Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1012 Survival from desperate situation

Zhu Ping'an, who was far away in Prince Yu's Mansion, didn't know that his fate was riding a roller coaster in Yan's Mansion at the moment.

Of course, King Yu didn't know that a huge crisis was approaching him.

The two of them still studied in the study room. King Yu liked Zhu Pingan's company to read with him. He found that with Zhu Pingan as his companion to explain, even boring classics such as "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Book of Changes" became more vivid and interesting, and he gained more insights and gains after reading. The past.

It wasn't until the house steward of Prince Yu's Mansion asked Prince Yu for instructions, that Prince Yu ended his study for the day.

"With Zihou accompanying me, I no longer realize that reading is boring, and it's almost noon before I know it. That's it for today. Thank you for your hard work, Zihou."

After hearing the steward's request, King Yu's heart flew back to the inner chamber, and he couldn't read a word. He couldn't help but put down the book in his hand and said to Zhu Ping'an.

"Your Highness is serious. This is Ping An's duty. Moreover, His Highness has keen vision and superb insights. Every time he has questions, he can make people think deeply. Reading with His Highness, Ping An can always gain something new and benefit a lot." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and replied, flattering King Yu without any trace of his words.

"Haha, when it comes to gains, Gu is the one who has gained a lot. Zihou has worked hard, and you should go back and have a good rest. I heard Zihou sneezing several times today." King Yu couldn't help but smile when he heard this. It was praised by Zhu Pingan.

"Wei Chen is ashamed. Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I will leave now."

Zhu Ping'an smiled sheepishly, knowing that King Yu cared about the inner house, so he handed over his resignation to King Yu.

After Zhu Pingan left, King Yu rushed to the inner house without stopping, and the inner house firefighters were on duty again.

Zhu Ping'an returned to his office room, processed two pending documents, and couldn't help but sigh as he sat in his seat. He spread rice paper, picked up a pen and wrote down the couplet "Iron shoulders bear moral responsibility, hard hands are responsible for articles", and then He wrote a horizontal comment titled "Iron-bone Remonstrance".

"Senior brother, what can't be done..."

After finishing writing, Zhu Pingan sighed, rolled up the rice paper again, and burned it to ashes in the tea stove.

Senior brother is strong-willed and loyal when admonishing.

Yan Song was corrupt and charming, and poisoned the world.

The Holy Spirit is smart and arrogant, jealous and refuses to give advice.


The only one who is unlucky is the senior brother.

Looking at the rice paper burned into ashes, Zhu Pingan sat on the chair tiredly and felt lost.

The food was tasteless, he couldn't swallow it, and he didn't eat lunch either. Zhu Pingan, who felt lost, flipped through "Zhenguan Politicians" in his office room, reminiscing about the era when he was open-minded and open-minded to accept advice...

Unknowingly, noon has passed, and Zhu Pingan has read two volumes of "Zhenguan Politicians".

"Dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, pulling Zhu Pingan out of "Zhenguan Politicians".

"Please come in."

Zhu Pingan put down the book and shouted towards the door.


The door was pushed open.

The moment the door was pushed open, an alluring aroma of meat floated in from the door and involuntarily penetrated into Zhu Pingan's nasal cavity. Even though Zhu Pingan was boring and didn't think about food or food, he smelled this smell of meat. The fragrance can't help but make your lips and teeth salivate.

"Master Xiao Zhu, it's me."

A girl's voice sounded at the door, and then a young but well-developed girl squeezed in from the door. She was very charming, and even her nervous voice was charming.

Li Caifeng? !

The first moment Zhu Pingan saw the coming person, his mind was confused. Why is the future Queen Mother Li here?

"I...I was helping in the public kitchen. When I saw Master Xiao Zhu didn't have lunch, I made a basket of steamed buns and brought them to you."

Like last time, Li Caifeng's cheeks were flushed, her head lowered, and she was still a little nervous when she spoke. As she spoke, she took out her hand behind her back. There was a basket box in her chubby hand, which exuded a fragrant smell. No need to look at it. , you know it must be meat buns inside.

It turns out that he came here to deliver steamed buns because he didn't go to the public kitchen to eat? The future Queen Li is really a person who knows how to repay kindness.

"Thank you so much, Miss Li." Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile, and thanked Li Caifeng with his hands.

"You're welcome, Mr. Xiao Zhu. It's very uncomfortable to be hungry. Please eat quickly, Mr. Xiao Zhu."

Li Caifeng spoke a little more eloquently. She placed the basket food box in her hand in front of Zhu Pingan's table. She opened the food box with her little hands and took out a plate. There were four steaming large meat buns on the plate.

"Master Xiao Zhu, just put the plate in the public kitchen another day."

Like last time, Li Caifeng put down the buns, picked up the food box, and ran away with her head down like a thief.


It was almost the same plot as last time. When she went out, she accidentally bumped into the door frame again.

Zhu Pingan was speechless for a moment as he watched her leave the figure while touching her forehead. It was hard to imagine that this shy little girl, who was as shy as a rabbit, was the future legendary Queen Mother, Queen Mother Li.

After Li Caifeng left, the meat-scented buns on the table exuded a fatal attraction for Zhu Pingan.


The stomach also made its protest sound at the right time.

All right.

Let's fill up our stomach first and then talk about it. After we're full, we can go over the history of our senior brother in our mind and see if there are any other ways to make amends.

Only when you are full can you have the energy to think.

Zhu Pingan picked up a meat bun and ate it. Well, it tasted really good. Queen Mother Li is a master at making steamed buns. The skin is soft and pliable, the fillings are rich but not greasy, the texture is soft, and the taste is delicious.

After finishing four meat buns in one go, Zhu Pingan burped, poured himself a cup of hot tea, walked to the door with the hot tea in his hand, and locked the door behind him.

After returning to his seat, Zhu Ping'an spread out the rice paper, picked up a pen and recalled the Ming history and unofficial history that he had read in modern times, and recorded the historical events related to Brother Yang's impeachment of Yan Song in chronological order in the form of a digital axis tree.

Analyze one incident after another to see if there is any room for maneuver, struggle, and manipulation.

Impeachment - the Holy One was furious - Yan Song went into slander - the Holy One was even more angry - sent a prison sentence - friends presented snake gallbladder and broken bowls to cut carrion - court trial - conviction by the Ministry of Punishment - three years in prison - Yan Song was confronting Zhang Jing and others Yang Jisheng's name was appended to the memorial memorial - the holy emperor did not pay attention to the memorial and hastily agreed to the execution - the loyal soul has returned.

Looking at these historical nodes, Zhu Ping'an fell into deep thought.

After looking carefully for a long time, Zhu Ping'an's eyes couldn't help but light up when he saw the words "three years in prison". Yes, although Emperor Jiajing was furious, he actually had no intention of killing Senior Brother Yang. If Emperor Jiajing wanted to kill Senior Brother Yang, If so, Emperor Jiajing had ordered his death as early as the day he was convicted by the Ministry of Punishments. Why did he still keep Senior Brother Yang in prison for three years? Although Emperor Jiajing was smart, arrogant, jealous and refused to give advice, he still had a bottom line. Although Senior Brother Yang criticized Emperor Jiajing in his memorial, the degree was nothing compared to the "Public Security Essay" written by Hai Rui in the future. Hai Rui even pointed at Emperor Jiajing and scolded "Jiajing, Jiajing, every house is clean." , Emperor Jiajing didn't even order to kill Hai Rui, so how could he want to kill Senior Brother Yang.

It can be seen that Emperor Jiajing had no intention of killing Senior Brother Yang.

The key to the death of Senior Brother Yang was that Yan Song included Yang Jisheng's name in an inconspicuous place in the memorial against Zhang Jing and others. Yan Song knew Emperor Jiajing and he seized the opportunity of Emperor Jiajing to kill Zhang Jing and others. Sure enough, as Yan Song expected, Emperor Jiajing didn't pay attention when he read the memorial. When he saw that it was about Zhang Jing and others' crimes, he didn't read it carefully. He didn't notice Yang Jisheng's name in an inconspicuous place, and hastily signed " The word "agree".

Therefore, as long as Yan Song's conspiracy is broken, Senior Brother Yang can still be saved, although he will inevitably be imprisoned.

Survival from desperate situation.

Zhu Pingan suddenly became energetic.

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