Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 998 Three Generals Arrive (Happy New Year's Eve!)

Tang Dao returned to the regiment and simply ate half a hot steamed bun to fill his stomach a little.

Because the three generals would arrive in the evening, Tang Dao ordered the regiment's kitchen to prepare a fairly rich meal. As a landlord, Tang Dao couldn't wait for them after eating.

He went to the military supply department to take a look. Zhuang Shisan had already made arrangements. The military supply department had prepared a thousand meals, two taels of white wine, half a catty of meat, a portion of broth, rice and white flour buns were also available.

This was also the first time that a senior officer of the general level visited the Four-Line Regiment since it had a station. The Four-Line Regiment could not lose face.

What's more, Tang Dao made a lot of purchases in Linfen. Everyone knew that the Four-Line Regiment had made a fortune by robbing the Japanese, but in the end, they only had sweet potatoes and green vegetables. You can't say that the Four-Line Regiment was stingy!

Tang Dao may be stingy in other places, but he will never be stingy with the ammunition and food needed by the troops. He always supplies as much as he can. This is known to the other chief officers of the Four-Line Regiment, so Zhuang Shisan also prepared a generous amount.

Sure enough, Tang Dao was very satisfied.

It is estimated that Tan Tai Mingyue was a little dissatisfied with the image of Tang Tuanzuo, and forced Tang Dao to wash his face and change into a clean military uniform.

Tang Dao's original military uniform was dusty because of climbing the mountain, and there were a lot of grass debris on his hair, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he had crawled into the grass nest.

Fortunately, a woman who accompanied him in the "crime" was careful and destroyed the evidence before several generals arrived.

But the careful Tan Tai Mingyue still underestimated the strength of a certain old man, and he still couldn't escape being teased after all.

The first to arrive was naturally the brigade commander Cheng.

At first, he saluted formally with several officers of the Four-line Regiment who were welcoming him out of the station. When he walked side by side with Tang Dao alone, he twitched his nose and stared at Tang Dao up and down, with a strong "bad intention" in his eyes.

"You kid, you must have done something bad before!" Brigade Commander Cheng smiled so "sleazy" that Tang Dao really wanted to punch him in the nose.

This time, he came to the Four-line Regiment with the most followers, an infantry guard company, a cavalry platoon, and a packhorse company with 200 packhorses.

Those who knew knew that this major general-level brigade commander went to the headquarters for a meeting, and those who didn't know thought he was the company commander of the baggage company.

Even so, Tang Dao deliberately didn't say that he got them some arms and ammunition. If he did, Tang Dao would doubt that he would send both main regiments to move things.

That's fine, anyway, Tang Dao knows this guy's personality. He's the kind of sincere person. If he likes someone, he'll treat you as a brother. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours. If he doesn't like Tang Dao, he's really good at talking nonsense with you in official language with a fake smile.

But he sniffed and sniffed right away, and said that Tang had done something bad. What the hell is this? Is there any necessary connection?

"Don't pretend with me, kid. I was also young as your big brother. I understand!" Seeing Tang Dao pretending to be stupid, Brigade Commander Cheng curled his lips and looked like an experienced person. "I'm just reminding you that you're of a high enough level. If you like the girl, get married quickly, so as not to cause any trouble. I think Mr. Tan Tai is not a good person. Be careful that the old man will come to your house in anger, and your father will be embarrassed."

Brother, what did you smell? I've even changed my clothes and washed my face. Tang Dao's mind raced but his face remained unchanged. He was very sure that this big brother who loved to joke was just talking nonsense to him. As the saying goes, all is fair in war. This guy is a master of this. Tang Dao would never fall for his trick easily.

"Hey, you thought I was deceiving you, didn't you?" Seeing that Tang Dao didn't respond, Brigade Commander Cheng laughed and pointed at his nose. "You may not know that I have a special ability. My sense of smell is far superior to that of ordinary people, especially sensitive to fragrance and blood. This is one of the reasons why I always noticed danger before others in the white area. There is a faint fragrance on you, but you probably didn't smell it yourself!"

Fuck, Tang Dao was shocked by this guy. This special ability was really a bit too awesome. Because of the time travel, his vision, sense of smell and other organs of the body were more sensitive than ordinary people, but he couldn't smell whether there was any fragrance on his body. This guy actually smelled it?

However, Tang Dao was calm and composed. Although he was shocked, his expression remained unchanged: "Tan Tai and I are in love and have been engaged for a long time. It is normal for us to get closer from time to time!"

Captain Cheng laughed, "Hehe, you are indeed a brave general. You didn't show any emotion when I said that, and you pretended that nothing happened. Didn't you see that Mingyue's ears were red?"

Oh my god, Tang Dao reacted instantly. This guy was really trying to trick him. What a bullshit special ability, it was all a lie.

As a result, Tang Dao didn't reveal the truth, but Tan Tai Mingyue over there didn't have the psychological quality to do so. She was directly teased by this 'old man' and blushed.

"As a big brother, you came to see Mingyue and me without bringing any gifts, but you made fun of your younger sister-in-law." Tang Dao's expression remained unchanged, but he launched a sharp counterattack. "Then don't blame me for being ruthless as your brother. The eight heavy machine guns originally budgeted for the 683rd Brigade are gone."

Tang Dao's voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for people within a dozen meters to hear clearly.

"Cough cough!" A lieutenant colonel from the 683rd Brigade, who was accompanied by Ye Chenghuan, almost coughed out his lungs.

This man has a low military rank, but he is the quartermaster of the 683rd Brigade. Before he came, a certain brigade commander promised him that heavy machine guns and mortars would not be a problem for the Sihang Regiment this time, and there might even be mountain cannons.

Well! The brigade commander was just joking. All 8 heavy machine guns were gone. Wouldn't he, the quartermaster, be scolded to death by those regiment commanders when he returned? Especially when he thought of Wang Xiaoqiang of the 772nd Regiment who always only remembered grudges and not good things, the lieutenant colonel of the army wanted to say to his own brigade commander: "Chief, quickly give in! Heavy machine guns are important."

"Ouch! Brother Tang, sister Mingyue, I was wrong. Every time my teacher criticized me, he said that I was a bad mouth and deserved to be beaten!" Without the lieutenant colonel of the army saying anything, the cheerful brigade commander Cheng immediately made a 360-degree turn, lowered his eyebrows and actively admitted his mistakes.

"Puff!" Tan Tai Ming Yue was amused to see that Brigade Commander Cheng had no commanding demeanor and was soft-spoken.

The previous shyness was much less.

As for the other officers of the Four-Line Group, they looked at each other and were secretly shocked.

Brigade Commander Cheng was like a cheerful and joking elder brother at this time, and even had some similarities with the slick Li Jiujin, but no one dared to underestimate this warrior who was highly valued by both sides.

That year he was arrested unexpectedly, but more than a dozen generals wrote a joint letter to save his life, and even the principal went to the prison to meet with him in person. It is said that he even offered the conditions for the commander of the Jinling City Defense, but this person refused.

What's more amazing is that after a while, this person actually walked out of the heavily guarded prison in a swagger. If there is no trick in this, it is estimated that no normal person would believe it.

Moreover, he not only has a wide network of contacts, but also lives up to his reputation. On the way of the great transfer of thousands of miles, he personally led the officers to fight a bloody road for the army. In the six months since he came to Taihang Mountain, the Japanese were also hit by him several times, and even issued a slogan for this, "If you want to fight, fight the 683rd Brigade."

Such a person, but he did not have the slightest airs to get along with Tang Dao, and even did not shy away in front of the two subordinates. How strong is the personality charm of Tang Tuanzuo to be like this!

Of course, the more critical thing is the relationship between the two armies. Several chief officers headed by Lei Xiong have more or less seen that this will be the rhythm of the army sooner or later!

However, whether it is Lei Xiong or Zhuang Shisan, before they planned to set off to Taihang Mountain, they had talked with Tang Dao several times. Tang Dao more or less revealed his plans for the future, and they already had a plan in their hearts.

Gong Shaoxun, who joined last, was the easiest to accept, because the 67th Army and the 80th Army had contact earlier. Since the young marshal was imprisoned, the Northeast Army, which was leaderless, was extremely dissatisfied with the principal. The 80th Army was in Shaanxi Province. At the beginning, they had a common enemy, which led to frequent contacts between the high-level officials of the two sides. Later, they appreciated each other. The commander of the 67th Army, Wu, was never a fence-sitter. He was open-hearted to people from the other side. There were many people from the other side in both the army and the division headquarters, but both sides kept it secret due to the current situation.

"Brother Cheng, I can only say that you are so flexible! I guess no one in the country can match you among the major generals." Tang Dao was a little helpless.

"Haha, then you probably have to add the lieutenant general level. My classmates were "cheated" by me to eat and drink when they were in the military academy. I don't know how many people wanted to fight me. Many of them chased and intercepted my troops on the way of the 10,000-mile transfer." Brigade Commander Cheng laughed and said proudly. "It's just that they can't beat me. But now, most of them have higher military ranks than me, Old Cheng, but so what? I won't meet them. Not only can I not beat them, but I can't salute them first."

This remark made everyone laugh. Think about how miserable his classmates are. They were "bullied" by this guy in school, and they couldn't beat him on the battlefield. They finally got a higher military rank than this guy by taking advantage of the East Wind! This guy is hiding in the mountains and forests to fight the Japanese.

Hey! I can't even see him when I want to show off. Do you think I'm angry?

Chatting and laughing all the way to the regiment headquarters, Tang Dao treated them with good tea and cigarettes, but he just didn't say what he could share. The lieutenant colonel of the army was so anxious that he kept throwing eyes at Ye Chenghuan, which meant that he should let him know first! But Ye Chenghuan was very disciplined. He was the director of the Political Training Department, in charge of personnel and propaganda. The distribution of materials was the business of the Quartermaster Department, and he would not take over.

Zhuang Shisan was very tight-lipped. He knew that it was the commander of the regiment who made the decision. It was the commander of the regiment who was selling favors, but it was not his turn as the quartermaster.

And what about Tang Dao! He did not deliberately whet the appetite of the people in the 683rd Brigade. He really needed to stimulate the other two commanders with supplies. If the 683rd Brigade knew about it in advance, it would lose some surprises.

This time, Tang Dao invited the two divisions and one brigade to come to him, but he had his own little thoughts in it.

The Sihang Regiment already had sufficient weapons and equipment, and this time it spent a lot of money to buy a large amount of arms in Linfen, most of which were actually prepared for friendly forces.

On the one hand, it increased the firepower of friendly forces, and naturally had more strength to resist the Japanese army.

The new commander of the Japanese North China Front Army, Shanshan Yuan, was not an ordinary general. Indoor Shouyi had Xiangyue Qingshi to compete with him, but Shanshan Yuan, who had served as the Minister of the Army, was not comparable to Indoor Shouyi in terms of connections and control over the North China Front Army.

Tang Dao believed that as long as Shanshan Yuan took action, the Japanese army's use of troops in southeastern Shanxi would be far better than before.

Therefore, Tang Dao needs his friendly forces to be stronger, otherwise, he has no idea whether he can withstand this siege by the Japanese invaders.

Tang Dao was right to worry. The day after the interview between Shanshan Yuan and Xiang Yue Qingshi, the Japanese North China Front Army Command issued a secret order. Lieutenant General Xiang Yue Qingshi, commander of the First Army, was appointed as the commander of the Shanxi Province East Road. The commander of the army, under his command was the 2nd Mixed Brigade, the 108th Division, the 109th Division and the 16th Division under the First Army, and had the command authority to call on Japanese troops within 200 kilometers of the surrounding area.

That means that in an emergency, he can even have the rights to the 14th Division fighting in Henan Province.

Under normal conditions, the number of troops under his command is as high as three infantry divisions and one mixed brigade, with a total strength of 85,000.

This force is equivalent to a quarter of the Japanese investment in the Battle of Songhu and one-third of the Japanese investment in the Battle of Xuzhou. For a battle-level battlefield, it is already an extremely large military group.

If we have to say there are any shortcomings, it is that the 108th and 109th divisions are special divisions. Recently, due to repeated losses, many second-line soldiers have been supplemented, and their combat effectiveness is far less than that of the 5th Division. A standing division.

But don’t forget, the 16th Division is a standing division, with a total strength of 28,000, and there is also the 2nd Mixed Brigade of Yamashita Fengfumi. Yamashita Fengfumi is a famous general on the Japanese island, and his The 2nd Mixed Brigade has a strength of 13,000.

The so-called mixed brigade has everything it needs, including cavalry, artillery, and transport. It is a small division, and its combat effectiveness far exceeds that of an ordinary Chinese infantry division.

Facing such a powerful enemy, it is useless to just be strong in the Four Elements Regiment. All the troops stationed in Taihang Mountain must be strong.

It was not that the Second War Zone failed to respond. For the first time, it allocated 1 million rounds of ammunition and 3,000 artillery shells to the 80th Army Group, the main force in the theater, as well as 20,000 grenades. It also asked the 80th Army to send its other main force, the 511th Division, to one The troops were transferred back from northwest Shanxi.

It's just that these 1 million rounds of ammunition look like a lot, but if allocated to the various units of the 80th Army, which has more than 50,000 troops, it will only be an average of a few dozen rounds of ammunition per person.

A battle usually lasts ten and a half days or more, and dozens of rounds of bullets are needed.

But this is probably the limit of the old man from Shanxi. At this point, he probably has to rub his chest for a long time at night before he can fall asleep.

The boss is too stingy. If Tang Dao wants to protect himself, he can only do it by himself and spend a lot of money to buy weapons and ammunition to strengthen his allies.

Moreover, Tang Dao didn't believe that eating people was soft-spoken and taking advantage of people was short-handed, and they refused to cooperate with him in a small way.

Of course, Tang Dao is also selective. Not to mention the 683rd Brigade, the 104th Division also belongs to the Sichuan Army. Even for the sake of sending them baggage last time, they have to give them some face, and Commander Zhao of the 17th Division , Tang Dao has never seen it before, but how could such a heroic figure not see the current situation clearly?

While he was talking, Commander Li of the 104th Division arrived, and naturally the two chief officers, Tang Dao and Brigadier Cheng, had to go and greet him personally.

This Hechuan native had a somewhat different image. He was tall and fat, with a loud voice. He was still on the horse, and the voice calling Brother Tang came from dozens of meters away.

When you get closer, your thick eyebrows and strong body are quite eye-catching. If you let him play the role of Lu Zhishen in Water Margin, it will not be inconsistent.

However, his personality is a typical Sichuan man. He and Tang Dao exchanged salutes and gave Tang Dao a bear hug: "I've wanted to thank you for a long time, Tang Dao. The equipment sent by your Four Elements Group after traveling thousands of miles is really a timely help. , Without this batch of weapons and ammunition, my brother, I, and more than 10,000 brothers from the 104th Division would have been completely killed by the Japanese!"

Fortunately, Tang Dao was also a big man, so he was not too disadvantaged. If he had been in Zhuang Shisan's small frame, he would have probably broken several ribs in such a warm bear hug.

Before we even got to the regiment headquarters, the signal soldiers riding fast horses over there had already come to report that Commander Zhao of the 17th Division would be arriving soon.

So, a lieutenant general, a major general and Tang Dao were waiting at the spot.

Nearly 200 people from the security company of the Fourth Army Regiment's Special Agent Battalion lined up in two rows along the mountain road, each holding a torch in their hands to illuminate the general who was about to arrive.

Not long after, in the bright firelight, a soldier rode a big green donkey and led a group of infantry slowly over.

That was the only general Tang Dao saw today who was not riding a horse.

Although he is wearing a military cap, his white hair on his temples is extremely conspicuous.

Needless to say, this person is the strong general of the Northwest Army whom Tang Dao has long wanted to meet - Zhao Shoushan.

"Belonging to the Four Elements Regiment, I salute Commander Zhao!" Tang Dao stood up straight.

The four surrounding groups all stood at attention solemnly.

Even the two generals beside Tang Dao looked serious and saluted the general who jumped off the donkey's back and walked over.

It's not because of their superior-subordinate relationship.

The 17th Division's battle at Fululing became famous throughout the theater.

They are paying tribute to the heroic 17th Division!

Dignity is never given by others, but earned through one's own efforts.

. . . . . . . . . .

ps: It’s New Year’s Eve again, and thousands of families gather together to celebrate! Happy New Year to all book friends who support genuine reading.

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