Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1022 Marriage in Prison

"Haha, senior brother, if you are brave, will you lack peace?"

After hearing Yang Jisheng's words, Zhu Pingan couldn't help but smile and shake his head, and asked jokingly to express his attitude. Zhu Ping'an knew in his heart that Yang Jisheng drove him away because he was worried that he would be implicated by him.

Use my spear to attack my shield.

Yang Jisheng couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing Zhu Pingan's joke. After understanding Zhu Pingan's attitude and determination, he no longer stubbornly urged Zhu Pingan to leave.

"Are you Zhu Ping'an, the number one scholar? When I saw him today, it turned out that a hero emerges from a young age. The number one scholar is young and promising. He is rare and unafraid of power. It is better to see him than to hear it a hundred times. I, Wang Lin, have been friends with Brother Yang for many years. Now he is also a colleague in the Ministry of War."

Wang Lin, who was originally visiting Yang Jisheng outside the prison, listened to Zhu Pingan's self-introduction and watched the interaction between Zhu Pingan and Yang Jisheng. He stepped forward to return the favor and praised Zhu Pingan.

Wang Lin? !

"Ping'an has met Mr. Wang." Zhu Ping'an's ears couldn't help but buzz after hearing Wang Lin's name. He raised his hands and bowed to Wang Lin again, which was a bit more formal and solemn than the ordinary greeting salute.

The name Wang Lin, Zhu Ping'an, is very popular in modern times.

It’s not about how many great achievements Wang Lin left in history (of course Wang Lin did make a lot of achievements in history), but about his performance in the Yang Jisheng case. Wang Lin not only argued for Yang Jisheng in prison, but when Yang Jisheng was in prison, Wang Lin was not afraid of the situation and betrothed his own daughter to Yang Jisheng's second son, Yang Yingji.

When Zhu Ping'an read this in modern times, he couldn't help but admire Wang Lin.

did not expect.

It turns out that Wang Lin was the one in history who gave Yang Jisheng the gall of a python, which made Yang Jisheng famous in history: "Jiaoshan has its own courage, why bother with anaconda snakes!" On the other hand, it made Yang Jisheng's image even taller and majestic.

Wang Lin!

Worthy of this gift.

Zhu Pingan's solemn salute surprised Wang Lin. Didn't he just greet him with a courtesy? Why did he greet him again? He thought, well, maybe it was because he came to visit Yang Jisheng. As Yang Jisheng's fellow junior, Zhu Pingan wanted to express his gratitude to him. . However, I have been dating Yang Jisheng for many years, much earlier than Zhu Pingan. If I want to express my gratitude, I should also thank Zhu Pingan for daring to visit Yang Jisheng at this moment.

After meeting Wang Lin, Zhu Ping'an came to Yang Jisheng and looked at Yang Jisheng and the prison where Yang Jisheng was located through the prison railing.

At this moment, Yang Jisheng's face was a little pale, but he was in good spirits, but his health was not optimistic. The prison uniform on his body was shabby, and the prison uniform on his buttocks and back was torn by the cane, and there were patches of dried blood on it.

The prison environment was very poor, exuding a pungent odor, and was extremely damp inside. The inner wall was covered with a layer of moss. There was no bed or bedding in the prison, but there was a pile of grass and mustard in the corner of the prison. The overall hygiene of the prison is very poor. Food residues and excrement residues accumulated over the years are everywhere. There are even two or three pools of smelly and dirty sewage.

its not right.

This prison is wrong.

After noticing this, Zhu Pingan's expression couldn't help but change, "Isn't this prison wrong? This is a civilian prison, right? Senior brother has a prestigious official position, shouldn't he be detained in an official prison?"

Ancient feudal hierarchy was strict, and class differences were also reflected in prisons. The cells were divided into official prisons and civilian prisons. The environment in official prisons was much better than that in civilian prisons. They were relatively cleaner and sanitary, and were equipped with simple mattresses.

However, the prison Yang Jisheng was in was obviously not an official prison. It was even the worst among civilian prisons.

After hearing Zhu Ping'an mention this, Wang Lin said with anger and indignation, "Zihou, you don't know something. Brother Yang's original prison was not here, but an official place outside. Prison, but not long ago, an immoral man named Liu Yao was imprisoned. On the grounds that the official prison was being renovated, Brother Yang was transferred to a civilian prison here! I tried my best to argue, but to no avail. The immoral prison was obviously Under orders!"

"So that's it!" Zhu Pingan was very angry when he heard this.

"Haha. If the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, it will be spiritual if there is a dragon. This is a humble house, but I am honest. The moss marks on the steps are green, and the grass and grass on the pavement are green. There is Jijin when talking and laughing (Wang Lin's courtesy name is Jijin) Tianjin), Zihou, there are no corrupt people in his dealings. He can memorize the Analects of Confucius, meditate the Spring and Autumn Annals, and meet the ancients. There is no mess of silk and bamboo, and there is no labor of writing documents. Zhugelu in Nanyang, Yunting of Western Shuzi. Confucius said: 'What's so shabby?'." The person involved, Yang Jisheng, didn't care at all about the dirty and messy prison. He smiled and borrowed and adapted an article from "The Inscription of a Humble Room" to comfort Zhu Ping'an and Wang Lin.

Really worthy of Yang Jisheng.

Zhu Ping'an admired Yang Jisheng's strong spirit and will.

"Senior brother, these are stick wound medicine and medicinal wine."

After the greetings, Zhu Ping'an took out the stick wound medicine, high-strength liquor and medicinal wine he bought from his pocket, and handed them to Yang Jisheng.

"Haha, thank you Zihou. I, Yang Jisheng, am brave, but I don't have any medicine." Yang Jisheng was stubborn but not pedantic. He thanked Zhu Pingan, laughed at himself, and took the medicine and medicinal wine that Zhu Pingan handed over. , turned around and put it aside.

"Oh, by the way, senior brother, I suggest you put away the medicine and medicinal wine carefully. They can change brother's cell today in the name of prison renovation, and maybe they will search brother's medicine for inspection tomorrow. I'm afraid , it will be difficult to deliver medicines in the future." After Zhu Pingan thought of this, he quickly reminded Yang Jisheng and suggested that Yang Jisheng carefully hide the medicines and medicinal wine.

"What Zi Hou said is true. These villains can really do this kind of thing in order to claim credit for the masters behind them. Brother Yang still puts the medicine carefully and stores it in several hidden places."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's reminder, Wang Lin also reminded him.

Yang Jisheng nodded obediently, carefully divided the medicine into three parts, and found a secret place to hide it.

"Master Wang, it's time for you to visit the prison." At the passage, a jailer stuck his head out to remind Wang Lindao.

"Yes, I understand." Wang Lin said coldly.

"Hehe, as long as Mr. Wang doesn't make things difficult for me, it'll be fine." The jailer retracted his head angrily.

"Thank you Brother Wang and Zihou for coming to see me today. It's already late. Brother Zihou and Brother Wang, please go back," Yang Jisheng said.

"I have one more thing to discuss with Brother Yang today." Wang Lin said, and then he bowed his hand to Zhu Ping'an, "It just so happens that Zi Hou is here today to bear witness to us. I have a daughter who is the same age as Brother Yang's son. Similarly, I am a well-educated person, I want them to get married in the future, what do you think of Brother Yang?"

Witnessing another scene of history, at this moment, Zhu Pingan was deeply moved.

When Yang Jisheng heard this, although he was a tough guy, the corners of his eyes became wet because he was moved by Wang Lin. He was in jail and his life was in danger, but Wang Lin was willing to betroth his daughter to his son. How could he not be moved? . You must know that Wang Lin's daughter is well-known in the capital for being well-educated, elegant, and smart. Although she has not yet had hair extensions, the matchmaker has already almost lowered the threshold for the palace.

Although he was moved, Yang Jisheng still shook his head firmly, "Thank you, Brother Wang, for your kindness. But I am a dying person, how can a dog be worthy of your love?"

"Brother Yang, why bother to stick to the rules? As long as you don't object, our daughter-in-law's family here has decided it. Zihou, you have to bear witness for us. This marriage has been decided. In-laws, I'll take my leave first. .”

After Wang Lin finished speaking, he turned around and left, not giving Yang Jisheng a chance to refuse.

"Brother Wang."

Yang Jisheng looked at Wang Lin's leaving figure and was moved to tears.

There has never been a shortage of righteous and fearless people in history. Zhu Pingan was filled with emotion as he looked at Wang Lin's leaving figure.

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