Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1024: Outing in spring and admiring grass

"Zi'er. Knowing that Yang Jisheng was impeaching my uncle, he still dared to give advice to Yang Jisheng?! He, Zhu Ping'an, is seeking death!!! Hahaha, this is really a crime committed by God, but it can be violated; if you commit a crime yourself, you will not live. Damn it. , rob me of the top prize, seduce my cousin, now, let’s see how Zhu Ping’an dies!”

When Ouyang Zishi heard this, he drank the wine in his glass excitedly. Most of the depression in his heart was gone at once, and he felt so happy.

"No, hehe. People all over the world say how smart he is, Zhu Ping'an. I think he is just like his surname, but as stupid as a pig (Zhu). No, I think he is worse than a pig. He doesn't even know current affairs, hehe." Luo Longwen Carrying the wine flask, he filled Ouyang Zishi's glass with wine again, nodded vigorously and agreed.

"He is just a pig." When Ouyang Zishi remembered the past, he became angry and cursed bitterly.

"Zishi, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Luo Wenlong picked up the wine glass, saluted Ouyang Zishi, and said meaningfully.

"Haha, what Brother Luo said is absolutely true." Ouyang Zishi heard the elegant meaning of Xiange, "I turned around to remind my uncle and his cousin Donglou that Zhu Ping'an is going to kill my uncle this time. This time there is absolutely no chance. Can’t let him go.”

"Yes, we must not let him go this time. Zhu Ping'an is Xu Jie's favorite disciple. Xu Jie is now the second assistant in the cabinet. In the future, when the Prime Minister gets older and retreats to the second line, Xu Jie will be the first assistant in the cabinet. Xu Jie Once we take over the country and Zhu Ping'an comes to help us, how can we live a good life? We must know that raising tigers will cause endless harm." Luo Longwen nodded.

"It's a good example of 'raising tigers will cause endless harm'. I will definitely tell my uncle and cousin what Brother Luo said." After hearing what Luo Longwen said, Ouyang Zishi couldn't help but excitedly slapped the table and decided to use this The statement reminded uncle Yan Song.

"Haha, I'm so grateful, Zishi." Luo Longwen shook his head modestly.

"Brother Luo is too modest." Ouyang Zushi said with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, raised their glasses, clinked them, and drank together.

After getting drunk, Luo Longwen said quietly, "Zhu Pingan is definitely dead this time, it depends on how he died."

"What Brother Luo said is true." Ouyang Zishi put down his wine glass, "Zhu Ping'an suggested that Yang Jisheng's revision of the memorial must not be told to the outside world, otherwise people will say that my uncle and cousin are petty and retaliatory."

Luo Longwen nodded, "Don't worry, everyone, except you and me, no one knows more than one person about this matter, and no one will tell anyone about it."

"Brother Luo, what do you think of putting Zhu Ping'an to death so that outsiders won't criticize my uncle and cousin?" Ouyang Zishi asked.

"Haha, isn't this ready-made?" Luo Longwen smiled meaningfully.

"You mean?" Ouyang Zishi was thoughtful.

"Haha, as long as Zhu Pingan is confirmed as Yang Jisheng's accomplice, then Zhu Pingan will be dead this time." Luo Longwen said with a sinister smile.

"Comrade? Zhu Pingan didn't sign Yang Jisheng's memorial? Besides, can't we say that Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Jisheng to revise the memorial?!" Ouyang Zishi shook his head.

"Haha, comrades do not have to sign the memorial. As long as Yang Jisheng says that Zhu Pingan is his comrade, then Zhu Pingan is his comrade." Luo Longwen said with a sinister smile, "I entered the Fusi Prison in Beizhen. I want to Ask Yang Jisheng to say anything, and he will say it. No one can survive the means of imprisonment. In addition, the fact that Zhu Pingan reminded Yang Jisheng to revise the memorial cannot be said to the outside world. This does not mean that it cannot be said to the outside world that Zhu Pingan is Yang Jisheng's accomplice. "

Hearing this, Ouyang Zishi suddenly realized, and then asked another question, "What if Yang Jisheng insists on not recruiting?"

"It doesn't matter if we don't recruit him." A sinister smile appeared on Luo Longwen's lips, "Isn't there someone from Jingcha? We have the final say in Jingcha. As long as the prime minister nods, Zhu Ping'an can't run away."

"At most, the Beijing police could be punished or demoted for dereliction of duty, but they couldn't put Zhu Ping'an to death?" Ouyang Zishi was puzzled.

"Haha, Zishi, do you still remember the small county I told you before?" Luo Longwen asked with a smile.

"What small county?" Ouyang Zishi looked confused.

Seeing that Ouyang Zishi had forgotten everything, Luo Longwen didn't take it seriously at all, and reminded him with a smile, "I mentioned before that there is a small county on the southeast coast, which is famous among the officials as a poor and dead place. The so-called poor mountains and bad waters come from The local people are poor and evil, and killing officials has become the norm; and because it is not far from the sea, the local Japanese invaders are constantly harassed, and they even broke into the county government once; in addition, next to the Nanman, the people in the mountainous area are The Miao descendants of the Southern Barbarians continued to rebel. At that time, I said that six county magistrates had died in a row in the past five years: local unscrupulous people were dissatisfied with the verdict and killed a county magistrate. , one was killed by bandits during a spring outing, an assassin was sent to assassinate a county magistrate after offending local forces, and there was also a confused ghost whose cause of death has not yet been found. However, today this data has to be changed again, and additional factors have to be added. A short-lived ghost. At the beginning of the month, I learned the news from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. I was a candidate for the county magistrate last month. The county magistrate who was appointed immediately went to the underworld to report within a month of being there. The cause of death has not yet been found out. . In the past five years, seven county magistrates have died in succession. Now, the position of county magistrate of this small county is vacant again."

"Ahem. I remember." Ouyang Zishi suddenly remembered it, gritted his teeth and nodded angrily. That was the day he caught Zhu Ping'an having an affair with his cousin!

"Haha, Zishi, tell me, what would happen if Zhu Ping'an was demoted to this small county as the county magistrate?" Luo Longwen said with a sinister smile.

"Seven county magistrates have died in the past five years. If he goes, the record will become eight." Ouyang Zishi opened his mouth with a smile, revealing his white teeth.

"If you remove the 'bar', it will definitely become eight. Let me tell you, Zishi, don't underestimate this small county. The water inside is deep." Luo Longwen squinted his eyes and said, "As long as Zhu Ping'an takes office, within half a year, it will be over." The grass on his grave is one foot high."

"Okay!" Ouyang Zishi clapped the table excitedly, and swore bitterly through gritted teeth, "Then this time I will propose to my uncle that he demote Zhu Pingan to this place of death! When the time comes, I will kill Zhu Pingan Enjoy the spring grass on the tomb."

As long as he thought that Zhu Pingan had robbed him of the first prize, and also robbed his cousin, and made him look so ugly in front of everyone during this period, Ouyang Zishi wanted to cut Zhu Pingan into thousands of pieces to relieve his hatred.

"Haha, wonderful. When the time comes, Zishi and I will enjoy the spring grass together." Luo Longwen clapped his hands and applauded.



Ouyang Zishi and Luo Longwen looked at each other, smiled, and toasted together, all without saying a word.

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