all officers and soldiers last night would be borne by the Four-Line Regiment alone, and the amount on the 921st Division side would be roughly around 100,000 yuan, which would be delivered to the 683rd Brigade Headquarters the next time the Four-Line Regiment's baggage company came to transport the remaining grain.

Good guy! This time, Brigade Commander Cheng was so moved that tears almost came out, and he almost promised Tang Dao that if you have any needs, as long as your brother can do it, he will definitely do it for you.

If he hadn't planned to take advantage of Tang Dao when he saw him.

Tang Dao's 'vulgar' expression made Brigade Commander Cheng, who was still in the midst of excitement, feel a chill in his back for no reason.

Afterwards, Brigade Commander Cheng recalled this impulse and was really scared!

Last time, because of a batch of arms sent by Tang, he patted his chest and said that he owed Tang Dao a favor. As a result, Tang Dao used this favor to shut him up and watched him lose the commander of the main regiment.

Although Wang Xiaoqiang also has the ability to be the commander of the main regiment, can't his 683 Brigade have one more regiment?

You know, he is not the poor commander of the previous 'Three Gun Brigade'! Now he has more than 2,200 rifles, dozens of light and heavy machine guns, and hundreds of thousands of machine rifle bullets in his hands.

More importantly, there is still money to pay salaries, so it's like playing to set up an independent regiment!

Otherwise, Brigade Commander Cheng is called the ‘Three Heroes of Huangpu’! His intuition is really amazing.

Tang Dao made such a big concession, which was really ‘with bad intentions’!

During the entire war, the strongest infantry regiment 772 under the 683rd Brigade was not only killed by the regiment commander, but also the first battalion commanders of the three infantry battalions, including Battalion Commander Xiao Ding, who was already very familiar with Tang Dao.

That was a great pity. If they had not died on the battlefield too early, the status of these three in the future Chinese military would not be much lower than that of Wang Xiaoqiang.

Tang Dao originally hoped that Brigade Commander Cheng would be moved and make another promise, so he accepted it without hesitation and transferred all three to the Four-Line Regiment when the time was right.

Don’t worry about the lack of space in the Four-Line Regiment. In Tang Dao’s plan, when all the German equipment was successfully transported back, the Four-Line Regiment would not be three infantry battalions. Nine infantry battalions with machine guns, infantry guns, and mortars to form heavy firepower support and capable of independent combat would be his more ideal situation.

Since going to the north and being out of the supervision of the Military and Political Department, Tang Dao had no intention of getting promoted from the Military and Political Department, let alone upgrading the organization of the Four-Line Regiment.

Because Tang Dao knew very well that the Military and Political Department would never let an elite force out of their control. If Tang Dao received a promotion order that day, it would basically mean that he would be transferred from the Four-Line Regiment to a vacant position.

Being out of the mainstream and unable to upgrade through formal channels is a pity, but it also has advantages.

Without the so-called mainstream clamp, the ready-made teacher is in front of him. Tang Dao learned and applied what the 80th Army did.

It is stipulated that one infantry regiment has three infantry battalions, and the military pay must be distributed according to the number of people. If the military pay is self-raised, there is no need to ask for money from the top. As long as you can afford it, 10 or 20 battalions are up to you, right?

Of course, soldiers have always been more valuable than quantity!

There will be hundreds of thousands of puppet troops on the territory of North China in the future. How is their combat effectiveness? The 80th Army often did not even put the number of enemies killed in the battle with the puppet troops in the battle report.

Tang Dao felt that with nine infantry battalions, plus artillery battalions, baggage battalions, special forces battalions and other direct units, the combat power was basically sufficient.

Of course, these were not decisions that Tang Dao could make on a whim. It required the discussion and agreement of all the regimental commanders, including his partners who would not be able to report for another ten days. It was not that the nine infantry battalions would be formed as soon as the equipment arrived. There had to be enough reserve soldiers.

Tang Dao actually understood the behavior of sending the conscripts to the battlefield within less than a week of training. He knew that war was so cruel. When the enemy swept in and the commander did not have enough soldiers to resist, not to mention farmers, even women and children might be cruelly thrown into the battlefield.

All kindness was ridiculous in the face of war!

In the defense of several major cities of the Russian bear, ordinary people were soldiers.

Fight, you will die! Don't fight, you will die! What will you choose?

The city that swallowed up nearly 2 million soldiers from both sides actually swallowed up hundreds of thousands of residents. Only a few thousand people were able to walk out of the city alive.

Understanding is understanding, but this does not mean that Tang Dao will adopt this approach. When conditions permit, he hopes to give soldiers enough training opportunities, just like he put the recruits in the baggage company for training before, and then put them on the edge of the battlefield to feel the battlefield atmosphere, so that their survival rate on the real battlefield can exceed half.

Perhaps Tang Dao will do this in the future. All recruits will undergo a one-month recruit training, and then be put into the baggage camp, led by veterans who are disabled due to injuries and can no longer go to the front line, and finally added to the front-line troops.

The future baggage camp may be the largest unit in the Four Lines Regiment, and it is basically full of reserve soldiers.

With Tang Dao's quick cut, the handover is fast, but the loading is a little slow!

Although the transportation capacity of the baggage company is already considerable, it still only loads the broken steel plates, miscellaneous materials and 150,000 kilograms of food.

This time, there was no need to move things and run away like last time. Tang Dao did not let the guard company and cavalrymen carry the food bags alone. He agreed with the 683rd Brigade to transport them again in about ten days and a half.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, without even having lunch, everyone took the roujiamo prepared by the 683rd Brigade - white flour buns with boiled horse meat. Tang Dao led the crowd to salute and bid farewell to the two division commanders and Brigade Commander Cheng Da and several regiment commanders who had just woken up from a hangover, and then set off on the road back to the base.

There were still many people waiting for them in the mountains fifty miles away.

Some were alive, and some were dead!

All the people in the Four-Line Regiment were eager to go home!

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: Oh my god, I feel bad all over. Who said that inspiration will burst out like a spring when you stay at home every day? Why does my brain become duller the more I stay at home? Not only am I exhausted after a day of online classes, but I also feel much slower when typing. I just finished it at this point. I am so impressed.

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