Rise From the Humble

Chapter 999 Zhou Fangzheng took the wrong path

"In fact, it is understandable. After all, Zhu Ping'an is in Prince Yu's Mansion, and he is responsible for his own affairs. It is normal for him to bring some personal information when giving opinions. Moreover, in Fang Zheng's view, Zhu Ping'an This second suggestion is indeed for Jiaoshan's sake. Although it is the same as the first suggestion, some cautious people give up eating and martial arts due to choking, but Fangzheng still suggests that Brother Jiaoshan might as well consider one or two more. According to Zhu With these two suggestions from Ping An, Brother Jiaoshan can still remain useful even if the impeachment fails. As long as he is here, even if the impeachment fails, we can continue to fight against the old thief Yan in the future."

After Zhou Fangzheng analyzed Zhu Pingan's selfishness, he put himself in Zhu Pingan's shoes and explained it to him, and then sincerely suggested that Yang Jisheng adopt Zhu Pingan's suggestion.

"Brother Wenda, you don't need to persuade me anymore. I, Yang Jisheng, am not a person who cares about life. If the old thief Yan Song is not eliminated, the people of the world will be killed one more day. Compared with the lives of billions of people in the world, which one is lighter? Which one is more important is clear at a glance. The old thief Yan Song has overwhelming power and intricate connections. He has also bewitched the Sacred Heart and is difficult to eliminate. The key to the impeachment of the old thief Yan Song is to take him by surprise. He must do it with all his strength and kill with one blow. If he is timid and refuses to eat due to choking, he cannot If you use all your strength, it will be difficult to succeed. If this performance fails, it will scare the snake and make the old thief Yan take precautions. If he plays again in the future, there is almost no chance of success. Even if I, Yang Jisheng, can save my life, I will not be able to succeed. What's the use?!" Yang Jisheng shook his head firmly when he heard this, rejected Zhou Fangzheng's suggestion, and insisted on not changing the memorial.

"Hey, Brother Jiaoshan, why don't you listen to my advice?" Zhou Fangzheng sighed.

"Brother Wenda, you said many times last night that if there are people in this world who are not afraid of serious thieves, who are King Sheyu and King Jing? After Sheng's memorial was heard in Datian, if the Holy One listened to Sheng's suggestion, he would summon the two kings When asked, King Yu and King Jing will definitely be able to speak frankly about the crimes of the old thief Yan Song. One sentence from King Yu and King Jing is better than thousands of words from me. After hearing the blunt words of King Yu and King Jing, the Holy Spirit will definitely be able to clearly understand the crimes of the old thief Yan Song. The common people in the world will have Good times." Yang Jisheng said slowly, with a look of longing on his face.

"I -" Zhou Fangzheng ended his sentence, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Then, Yang Jisheng and Zhou Fangzheng discussed the memorial again.

About ten minutes later, Zhou Fangzheng stood up and asked Yang Jisheng to resign, "Brother Jiaoshan, Fangzheng suddenly remembered that there is an urgent document to be processed in the Yamen today."

"Official matters are important. Brother Wen Da has been studying with Ji Sheng all night and morning. Sheng is grateful and dare not miss Brother Wen Da's official work." After Yang Ji Sheng heard that Zhou Fangzheng said that there was urgent business, he did not try to retain him. , stood up and sent him off with a grateful look on his face.

"Brother Jiaoshan, there is no need to send it off. If today's official business does not concern the people of Shandong Hedao, Fangzheng would like to discuss every word with Brother Jiaoshan again today." Zhou Fangzheng said with some pity.

"Thank you very much, Brother Wenda, for your help. It concerns the people of the river and is a matter of official business. Moreover, Brother Wenda has accompanied me to consider every word and sentence several times last night. This memorial has been finalized." Yang Jisheng cupped his hands and thanked him.

Before leaving at the gate, Zhou Fangzheng once again persuaded Yang Jisheng to consider Zhu Pingan's two suggestions, hoping that Yang Jisheng would think twice before acting.

Yang Jisheng smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Fangzheng shook his head and sighed, "Brother Jiaoshan, you have done all the good things in the world."

"Brother Wenda said something serious, this is just Sheng's business." Yang Jisheng smiled and shook his head, watching Zhou Fangzheng leave.

Zhou Fangzheng left with a wry smile and disappeared at the end of the alley.

Zhou Fangzheng was a Kedao official. His yamen was in Dongcheng District. After exiting the alley and turning right onto the avenue, he should have gone east. However, Zhou Fangzheng seemed to be lost. After exiting the alley and turning on the avenue, he walked west.

Quite the opposite.

You can go to Dongcheng District to the east to get to Kedao Yamen. You are wrong to go to the west, that is Xicheng District.

But Zhou Fangzheng kept walking on the way to the west without looking back, and walked faster and faster, and finally broke into a trot, as if a dog was chasing him behind him, and the jade pendant around his waist also jingled as he ran. Loud, noisy and unbearable.

The ancients were very particular about wearing jade. The first sentence of "Book of Rites Tamamo" says, "A gentleman in ancient times must wear jade, with the horns on the right and the palace feathers on the left. The trend is to "Cai Qi", the line is to "Si Xia", and the Zhou Dynasty returns to the middle Rules, fold back to the middle, advance and bow, retreat and lift, and then the jade clang will sound." It is said that a gentleman in ancient times must wear a jade pendant, and walk at a leisurely pace, so that the jade pendants on the left and right can produce a rhythm that is in line with the music.

Zhou Fangzheng has always been like this. He wears scholarly clothes and jade, and walks slowly and slowly. People say that he has the style of a gentleman in ancient times, but today he is very abnormal. He runs as if he is being chased by a dog, which is completely unbecoming of a gentleman.

What happened to Zhou Fangzheng?

Is business so urgent?

But the direction is wrong.

However, maybe I was in too much of a hurry and was heading in the wrong direction.

Zhou Fangzheng just trotted westward without looking back. After running a hundred or ten meters, Zhou Fangzheng couldn't run anymore. He held on to the tree on the side of the road and gasped.

At this time, an empty sedan chair happened to be passing by the roadside. Zhou Fangzheng recognized the sign of the sedan chair. It was Liu Ji Sedan Co., Ltd. who rented sedan chairs in the capital. He hurriedly waved to stop it, "Stop, I hired this sedan chair."

"Okay, sir, where are you going?" Seeing business coming, the bearer immediately stopped, lowered the sedan, opened the curtain, and asked Zhou Fangzheng to sit in.

"Send me to Yan's Mansion. Run as fast as possible. If you arrive happily, I will reward you greatly." Zhou Fangzheng ordered hurriedly after sitting in the sedan.

Yan Mansion?


Didn't Zhou Fangzheng just tell Yang Jisheng that he was going to Kedao Yamen to handle urgent official business? Didn't he say it was related to the people of Shandong Hedao? Why are you going to Yan Mansion? !

"Sir, which Yanfu is this?" asked the bearer.

"Which Yan's Mansion? Who else in the capital can be called Yan's Mansion?! Of course it goes to Prime Minister Yan's Mansion." Zhou Fangzheng glared at the sedan bearer and lowered the curtain.

As soon as they heard that the customer was going to Yan's Mansion, the two bearers did not dare to speak at that time. Yan's Mansion was second only to the Imperial Palace in the capital. This customer was going to Yan's Mansion. How could they, little bearers, do that? Offended.

The two bearers put all their effort into carrying the sedan and ran all the way. They ran fast and took care of the customers to feel that it was running smoothly. Nothing could be more tiring than this trip. After running to Yan's house, , the two bearers felt that their energy for the day had been exhausted.

Arriving at Yan's Mansion Gate, Zhou Fangzheng paid for the sedan and got out of the sedan. As for the reward he had agreed to before getting on the sedan, he probably forgot about it.

Of course the bearer didn't dare to lift it.

After getting off the sedan, Zhou Fangzheng trotted straight to the door of Yan's Mansion and said to the steward in front of Yan's Mansion, "Sir, I have something urgent to see Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Yan. Please make it convenient."

The steward in front of the Yan Mansion glanced at Zhou Fangzheng up and down, and saw that he didn't have a fan in his hand, and he didn't see any heavy gifts. He bared his teeth and sneered, and ordered people to drive Zhou Fangzheng away, "Haha, do you have something urgent to see the Prime Minister? Let me tell you, the man here didn't say he had something urgent to see the Prime Minister, so if I let everyone in, our Yan Mansion would have been overcrowded. Come on, hurry up and drive this man out. It's a joke, even cats and dogs think about it. Please see the prime minister, haha."

After the steward finished speaking, several servants came over to chase Zhou Fangzheng down.

"Don't you know me? I was here just last month." When Zhou Fangzheng was pushed, he couldn't help shouting anxiously.

"There are many people who have come to pay homage to my master. Who do you think is the oldest? I want to remember you." The steward and others glanced at Zhou Fangzheng and sneered.

"You guys, I do have something urgent to see the Prime Minister, and the matter is closely related to Mr. Ge's life. If it is delayed, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." Zhou Fangzheng's neck was stiff with anxiety.

"Oh, you are really arrogant. Who is my master? One person is worth more than ten thousand people. How can someone's life be at stake? I want you to come and save me? Why don't you take a pee and look in the mirror." The steward and others heard this. He almost stopped laughing and bent down, and even more mocked Zhou Fangzheng.

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