Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 976 It’s time to share the fruits again!

As of the afternoon of April 2, with the arrival of the last infantry company of the Sihang Regiment at the station, the "Xiangtangpu" ambush was successfully completed.

The casualties of the officers and soldiers of the Sihang Regiment and the 683 Brigade had been counted by the medical teams and stretcher teams as early as last night.

Although the 771 Regiment, located on the main battlefield, had the advantage of terrain and manpower, they were facing a group of trapped Japanese troops, and the number reached 800. It was absolutely impossible to win with zero casualties.

In fact, let alone zero casualties, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, several elite infantry companies that interspersed, divided and surrounded the remaining Japanese troops on the road inevitably suffered a lot of casualties.

The 771 Regiment sacrificed nearly 100 officers and soldiers, and more than 100 were seriously injured. Those who were slightly injured and could still fight were not counted as casualties. The ratio of casualties with the Japanese army was about 1 to 4.

Although the 772 Regiment and the Supplementary Regiment faced more Japanese troops, the Japanese troops in this unit were almost a formality. From the beginning of the contact to the final withdrawal of the Japanese army, the two sides did not fight with all their strength, but the losses were much smaller.

The two regiments lost less than 30 officers and soldiers in total, and the number of light and serious injuries was less than 100. The Japanese army on the opposite side left nearly 100 bodies, and the number of wounded could not be counted.

The 4th Regiment fought a big battle with the 31st Infantry Brigade. The 31st Infantry Brigade used up to 26 artillery pieces to bombard the 4th Regiment's positions. Fortunately, the 4th Regiment had a good habit of doing civil engineering work before arriving at each battlefield, thus reducing many unnecessary casualties.

But even so, more than 20 officers and soldiers died under the Japanese artillery fire, and more than 10 were killed by the Japanese 7.7mm heavy machine guns when shooting at the Japanese invaders, and more than 20 were seriously injured.

However, for the 4th Regiment, which always takes revenge, it has always been that if you suck my blood, I will bite a mouthful of meat back.

The losses of the 31st Infantry Brigade were much greater than their opponents.

According to the internal war report of the Japanese army after the war, the 31st Infantry Brigade, which had given its all, had 308 officers and soldiers killed in the battle on that day alone. Later, more than 100 officers and soldiers died of wound infection, accounting for nearly half of the seriously injured soldiers, which was far lower than the treatment rate of seriously injured soldiers in the past.

That was because the Japanese did not know that the Four-Line Regiment now had sufficient ammunition, and the officers and soldiers no longer carefully preserved the bullets and shells as they did in the past. Instead, they were influenced by Tang Tuanzuo and thought about how to make the warheads more powerful.

For example, Tang Dao said that the probability of contaminated warheads causing bacterial infections after entering the human body was greater, so the officers and soldiers thought about ways to add "stuff" to the warheads.

Of course, in order to ensure the accuracy of the warheads, smearing mud, feces, etc. on them was strictly prohibited, but the wisdom of the people was a vast ocean.

Some officers and soldiers who came from hunters thought of their hometowns using some poisonous tree sap to smear arrows to harm prey, so they used this trick on bullets. I don’t know how many warheads were contaminated with poisonous tree sap in Taihang Mountains and then dried.

As for whether it is useful or not, the treatment rate of seriously injured soldiers in the Japanese army is far lower than usual, which has already proved it.

This has become a problem that will trouble the Japanese army for a long time in the future. As long as they fight against the Four-Line Regiment, the survival rate of the 70% of seriously injured Japanese soldiers who originally had relatively perfect medical conditions will definitely drop by 20 percentage points. That was still the blessing of Amaterasu. At the lowest time, it was even less than 30%.

It cost a lot to bring them back from the battlefield, and they had to consume a lot of medicines, but in the end they had to watch them die. It was a blow to any commander.

Even the stupidest people, after a long time, knew that the Four-Line Regiment probably did something with the ammunition, but they had no evidence, and the bullets they could find were all in the bodies of Japanese soldiers.

After the blood and flesh were mixed like this, there was no residue left. Besides, they were basically pure natural substances, not chemical poison bombs like the Japanese army. With the current technological means of the Japanese army, it would be a miracle to find out the cause.

The commanders at all levels of the Japanese army were very distressed, but for ordinary Japanese soldiers, this phenomenon was like a curse, and combined with the past battles of the Four-Line Regiment, the Imperial Army rarely took advantage.

Therefore, a legend gradually began to spread within the Japanese army in North China, saying that the Four-Line Regiment was blessed by the Chinese mountain god, and anyone who was against them would be cursed, and most of the seriously injured were not cured because of the curse.

This led to the fact that the Japanese army and the Four-Line Regiment later fought against each other, which was far from their usual fighting style. Throwing a can can scare a large group of people to the ground, and being cautious made the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment in the trenches anxious for them.

With that procrastination, it is estimated that it will be the New Year after the war is over.

Indeed, in terms of the firepower of the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment after the future re-equipment, they prefer their opponents to be braver, holding guns and swinging their arms to stride forward, just like in the Russo-Japanese War, the head is only a bowl-sized scar, and it is right not to be afraid of death.

The veteran soldier who was carrying the genuine MP40 had a famous saying: "Go ahead, damn it, my gun is thirsty."

The veterans stared at the gun in their company commander's hand with resentment. There were only 10 good guns in the company, but Li Jiujin, the big company commander, wanted to monopolize one and run to the front line to earn credit. There were only so many Japanese devils, and you killed them all. What else did the brothers have to kill! Really, it's too shameless.

Japanese soldier: MP40? Fuck you German uncle.

The topic has gone a bit off topic. What I just said was only the loss of the 31st Infantry Brigade. The biggest casualties were naturally not the infantry, but the artillery of the artillery regiment they carried.

In the retaliatory bombardment led by the 150-caliber heavy mortar, the 1st Artillery Battalion under the 109th Division Artillery Regiment not only lost 9 75 mountain guns, but also more than 300 artillerymen died in the battle.

If the 89 tanks and 94 tanks lost by the tank squadron are added, the casualties of the 31st Infantry Brigade in the battle exceeded 800.

Even so, the 31st Infantry Brigade did not have time to attack the position forcefully. Gu Teng Changying, who was holding the casualty report, felt a chill on his back at that moment. He now basically knew why the 108th Division, with nearly 2,000 people, with tanks and artillery, was eventually killed and annihilated by the Chinese in the battle of Beiganling.

That's not just because the Chinese are too cunning, it's because the Chinese are too tough. If you bite them, you'll lose all your teeth. When you want to run, it's too late.

The 769th Regiment, which was basically a feint, suffered almost no losses this time. That is, a dozen soldiers were injured by stones in the Japanese artillery fire, which can be completely ignored.

The total casualties of the Chinese side are naturally much higher than the battle of Xiangtangpu in the past time and space, but the Japanese troops annihilated on the three battlefields are also much higher, with nearly 2,000 people added up.

And what's more! This slap hit the faces of the three divisions hard.

Needless to say, the two special divisions 108 and 109 are a miscellaneous division that is used to being beaten, and a miscellaneous division that is obviously a miscellaneous division and wants to pretend to be a big shot. They all deserve it. As long as they are still in the eastern part of Shanxi, they will be beaten sooner or later.

The worst was the 14th Division. Not only did they lose 800 people, but even their monthly baggage was robbed. Not a grain of rice was left for them!

Or to be more precise, not a penny of yen was left.

Because in addition to daily necessities such as food, sugar, and salt, the vehicles also transported the 14th Division's military pay for the entire month of March and the special war subsidy for these three months. That was approved by the fat man after he used his personal connections to beg for it. The total amount was as high as 2 million yen.

The yen at this time was not the future yen. Its purchasing power was almost 1:1 with the current dollar. 2 million yen was definitely a huge sum of money.

Maybe the Chinese in the mountains would think it was too hard to wipe their butts with the robbed paper, but for the 14th Division, that was the life-saving money earned by more than 20,000 people in the entire division after three months of fighting.

People were gone, money was gone, and even food was gone. Do you think the fat man would not be angry? On the afternoon of April 1, Do-Yeon was so angry that he almost spat out blood after receiving the news that the 108th and 109th two scum divisions had withdrawn. They were all officers of the same rank, so he couldn't find trouble with the two lieutenant general division commanders, but this one took out all his anger on the North China Front Army Headquarters.

He knew that Huji would soon leave office, but he was definitely not in a state of not being afraid of being bitten by lice, so he directly asked the Front Army Headquarters to replenish his division's supplies for one month, as well as all the lost military pay and subsidies, and asked the Front Army Headquarters to replenish all the damaged cars of his logistics regiment.

This was not a lion's big mouth, but a hippopotamus who didn't know he was ugly, but Do-Yeon knew that Huji had to help him plug this hole even if he had to sell his house and buy land.

Because there may not be many people who can rub salt into the wounds of Huji, the Army General, but Do-Yeon, a big spy chief from the imperial intelligence system, is definitely one of them.

Huji: So, in the end, I took on all the pain?

But whether the indoor shroud is willing or not, this pot can only be taken by him, the commander of the North China Front Army. Perhaps, this is one of the most tragic general-level commanders since the establishment of the Japanese Front Army.

The reason why it is said to be one of them is that the war is still long! Who knows if there will be more unlucky?

Anyway, the biggest enemy of the Japanese Army, the Japanese Navy, has an unlucky child named Wuliu who is even more miserable. He took a plane and couldn't go home.

Not to mention the intrigues of the Japanese military because of this loss, by April 3, all the materials were counted and calculated. From the head of the 921st Division to the brigade commander Cheng Da to Tang Dao, they couldn't help but smile.

To be honest, this wave of materials looks ordinary on the surface, but it is just some food and ammunition supplements. For the 921st Division and the Four-Line Regiment, which have already robbed the Japanese army several times, it can't be said to be very rare, but this batch of materials contains some of the most needed by the two armies, and some scarce materials that can't be bought even if you have money.

Not to mention the 2 million yen, the Four-Bank Group is not short of money now, and there are more than 20,000 taels of gold waiting to be exchanged! All of them were given to the 921st Division, and only they had the ability to quietly consume the 2 million yen in the Japanese-occupied area.

In this battle against the Japanese Army's Logistics Regiment, more than 420 Type 38 rifles, more than 140 Type 14 pistols, 11 Type 96 light machine guns, 10 Type 89 grenade launchers, 50 Japanese trucks, 200 barrels of fuel, and 580 steel helmets were seized on the battlefield.

In addition, 800 temporary new 38 rifles, 200 Type 14 pistols, 24 Type 96 light machine guns, 24 Type 89 grenade launchers, 12 Type 92 heavy machine guns, 2 Type 92 infantry guns, 150,000 rounds of various machine rifle bullets, 6,000 melon-shaped grenades, and 200 rounds of infantry gun shells were seized from the Japanese convoy.

This is the weapons and equipment of a Japanese infantry battalion. Together with the weapons seized on the battlefield, this batch of arms is enough to arm a pure Japanese infantry regiment. Standing in the spring breeze, Brigade Commander Cheng smiled like a fool.

However, these are not very attractive to the four-line regiment that has been fully equipped with Czech-made ones. Tang Dao does not want the weapons and equipment in the regiment to be too mixed, which will eventually cause supply difficulties. Therefore, basically no rifles and machine guns are required, only all Type 14 pistols of the Nambu are required.

The Four-Line Regiment will equip all machine gunners, grenade launchers, and auxiliary arms such as artillery, engineers, and baggage soldiers with pistols. Although the military factory is currently making its own standard pistols according to the design drawings of the Tang sword, it will not be fully manufactured and equipped in one or two months.

Therefore, the Nambu Type 14 pistol must become a substitute within at least half a year. Even if its performance is not good, it is better than bare hands, right?

Japanese-style weapons are not important. For the Four-Line Regiment, the batch of sugar, salt, cigarettes, and tea are more important.

This time, 300,000 catties of refined rice, 80,000 catties of refined wheat, 80,000 catties of various canned meats, 10,000 boxes of biscuits, 10,000 catties of concentrated soy sauce, 3,000 catties of salt, 3,000 catties of sugar, 30,000 catties of milk candy, 1,500 catties of tea, and 100 boxes of cigarettes (1 million sticks) were seized from the Japanese convoy.

Tang Dao even gave up the demand for rice and wheat, and asked for 5,000 boxes of biscuits, 5,000 kilograms of soy sauce, half of salt and sugar, 1,000 kilograms of tea, and three-quarters of milk candy and cigarettes.

If it were reasonable, Tang Dao's arms had given up most of it and did not ask for food, it would not be excessive to ask for all these materials such as salt, sugar, and tea, and the 921st Division would never say no.

But Tang Dao knew that the 4th Regiment needed these materials, and the 921st Division actually needed them more. They were now in a much more difficult situation than the 4th Regiment. Not only did they need to feed their nearly 30,000 troops, but they also had to bear the responsibility of handing over materials to the army headquarters.

These salts and sugars that maintain the energy components of the human body were also precious to the 921st Division, which had not received any supplies for more than half a year.

Take salt for example. Many soldiers had less than five grams of salt a week, which was only one-tenth of the Japanese army. There was no need to think about sugar. I don’t know how many soldiers had never tasted sweetness from the time they joined the army to the time they died in battle.

This is a tragedy, but more of it is the helplessness of the times. As an agricultural nation, China is too immersed in its past.

If you fall behind, you will suffer the most vicious blow. This is true for both the country and the individual.

Therefore, even if Tang Dao wants enough, Brigade Commander Cheng is still very grateful. He knows that Tang Dao has tried his best to leave enough necessary supplies for the 921st Division. Otherwise, no matter how Tang Dao covers the sky with one hand in the Four-Line Regiment, he can't suppress the voices in the Four-Line Regiment.

After all, those supplies are also fought for by the officers and soldiers. Not cherishing the supplies means not taking the lives of the soldiers seriously. Who dares to follow such a commander?

Needless to say, as long as you are a soldier, there is no one who doesn't like cigarettes. Even if you are not an old smoker, but a rookie, you can't help taking a few puffs on the battlefield to relieve your tension.

Therefore, as soon as the 75 boxes of cigarettes were distributed, Tang Dao ordered that except for the five boxes left by the regiment, the rest should be distributed to each battalion according to the size of the organization, at least five packs of cigarettes should be guaranteed for each soldier, and the rest should be distributed according to military rank and military merit.

Salt, sugar, toffee, and canned food were naturally handed over to the regiment's quartermaster department for unified distribution. However, Tang Dao specially selected some of them and distributed them to the special squadron that had not yet been expanded into a reconnaissance company.

There were also pioneers similar to the reconnaissance company in the Japanese army. Because they had to stay in the wild for a long time, their individual supplies were very rich, generally: 6 150-gram beef cans, 60-piece biscuit iron boxes, 100 pieces of nutritional rations, 500 grams of toffee, and a small amount of salt! Just for rations, a single soldier had to carry six or seven kilograms.

The special forces of the Four-Line Regiment could only carry some dry biscuits and water, and at most a few toffees, due to limited supplies.

Now that conditions are good, Tang Dao must of course keep up with them, and canned meat, biscuits, and toffee will also become their individual ration standards.

Perhaps for a long time in the future, the more than 20,000 kilograms of toffee and those canned meat seized this time will become the individual rations of the officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment during wartime.

Tang Dao cannot judge how the Japanese army will react after being beaten up this time.

In the past, they were so angry that they organized two divisions and gathered more than 10,000 people to attack the mountainous area in nine directions.

Can the indoor shroud still tolerate this time?

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