Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 978 It’s still the sergeant squad leader!

The assessment for selecting personnel for the reconnaissance company is not complicated, there are only three items in total!

The first item is a three-kilometer cross-country race with full armor; the second item is push-ups; the third item is sit-ups.

These three items are basically what the soldiers have trained in their daily lives. They seem to be not difficult, but these three items are carried out continuously, which means that after the three-kilometer armed cross-country race, there will be no rest time, and they will directly proceed to the second item. After 100 push-ups, they will be considered qualified and can proceed to the third item.

Finally, the top 100 will be admitted based on the total score, which also means that the personnel participating in the assessment do not know what they have to do to be admitted, and can only do their best to complete it.

The purpose of the entire assessment is actually one word, potential limit. In the words of Tang Tuanzuo: gun skills can be practiced, fighting can be practiced, but a person's spiritual will quality cannot be practiced by practice alone. The reconnaissance company is the elite of the entire army, and their spiritual will quality should be the best in the entire regiment.

In fact, if you say that these three assessments are simple, it is not entirely true.

Not to mention the two tests of arm strength and waist and abdomen strength, just the first one, a three-kilometer cross-country race with full armor, Tang Tuanzuo listed all kinds of equipment and supplies that the individual soldiers of the future reconnaissance company need to carry.

The food supply for an individual soldier alone is more than 5 kilograms. If the main combat supplies such as guns, ammunition, helmets, and individual engineer shovels are added, the weight that each individual soldier needs to carry is more than 30 kilograms, which is more than double the supplies that ordinary individual soldiers of the current Four Lines Regiment carry.

Of course, the assessment will not really prepare all the supplies for everyone. In addition to the rifles, 200 rounds of bullets, 6 grenades, individual engineer shovels, and water bottles, the rest are replaced by stones of corresponding weight.

The assessment site is in the Wild Wolf Valley where the commendation meeting was held last time. All 300 veterans who participated in the assessment were divided into 10 groups, each with 30 people. They started from the bottom of the Wild Wolf Valley, then took the small road up the mountain, ran a circle along the mountain ridge, and then went down the mountain back to the starting point, which was exactly 3,000 meters, and then immediately participated in the second and third assessments.

The entire armed cross-country race did not require any monitoring. The surrounding mountains were filled with soldiers from various companies who came to cheer for their brothers. This was almost a big competition for the entire Four-Line Regiment, except that it was a competition for the elite. Not to mention that the nine infantry company commanders took it very seriously, the three infantry battalion commanders also personally rushed to the scene to cheer for the elite of their own infantry battalions.

There was also a small episode here. Before Tang Dao arrived at the assessment site, Lei Xiong, who attached the most importance to it, even organized the 80 people from his four companies who were taking the assessment and gave them a lecture: "It is not important whether you can enter the reconnaissance company. The important thing is that you cannot lose face for our first battalion. The reason why the first battalion is called the first battalion is that it ranks first in everything it does. It is the spearhead of the whole regiment, and you are the spearhead among the spearheads.

In this assessment, as long as you are in the top 100, I will personally put a big red flower on you and send you to report to the reconnaissance company."

Deputy regiment commander Lei did this, and the other two battalion commanders dared not relax. They summoned several of their own company commanders and asked if there were any hidden people. If there were, it was not too late to change people now, otherwise, it would be a great shame if less than 30 people from the top 100 were in their own battalions.

After all, the three infantry battalions took up more than half of the 300 registrations this time. The guard company, cavalry company, artillery company, baggage company, engineer company and other direct companies had only 100 registrations in total because of their stronger technical attributes.

Li Jiujin was a little dumbfounded. The way of moderation and balance that he had originally thought of turned into a bloody fight in an instant. If he still wanted to retain his strength, I'm afraid that Captain Leng would be angry with him.

"Are Lao Zhao, Da Zhuzi and the others crazy? Even the squad leader has been sent out?" Li Jiujin looked at the lineup of all non-commissioned officers sent by the first and second battalions, and his back teeth were clenched.

Involution kills people! Li Jiujin may not know this word, but it does not mean that he has experienced a lot of damage caused by this kind of involution in his heart at this time.

There was no way. Before Tang Tuanzuo arrived, Captain Li ran to Lao Hei and Gu Xishui to go through the back door in Leng Feng's cold face, and temporarily replaced five people with the elite of his seventh company.

Gu Xishui pretended to be reluctant, but in fact he almost burst out laughing secretly. However, he was even more impressed by Tang Tuanzuo who planned all this behind the scenes.

Because all this was within Tang Tuanzuo's calculations.

Last night, when he took the list of names reported by each company to Tang Dao for review, he also complained about Li Jiujin, the sly guy, saying that he even had a backdoor and kept at least half of the elite veterans.

Tang Dao replied with a smile: "Don't worry, I will arrive half an hour later tomorrow. Someone will make Li Jiujin, who likes to hide things, think clearly. They don't want face, but their battalion commander does."

With Tang Dao's arrival, Gu Xishui asked Tang Dao for instructions and was about to announce the start of the assessment. Because he had sent four squad leaders and six deputy squad leaders, the old soldier was probably still unhappy and raised his opinion with a pout: "Wait, everyone said that the special squadron is the elite of our regiment. With one order, we all participated in the assessment, and there was no standard. Can we show it to our brothers in the ordinary company first, so that we can have an idea in our minds."

"This" Gu Xishui cast his eyes on Tang Dao to show that he was not afraid, but the commander of the regiment was here, so he couldn't make the decision.

"Captain Li is right. If you only assess others but don't show some ability yourself, it will be hard to convince others." Tang Dao smiled and nodded. "Then your reconnaissance company should send a few people to show the brothers. If someone can meet your standards, they will be directly admitted without ranking."

"Okay!" Gu Xishui nodded and was about to call out the names.

"Mingxin is not good enough. That guy is a pervert and can't be regarded as a normal person." Li Jiujin was doing something weird again, and a group of company commanders who were distressed by the internal competition nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Captain Jiujin is right. Mingxin can't be counted!" Cai Yongguan roared with the same loud voice.

These guys who are not easy to get along with are more than happy to be able to add some trouble to the future reconnaissance company.

Who asked the reconnaissance company to "obey the order" to poach people right away, and also created a situation where they had to take out all the elites in the bottom of the box.

Mingxin, who was called "pervert" by a group of company commanders, didn't even raise his eyelids, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

Having been with his comrades in the special squadron for more than two months, Mingxin knows better than anyone what his comrades are capable of. Even if their individual strength is not as good as his, if they form a combat team, he really has no confidence in winning.

No matter who goes to battle, they can still leave these company commanders speechless. Mingxin has full confidence in his comrades.

"You guys are very resentful. You can't stop your mouths if you don't cause some trouble for the reconnaissance company. Let's do this! You always don't let me go to the front line, and my body is itching. I'll exercise today." Tang Dao stood up with a smile. "Shen Laoliu, Luo Bu, step out. I'll take you two to practice today!"

As soon as Tang Dao said this, the noisy company commanders instantly quieted down.

They didn't expect that Tang Tuanzuo would support the reconnaissance company to this extent, and he actually went into battle "bare-chested".

"Captain, you don't have to do it!" Director Ye on the side was startled and quickly advised.

In a selection of elite soldiers, he had to personally fight in a regiment. If he could outshine everyone, that would be great, but if he was outdone by the soldiers, that would be embarrassing. In his opinion, Tang Dao took a big risk.

"Hehe, Director Ye, you don't know this. The regiment commander wants to shock those arrogant bastards and let them know what a real elite is." Lei Xiong on the side chuckled and said in Ye Chenghuan's ear.

"But then again, I haven't seen the regiment commander show his individual soldier level for a long time. I don't know if he has improved or regressed as the regiment commander during this period. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Uh! Commander Tang used to..." Ye Chenghuan was stunned.

The information given to him by the 80th Army was all battle examples of Tang Dao leading his troops to fight. His command art was superb, but no one said how good Tang Dao was in individual combat.

Moreover, for a regimental commander, is it important whether the individual combat is good?

"Hehe, let's not talk about anything else. Just take Li Jiujin's gang. The regiment commander can beat them to a pulp with just one shot." Lei Xiong pointed at the several lieutenants standing over there and laughed.

"This..." Ye Chenghuan took a deep breath, but his face was full of disbelief.

Those standing there were at least six company commanders of the three major infantry battalions of the Four-line Regiment. A few months ago, those guys were just soldiers. Now they can become company commanders, which means that they have fought their way out of the battlefield with mountains of corpses and seas of blood. How can they be simple?

Take Cai Yongguan for example. Ye Chenghuan, who is now the director of the political training department of the Four-line Regiment, has seen his information in the internal archives of the Four-line Regiment. In the battle of Lao Shushan alone, as many as eight Japanese infantrymen died under his thick-backed ring-handled sword. It is not an exaggeration to say that he killed people like cutting melons and vegetables.

If he were in ancient times, he would be a brave general who was the best among the three armies.

Even Ye Chenghuan, who also fought his way out of hundreds of bloody battles and reached his current position, dared not say that he would win against such an opponent.

As a result, Lei Xiong said that Tang Dao could beat these tough guys to a pulp. Tell me, who would believe it?

"Hehe, I don't believe it! Director Ye, just watch." Lei Xiong did not explain much.

While the two were talking, Tang Dao had already carried a large backpack full of stones with Shen Laoliu and No-head, who he personally named. The backpacks were equipped with Liao-made 13 rifles, 6 grenades, smuggled goods, and individual engineer shovels.

At the command, Tang Dao and the two special forces rushed out of the starting point like arrows.

Ye Chenghuan's mouth twitched slightly. With this running method of running at full speed, what should he do on the extremely physically demanding sections during the mountain climbing?

More importantly, even if the three-kilometer cross-country run was not slow, what about the push-ups and sit-ups later?

If he follows his strategy, he would rather run slower and save enough energy for the next two items. Otherwise, he may not be able to complete 100 push-ups and be eliminated.

As a demonstration, the commander of the Tang Dao and the two special forces cannot fail to meet this standard! That would be a laughing stock.

However, judging from the constant cheers at the scene, it seems that few people are worried about the Tang commander making a fool of himself. This phenomenon that goes against common sense really makes Ye Chenghuan feel that he seems to have made a mistake.

He still doesn't know enough about the Tang Dao.

In fact, the speed of the Tang Dao not only exceeded Ye Chenghuan's imagination, but even Lei Xiong, who thought he knew a lot about the Tang Dao, opened his mouth in surprise.

Cheers of encouragement erupted from time to time on the mountain ridge, which meant that Tang Dao had reached a certain position, which almost meant that Tang Dao had been maintaining a high-speed sprint state to be able to do this.

Eight minutes later, when Tang Dao's figure appeared in front of the officers and soldiers at the bottom of the valley amidst deafening cheers, Ye Chenghuan and a group of officers of the Four Lines Regiment who were extremely familiar with Tang Dao fell silent.

Even Ming Xin, who was criticized as a pervert by a group of company commanders, looked shocked when he saw Tang Dao striding back with a big backpack on his back.

‘Pervert’, no, the word super pervert is perfectly suitable for this Tuan Si officer.

8 minutes, even if you don't carry any weight, running 3000 meters on the mountain road is already extremely good, and you are the best among the best anywhere.

But their 'perverted' non-human leader accomplished all this while carrying a weight of 30 kilograms.

"Tang Dao completed the first item, now apply to complete the second item!" As Tang Dao ran to the assessment site, he dropped his large backpack and reported loudly.

"Accurate!" Gu Xishui ordered.

Tang Dao immediately knelt on the ground and began to lie down and push up in an extremely standard posture.

"180, 181" As the surrounding officers and soldiers couldn't help but collectively count the numbers, two special forces soldiers, Shen Laoliu and No Brain, ran over sweating profusely.

Although the time of 11 minutes and 20 seconds was far inferior to Tang Dao, no one dared to laugh at them.

Only soldiers know how rare this achievement is.

After the two of them ran, they immediately, like Tang Dao, didn't even give themselves time to catch their breath, and threw themselves into the second movement assessment.

Tang Dao's final results were 8 minutes and 13 seconds in cross-country running, 183 push-ups and 176 sit-ups in 3 minutes.

The results of the two special forces were cross-country running of 11 minutes and 26 seconds and 11 minutes and 34 seconds, prone and push-ups of 142 and 146 for 3 minutes, and sit-ups of 132 and 138 for 3 minutes.

The dazzling results of the three people taught a group of company commanders who were holding their breath and elites who were ready to go, a good lesson.

Tang Tuanzuo is still the awesome sergeant squad leader who single-handedly defeated four Japanese aggressors with one shot. The special forces he trained with the flames of war are equally impressive.

Later, Li Jiujin couldn't help but asked Mingxin secretly out of curiosity, what kind of results he could achieve if he, a perverted player, were asked to take the assessment.

Mingxin made an estimate, but shook her head: "Even if I try my best, I can only equal the final result of the regimental commander, but the regimental commander is..."

Needless to say, Li Jijin, a veteran, knew that Tang Dao never said he would try his best that day.

Because, he then presided over the assessment of 300 people and stayed at the assessment site for a full 4 hours.

However, the two guys, Shen Laoliu and No Brain, had to wait at the scene for almost half an hour and replenished a large amount of salt water before they were able to take part in the assessment.

This is considered to be an extremely strong physical fitness. Because of the performance standards of the three of them, many elites tried their best to keep up with the three of them, but in the end they were beaten by them in the 3000-meter cross-country run.

Some people were so vomited before they even reached the finish line that they couldn't even participate in the second and third items.

"If you don't even know how much strength you have, and you have to force yourself to compare with better people, which will lead to problems with physical distribution, this is a deficiency in itself and you need to practice more." Tang Dao's comments about them were spot on.

However, elites are elites. Although the assessment is extremely difficult, 100 people were eventually selected into the reconnaissance company to become reserve members. They also need to undergo more rigorous training to become real reconnaissance company soldiers. If they cannot complete it before entering the battlefield After the final assessment, they will return to their original troops.

Captain Li Dal, who was heartbroken by the involution, luckily got smart in the end and invested all his elite Seventh Company. Although they did not come out on top in this competition, they did manage to get good results. The 15 people who signed up did so well. Seven of them were selected, and they finally did not embarrass the 3rd Battalion.

In the end, Lei Xiong's battalion was the most powerful, investing 80 elites, and the number of selected soldiers was as high as 40, maintaining the reputation of the Sharp Knife Battalion.

Tang Dao also kept his word. Not only did he fill the quota of 200 recruits, but in the future installation of new equipment, the 1st Battalion became the first batch of troops to be installed, and its combat effectiveness increased instead of decreasing.

But the winner is not just one battalion.

After the reconnaissance company was successfully expanded, the Sixth Regiment Headquarters officially announced a new round of expansion plans.

The strength of the three infantry battalions and several directly-affiliated companies has all expanded wildly.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: There was no update yesterday. There were too many things going on. My parents were not well yet. I took them to the clinic to get fluids. Then my daughter left the books and items in the dormitory at school and the teacher notified them to clean them up. Fengyue has not yet recovered. I worked on it in the afternoon until seven or eight in the evening. When I came back, I still had to write that science fiction book. I guess none of the donkeys in the production team had ever used it like this.

Next month, Fengyue's online classes will also be suspended. I have a lot of time to code, so I will make sure to update. This month, I ask for your forgiveness.

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