Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 989 The old man is determined not to be a fool!

It is now April of the 27th year of the Republic of China. If Linfen can be relieved of the crisis for half a year, it will be in September and October in the second half of the year.

Winter comes early in the north, and the temperature drops sharply in October, which is even more obvious in mountainous areas.

For the Japanese army, marching and logistical support are even more difficult. Unless they gather heavy troops to launch a large-scale campaign like last year, the Japanese army will definitely drag it until the spring when the weather warms up, and then they can almost hold on for another year.

For the old man in Shanxi, what he lacks most now is not the army or supplies, but time.

With this year, he can do a lot of things, such as being transferred to the arsenal in Chang'an and Guangyuan, there will be more weapons and equipment; for example, the situation in northern Jiangsu and central China has changed, and the military orders from above may be loosened, retreating to Shaanxi Province or even Sichuan Province; or, he can negotiate with the Japanese side whose offensive has slowed down.

Who says that war must be fought on the battlefield? Sometimes, talking is also okay, as long as it can satisfy the interests of both parties, both sides can accept it.

The old man from Shanxi has already mastered the trick of walking on a tightrope and balancing in the encirclement of multiple interest groups. The Japanese secretly sent people to contact him a long time ago.

However, under the current national anti-Japanese war, the old man from Shanxi dared not touch this high-voltage line no matter how bold he was, otherwise he would probably be nailed to the pillar of shame of the entire nation.

The old man from Shanxi is a very selfish person, but he is also a smart person. Unless he is in a desperate situation, he will never put himself on the opposite side of a country and nation.

He was born and raised in this country, and he knows his nation very well. Maybe he will not be remembered for a long time for his hard work for the country and the people, but if he betrays, it is not a lie that he will be infamous for thousands of years.

Don’t you see the bronze statues of the Qin couple kneeling in the Yue Fei Temple by the West Lake for people to spit on!

But with this year as a buffer period, perhaps many things will change.

Do you think the temptation thrown by the Tang Dao is big enough for this person?

"You mean, if the Japanese invaders want to attack Linfen, they must conquer the defense line of Taihang Mountain in southeastern Shanxi. Do you think the war zone should focus its strategic defense on Taihang Mountain?" After a long time, the old man from Shanxi turned his eyes away from the map, with a half-smile on his face.

"Should we secretly transfer troops to Taihang Mountain, or increase the weapons, equipment and supplies for our troops in the Taihang Mountain area?"

"Neither is necessary. Now the Taihang Mountain defense line has one division and one regiment of our 22nd Army, one division of the 80th Army, plus one division each of the Shanxi Suiyuan Army and the Northwest Army, with a total force of 60,000. The force may be insufficient to fight against the Japanese invaders, but it is still no problem to rely on defense alone. Although the weapons and supplies are slightly insufficient, it can still support until after the war." Tang Dao shook his head.

"You don't want troops or equipment and supplies, so you take the risk to talk to me, the commander of the war zone, about this, Captain Tang, you make me a little confused!" This time the old man from Shanxi was very direct.

Tang Dao did not want any benefit, just to discuss the war situation with his superior. This selfless action of Tang Dao was somewhat out of his world.

"Commander Yan, let's put aside the safety of Linfen. What will happen if our Second War Zone can annihilate more than 20,000 Japanese invaders in the defense of southeastern Shanxi?" Tang Dao did not answer the question directly, but asked again.

"20,000?" The old man from Shanxi took a breath and stared at Tang Dao for a long time.

Finally, he resisted the urge to throw this ignorant kid out of the door.

How powerful the Japanese army is, he, the commander-in-chief of the Second War Zone who has been fighting with the Japanese army for 7 months, probably knows better than 99% of the Chinese.

In the Battle of Xinkou, the Japanese army, with the Fifth Division as the core, dispatched less than 80,000 people in total, while the participating Chinese army, including the 80th Army, totaled nearly 300,000 people, more than three times the strength of the opponent. If you want to talk about heavy firepower, the old man from Shanxi took out ten artillery regiments at the bottom of the box, which is not less than the Japanese army!

If the Japanese army is strong, it is mainly because of air superiority. There are Japanese fighter planes roaring in the sky. China's air force is pitifully small, but the advantage on the ground is all in China.

But even so, China still lost.

In this large-scale battle with a total force of more than 300,000 on both sides, the Chinese casualties reached 100,000. How many Japanese troops were there? Only about 20,000, and the casualty ratio between the attacking and defending sides reached a chilling 1 to 5.

The old man from Shanxi knew that the defeat was not because his Jinsui Army and other friendly forces were not working hard. During the entire Xinkou Battle, one army commander, one division commander, and two brigade commanders died in the battle. Even the commanders of the army, division, and brigade went to the front line and died. How could they not work hard? They really couldn't win.

Just like this, a small regiment commander actually told him that he would annihilate more than 20,000 Japanese invaders.

"Yes, it's 20,000!" Tang Dao straightened his chest and reiterated the number in the unbelievable eyes of the old man from Shanxi. "20,000 Japanese corpses, I, Tang Dao, have seen them before."

The old man from Shanxi suddenly remembered that Tang Dao was the head of a regiment, but he was the head of an infantry regiment with the name of the Four Lines.

The number of Japanese troops this guy had fought against might not be much less than that of him, the commander of the war zone.

In the Battle of Sihang Warehouse, he fought against a Japanese infantry regiment. In the Battle of Songjiang, he fought against the Japanese Tenth Army with a force of 100,000. In the Battle of Jiaxing, he fought against the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade. In the Battle of Guangde, he beat a part of the Fifth Division that was showing off in front of him. In the Battle of Bihe, he beat the 14th Division. In the southeast of Shanxi, he beat the 108th and 109th Divisions.

Just as he thought before, Tang Dao was not a young man who relied on his merits to make money from the Battle of Sihang Warehouse, but a general who had fought a hundred battles.

How could such a person rely on bragging?

"You also saw the result of the Battle of Taierzhuang. From top to bottom in the Fifth War Zone, medals were issued as if they were free. The military ranks were almost all promoted. In the newspapers, he, Lao Li, was even more radiant. In my Second War Zone, don't talk about 20,000 or not. Even if it is 10,000, I dare to guarantee that all the officers and soldiers who participated in the war will not be treated worse than those in his Fifth War Zone." The old man from Shanxi said with envy in his eyes.

"As long as you support me, Commander Yan, I will use my head to guarantee you that as long as the Japanese invaders come to attack southeastern Shanxi, we will have 10,000 troops as the minimum and 20,000 qualified troops, and there is no upper limit." Tang Dao raised his head and chest and answered in a sonorous and powerful voice.

"It's good to have confidence, but there's no need to use your head. You still have the blue sky and white sun hanging here. I, the commander of the war zone, don't have the ability to chop off your baby's head." The old man from Shanxi pointed to the medal hanging on Tang Dao's chest and made a rare joke.

Regardless of whether Tang Dao is bragging or not, his extremely strong self-confidence is always good. If it were someone else, it would probably be more conceited, but for Tang Dao, the infantry commander who had annihilated thousands of Japanese invaders, it could only be confidence.

The two medals on Tang Dao's chest were made of the bloody corpses of the Japanese.

"You said, in addition to the troops and equipment, how can I support you?" The old man from Shanxi finally reacted. Tang Dao was finally going to play a card.

"The Japanese invaders suffered huge losses from the attacks of our troops in the Taihang Mountain area in March and April, and they will certainly be wary of our troops. If they attack, they will have no less than three divisions.

The roads in the mountainous areas are dangerous, and the Japanese army will certainly not deploy heavy troops in only one area. They will certainly divide their troops into multiple routes. One is to hope to defeat them one by one, and the other is to use the division technique to separate the defenders in various parts of our mountainous areas, resulting in our defenders in various places having to fight alone. Without external aid and internal supplies, they will inevitably collapse.

Therefore, as a member of our southeastern Shanxi defense line, I hope that Commander Yan will unify the command power, command all the troops in southeastern Shanxi with one person as the general, and be able to effectively clench the ten fingers into one, forming an iron fist, so that it hurts to hit people." Tang Dao continued.

Tang Dao's analysis of the ventilation is not a fantasy. He is based on the fact that not long after the Battle of Xiangtangpu in the past time and space, the angry Japanese North China Front Army entangled part of each of the three major infantry divisions, with a total force of 30,000 people, and launched a crazy attack on the southeastern Shanxi area.

At that time, the Japanese army was divided into nine routes, from the south to the Handan-Changzhi Highway, from the north to the Zhengtai Road, from the west to the Tongpu Road, and from the east to the Pinghan Road, and marched from the nine towns of Boai, HD, Xingtai, Shimen, Yangquan, Yuci, and Changzhi, forming a large square encirclement and implementing a centripetal encirclement.

The tactical concept of the Japanese North China Front Command was "divide and conquer", and the combat principle was "deploy widely and annihilate in a compressed manner!".

Fortunately, this principle was not broadcast widely, otherwise the Japanese in various anti-Japanese dramas said "Great!" in Chinese.

But it can also be seen from this that it is not the Chinese who are blackening the Japanese. The Japanese are really so rigid in learning Chinese. If there is a level 6 and level 8 Chinese language test, the Japanese basically cannot get a diploma.

In this time and space, because Tang Dao, the little butterfly that broke through the air, flapped its wings, there was a slight change from the previous time and space. Tang Dao expected that the Japanese North China Front Army, which had suffered a great loss, would never underestimate the Chinese army hidden in the depths of the Taihang Mountains. It is very likely that the three divisions are no longer just one of them, but more than 80% may be the main force of the three divisions. That will be an army of more than 70,000 people, and the total force even exceeds the sum of all Chinese troops in the Taihang Mountains.

In the past time and space, the ultimate reason for the failure of the crazy attack of the Japanese army, in addition to the tenacious resistance of the Chinese army, was inseparable from the wise choice of the old man in Shanxi.

Until the Japanese army set off, if the southeast of Shanxi was lost, Linfen would also be difficult to protect. The commander who was in charge of the power of the Second War Zone finally made up his mind to let the general of the 80th Army serve as the commander-in-chief of this battle, responsible for unified command of all Chinese troops in the southeast of Shanxi, and send more troops to participate in the battle of southeast of Shanxi.

The unified command and the growing strength of the 80th Army in half a year exceeded the Japanese army's pre-war forecast. Knowing oneself but not the enemy, the advantages of terrain and people are all on the Chinese side. If they don't lose, who will lose?

Tang Dao is afraid that if this person doesn't delegate the command power, it will lead to nearly 100,000 troops in southeastern Shanxi fighting on their own, which will be what the Japanese army wants.

"It is feasible for the generals in southeastern Shanxi to command!" The old man from Shanxi paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, seemingly asking casually. "Then who do you think is qualified?"

"The commander-in-chief of the 80th Army, he is already one of the most famous generals in the Second War Zone, and his military rank is the highest in southeastern Shanxi. If the war zone issues military orders and he commands, no one will disobey!" Tang Dao did not hide it.

The old fox in front of him was an old fox. If Tang Dao hesitated or said something insincerely, he would probably let this petty man think about it for a long time. It would be better to speak out, not to mention that what Tang Dao said was all the truth.

The commander of the 22nd Army of the Sichuan Army has a sufficient rank, but that commander is currently leading the first part of the 22nd Army to fight in Xuzhou. Who else is qualified to be compared with the commander of the 80th Army?

Is it possible to use a lieutenant general to command a general in combat?

Of course, this kind of situation has happened before, but you must first prove that you have that ability. Not to mention the second theater, but looking at the whole country, are there any such famous generals?

"Hmm! What you said coincides with what I thought!" The Shanxi old man was very satisfied with Tang Dao's frankness and nodded. "It just so happens that I was thinking just now that the garrison in southeastern Shanxi is still too small. If the generals are appointed as the commander-in-chief, they can completely let him transfer the other main force of the 80th Group Army back to southeastern Shanxi to participate in this battle."

Okay, this guy is acting like a monster again. He kills two birds with one stone and kills three eagles with one stone whenever he disagrees.

Of course Tang Dao knew what this man wanted to do. Northwest Shanxi was now basically an area occupied by the Japanese army. Another main force of the Eighty Group Army, the 511th Division, was fighting behind enemy lines in that area. It was inevitable that he would pass by his top general, the Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Route Army of Shanxi Province. A little denser.

This guy suddenly felt unhappy.

As a 'victim', the Shanxi old man has experienced how powerful the ideals and propaganda methods of the 80th Army are. The only person he fears in the whole of China is the principal who has sophisticated political skills and turns his hands into clouds and rain. Apart from that, I'm afraid they are second.

No, I am taking this opportunity to play tricks again.

However, these Tang Dao have nothing to do with, this is all a game between the upper class figures.

Whether to shoot the invading Japanese soldiers through the heart, hit them hard with a hammer, or hide on the street corner and put a sack on them and then wait on them with bricks and bricks, is what middle-level people like Tang Dao should do.

"Okay, Captain Tang, your suggestion is really good. If you have any other requests, please tell me. Old man, I can satisfy you and I will do my best to satisfy you." The old man from Shanxi must be in a good mood at the moment, so he made a rare promise.

Of course, this has a lot to do with Tang Dao basically only talking about things and not making too many demands. Otherwise, if you expect Lao Xi who only drinks millet porridge for dinner to say this, then it will really be the New Year tomorrow!

"Sir Yan, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. This is the munitions list given to me by the director of the munitions department of our regiment before leaving." Tang Dao was a master who climbed up the ladder. Take out a piece of paper and send it to the old man from Shanxi.

The old Shanxi man's eyes twitched.

If there were no outsiders present at this moment, the cunning Lao Ji would slap himself in the face with a slap in the mouth. How could he have forgotten that the guy in front of him was a jackal, cunning and ferocious.

It's not good, he must have been waiting for my words all night! He is really a ruthless person to lay out such a long foreshadowing for this sentence!

"Oh! Let me see what your Four Elements Group needs!" Suppressing the urge in his heart to kick Tang Dao out, the old Shanxi man snorted softly from his nostrils and took the paper and glanced at it with his peripheral vision.

The dignified commander was as dumb as a chicken.

"4,000 German Mauser 7.9mm caliber rifles; 400 twenty-shot rifles; 1,000 imitation Thompson submachine guns, 600 imitation Czech light machine guns; 90 Hotchkiss heavy machine guns; and 82mm Brand mortars. 100 guns; 24 Oerlikon 20mm machine guns, 24 Jin-made 17th-year-old 75mm mountain cannons; 12,000 mountain cannon shells, 24,000 machine gun shells, 10,000 mortar shells; Jin-made hand grenades 100,000 pieces, 20,000 infantry mines of various types; 2 million rounds of various bullets; 30 tons of explosives.”

Just this list of weapons, not to mention the mortars, machine guns, and mountain cannons at the back, the number of 4,000 rifles in the front almost made the old Shanxi man go berserk.

This good guy is no longer blackmailing people, he's here to rob.

Why, you still think that he is the king of Jin Province before the Central Plains War, sitting in the Yuancheng arsenal that is one of the best in Asia!

At that time, the monthly output of the Yuancheng Arsenal could produce 35 artillery pieces, 100 mortars, 3,000 rifles, 900 imitation Thompson submachine guns, 15 machine guns, 15,000 artillery shells, and mortar shells. 9,000 rounds, 4.2 million rounds of bullets. With a scale of 15,000 workers, if there are sufficient raw materials, they can produce a standard division's equipment in almost a month.

But after the Central Plains War, under the control of that man, the production capacity of the Yuancheng Arsenal shrank significantly, and now it has been robbed by the Japanese. Can the remaining equipment and manpower be able to catch up to one-tenth of the previous one? Not necessarily.

It's been so miserable, but this bastard Tang Dao still wants to use him as a villain. Do you think the old Shanxi man can't be angry?

The Shanxi old man's face had turned from black to red, and he was about to summon all his strength and roar: "Get out!"

"Our regiment plans to fund the purchase of the equipment on this list, and we need Chief Yan's approval!" Tang Dao said with a low eyebrow.

To the Shanxi old man whose anger level has reached its peak, this sentence is like iced sour plum soup in hot summer and a warm stove in winter.

In less than a second, his anger turned to joy, and he smiled happily: "So you have to spend money to buy it! That's right!"

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